It is outrageous that the FBI released the body for cremation before a full investigation was completed. There were a lot a reasons to keep the body on ice and none not to. Sure the family would like to bury (or cremate) their son, but that is not a good reason for the FBI to release the body before the investigation is complete. They definitely did not proceed as any rookie has been advised to “Be calm, move slowly to the center, and just let the crime scene talk to you..” And they released this MAJOR crime scene in just 3 days. It speaks loudly of a possible coverup. Since there have been so many, it is not unreasonable to see that as a possibility.

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Always in a rush to dispense with evidence. Certainly nothing to be concerned about.

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Why do they always cremate the body so fast?? We have plenty of history showing us this is a bad idea and they should always wait until the entire investigation is complete and ALL sides are satisfied. Geez

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Didn't the government refuse to permit autopsies on dead Covid patients?

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Yeah they are instructed to cremate right after. I’m furious about that because like me, there are many other people for faith-based reasons that do not want cremation upon death and want to be properly buried.

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They know they did it and if they think Trump will be in soon, they don't want him to find any of the "bodies" or bad deeds, so to speak!

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The number of lapses, incompetent move, one after another is suggestive of a planed show. CNN never covered a Trump rally live, but they did that day... They were also at Maralago during the FBI raid. I was open to all possibilities until I heard Cheetos say they didn't put anyone on a slightly slanted roof because it was too steep.

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FBI pressure-washing the roof just 2 days after, Crooks' body cremated in 10 DAYS... What's the rush? 1963 all over again...

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Exactly. Why the f is the fbi cleaning up the mess? Is that something they ever do?? Makes no sense at all.

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The body was cremated 3 weeks ago and no autopsy report has been released. The dead body on the roof did not look like Thomas Crooks, but it looked a lot like (missing) Maxwell Yearick, who had a long activist rap sheet and had recently fought in Ukraine. He had explosives technical experience also.

Many pictures and details here: https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/photojournalism

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"Vaccine" deaths are quickly cremated w/o autopsy, too. In those cases it would be too easy to see spike protein all over vital organs.

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Always seek Truth.

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Who first floated yearwick? A lot of the "anti 99% of everything" group and anti trumpers latched onto that but never gave any reason.

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I wrote you a private note with a correct analysis of the identity of the shooter. If you follow it in detail--meaning follow the directions carefully--then this was Crooks unless Crooks never had an altered right earlobe that looked surgically repaired. If he did not--which could have been ascertained if there were investigative journalists who interviewed coworkers--then the signature of STATE KILLING IN PROGRESS would be signed in blood. It is plain enough as is.

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I don't see the private note.

I think Yearick is the dead/cremated patsy.

I don't know where Crooks might be.

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I sent it 7/31/2024 to your (I think) private email and just now sent it again. It is elementary forensic work but perfectly sound.

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I get a lot of flow through the inbox each day. I see. I thought you meant "just sent".

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Fascinating. Still so many unanswered questions. Cannot wait for the final report.

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Why do so many free thinkers still think that there was an assassination attempt on Trump? This was clearly a Hollywood production. https://open.substack.com/pub/artofliberty/p/23-solid-reasons-to-suspect-trumps

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The muzzle velocity of a sniper rifle can be thousands of feet per second. The sniper on building 6 had a 500 foot shot at Trump. Do the math. At the most their was a split instant for Trump to react to a staged shot. Impossible for a 78-year-old man (or anyone for that matter) to react so quickly, even if he knew the bullet was coming. So it could not have been staged. There were two serious injuries (David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who spent two weeks in the hospital) and Corey Comperatore was killed with a head shot. So real bullets were flying that day and one of them hit Trump. They missed. If you are going to kill the King, you better not miss.

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Aug 16Edited

lol what a bunch of nonsense. It's a pretty easy thing to stage if you really think about it. What makes you think bullets were actually shot at Trump? Don't forget that he is an ex-WWE star. His cue to grab his ear was the sound of the first bullet, yet, if you watch all the videos from every angle, that first magical bullet could not have hit Trump because it hit the bleachers.

If they wanted Trump dead, he would be dead. There would be no errors. This was a show and it appears that you were very entertained.

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Any thoughts on a rationale that fits within the larger picture?

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Which larger picture are you referring to?

The end goal is for the ruling class to rule and control us on a technocratic control grid like they have successfully implemented in China with their social credit system. This can only happen if the sheeple fall in line and vote their master into power. We are consenting to be ruled when we give our time and attention to the circus of the presidential selection cycle. We are consenting to be ruled by the lesser of two evils when we cast our vote for one of them.

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So if I understand, the assassination attempt, or whatever you would call it, was designed to whip up fervor in Trump's supporters?

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And to continue distracting, dividing, and conquering.

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Thanks for that, I had a good laugh.

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Hah hah hah-- L.O.L., that is s-o-o-o- v-e-e-e-r-y FUNNY!!! Well, sweet heart, let me explain this most difficult and complicated fact to you: We Free Thinkers haven't totally abdicated our critical thinking skills, including actual photographic evidence, meaning actual PICTURES of a bullet flying right past DJT-- and we are also rightly skeptical of YOU, showing yourself here to be either a blathering Echo Machine useful idiot in unwitting service of the Deep State-controlled Media Echo Machine, or an outright barefaced agent of Deep State Disinfo Inc. ;-)

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You mean the one picture of the supposed bullet that was taken by the same deep state asset photographer that also took the infamous pictures of Bush in the classroom on 9/11? Did you ever read the article that I posted? It doesn't appear so because you're just throwing ad hominem attacks instead of questioning the content of the article.

This was a show, not an assassination attempt. We are being played.

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I suppose the criminal investigation of him is all a ruse too? the 8 years of vilification and trashing of his name? the attempt at impeachment? The constant barrage of 'fascist dictator' nonsense? All a show? If you take it all in context, yoru assessment doesn't really add up, and don't think I didn't think about what you are saying..... but a man DID dies that day. I suppose that was staged too. No media coverage essentially of the attempt. The downplaying. And now the story that Trump staged it.

Have we become a country of contrarians so much so that truth right before us is deceiving?

"If they wanted him dead, he would be dead". Seems to me they just tried right before the election, but bc 'they' didn't try years before, it must be a staged event....? All of that is supposition and honestly it doesn't really add up, unless this was an 8 year mind F and globalists, FBI, CIA et al are all part of it. The assassinations of the past involved CIA. With Trumps foreign policy of ending wars and the money train, that is enough fodder for me to think they wanted him gone.

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Exactly. It is all a show. What was the purpose? To distract, divide, but most importantly, to continue selling the idea that Trump is somehow "anti-establishment". A vast majority of Americans believe this lie, but is it true or is Trump just another political parasite?

Did he drain the swamp? Nope, he filled the swamp with Goldman Sachs banksters like Steven Mnuchin. Did he put Hillary in jail? Nope. Did he pardon Snowden or Assange? Nope. Eliminate Common Core or leave NATO? Nope. What did Trump do that most people have seemed to forget? He bragged about pushing Operation Warp Speed to release the deadliest "vaccine" that America and the world has ever seen, causing hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans to be harmed and killed by these death shots. If this man really cares about Americans and human lives in general, he would have spoke out about them long ago. He hasn't and he won't because he is another political parasite.

Someone dying doesn't make the entire show any less staged. Do you think the deep state/intelligence agencies care if any of us dies? Look at how many people have been injured and killed because of Operation Covid. The rulers do not care. The only thing they care about is ruling and they will do whatever it takes to deceive the masses into being ruled.

Yes, unfortunately that is the case. We are no longer a country of contrarians, but a country of sheeple that are easily being deceived and manipulated to enslave ourselves.

You are right again. This was an eight year mind fuck, but it goes well beyond eight years. The CIA assassinated JFK decades ago, got away with it and lied about it, and are still in control. What makes you think that they aren't in control anymore? They have been and the psychological operations have only gotten more advanced.

Here is another great piece on the level of this deception:


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If You Think The Trump Thing Was Real Let Me Tell You About This Beautiful Bridge I’m Selling


oops sorry, delingpole paywalled that^^

What event triggered World War I?


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Total corruption as usual

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I've been following Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity on Utube and this event stinks of a cover up. Incompetance at best or an assassination attempt by our trusted leaders at worst.

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Clay Higgins promoting the "lone gunman" theory. No mention of the white van, the bike with the military-style backpack left on the field near the shooting site, the blood in the sink which should have been analyzed for DNA of another potential shooter, why the snipers in building 5 left their posts allowing the shooter to get up on the roof unobserved, a lot of b.s. about the water tower but no mention of the sniper harness found in the trees to the right of the water tower (but of course there was only one shooter), and it goes on and on. IMHO this is the first report of many from Congress that will whitewash the entire incident. Congressman Kelly, who invited Trump to Butler and witnessed the assassination attempt, will head the so-called "investigation." In a month. After Congress comes back from it's vacation. What a joke.

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body stays in a place, well preserved, until all questions are asked, answered, and the answers verified by evidence....... 🤔😁😂

As they say in the Brit crime shows, "Go on mate, pull the other one."

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It’s infuriating all the things the FBI did to purposefully interfere with any investigation. Cleaning up biological evidence, releasing the first responders that evening, releasing the crime scene after only 3 days, then cremating the body. They knew nothing could be done afterwards to compare their reports with actual evidence. The arrogance of these agencies is beyond acceptable.

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Cremation immediately calls to mind the office building in Oklahoma City, bulldozed and carried away within days.

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I read an article severely critical of Higgins' investigation as being superficial and scanty with the facts.

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Oh you mean a new set of lies? I'm shocked. What a turd show.

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thank you.

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