The USSS sniper said he had eyes on the assassin for 3 minutes and was not given permission to fire. When the assassin opened fire he no longer needed permission and took the shot. The recorded radio traffic and the cell phones of every USSS person on scene need to be seized as evidence. Why?

Because it is debatably understandable that you don't shoot a dude on a roof overlooking a speech given by the next POTUS but you absolutely do not leave the protectee standing on stage while a possible threat is there. That is utterly inexcusable and needs to be answered for. The only way to get those answers is to hear all the communication between the USSS personnel on scene and any phone calls that may have been made back to DC.

The first step when the sniper saw the guy on the roof with a gun should have been to notify the team of the threat and remove Trump from the stage under the shield of every USSS person there. End of story, anything else is a serious problem with national security implications.

It is clear now that the USSS is compromised and not to be trusted. They are the deep state and need to be rigorously weeded out to remove anyone not willing to lay their lives down to protect anyone they are assigned to protect.

You can be sure this will all lead back to obama if a real investigation takes place. Under the current FBI, I don't see that happening.

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I agree. The first thing that should have happened is ... Get Trump off of that stage.

Many aspects of what happened are extremely troubling. Also. where did the ladder the shooter used to get on that roof come from?


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We still need to find out how that ladder got there and when it was placed there. No ladder and the shooter can't get on the roof. Did the shooter himself bring a ladder and somehow carry it to building where he then used it to gain access to the roof? Or was it already there? And if it was already there, who put it there? And why? How would the shooter know he had a ladder to get on the roof?

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deletedJul 15·edited Jul 15
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I can conceive a "lone nut" scenario - and the assassin lucking out because security and law enforcement is so incompetent.

Then again, the points you make cause me to think somebody else was, perhaps, making this possible for him.

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Bill ... a view you will appreciate ... the most thorough review of America's underbelly of power, now being revealed in accordance with planetary design, points to a devilish plan no one is talking about. The source? An amalgamation of the most powerful American institutions, in an effort to stop Trump in his bid to stop the American War Machine.

Summary and crux at the subheading:

"So, here’s a theory which could line up with current events…

The timing of the event is suspicious. If the assassination had been successful, the Republicans would have had to choose another candidate at the Republican National Convention, happening about now. Given that it took place after the crucial debates which sealed Biden’s fate, this makes me wonder if it was a coup attempt by a Republican conspiracy.

Consider that only two other candidates on ‘his side’ have delegates: Ron DeSantis, and Nikki Haley. While Haley is a neocon and DeSantis is undecided, both align in the three crucial sectors; they support the Israel lobby, they support the intelligence agencies current leadership, and they back wars in the Middle East and Europe. Trump does not.

Note also that some time ago, Vivek Ramaswamy went on record saying that the only reason Nikki Haley had not dropped out - despite having zero populist support - was because her donors were “plotting to eliminate Trump from the ballet”.

To address the three major institutions - the intelligence agencies, Israel lobby, and military contractors - one must look at Trumps rhetoric. This explains why his own party would be motivated to take him out. I will draw comparisons with the most obvious individual - JFK.”



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The SS couldn't fire till the patsy got Biden's orders & job done! I.e. "Target & Take down Trump." THEN silence the patsy, as in the Deep States JFK final solution! What do you expect from a post-Christian, mass baby-killing, neo-Sodom Gamorra, Hell-bound nation? Peace & love, or, "The wages of sin is Death! but the gift of God is eternal Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

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You know after a few solid examples of the government lying, it's impossible to trust them. What saddens me is that in two years, with Trump in office, all will conclude, yup same old shit. No wrong, worse!

I say bring on Bobbie!

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For what?

More abortions?

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You know its like guns, every now and then you need one.

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True, but up until the birth day?

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I'm sure you have a whole litany of minutia that incriminates RFK as the worst person in the world. For me a million or more dead Slavic people is on Biden and Trump ignored the advice of experts, including RFK, and went full pharma on the world killing at least a million and counting with bio-weapons.

RFK calls it Children's Health Defense, Biden and Trump could share a website called Killing people for power and profit.

Certainly no guarantee that the powers that be will not control RFK too. But the book he wrote against Fauci is factually replete with reasons to trust him, not pharma or those who promote it.

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That's why smart people put their faith in God Jesus! Then elect the Best Man for president, not some fake Godless Lib. Democrat grifter!

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American living in Canada. From where I sit Biden and Trump belong to the same party, the War Party. Now it's God Jesus? So are you saying all the people who took the thing they called a vaccine are dumb? Trump had 4 years, of course it's not his fault he blew it totally, so lets give him a few trillion more to piss away.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

They don't record radio communications as far as I know, and they would be encrypted.

Could be wrong about that, but if you were in on shooting Trump you probably wouldn't want a record kept.

It's also amusing that people still think Obama is some kind of mastermind, he's an employee of whoever is doing this to the US.

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They absolutely record their radio comms and it isn't hard to do at all. And yes, they are encrypted but the recording comes through a receiver with the proper decryption key and so are recorded as live voice. Neat thing about the USSS they own the frequencies they use all across the country. The recording hardware is in a van that is taken to virtually every protection detail they participate in. You can find these vans at all of the larger field offices and Pittsburgh is definitely one of them. Areas that don't have a van one can be airlifted in and when POTUS travels overseas the van is carried in a C17 with all the other vehicles required. Often there are 2 C17's which accompany POTUS to any overseas location.

The recordings exist 100% unless a part of the plan was to not have the activity recorded in order to hide the plot they had going.

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I worked as an Elected Official in a small community and our Fire and County Sheriff all had radios that were recorded! If it wasn’t, it is intentional. I’ve also been part of command teams when there were threats in our community and believe me, all our radios were recorded!!!!

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They already deleted all the information just like they did on Jan 6

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Thank you for this information.

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right on, an inside job, heads are going to roll at the USSS and FBI when the white hats get their hands on them.

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'I'm supposed to be dead' Trump says, as he calls for unity ahead of Republican convention


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Great comment. If it goes back to Obama, you might as well take it to his handlers, the Pritzkers. Obama wouldn't exist without them and, strangely enough, I saw a sticker last week with 'Pritzker for President 2024'. Had they killed Trump, and we know they're pulling scumbag Biden soon, Pritzker would have had a good shot at the White House, as disgusting as that sounds.

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Can Trump run for the Dems too, so that everyone wins?

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Has anyone asked the question, What if Trump facilitated this "assassination attempt" in order to win the "(s)election" (etc.?)? I could be dead-wrong, but it seems awful convenient that he received such a minor "bullet wound" (and what if it wasn't a bullet wound at all?) and wasn't killed by the sniper. Very convenient too that the "evidence" of the sniper himself was eradicated through eliminating him (if Trump did carry out his own "assassination attempt", he and those connected with him wouldn't want it to come out that the shooter was paid to ONLY wound, and not kill, him). I don't trust Trump at all, and I don't put anything past him, especially that he could have orchestrated his own 'unsuccessful' "assassination attempt". It is not beyond the realm of believeableness that it is (nothing but?) a "false flag" event, seeking to make the government look bad (not that they need any help in doing so since they are so good at making themselves look bad), and to fraudulently make Trump look like a "hero".

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Trump's head was a moving target at a distance of 148 yards.

That anyone would have planned a shot to remove part of his ear but leave him standing is (respectfully) absurd on its face.

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Or it was another fake--shots fired and a blood capsule behind his ear. What really are the odds that the shooter grazed his ear? Sounds like perfectly scripted bullshit to me.

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There are too many expert marksman who can identify by sound the distance the bullets traveled and they placed it at around 400 feet or so. They have a picture of the bullet whizzing past his head with the blue sky in the background too! Sheesh. Stop spreading such nonsense

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Too many of them, eh. Your other comment is golden: a picture of the bullet whizzing past his head. Can’t say I’ve ever seen such a thing. It’s the first time in history that a bullet whizzing past is visible to the naked eye and lo and behold, even caught on camera! They must truly think we’re dimwitted and by your comment, I guess they are right.

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You’ve been commenting on other substacks with the same bullshit…so are you the controlled opposition! Must be!! Go vote for Joe since he did say it was time to put a bullseye on Trump!! Oh and Obiden’s violent diatribe Friday on national tv lying through his teeth about Trump and MAGA clearly didn’t have any effect like all their other violent rhetoric being spewed by him and the MSM! They can’t speak to any good they have done since they are destroying our country with all these violent and criminal illegals, and many anti-Constitutuion, anti-Bill of Rights attacks. They have taken more rights away from Americans in record time under this Obiden/Obama administration! Why don’t you go visit with some of those criminal illegals Obiden is bringing in from prisons who have already been killing innocent Americans!!! That is the progressive believers goal, kill all MAGA or Americans who love our Country! Or let’s see all the innocent children harmed and killed in America by mentally disturbed freaks who think all children should be trans, mutilated and if they don’t comply well then just kill them. Progressives love killing babies up to birth, since they are to confused to use birth control. Yes, there is so much they try to lie about because everything they are doing is destructive and deadly! It’s a pretty hard sell with most people who have a conscience.

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He is exposed. Very dangerous dis-ease, TDS. He has failed at spreading it here. 5$ for the question? WHAT is RABID?

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Well, Joni, that was a mouthful. But you’re missing the point of this post. Looks like they’ve got you where they want you though, so good luck with that. Don’t question anything!

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Because it doesn't work for you, apparently.

I listened to a video clip of Bill Maher explaining (in the last 24 hours) how liberals don't shoot people. The guy apparently really believes it.

I had watched one of the most liberal cities in America embrace totalitarianism during the early Covid years; yes, the "greatest city in the world" embraced Jim Crow and denied the unvaxed a table in an eatery because they didn't get an untested shot. And the NYC liberals were overwhelmingly on board with it.

And despite all of the hype coming from the Left about Orange Man Bad, it appears that it was one of their own who tried to kill him. And that's hard for some people.

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Bill Maher is an arse...

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

That part is not hard for me. He's been reported as a "registered Republican who recently turned liberal." Another weird fantasy that serves a great media purpose.

None of us know what really happened, but this sure smells of farce to me. 4 months before an election, an ear-graze, rises up triumphant like nothing happened. It's just all too perfect!

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PA is a closed primary state; there were Dems registering as Reps in order to influence the Rep primary results.

He apparently donated to the Biden campaign.

(It's tough, isn't it? For the last eight years it's the MAGA-types who have been vilified as violent racists and extremists and now we see that the evidence leads to a Biden supporter who took the first shot at the opposing candidate. How does one get back into the bubble after this?)

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Dumbocraps never come out of the bubble. They believe the shit 24/7/365.

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Maher reported to be a registered Republican? What's the link to where Maher is reported to be as "registered Republican"?

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Not Maher, the alleged shooter.

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When Trump said, “wait, wait, wait”, its in a recognizable tone of some type of secrecy, deception. Many of those in the media have edited that part out.

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A whole list of dos & don'ts was delivered to leftist legacy propaganda media! Don't ya just love how all the leftist Democrat talking heads, repeat the exact same agitprop?

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Wait! I have to get my shoes!! That part bothered me too. I don't care how expensive, good looking Trump's shoes are, they were not worth anyone's life. That was very strange to me.

Besides the obvious there is a guy with a gun climbing a building several feet away, but let's ignore that.

Stuff not adding up.

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True. So, I haven’t seen the video where he says that about his shoes. I’ve heard others saying he said it.but it wasn’t in the first video I saw Saturday night. He just said “wait wait wait” then they stand up and pose for the cameras.

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He was saying wait, wait, wait for his shoes. That is why he was saying wait.

Weird. He sees blood at this point, knows he probably is injured, not sure where the gun man is or are as there may be several gun men, but lets stand here and look for his shoes before he is taken off the stage. Really? I love Trump but I do have to question some of this. That's insane. Who there besides the gun man life was worth less than a pair of his shoes?

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And then fake paid bots go online & talk stupid, to muddy the waters!

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So, are you claiming I'm a "fake paid bot...", that I most-definitely am NOT?!

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Maybe you're not smart enough to be a bot? I.e. posting a stupid silly, " I believe the injuring of his ear was either an accident, or that it was otherwise injured "for effect" and to garner sympathy." That stupidity tells all one needs to know about you! So grow up boy & go clean your room!

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In Jesus the Christ's name, be gone, Satan[ist(s)]!

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We don’t want our waters muddied, do we Steve. We like to think in simple terms, like or dislike. No layers or depth for us, it just complicates things.

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That is NOT what I'm suggesting. Even if it was a conspiracy on Trump and his team's part, I believe the injuring of his ear was either an accident, or that it was otherwise injured "for effect" and to garner sympathy and more support for Trump. If the shot did indeed hit Trump's ear, IMO carrying out such a limited injury was NOT intentionally carried out by the shooter (if the alleged "lone gunman" was even actually the real shooter in the first place).

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Either she didn’t know what to do when her agent called her therefore being incompetent or she was part of the plan either way. Trump needs to clean up the fbi anyway

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Did the guy shoot Trump or not? (I don't follow you.)

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It is totally beyond the realm of believableness!!

His 18 year old son was there! Right behind him! He would never risk the life of his son should anything go awry. He would never risk having his son witness a bullet hitting him on purpose should something go wrong.

And he already had a huge lead. He didn’t need to do anything desperate to gain more support. Biden and his administration were already doing everything for him. He just had to sit back and let them keep making mistakes. He wasn’t desperate. But the left is!

The only reason you don’t trust Trump is because you have allowed yourself to get to know him through the eyes of what other people tell you. You don’t know him personally. You believed whatever they painted.

Too many people have let the MSM and the Democrats shape their views and beliefs about Trump’s character without having firsthand experience. That level of distrust and hate should only be possible with in-person interactions and stark proof of the claims, which always seems to be lacking when it comes to Trump. You don’t have to like everything about a person, but it’s wrong to paint them so hatefully and distrust fully without knowing him personally or having concrete evidence. Trusting the left’s opinion about him without weighing what they say against the other side of every story is the problem here. I’ve listened to both sides and every time there is too much that doesn’t add up or something completely disproves a claim they make. Take the time to listen to the other sides of the stories.

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B.S.!!!!! All on my own, with only my own independent observations of him, and based on my extensive experience with completely recognizing and facing many false flag events in at least the past thirty to forty years, and my experience discerning evil people like him as being extremely-so, I have come to the conclusions about him that I have. But, remember, I have not been saying that my suppositions, probabilities and/or expressions of doubt and consideration are definitely true. I'm just saying that they are very-definite possibilities, that's all, and I'm simply seeking to get people to look very closely at this and all such events, not automatically believe anything or anyone until all of the facts are out (if they ever truly, fully or completely come out), and be completely open to the fact that there may (likely) be far more to this event than meets the eye(s) and/or appearances. Further, I am NOT saying that my musings are any more than speculation(s) and/or theories at this point, but I AM saying that everyone should question appearances, especially when you consider the level of evil that has been foisted on us of late. Until it truly is the case without doubt, we must NOT assume ANY claims are unquestionably the correct ones, and that they remove all doubts.

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Except for the dead father and 2 critically wounded, you would also have to believe Trump wasn't going to win this any way.

But hey keep your eye on that grassy knoll.

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Yeah - take a long distance shot, but only graze my ear - then I’ll bleed a little bit and we will get a great picture.

Congrats - this might be the stupidest comment I have ever seen.

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Someone died yesterday you moron and 2 are in critical condition. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Show some respect!

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Illogical. You really think he'd risk death by a tiny margin of error (bobbing his head around at the time of the shot) to advance his campaign in which he's already pretty close to a sure thing, assuming fair elections?

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This seems totally absurd and dangerous. Would you want a flying projectile at whatever speed, to rush towards your head at speeds that cannot be stopped? Maybe in a movie, not in real life.

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What if you weren't brainwashed by years of Godless hate-based leftist agitprop, do you think you would post such a mindless thought? Come on man, wise up & smell the coffee!

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First off, I'm NOT Godless whatsoever. Secondly, I am NOT "leftist" (for I'm nothing but an independent constitutionalist, and not Left, Right or Center). Thirdly, I do NOT consume or carry out ANY hate, but am completely against all of same. You ought to entirely STOP jumping to false assumptions and conclusions, and presuming "guilt". "Judge not according to... (outward) appearance(s), but ONLY judge (TRULY) RIGHTEOUS judgment(s)"! (John 7:24.) I'm a highly intelligent 68 year old man who only stands for what's right, and against all that is wrong as far as I am aware of it. It is true that I don't like, and can't stand, Trump; but I don't hate him or anyone else. I just call evil by its right name, and tell it nothing but like it is.

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Start with the new fbi director

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Wolf air your TDS elsewhere🤪

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In Jesus the Christ's name, be gone, Satan[ist(s)]!


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I did wonder but the answer below negates that.

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You remind me of a friend who told me, in 2020, that the images of Antifa destroying the downtown areas of major US cities were really images of Neonazi Skinheads DRESSED UP as Antifa. Have you ever heard of Ockham's Razor?

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Trump's Security Switch: From Secret Service to Homeland Security

Last updated

24 minutes ago

On July 14, 2024, Secret Service resources were reportedly diverted from former President Donald Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, to an event featuring First Lady Jill Biden in Pittsburgh. This shift was attributed to the Secret Service's protocol for former presidents, which resulted in Trump being assigned temporary agents from Homeland Security instead of his usual detail. The Pittsburgh field office of the Secret Service also played a role in this resource allocation, as they were managing Jill Biden's event. Concerns have been raised about the adequacy of security for Trump, especially given the temporary nature of the agents assigned to him.

he Secret Service admits Trump’s detail was reduced and staffed with temps due to a scheduling conflict. Jill Biden was hosting a rally in Pittsburg and had MORE agents on the ground than Trump. Director Cheatle defends this because Trump is **merely a former president.**

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Sure smells like a conspiracy.

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Trump has enough money for his own security.

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I believe in 2016!he did use his own security because he didn’t trust the secret service

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First, getting a security detail with the training and experience the SS have is difficult if not impossible, and on top of that far more expensive than you would guess.

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The thing is, this means the police, SS, and SWAT were in on it.... possibly, but wow think about that for a moment.

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Sounds nuts to me. Kind of nutty like doctors all across the world given orders to kill their patients with a known drug that destroys their kidneys and liver when they only had a respiratory illness and could have lived if given simple known inexpensive treatment. That doctors, nurses, embalmers, our own government officials did this for money. Wait! That happened. Happened recently too.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I think it's troubling because you realize no one is on our side, not the government, not doctors, not the police, probably not the military.

What else is there? And from my perspective a relatively small group of people got into key positions and created all of this.

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Stand-down orders as in Antfe & BLM ["peaceful protests."] as the Godless Leftist legacy media calls it! Biden's shooter boy was only trying to stop or Target Trump, as ordered!

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Thank you. Watching the aftermath unfold. Here is my substack from earlier today on the anti-Trump "Shadow Men" vendetta.


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Excellent post Richard

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Wow, the O-ring whistleblower!

This article given its provenance could change my mind about Trump. Maybe he is not a puppet. But I still wonder about his approval of the "vaccines".

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I think Trump was bamboozled by Fauci like many of us were.

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Then he should be clear about it now, that the "vaccines" are bioweapons for depopulation. Why not if he really is not controlled by the transnational deep state?

He should lay it all out there, and publicly dare the transnational deep state to do their worst, while appealing to Americans to help him.

He's a 78 year old man, and he doesn't have many years left anyway. That act of heroism would give him a kind of immortality.


Trump Questioned Vaccines on June 7th; Assassination Attempt Came Five Weeks Later

A pure coincidence, of course, nothing to see here


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Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

The weird shooting of Donald Trump


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A president is not an expert in all things, why would Trump know anything about virus or what to do in a pandemic except by what is told to him by his aides, "experts" and administration.

There is evidence that they routinely lied to Trump and with held information.


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He needs a network of experts in all fields who are honest and outside the influence of intelligence agencies or academia or business. It *is* possible. A candidate should have built that well in advance.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

How does one man (the president) do all of that? He is reliant on his administration to handle these things.

If his administration with holds data and lies to him then what? You blame the president, but never the people who did the lying.

This is why Biden is perfect for the corrupt administration currently in power, he's too senile to know any better, he will sign what they want, and they gas light and lie to him routinely.

Not saying Biden is a good guy, just an empty head that will be the fall guy.

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The Secret Service, just like the FBI and DEA, are hopelessly corrupt: just like all of the deep state. Trump supporters must now help provide security for these events by posting and scoping out all locations for a potential sniper.

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He should insist on US army guards like Reagan did after SS "failed" to protect him.

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Why wasn't the official in uniform armed that went up on the roof to investigate the bystanders' concerns?

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I have few questions:

After the shooting, Trump layed down for safety and this is the good way to do it but right after, the Secret Service agent handle the situation in a very strange way.

Why did they surrounded him like football players, looking inside the circle? It should be the other way around. Not only that but the only head, face that we see is Trump's head, meaning he could be target another time. Not very smart. How do they know that there is no more threats? They cannot know so their job is make sure that the President is hiding from another shoot.

Trump asked for his shoes? Again, the only face that we see is Trump's head.

Them the secret service agents moved him away, good but why the woman agent is she lowering herself? Again we can see easily the ¨target.¨

Is this the Secret Service of the most powerful country in the world, the best of the best of United States?

Who was in charge there?

It looks to me staged. A PsyOP Operation. Do not forget : Trump: Take you vaccine, it's good. I got mine.

Trump Live | Live Shooting At Trump In Pennsylvania Rally | Trump Speech Live | Trump Updates | N18G


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I pray for the discovery of who did what and their just punishment/reward as the case may be. Short of that, God knows the details and deals with all, in his own time. Without His guidance, we end up unsatisfied and prone to attack each other in our attempts to marshall that which we have little control over. We were to honor Him who has told us that nobody gets away with anything, eventually, when the Constitution was set up. Straying from that foundational dependence ends our purpose as a nation.

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Here is hoping and praying that a great many of them are toast. But I would LOVE to see legacy journos & their billionaire owners pay dearly for their part in all of this, even more so than a politician.

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Peace and love to you guys. This whole event has been nuts. My condolences to go out to those who have lost and suffered.


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I told several people last week I thought this might happen. Let's hope he strengthens restrictions on selling guns to whack jobs after he's elected.

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No one knowingly sells guns to "whack jobs", please refrain from offering your opinion because you're obviously very ignorant about these things.

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In this video, I don't hear anyone mention a firearm, only that there is a guy crawling on the roof.

Had anyone seen a firearm, I have to believe that the crowd would have reacted much differently, to the point that people would have been running en masse towards law enforcement screaming "Gun!"

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Someone DID see a firearm and explained that to the BBC reporter. He even yelled it out to the police.

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I saw that video. (Hang on to it, btw. In 20 or 30 years, when a writer or movie director tries to make a buck going into a description about someone standing on a grassy knoll, you can call bs on it.)

But the guy in that video was outside of the event; he had crossed the street from his house to watch and could only yell at the police from a distance.

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Yeah the witness did mention a man with a gun climbing a building.

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Thanks, and for reposting with a working link. Changes the “only 3 shots were by a Secret Service sniper” narrative. I still don’t know what to make of it for sure. It would be nice to know where the other victims, may God rest their souls, were located relative to the guy on the roof that everyone in the video was screaming about.

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I have few questions:

After the shooting, Trump layed down for safety and this is the good way to do it but right after, the Secret Service agent handle the situation in a very strange way.

Why did they surrounded him like football players, looking inside the circle? It should be the other way around. Not only that but the only head, face that we see is Trump's head, meaning he could be target another time. Not very smart. How do they know that there is no more threats? They cannot know so their job is make sure that the President is hiding from another shoot.

Trump asked for his shoes? Again, the only face that we see is Trump's head.

Them the secret service agents moved him away, good but why the woman agent is she lowering herself? Again we can see easily the ¨target.¨

Is this the Secret Service of the most powerful country in the world, the best of the best of United States?

Who was in charge there?

It looks to me stage. A PsyOP Operation.

Trump Live | Live Shooting At Trump In Pennsylvania Rally | Trump Speech Live | Trump Updates | N18G


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