These people will eat themselves if we allow them too! They’ll also do anything and everything, the same way a bully picks on a kid! Because they’re all bullies! Simple deduction Dr.
These people will eat themselves if we allow them too! They’ll also do anything and everything, the same way a bully picks on a kid! Because they’re all bullies! Simple deduction Dr.
Our mistake is protecting the Left from itself. High time we all borrowed a Judaic custom and sat shiva. If we have a Leftist child or grandchild, have their funeral and consider them dead. When they come home begging for money, tell them we don't talk with the dead.
Let the Left eat itself. Any who wizen up, welcome back. Those who we cannot save, are lost.
Substack is my first ever social media platform. Someone told me about this platform when lockdowns started and I haven’t turned back.
Old school, absolutely, I wanted nothing to do with any social media platform. I found using substack, within 45 days of lockdown, how dangerous and poisonous the mRNA bioweapon injections were.
I’ve amassed over 2,500 articles and videos since. Our entire country has become, as you said, “one big rat race”. I was and I still am concerned about my grandson’s young age and the effects he’s already had in pre-k.
Our children and grandchildren are the primary targets! As Hitler said, “ Control the youth you’ll control the world”! Which is exactly what’s wrong today!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to inform people about how important social downfall has become.
Half of Americans watch MSM and haven’t any idea what’s happening. They believe, lock, stock and barrel, the entire MSM narrative.
The MSM is as Trump said the “Enemy of the People”! Regardless of anything about the man, his one statement is absolutely correct!
So the “rat race” we’re all running, in many different directions, is one race I can’t stop because of my grandson!
Thank you for your insight An. Each of us and all Americans must continue illuminating the dark forces trying to kill the power of “We The People”!
These people will eat themselves if we allow them too! They’ll also do anything and everything, the same way a bully picks on a kid! Because they’re all bullies! Simple deduction Dr.
Our mistake is protecting the Left from itself. High time we all borrowed a Judaic custom and sat shiva. If we have a Leftist child or grandchild, have their funeral and consider them dead. When they come home begging for money, tell them we don't talk with the dead.
Let the Left eat itself. Any who wizen up, welcome back. Those who we cannot save, are lost.
Like the rats that they have become.
Rat’s they are An K. rat’s they are!
And, as all rats must be exterminated properly, so too we must exterminate these metastasizing ilk!
For they’re spreading a deadly plague of “societal decay” being
spewed daily throughout our civilized society!
As they deceitfully brainwash they’re corrupting and indoctrinating our children and grandchildren of their sickening diseases of propaganda!
Yes An K. rats they are!
Truth be known!
Thank you An K.,
Thank you kindly!
This whole country has become one big rat race! Exploiting the people at all cost it seems.. even our children.
This system depends on money ( the root of all evil, I cannot believe I'm saying this!! But it has become clear ).
If we stop using their products, their services they will "die".
They need us, we don't need them.
We need to remember that.
It will take some hard work/ lifestyle changes and that is what people fear.. independence takes guts.
But we have done it before.
We just need to stop eating twinkies, buying stuff or drink another beer... and stop taking all those pills!!!
We can only do this by helping each other.. nobody is going to come rescue us....
Washington can't even come up with a decent candidate for presidency anymore .. all that's left seems to be degenarates and criminals.
Even our legal system seems corrupted...
You’ve hit the “nail on the head” An K.
Substack is my first ever social media platform. Someone told me about this platform when lockdowns started and I haven’t turned back.
Old school, absolutely, I wanted nothing to do with any social media platform. I found using substack, within 45 days of lockdown, how dangerous and poisonous the mRNA bioweapon injections were.
I’ve amassed over 2,500 articles and videos since. Our entire country has become, as you said, “one big rat race”. I was and I still am concerned about my grandson’s young age and the effects he’s already had in pre-k.
Our children and grandchildren are the primary targets! As Hitler said, “ Control the youth you’ll control the world”! Which is exactly what’s wrong today!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to inform people about how important social downfall has become.
Half of Americans watch MSM and haven’t any idea what’s happening. They believe, lock, stock and barrel, the entire MSM narrative.
The MSM is as Trump said the “Enemy of the People”! Regardless of anything about the man, his one statement is absolutely correct!
So the “rat race” we’re all running, in many different directions, is one race I can’t stop because of my grandson!
Thank you for your insight An. Each of us and all Americans must continue illuminating the dark forces trying to kill the power of “We The People”!
Keep safe and well An K.
Thank you!!!!! 🙌
You’re most welcome An.