The Nation's baseline is about the Traditional Family Oriented Judeo-Christian God...And, all documents pertaining to Govt. originate from that very premise. Have no problem with it in any way...
A family united in God is strong and creates a strong Nation of which this woman benefits.
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH JUSTICE ALITO HAVING A PERSONAL OPINION ABOUT THE GODLINESS OF OUR NATION? Is he to LIVE as though utterly neutral or speak in off-hours as though not faithful or having Faith in God.
DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ATTACK THROUGH ANY OPINION ABOUT GOD. Would be horrendous to have a Satanist/Luciferian Justice when all now appear unified under the DEMONIC U.N. UNIPARTY NAZI'S...IS EVIL IS THAT WOMAN'S IDEA OF MORAL?
The dems don't want religion in schools, yet they indocrinate kids with their own zealous religions of climate alarmism; false vaccines, and weirdo sexual fallacies.
That is part and parcel of 'Soft Unrestricted Warfare'...It's not trivial at all.
It began with a plan conceived when the united British/French Navy hiding The Black Nobility instigated The U.S. Civil War for the purpose of presenting enough weakness and distraction allowing their Military Occupation of U.S Territory. Lincoln was on to the plan and requested protection by the Russian Navy and from the Russian help guarding U.S. Ports...The Occupation was stopped.
It was then determined that the U.S. could not be Militarily Occupied following that as the third attempt at TAKEOVER in roughly 70 years. While they didn't Occupy; they did create issues with the debt as The Central Banker Families in The City of London had funded both sides of the War.
The plan by the Fabian Round Table out of Oxford began taking shape and all Wars since WWI have been to bring the U.S. under The Black Nobility Control to allow their dream of absolute power; 'World Colonization' existing long before the U.S. was ever created.
Since after WWII; they've been attacking the Family Oriented Traditional Christian Culture of the U.S. and Western World overall. It began in 1954 according to documents found in a used copying machine in 1989 belonging to a Bilderberg member and verified true. The beginning was Rock Music and Illicit Drug use presented at Rock Concerts in the late 50's. Every British and U.S. group into the 70's was MANAGED by Intelligence Agencies of GCHQ and the CIA/DOD. The 'Free Love Movement' diminishing morality pertaining to sexual behavior was all to accompany the subversion of U.S. Culture.
All the Totalitarian Govt. of the 20th Century were supported, organized and funded by the Fabians out of the U.K.; THE BLACK NOBILITY and Marx was only a ghost writer for his tomb...As all he did was define 'IMPERIALISM'; but redefining it by another name. All were experiments including Nazi Germany...Until, the enemies believe they have the CONTROL they require to not have a Conventional War in North America to take it.
What you wrote is ON TARGET...And, it's all part of the plan based upon the Chinese Mao's Youth murdering almost 100,000,000 people; mostly by starvation...THEY ARE CREATING THE YOUTH AS THE ENEMY OF THE U.S. FOR THE FASCIST/NAZI TAKEOVER.
Jewish Nazi Sypathizer Soros is the one with the NGO supporting, organizing and funding the current Antifa/BLM Militia Thugs made up of college students of wealthy parents...THE NEW MAO YOUTH MOVEMENT.
Soros doesn’t consider himself to be Jewish. His mother converted to Catholicism. Why do you feel the need to point out that he is Jewish. He is about as Jewish as a ham sandwich.
At the time of WWII; he was alledgedly a Jewish person knowing where all the Jewish people lived who he identified for Nazi Assassination Teams to murder en mass.
CLEARLY, another shallow, superficial product of the 'Common Core' Nazi's now teaching in the U.S. Educational System under the Rockefellers trying to keep people STUPID to merely work in factories. You're a propagandist TROLL specifically seeking to remove credibility from people knowing the facts of history?
Actually he went around with the SS in the Concentration camps collecting jewelry & gold from the dead victims. You have your history wrong. Don’t be so quick to call someone a troll. Has SUBSTACK sunk to such a level that insults are common practice. I think so.
His Mother didn't convert until AFTER WWII and his community was among the Jews; those he LED the Nazi's to, to murder while he did indeed thieve their valuables.
You're clearly not well versed with history...And, anybody supporting this Philanthropathic Demon Hiding in a Human Being Suit organizing the current troop of Fascist Antifa/BLM Militia Thug out of the Totalitarian Universitie as Student's of wealthy parents as the latest Mao's Youth ready to murder their next 100,000,000 as they did in China has another think coming.
She has admitted she taped him that's why. So stop trying to make something untrue that happens to be a fact. He's a biased judge, taking stuff from clients with cases in the Supreme court's jurisdiction and he shouldn't be talking about a lack of compromise on basic issues. There's always a place for compromise. He should be impeached. In fact, the supreme court is not elected and shouldn't have the final say on many cases especially with Alito and Thomas as swing voters. This shouldn't be Repub against Dems because it's a fact of law and the Supreme courts oath. He's messed up. It's a simple as that.
Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.
The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.
Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3
SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.
Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).
Just keep saying, “it’s been debunked; oh, that’s been debunked,” ad naseum like they do for every Project Veritas video recording that comes out. Don’t even bother to argue the point - they don’t, they don’t care. (And correct, there was nothing wrong with what he said.)
Don't you have to bunk something FIRST before it even needs debunking.
Just saying that the only common thread in all geoengineering threads I have ever seen is the intent to spread fear using any means, the data does not have to be real or even exist. A patent does not prove or suggest even an operable technology, it is merely a wish that someone has that they have an innovative idea that they can corner if the patent office believes they have invented something.
If you think globalists are rushing to engineer the weather ask why bother, it is much cheaper to get fools to promote the threat and conspiracy or altering the weather. If you look at some of the memes where 26 degC was shown as a lovely warm summer day in Europe with HAPPY green tints on the weather map in the past and same time of year with same temperatures it is now shown as SCARY red tints. No engineering needed except compliant and complicit mainstream media.
Cloud seeding is a thing and done where it is worth doing to save or support agriculture, sometimes it goes wrong but it is not free and not done frivolously. It can be used to cause rain to provide water or prevent hail, none of this is done by passenger jet liners.
You keep thinking there is something to debunk and so you promote meaningless fear narrative that is used to control everyone who does not have the time or mental acumen to actually look at the broader picture.
Would you piss in your own well? I can tell you the globalists with almost unlimited money and power will NOT DO SO even if you ascribe such stupidity to them.
Now here's the kicker, Kalle. In 2022 the US Government enacted LAW calling for a five year study of Geoengineering to supposedly combat global warming. That's the real falsehood because this was done as a coverup of what has been going on for decades. Bet you didn't see that in in the mainstream news or the law of Tennessee or the Rhode Island Geoengineering Act of 2014. The joke's on us, but not to scare us , but to participate in the most dangerous coverup in history.
Thanks for your reply, but I don't understand why you and so many others take the time and effort to prove that geoengineering does not exist. All you have to do is look at all the evidence and proof that is at which I have been following and verifying for about ten years. I witness it every day over my home in SC and have seen it in many other states
At the site iI suggest you will not only find many operable patents, but official government documents, some of which show the international cooperation between major powers needed to conduct this worldwide program. You will also find an enlightening documentary, "The Dimming," as well as recordings of humdrededs of weekly radio broadcasts that will keep you up to date on this program. If you think that that brave legislature of Tennessee outlawed geoengineering from its air space a few weeks ago because they had nothing better to do, it is not me that is being dupe, but those who see what is happening in the skys above and refuse to even look at the evidence.
There are only observations and suppositions and errors at the Wigginton site. If he had something he could prove he could run a trial in every country to show exactly where and what is being sprayed, low cost, he would even get donations from fools. Take readings on a grid of points around airports and remote regions with no flight paths AND over the sea. You will see that as you go further from dust you will see lower readings and find that the contrails in the sky are just a convenient symbol to scare people and have been happening since aeroplanes managed to fly high enough already soon after the first world war.
I have looked at the geoengineering site and read a whole bunch of the stuff because my late mother was a fan. It took a while but after showing her a scientific explanation for each of probably over a dozen claims that she forwarded to me she eventually cottoned on to the scam. It only works if you believe propaganda over science and take a claim as a fact. If you instead reserve judgement until there is proof you sit on the fence until you start to find all sorts of perfectly unconnected test results that show the opposite of some fudged test by a bad actor.
Any plans, programs, patents and news on geoengineering linked to the climate scam you can chalk up to propaganda. It does not matter if money is wasted or if famous people repeat it or are involved. The bottom line is that there are enough people ready to take money without even having a clue if they are promoting rubbish or knowing what they do that you can always find a ready academic if you have a lot of money. Remember that the program is funded by the same people who pump oil and dig coal and fund wars, they have a lot of money.
I gave my mom a pass because she was a old lady, do you have that as an excuse?
I don't appreciate your sarcasm. If you sincerely researchd the volumes of data on the site, along with the official documents and the laws passed to either stop it or cover it up, maybe you should wait until you're old enough to see right from wrong.
I am a fan of sarcasm when it is appropriate. However what I wrote was just plain speaking.
It does not matter if pretend cover ups are used to make it look like something is done, not done, covered up, censored or whatever. In much the same manner as the covid lab narrative has been done. The CDC, the FDA and others have pretended to monitor safety (harm) signals while they appear to have no purpose except to make people angry, confused, obedient, divided. The jabs were ordered from the DoD using laws in place that when under a pandemic state no safety investigations are expected or even NEEDED to be done. It is theatre.
In the same way the geoengineering patents and reports and investigations are just theatre. There to waste your time.
These people will eat themselves if we allow them too! They’ll also do anything and everything, the same way a bully picks on a kid! Because they’re all bullies! Simple deduction Dr.
Our mistake is protecting the Left from itself. High time we all borrowed a Judaic custom and sat shiva. If we have a Leftist child or grandchild, have their funeral and consider them dead. When they come home begging for money, tell them we don't talk with the dead.
Let the Left eat itself. Any who wizen up, welcome back. Those who we cannot save, are lost.
Substack is my first ever social media platform. Someone told me about this platform when lockdowns started and I haven’t turned back.
Old school, absolutely, I wanted nothing to do with any social media platform. I found using substack, within 45 days of lockdown, how dangerous and poisonous the mRNA bioweapon injections were.
I’ve amassed over 2,500 articles and videos since. Our entire country has become, as you said, “one big rat race”. I was and I still am concerned about my grandson’s young age and the effects he’s already had in pre-k.
Our children and grandchildren are the primary targets! As Hitler said, “ Control the youth you’ll control the world”! Which is exactly what’s wrong today!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to inform people about how important social downfall has become.
Half of Americans watch MSM and haven’t any idea what’s happening. They believe, lock, stock and barrel, the entire MSM narrative.
The MSM is as Trump said the “Enemy of the People”! Regardless of anything about the man, his one statement is absolutely correct!
So the “rat race” we’re all running, in many different directions, is one race I can’t stop because of my grandson!
Thank you for your insight An. Each of us and all Americans must continue illuminating the dark forces trying to kill the power of “We The People”!
I'm surprised at you Meryl. I'm afraid you have swallowed the cult juice. I'm not impressed with this comment. You know it's not true for a majority of people. Being empathic isn't a crime.
Whether you belive in God or not, we all have the inate ability to know what is right and what is wrong. I've never seen a choice made on the Godly spectrum to be wrong. Though I admittedly belive in God, I don't condem people who do not, but only those who act on the side of the "UnGodly" spectrum. What's in a name? Often it's an attempt to change the essence of what is.
Would you mind further explaining what you mean by your comment? Thanks.
She cherishes her Catholic faith so much that she lies to a Supreme Court Justice AND records him without his consent all for the sake of mammon. She loves her Catholic faith like Judas did. And her 30 pieces of silver were “ the country needs to turn to Godliness. “ ???
The article states clearly that the woman (Lauren Windsor) POSED as a "conservative Catholic" woman; I haven't seen anything anywhere that says she is actually Catholic.
I wonder if Lauren Windsor the fake Catholic will receive the same legal treatment as David Daleiden the true Catholic for her undercover work. Has not Alito’s privacy been invaded and his safety endangered?
This whole situation just gets worse and worse. :( One thing if I can say is here. I live in California in Marin. Tonight I learned that Fauci is coming here to give a presentation about his new book (yuck). He is being sponsored by Dominican University and my (now former) favorite Indy bookstore. PLEASE. If any of you are local show up and protest this:
Anthony Fauci came to Seattle in 2022 to receive an award for his work with AIDS. He threw the first pitch at our Mariner’s game & guess what happened in our mostly liberal state? He was boo’ed! Not quietly, it was LOUD, and I loved it. I hope people show up for you & protest. He is horribly evil. Our gov. is even more corrupt though, and Fauci is their puppet.
Fauci's implementation of AZT for "AIDS" killed a couple hundred thousand people. For sure, he deserves kudos and awards for sterling research and development. Shorty deserves his long walk on a short pier for his AZT work.
Thanks Meryl, it is truly disturbing. Agreed, it is the story. Keep up ur amazing efforts, and ur stoic goin through reams of paperwork etc!. Your work, and those of countless others is hugely appreciated!
We are “One Nation Under God” and will hopefully act that way once again.
Justices on the Supreme Court have no obligation to abandon their own beliefs. Their obligation is to rule on the basis of whether a violation of constitutional law has occurred. Under that obligation, the only Justices that have failed are those who have substituted their own beliefs for a belief in God, i.e. the liberals on the Court!
right?! in my city, there is a billboard, with a picture of a woman in distress. it reads: "harmed by your church? we're here for you" visit (I have NOT followed this link nor do I intend to - I have no idea what it is about but one must surmise its anti-religion)
I honestly didn't believe the claims by some of a 'war on religion', until I saw THIS. (I am not at all 'religious' but was stunned & saddened to see this)
A lifeguard in LA was threatened with the loss of his long time job if he wouldn’t abandon his beliefs and raise the pride flag.
Foster parents across the country are being forced out of their roles if they don’t agree to affirm the chosen gender identity of children in their care and take them to pride events.
Bakers who choose not to create cakes with messages celebrating LGBT events are being charged as criminals and sued repeatedly.
There are lawsuits filed with the help of Christian organizations in many of these cases but many have been bankrupted and given up while others just give up rather than going through it. I believe the anti-Christian groups have decided that the process is the punishment and they love bankrupting their targets.
and one would think that there would be all kinds of push back but nah, not so much. my own sister, who considers herself a practicing Catholic, had no problem whatsoever, watching Sunday Mass online and, get this... continues to do so sometimes!! it just too convenient to 'watch' Mass from home, in your PJ's. I'm sure she is not the only one otherwise they would not still be offering it. not sure how they count that as receiving the Sacraments but no one seems to have an issue with it. I guess the practice of a millennia old faith is reduced to 'phoning it in'. its 'safer'. geez...
We have the online Mass here as well. The main purpose of it is for ill and homebound people but I suspect there are some cafeteria Catholics who take advantage.
The good thing is that we have also seen an increase in real attendance to the point where my church had to add a second Mass on Saturday evening.
cool, that's good to hear, that attendance in person is up. it certainly isn't everywhere.
yes I know exactly what you are talking about. we used to call it 'Mass for shut-ins' and it was either on a CC TV from the chapels of Catholic hospitals or broadcast TV from large cathedrals in big cities. however there is a significant difference between those traditional 'remote' venues for Mass and the online streaming of Mass, live from specific churches/parishes, to their specific congregation. the advent of this stemmed specifically from the endorsement of the leadership, the idea that 'the faithful' should be AFRAID to attend Mass. the 'watchers' are not ill themselves but allowing fear to keep them from congregating. seems sort of anathema to the Christian religion, does it not? I also heard that during the convid, Catholic priests REFUSED to perform the Last Rights on those seriously ill in the hospital! out of fear for THEMSELVES! this is NOT the Catholic church that I was brought up in.
People need to grow up in their conception of the Universe and its Creator, and also in their historical understanding of what “separation of church and state” meant when it was conceived.
Don’t see anything wrong with what he said.
Neither do I.
Neither do I.
The Nation's baseline is about the Traditional Family Oriented Judeo-Christian God...And, all documents pertaining to Govt. originate from that very premise. Have no problem with it in any way...
A family united in God is strong and creates a strong Nation of which this woman benefits.
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH JUSTICE ALITO HAVING A PERSONAL OPINION ABOUT THE GODLINESS OF OUR NATION? Is he to LIVE as though utterly neutral or speak in off-hours as though not faithful or having Faith in God.
DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ATTACK THROUGH ANY OPINION ABOUT GOD. Would be horrendous to have a Satanist/Luciferian Justice when all now appear unified under the DEMONIC U.N. UNIPARTY NAZI'S...IS EVIL IS THAT WOMAN'S IDEA OF MORAL?
The dems don't want religion in schools, yet they indocrinate kids with their own zealous religions of climate alarmism; false vaccines, and weirdo sexual fallacies.
That is part and parcel of 'Soft Unrestricted Warfare'...It's not trivial at all.
It began with a plan conceived when the united British/French Navy hiding The Black Nobility instigated The U.S. Civil War for the purpose of presenting enough weakness and distraction allowing their Military Occupation of U.S Territory. Lincoln was on to the plan and requested protection by the Russian Navy and from the Russian help guarding U.S. Ports...The Occupation was stopped.
It was then determined that the U.S. could not be Militarily Occupied following that as the third attempt at TAKEOVER in roughly 70 years. While they didn't Occupy; they did create issues with the debt as The Central Banker Families in The City of London had funded both sides of the War.
The plan by the Fabian Round Table out of Oxford began taking shape and all Wars since WWI have been to bring the U.S. under The Black Nobility Control to allow their dream of absolute power; 'World Colonization' existing long before the U.S. was ever created.
Since after WWII; they've been attacking the Family Oriented Traditional Christian Culture of the U.S. and Western World overall. It began in 1954 according to documents found in a used copying machine in 1989 belonging to a Bilderberg member and verified true. The beginning was Rock Music and Illicit Drug use presented at Rock Concerts in the late 50's. Every British and U.S. group into the 70's was MANAGED by Intelligence Agencies of GCHQ and the CIA/DOD. The 'Free Love Movement' diminishing morality pertaining to sexual behavior was all to accompany the subversion of U.S. Culture.
All the Totalitarian Govt. of the 20th Century were supported, organized and funded by the Fabians out of the U.K.; THE BLACK NOBILITY and Marx was only a ghost writer for his tomb...As all he did was define 'IMPERIALISM'; but redefining it by another name. All were experiments including Nazi Germany...Until, the enemies believe they have the CONTROL they require to not have a Conventional War in North America to take it.
What you wrote is ON TARGET...And, it's all part of the plan based upon the Chinese Mao's Youth murdering almost 100,000,000 people; mostly by starvation...THEY ARE CREATING THE YOUTH AS THE ENEMY OF THE U.S. FOR THE FASCIST/NAZI TAKEOVER.
Jewish Nazi Sypathizer Soros is the one with the NGO supporting, organizing and funding the current Antifa/BLM Militia Thugs made up of college students of wealthy parents...THE NEW MAO YOUTH MOVEMENT.
Soros doesn’t consider himself to be Jewish. His mother converted to Catholicism. Why do you feel the need to point out that he is Jewish. He is about as Jewish as a ham sandwich.
At the time of WWII; he was alledgedly a Jewish person knowing where all the Jewish people lived who he identified for Nazi Assassination Teams to murder en mass.
CLEARLY, another shallow, superficial product of the 'Common Core' Nazi's now teaching in the U.S. Educational System under the Rockefellers trying to keep people STUPID to merely work in factories. You're a propagandist TROLL specifically seeking to remove credibility from people knowing the facts of history?
Actually he went around with the SS in the Concentration camps collecting jewelry & gold from the dead victims. You have your history wrong. Don’t be so quick to call someone a troll. Has SUBSTACK sunk to such a level that insults are common practice. I think so.
No...He didn't. He's spoken of what he did.
His Mother didn't convert until AFTER WWII and his community was among the Jews; those he LED the Nazi's to, to murder while he did indeed thieve their valuables.
You're clearly not well versed with history...And, anybody supporting this Philanthropathic Demon Hiding in a Human Being Suit organizing the current troop of Fascist Antifa/BLM Militia Thug out of the Totalitarian Universitie as Student's of wealthy parents as the latest Mao's Youth ready to murder their next 100,000,000 as they did in China has another think coming.
Time to head back to 'Sugar Daddy Demon.'
Another hit piece by the MSM. How do we know it’s not a faked AI I know there is nothing to be trusted from The Rolling Stones or the NYT.
She has admitted she taped him that's why. So stop trying to make something untrue that happens to be a fact. He's a biased judge, taking stuff from clients with cases in the Supreme court's jurisdiction and he shouldn't be talking about a lack of compromise on basic issues. There's always a place for compromise. He should be impeached. In fact, the supreme court is not elected and shouldn't have the final say on many cases especially with Alito and Thomas as swing voters. This shouldn't be Repub against Dems because it's a fact of law and the Supreme courts oath. He's messed up. It's a simple as that.
Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.
The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.
Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3
SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.
Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
Just keep saying, “it’s been debunked; oh, that’s been debunked,” ad naseum like they do for every Project Veritas video recording that comes out. Don’t even bother to argue the point - they don’t, they don’t care. (And correct, there was nothing wrong with what he said.)
They even say that Geoengineering has been debunked, but it really ain't so.
Yes…funny how that works 😉
Don't you have to bunk something FIRST before it even needs debunking.
Just saying that the only common thread in all geoengineering threads I have ever seen is the intent to spread fear using any means, the data does not have to be real or even exist. A patent does not prove or suggest even an operable technology, it is merely a wish that someone has that they have an innovative idea that they can corner if the patent office believes they have invented something.
If you think globalists are rushing to engineer the weather ask why bother, it is much cheaper to get fools to promote the threat and conspiracy or altering the weather. If you look at some of the memes where 26 degC was shown as a lovely warm summer day in Europe with HAPPY green tints on the weather map in the past and same time of year with same temperatures it is now shown as SCARY red tints. No engineering needed except compliant and complicit mainstream media.
Cloud seeding is a thing and done where it is worth doing to save or support agriculture, sometimes it goes wrong but it is not free and not done frivolously. It can be used to cause rain to provide water or prevent hail, none of this is done by passenger jet liners.
You keep thinking there is something to debunk and so you promote meaningless fear narrative that is used to control everyone who does not have the time or mental acumen to actually look at the broader picture.
Would you piss in your own well? I can tell you the globalists with almost unlimited money and power will NOT DO SO even if you ascribe such stupidity to them.
Now here's the kicker, Kalle. In 2022 the US Government enacted LAW calling for a five year study of Geoengineering to supposedly combat global warming. That's the real falsehood because this was done as a coverup of what has been going on for decades. Bet you didn't see that in in the mainstream news or the law of Tennessee or the Rhode Island Geoengineering Act of 2014. The joke's on us, but not to scare us , but to participate in the most dangerous coverup in history.
Thanks for your reply, but I don't understand why you and so many others take the time and effort to prove that geoengineering does not exist. All you have to do is look at all the evidence and proof that is at which I have been following and verifying for about ten years. I witness it every day over my home in SC and have seen it in many other states
At the site iI suggest you will not only find many operable patents, but official government documents, some of which show the international cooperation between major powers needed to conduct this worldwide program. You will also find an enlightening documentary, "The Dimming," as well as recordings of humdrededs of weekly radio broadcasts that will keep you up to date on this program. If you think that that brave legislature of Tennessee outlawed geoengineering from its air space a few weeks ago because they had nothing better to do, it is not me that is being dupe, but those who see what is happening in the skys above and refuse to even look at the evidence.
There are only observations and suppositions and errors at the Wigginton site. If he had something he could prove he could run a trial in every country to show exactly where and what is being sprayed, low cost, he would even get donations from fools. Take readings on a grid of points around airports and remote regions with no flight paths AND over the sea. You will see that as you go further from dust you will see lower readings and find that the contrails in the sky are just a convenient symbol to scare people and have been happening since aeroplanes managed to fly high enough already soon after the first world war.
I have looked at the geoengineering site and read a whole bunch of the stuff because my late mother was a fan. It took a while but after showing her a scientific explanation for each of probably over a dozen claims that she forwarded to me she eventually cottoned on to the scam. It only works if you believe propaganda over science and take a claim as a fact. If you instead reserve judgement until there is proof you sit on the fence until you start to find all sorts of perfectly unconnected test results that show the opposite of some fudged test by a bad actor.
Any plans, programs, patents and news on geoengineering linked to the climate scam you can chalk up to propaganda. It does not matter if money is wasted or if famous people repeat it or are involved. The bottom line is that there are enough people ready to take money without even having a clue if they are promoting rubbish or knowing what they do that you can always find a ready academic if you have a lot of money. Remember that the program is funded by the same people who pump oil and dig coal and fund wars, they have a lot of money.
I gave my mom a pass because she was a old lady, do you have that as an excuse?
I don't appreciate your sarcasm. If you sincerely researchd the volumes of data on the site, along with the official documents and the laws passed to either stop it or cover it up, maybe you should wait until you're old enough to see right from wrong.
I am a fan of sarcasm when it is appropriate. However what I wrote was just plain speaking.
It does not matter if pretend cover ups are used to make it look like something is done, not done, covered up, censored or whatever. In much the same manner as the covid lab narrative has been done. The CDC, the FDA and others have pretended to monitor safety (harm) signals while they appear to have no purpose except to make people angry, confused, obedient, divided. The jabs were ordered from the DoD using laws in place that when under a pandemic state no safety investigations are expected or even NEEDED to be done. It is theatre.
In the same way the geoengineering patents and reports and investigations are just theatre. There to waste your time.
These people will eat themselves if we allow them too! They’ll also do anything and everything, the same way a bully picks on a kid! Because they’re all bullies! Simple deduction Dr.
Our mistake is protecting the Left from itself. High time we all borrowed a Judaic custom and sat shiva. If we have a Leftist child or grandchild, have their funeral and consider them dead. When they come home begging for money, tell them we don't talk with the dead.
Let the Left eat itself. Any who wizen up, welcome back. Those who we cannot save, are lost.
Like the rats that they have become.
Rat’s they are An K. rat’s they are!
And, as all rats must be exterminated properly, so too we must exterminate these metastasizing ilk!
For they’re spreading a deadly plague of “societal decay” being
spewed daily throughout our civilized society!
As they deceitfully brainwash they’re corrupting and indoctrinating our children and grandchildren of their sickening diseases of propaganda!
Yes An K. rats they are!
Truth be known!
Thank you An K.,
Thank you kindly!
This whole country has become one big rat race! Exploiting the people at all cost it seems.. even our children.
This system depends on money ( the root of all evil, I cannot believe I'm saying this!! But it has become clear ).
If we stop using their products, their services they will "die".
They need us, we don't need them.
We need to remember that.
It will take some hard work/ lifestyle changes and that is what people fear.. independence takes guts.
But we have done it before.
We just need to stop eating twinkies, buying stuff or drink another beer... and stop taking all those pills!!!
We can only do this by helping each other.. nobody is going to come rescue us....
Washington can't even come up with a decent candidate for presidency anymore .. all that's left seems to be degenarates and criminals.
Even our legal system seems corrupted...
You’ve hit the “nail on the head” An K.
Substack is my first ever social media platform. Someone told me about this platform when lockdowns started and I haven’t turned back.
Old school, absolutely, I wanted nothing to do with any social media platform. I found using substack, within 45 days of lockdown, how dangerous and poisonous the mRNA bioweapon injections were.
I’ve amassed over 2,500 articles and videos since. Our entire country has become, as you said, “one big rat race”. I was and I still am concerned about my grandson’s young age and the effects he’s already had in pre-k.
Our children and grandchildren are the primary targets! As Hitler said, “ Control the youth you’ll control the world”! Which is exactly what’s wrong today!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to inform people about how important social downfall has become.
Half of Americans watch MSM and haven’t any idea what’s happening. They believe, lock, stock and barrel, the entire MSM narrative.
The MSM is as Trump said the “Enemy of the People”! Regardless of anything about the man, his one statement is absolutely correct!
So the “rat race” we’re all running, in many different directions, is one race I can’t stop because of my grandson!
Thank you for your insight An. Each of us and all Americans must continue illuminating the dark forces trying to kill the power of “We The People”!
Keep safe and well An K.
Thank you!!!!! 🙌
You’re most welcome An.
It was a conversational statement which was respectful to the person wearing the wire, and must be re-contextualized to be weaponized.
Way to go, Dr. John.
And the controversy is….???
a) Pitting a christian nations against jews, muslims, etc
b) Daring to imply he might make a legal judgement due to religious or godly ramifications.
Today God, spirit, religion are no-nos, while changing your child's sex is the new religion
I agree with you, I just didn’t see that what he said was so threatening
I'm surprised at you Meryl. I'm afraid you have swallowed the cult juice. I'm not impressed with this comment. You know it's not true for a majority of people. Being empathic isn't a crime.
I was reply to "what is the controversy" and the controversy is that god is not allowed
Whether you belive in God or not, we all have the inate ability to know what is right and what is wrong. I've never seen a choice made on the Godly spectrum to be wrong. Though I admittedly belive in God, I don't condem people who do not, but only those who act on the side of the "UnGodly" spectrum. What's in a name? Often it's an attempt to change the essence of what is.
Would you mind further explaining what you mean by your comment? Thanks.
She cherishes her Catholic faith so much that she lies to a Supreme Court Justice AND records him without his consent all for the sake of mammon. She loves her Catholic faith like Judas did. And her 30 pieces of silver were “ the country needs to turn to Godliness. “ ???
The article states clearly that the woman (Lauren Windsor) POSED as a "conservative Catholic" woman; I haven't seen anything anywhere that says she is actually Catholic.
I wonder if Lauren Windsor the fake Catholic will receive the same legal treatment as David Daleiden the true Catholic for her undercover work. Has not Alito’s privacy been invaded and his safety endangered?
This whole situation just gets worse and worse. :( One thing if I can say is here. I live in California in Marin. Tonight I learned that Fauci is coming here to give a presentation about his new book (yuck). He is being sponsored by Dominican University and my (now former) favorite Indy bookstore. PLEASE. If any of you are local show up and protest this:
Anthony Fauci came to Seattle in 2022 to receive an award for his work with AIDS. He threw the first pitch at our Mariner’s game & guess what happened in our mostly liberal state? He was boo’ed! Not quietly, it was LOUD, and I loved it. I hope people show up for you & protest. He is horribly evil. Our gov. is even more corrupt though, and Fauci is their puppet.
Fauci's implementation of AZT for "AIDS" killed a couple hundred thousand people. For sure, he deserves kudos and awards for sterling research and development. Shorty deserves his long walk on a short pier for his AZT work.
We need to tell everyone to read RFK's book "The Real Anthony Fauci".
A real eye opener.
The weasel should have been jailed long before the covid plandemic.
...Windsor's remark doesn't seem to make any sense, Meryl and is devoid of any context! ...she's just blowin 'wind'...
Yes she is. And yet the NYT decided this was Breathless Breaking News.
THAT is the story. Very disturbing.’s goin a bit like this Meryl… … 😂😂😂...
Thanks Meryl, it is truly disturbing. Agreed, it is the story. Keep up ur amazing efforts, and ur stoic goin through reams of paperwork etc!. Your work, and those of countless others is hugely appreciated!
BREAKING: Christian has Christian beliefs
Sad! I guess the Justices will be very careful with those they don’t know! Awful, to entrap him. Isn’t that illegal?!?!
The guy can believe in God and still apply the law! What's problem?!
We are “One Nation Under God” and will hopefully act that way once again.
Justices on the Supreme Court have no obligation to abandon their own beliefs. Their obligation is to rule on the basis of whether a violation of constitutional law has occurred. Under that obligation, the only Justices that have failed are those who have substituted their own beliefs for a belief in God, i.e. the liberals on the Court!
right?! in my city, there is a billboard, with a picture of a woman in distress. it reads: "harmed by your church? we're here for you" visit (I have NOT followed this link nor do I intend to - I have no idea what it is about but one must surmise its anti-religion)
I honestly didn't believe the claims by some of a 'war on religion', until I saw THIS. (I am not at all 'religious' but was stunned & saddened to see this)
There is indeed a war on religion here.
A lifeguard in LA was threatened with the loss of his long time job if he wouldn’t abandon his beliefs and raise the pride flag.
Foster parents across the country are being forced out of their roles if they don’t agree to affirm the chosen gender identity of children in their care and take them to pride events.
Bakers who choose not to create cakes with messages celebrating LGBT events are being charged as criminals and sued repeatedly.
There are lawsuits filed with the help of Christian organizations in many of these cases but many have been bankrupted and given up while others just give up rather than going through it. I believe the anti-Christian groups have decided that the process is the punishment and they love bankrupting their targets.
and one would think that there would be all kinds of push back but nah, not so much. my own sister, who considers herself a practicing Catholic, had no problem whatsoever, watching Sunday Mass online and, get this... continues to do so sometimes!! it just too convenient to 'watch' Mass from home, in your PJ's. I'm sure she is not the only one otherwise they would not still be offering it. not sure how they count that as receiving the Sacraments but no one seems to have an issue with it. I guess the practice of a millennia old faith is reduced to 'phoning it in'. its 'safer'. geez...
We have the online Mass here as well. The main purpose of it is for ill and homebound people but I suspect there are some cafeteria Catholics who take advantage.
The good thing is that we have also seen an increase in real attendance to the point where my church had to add a second Mass on Saturday evening.
cool, that's good to hear, that attendance in person is up. it certainly isn't everywhere.
yes I know exactly what you are talking about. we used to call it 'Mass for shut-ins' and it was either on a CC TV from the chapels of Catholic hospitals or broadcast TV from large cathedrals in big cities. however there is a significant difference between those traditional 'remote' venues for Mass and the online streaming of Mass, live from specific churches/parishes, to their specific congregation. the advent of this stemmed specifically from the endorsement of the leadership, the idea that 'the faithful' should be AFRAID to attend Mass. the 'watchers' are not ill themselves but allowing fear to keep them from congregating. seems sort of anathema to the Christian religion, does it not? I also heard that during the convid, Catholic priests REFUSED to perform the Last Rights on those seriously ill in the hospital! out of fear for THEMSELVES! this is NOT the Catholic church that I was brought up in.
God ≠ church. Church ≠ God.
It’s separation of *church* and state.
People need to grow up in their conception of the Universe and its Creator, and also in their historical understanding of what “separation of church and state” meant when it was conceived.
Yes, let each institution make its own rules., as long as the are right and just.
Please go further and explain. It seems to have been lost to this audience.