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The Nation's baseline is about the Traditional Family Oriented Judeo-Christian God...And, all documents pertaining to Govt. originate from that very premise. Have no problem with it in any way...

A family united in God is strong and creates a strong Nation of which this woman benefits.

WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH JUSTICE ALITO HAVING A PERSONAL OPINION ABOUT THE GODLINESS OF OUR NATION? Is he to LIVE as though utterly neutral or speak in off-hours as though not faithful or having Faith in God.

DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ATTACK THROUGH ANY OPINION ABOUT GOD. Would be horrendous to have a Satanist/Luciferian Justice when all now appear unified under the DEMONIC U.N. UNIPARTY NAZI'S...IS EVIL IS THAT WOMAN'S IDEA OF MORAL?

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The dems don't want religion in schools, yet they indocrinate kids with their own zealous religions of climate alarmism; false vaccines, and weirdo sexual fallacies.

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That is part and parcel of 'Soft Unrestricted Warfare'...It's not trivial at all.

It began with a plan conceived when the united British/French Navy hiding The Black Nobility instigated The U.S. Civil War for the purpose of presenting enough weakness and distraction allowing their Military Occupation of U.S Territory. Lincoln was on to the plan and requested protection by the Russian Navy and from the Russian help guarding U.S. Ports...The Occupation was stopped.

It was then determined that the U.S. could not be Militarily Occupied following that as the third attempt at TAKEOVER in roughly 70 years. While they didn't Occupy; they did create issues with the debt as The Central Banker Families in The City of London had funded both sides of the War.

The plan by the Fabian Round Table out of Oxford began taking shape and all Wars since WWI have been to bring the U.S. under The Black Nobility Control to allow their dream of absolute power; 'World Colonization' existing long before the U.S. was ever created.

Since after WWII; they've been attacking the Family Oriented Traditional Christian Culture of the U.S. and Western World overall. It began in 1954 according to documents found in a used copying machine in 1989 belonging to a Bilderberg member and verified true. The beginning was Rock Music and Illicit Drug use presented at Rock Concerts in the late 50's. Every British and U.S. group into the 70's was MANAGED by Intelligence Agencies of GCHQ and the CIA/DOD. The 'Free Love Movement' diminishing morality pertaining to sexual behavior was all to accompany the subversion of U.S. Culture.

All the Totalitarian Govt. of the 20th Century were supported, organized and funded by the Fabians out of the U.K.; THE BLACK NOBILITY and Marx was only a ghost writer for his tomb...As all he did was define 'IMPERIALISM'; but redefining it by another name. All were experiments including Nazi Germany...Until, the enemies believe they have the CONTROL they require to not have a Conventional War in North America to take it.

What you wrote is ON TARGET...And, it's all part of the plan based upon the Chinese Mao's Youth murdering almost 100,000,000 people; mostly by starvation...THEY ARE CREATING THE YOUTH AS THE ENEMY OF THE U.S. FOR THE FASCIST/NAZI TAKEOVER.

Jewish Nazi Sypathizer Soros is the one with the NGO supporting, organizing and funding the current Antifa/BLM Militia Thugs made up of college students of wealthy parents...THE NEW MAO YOUTH MOVEMENT.

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Soros doesn’t consider himself to be Jewish. His mother converted to Catholicism. Why do you feel the need to point out that he is Jewish. He is about as Jewish as a ham sandwich.

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At the time of WWII; he was alledgedly a Jewish person knowing where all the Jewish people lived who he identified for Nazi Assassination Teams to murder en mass.

CLEARLY, another shallow, superficial product of the 'Common Core' Nazi's now teaching in the U.S. Educational System under the Rockefellers trying to keep people STUPID to merely work in factories. You're a propagandist TROLL specifically seeking to remove credibility from people knowing the facts of history?


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Actually he went around with the SS in the Concentration camps collecting jewelry & gold from the dead victims. You have your history wrong. Don’t be so quick to call someone a troll. Has SUBSTACK sunk to such a level that insults are common practice. I think so.

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No...He didn't. He's spoken of what he did.

His Mother didn't convert until AFTER WWII and his community was among the Jews; those he LED the Nazi's to, to murder while he did indeed thieve their valuables.

You're clearly not well versed with history...And, anybody supporting this Philanthropathic Demon Hiding in a Human Being Suit organizing the current troop of Fascist Antifa/BLM Militia Thug out of the Totalitarian Universitie as Student's of wealthy parents as the latest Mao's Youth ready to murder their next 100,000,000 as they did in China has another think coming.

Time to head back to 'Sugar Daddy Demon.'

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