Last night, a friend of mine told me he's moved from wanting to fight (physically) what he considers to be his opposition to seeing what's happening as God's plan which is, therefore, futile to resist. My other friends don't even want to think about what's happening because it dampens their happiness. One of them said he feels sorry for our grandchildren. I asked him why he thinks it will take that long. He had no defense of his assumption. He's one of the guys that intentionally remains ignorant of current events to stay happy. And yet he thinks he knows how long it will take to get bad. Mind-boggling.
It’s sad Jeff to hear, rather read what you said about your friend, and other friends, especially the last part of your post which I cut and pasted next:
“And yet he thinks he knows how long it will take to get bad. Mind-boggling.”
It’s already bad! The ground work has been laid by those seeking to “enslave & destroy” our way of life and all people’s way of life!
What’s happening is not isolated here in America. The same “divide & conquer” strategies have been applied throughout the Western World Nations! Some nations like the UK, France, Canada for example are involved heavily, all have the same tactics being “forced” upon the masses.
America is unique, simply because Americans own firearms! Along with other obstacles, which is why we’re behind, rather a “tougher nut”compared to other nations.
Those who have already passed due to the forced
“Bioweapon Injections” my prayers go out to all and their surviving families.
Those of us still alive, still fighting, as best as we can, mustn’t give up! I’m battling for my 4 year old grandson and all people of the world! All of us must not give up! That’s exactly what the “Globalist Elites” want!
Humanity’s greatest past and future achievements, are many! But not our willingness to “throw-in-the-towel”! We must make many sacrifices and battle for our children, our grandchildren and “Good & Decent” people of all walks of life!
WWIII has already begun! We cannot surrender without a fight! Even small steps, as in your post Jeff, is very important and part of fighting back against these “Evildoers”!
Now, more than ever your friends as mine must understand what’s happening! It is the only way now we can “give back” and fight back, for our children and grandchildren!
Especially when, so many people like your friends make it seem like there’s nothing we can do and or so nonchalant about it all.
Thank you Jeff for sharing your thoughts. Seemingly small yes, when combined, no!
I agree that we need to resist by all honorable means available to us, AJR. Praying for us all.
All those friends know where I stand. And the one worried about his grandkids agrees with us about the vaccines. But apparently they don't think praying PLUS collective action can be effective, apparently. But I think that if everyone who gave up that way would act in concert with us, we could be a real force to contend with.
Absolutely Jeff. “Power in Numbers” and “Power In Prayer”.
I must have as clear mind before I leave this earth. Doing something, anything is better than nothing. Most people know this.
I worry most for my Grandson and all younger people today. Most aren’t aware of what’s happening. Many of people my age believe that if Trump wins everything will be over.
One, that’s a big if Trump wins.
Two, there’s been so much damage done already, even those who follow understand we are lucky if we can see 20% or what’s been done. Most we don’t know about and won’t until something happens and it’s uncovered in the legislation that was passed, unknown to most.
Thank you Jeff. I understand exactly what you’re saying and we can’t give up without ever trying. Seems ludicrous to me.
My pleasure. All we can do, within our own sphere's of influence is to try and enlighten as many as who are willing to listen and consider. Is this daunting? You bet as the world has never witnessed an evil of this magnitude and by that I mean all around the world and at the very same time as, essentially, "leaders" (I use that term loosely) have sold out their own citizens and declared war upon us because they have sold their collective souls to the globalist goons. It might just be that this has to play out and it might well bring the end. This is nothing less than an open invitation from God Almighty (yes, I said God for all of those who'll want to accost me for those views) to amend their lives and turn back to their Creator. If that were to occur He would act and of that I have no question. Question being if and how many will accept the invite? God bless and be well.
ts1213, you split the nail below! That’s exactly what all of us need to do.
The more people who understand the simplicity of what you said above and are willing to understand what’s happening must turn back their wicked ways of temptations! Back to God, I believe who’s a loving and caring God!
Many people became caught in “Satans Trap”! I have little to no religious background and or teachings. But what I do have is faith and my love for Jesus Christ!
It’s inspiring to me when I read how others feel about Jesus. I was very young when my father removed my younger brother and myself from catechism. So I grew up not understanding anything about religion, any religion. What I learned was this:
“Good vs Evil”! my heart knew there’s only one way to live in this world, which was through “Goodwill”! Treat others fairly as I want to be treated. It wasn’t complicated IMO.
Fast forward to today and it’s become quite clear how much “Evil” has overcome “Good”.
We must all fight the “Evilness” and the only way I know how is to simply ask God for help! As you have written in your original reply to me.
No forcing or making others believe that “Goodness” is “Good”, if people choose to be “evil” and rotten then they’ll “reap what they sow”!
One thing is clear, the world has gone mad! Evilness has a hold on many millions of people. Though there’s more “Good & Decent” people, we’re being attacked! Primarily because, Christianity in its simplest form is “Good”!
Evilness literally must destroy anyone or anything “Good”! Which is now become our
“Spiritually Awakening Wars” we’re watching play out all over the world!
Which is why I said earlier, “Don’t hide your beliefs or ever be ashamed to speak about them”!
That’s what evil wants! They want all of us to follow Satans wicked ways! We must “Not Comply”! No matter what!
I can’t, I won’t, not ever again! I learned the hard way and never again will I take the easy way out!
You said it perfectly ts1213 below and I felt compelled to let you know again as you wrote perfectly:
“All we can do, within our own sphere's of influence is to try and enlighten as many as who are willing to listen and consider”!
Never feel nor be ashamed of your beliefs ts1213 and or for what you hold dear and believe in!
Although, Christianity is under nonstop attack, all the more reason “WE MUST STAND UP” and against these evil monsters!
I agree with you to the letter ta1213. You’ve written, in different words, my exact message I have written numerous times on substack.
I am convinced our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is allowing and will not step in to change, what must play out!
We are in a “Spiritual War” or an “Spiritual Awakening” for the exact reason you mentioned in your post ts1213. People must turn away from “Satan”! Some will and others won’t!
America has become, a modern
day “Sodom and Gomorrah”! Americans / America has broken our covenant with God and in doing so, many people will suffer because they’ve turned away from and turned towards “Satan”!
Others, those of us who “BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST” must understand, Jesus is the “ONLY WAY”! There’s no way we’re going back to how we remember life in America.
Certainly not before these “Commicrats” began publicly shaming, calling out, murdering “Unborn Babies” as if the “Unborn Child” was guilty of some heinous act! More unborn babies are literally murdered!
The “ONLY GUILT” rest with these murderous “Commicrats” for many decades of
“lying to themselves” and acting as if they are the victims! It’s nauseating to know end!
I am so sick of how blatantly in your face these people are! I dealt with them all during lockdowns! Why, as network Technician, was my job considered “essential”?. How laughable! Nevertheless, I was screamed at repeatedly by these idiots liberal clowns, because my “Useless Mask” was on my lip!
Yes I have had it ts1213! I had to “bite my tongue” simply because my customers said so! Without any proof mask worked! Which they DON’T! Now, more than half of these same “WACKADOS” are no longer employed. I’m not sure why. They couldn’t wait to get their next “BOOSTER SHOT”! They acted as if they were “Holier than Though” for believing a“Bioweapon Injection” was their “Savior”! I can’t say why they’re no longer employed.
Thank you ts1213 for your insight. I certainly appreciate your thoughts and how you share the “exact truth”! We all must take a stand to stop this madness as best as we can!
Did you or I write all that? It seems you've written my thoughts out from words that resonate perfectly. Great post, AJR!
Not a lot to add to your wisdom, but just this one, very important thing: The underlying theme of "evil" and the non-intervention of Jesus Christ in this chaotic world
seems to point to a future condition in your mind, that has great potential to derail or mislead. Allow me to explain. Stay open here!
There is a confirmed "plan" of Satan to bring about a deception which is slated to cause many to sin against God's Commandment(s).
A. Develop a "church-state" which will favor the "Christian" mindset
B. Implement the "state's power" to uphold a "law" which the Roman
Catholic System has mindfully ordained as God's "holy day," but in
fact is just another normal day i.e. Sun-day. (The Pagan day of the
Sun, which the "Mother Church" calls "venerable.") She admits
quite boldly that it is her "Mark" of ecclesiastic authority!
C. Cause social chaos though the dirty deeds of the Church's militant
arm, known as the Jesuit Society. Instruct her loyal "soldiers" by an
oath, to infiltrate and control every aspect of gov and societies
around the world. This has been done. Put a fork in it!
D. Cause social unrest in societies, governments, nations, and families
so as to disrupt, divide, and promote hatred therein, thereby
causing widespread disgust with secularism (atheism) and the
chaos it brings. The people will then naturally look for relief of all
the suffering and pain. Much like the "pendulum effect," they will
seek out a "spiritual leader,"
one who has been calling for peace, while behind the scenes,
has been seeding the soil with land mines and pagan doctrines.
Always wearing white, she (the leader of the Mother church) pawns
herself off as innocent, but is actually the devil's handmaid.
E. Bring about the concept of a day of earth's REST, which will
naturally be SUN-day, and sell it as being a dictate from God
F. Observe how the masses will flock to the lie, most of whom will
demand that a law be passed, so that the "plagues" and trials and
tribulations which have been occurring on the planet may cease.
G. Work though the infiltrated Jesuits (which are in all Gov positions)
to accommodate the people's request.
H. Go to mass, and worship the devil for accomplishing his plan.
These are not MY plans or thoughts. This outline is lacking details and much more in terms of its origin, and ending. But generally is sound.
If any of the readers here are set off by this, please note that it all has to do with prophetic insight and nothing to do with one's personal redemption found in Christ alone. We are always given free choice to believe or disbelieve.
The conditions that prevail and are escalating from bad to worse simply CANNOT be swallowed as "chance" or a natural progression of mankind's "evolution." Aren't we supposed to be graduating and not degenerating; becoming more thoughtful and compassionate and unified?
If not for the infiltrated evil, I would think we would.
Oh man Jeff, I have encountered the "God's plan" people my entire life. I'm 60, and was hearing this *excuse* to be lazy when I was 18 years old and speaking out about the hell I saw sneaking into every corner of our lives and our country. If a person is a true believer and reads Matthew 24, Jesus lays out exactly what we should be doing in preparation for His return. Giving up and saying, "It's God's plan" is not mentioned at all. There are numerous other examples of our *duty* to be on guard and fighting evil right up until the end. The parable of the talents can even be applied here. The servant who buried the money his master gave him was killed because he didn't use his talents to gain interest for his master. I would add that the very reason we are where we are right now is because for decades now, "Christians" have said, "it's all God's plan" or another favorite "I'll just pray about it". My blood boils! I better stop here because I would end up writing an essay. I feel your frustration. And, for those of us who believe, our happiness comes from God and the joy we have in our salvation and eventual eternal life. *Not* from everything going perfectly in the world. What a sad state of affairs my friend.
We are living in a world which very much resembles Orwell's 1984. We are constantly watched, fed fake food, drugged, told what to believe, censorship everywhere, hate speech on all sides, and constant, never-ending wars. I recently had a long chat (at a local barbecue in a German neighborhood where we live) with a charming lady who is working for NATO. She knew nothing about the Minsk Accords, almost nothing about the long term history of Russia or the Soviet Union, nothing at all about any of the news coming out of alternative media about the terrible disability and mortality statistics connected with the coerced Covid "vaccine", nothing about the actual military actions in the Ukraine war or the politics and history behind Israel's genocide. She said she would be very worried about getting such news from sources other than the EU government because it could endanger her job. I'll try to get a copy of 1984 for her to read, if she would read it.
@Ellen: I'm not all knowledgeable on Isrial's response to a murdering act of war/ missal attack and invasion! (To sweep Jews from the desert to the sea, then the rest of us infidels.) BUT can you tell me what the USA did to Japan just for dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor? Was fire bombing Toykeo etc. and nuking Herosoma and Nagasaki an act of "genocide" [as you people like to say?] Please explain! With love. Steve
I disagree altogether with our policies regarding Japan. We threatened and bullied them, loudly and publicly claimed that we were planning to firebomb Tokyo and other cities too. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the result of immensely threatening behavior by the US. The Japanese government felt it had no other reasonable option. As to the bombing of Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, this was the US showing how horribly it could kill and maim an immense number of people with its new atomic bomb. I feel deeply ashamed of what we did. Also ashamed of the way we and the UK played brinksmanship with Germany before the Third Reich. Cable communication between Germany and US was cut by the UK and the US so the German government had no way to respond to the vicious anti-German propaganda blitz by the UK and the US. The Treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI held Germany totally responsible for the war, and imposed extremely harsh and unfair penalties on Germany devastated by war. Small wonder Germany responded as it did.
No way do I agree with any form of war or warlike behavior. But when a country is pushed over the red line by powers pushing the limits, eager to elicit a furious response, can we lay the blame 100% on the country who responds to threats, broken promises, insults, onerous treaties based on vengeance, and incursions into territory? Look at what has happened in the Ukraine. According to the Minsk Accords, when Gorbachev returned East Germany to West Germany, Germany's Chancellor Merkel and US President Reagan promised to advance NATO "not one inch further" toward Russian borders. They lied, laughed off the treaty and ever since have pushed NATO further and further north and east toward Russia. Putin had no choice but to respond to US brinksmanship and has been quite moderate in his response, considering what he could do, and what his advisers, and the citizens of Russia are clamoring for him to so. And the US blowing up of the Nordstream Pipeline is an additional crime on top of many others, designed to drag Europe into an ever more bloody, pointless, and unwinnable conflict. The US has become a war criminal nation. It is time the US military industrial complex is taken down.
I'm Japanese, and my mother said that during World War II the military told us to "make spears out of bamboo and fight to the death." Japan was surrounded by the sea, so we couldn't escape even if we wanted to. If you opposed the military, you were sentenced to death or, at best, to prison with torture. The military completely ignored warnings from the US that they would drop a new type of bomb.
I would like to say that if those who died in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki feel resentful, they should blame the at the time Japanese military. I believe that if they hadn't dropped the atomic bomb, we would still be slaves to the military.
However, I believe that the root cause of the current vaccine policy is the US Bill Gates, his stooge Tedros, and the pharmaceutical companies' fear-mongering by Information Censorship.
A man named Fujiwara, who was instructed by the CDC to return to Japan while studying in the US, has infiltrated Japan's PMDA (equivalent to the FDA). This man has publicly stated that "my job is to quickly approve the vaccine." In Japan, only soldiers, police officers, and some gangsters (through smuggling) are allowed to own guns, so even if I wanted to kill this guy, I cann't.
Always something of important information from Meryl, we really need info to let us know what's going on. If the government in the UK had not taken my winter fuel payment away I would have paid to be a full member of Meryl's substack. ❗
Last night, a friend of mine told me he's moved from wanting to fight (physically) what he considers to be his opposition to seeing what's happening as God's plan which is, therefore, futile to resist. My other friends don't even want to think about what's happening because it dampens their happiness. One of them said he feels sorry for our grandchildren. I asked him why he thinks it will take that long. He had no defense of his assumption. He's one of the guys that intentionally remains ignorant of current events to stay happy. And yet he thinks he knows how long it will take to get bad. Mind-boggling.
It’s sad Jeff to hear, rather read what you said about your friend, and other friends, especially the last part of your post which I cut and pasted next:
“And yet he thinks he knows how long it will take to get bad. Mind-boggling.”
It’s already bad! The ground work has been laid by those seeking to “enslave & destroy” our way of life and all people’s way of life!
What’s happening is not isolated here in America. The same “divide & conquer” strategies have been applied throughout the Western World Nations! Some nations like the UK, France, Canada for example are involved heavily, all have the same tactics being “forced” upon the masses.
America is unique, simply because Americans own firearms! Along with other obstacles, which is why we’re behind, rather a “tougher nut”compared to other nations.
Those who have already passed due to the forced
“Bioweapon Injections” my prayers go out to all and their surviving families.
Those of us still alive, still fighting, as best as we can, mustn’t give up! I’m battling for my 4 year old grandson and all people of the world! All of us must not give up! That’s exactly what the “Globalist Elites” want!
Humanity’s greatest past and future achievements, are many! But not our willingness to “throw-in-the-towel”! We must make many sacrifices and battle for our children, our grandchildren and “Good & Decent” people of all walks of life!
WWIII has already begun! We cannot surrender without a fight! Even small steps, as in your post Jeff, is very important and part of fighting back against these “Evildoers”!
Now, more than ever your friends as mine must understand what’s happening! It is the only way now we can “give back” and fight back, for our children and grandchildren!
Especially when, so many people like your friends make it seem like there’s nothing we can do and or so nonchalant about it all.
Thank you Jeff for sharing your thoughts. Seemingly small yes, when combined, no!
I agree that we need to resist by all honorable means available to us, AJR. Praying for us all.
All those friends know where I stand. And the one worried about his grandkids agrees with us about the vaccines. But apparently they don't think praying PLUS collective action can be effective, apparently. But I think that if everyone who gave up that way would act in concert with us, we could be a real force to contend with.
Absolutely Jeff. “Power in Numbers” and “Power In Prayer”.
I must have as clear mind before I leave this earth. Doing something, anything is better than nothing. Most people know this.
I worry most for my Grandson and all younger people today. Most aren’t aware of what’s happening. Many of people my age believe that if Trump wins everything will be over.
One, that’s a big if Trump wins.
Two, there’s been so much damage done already, even those who follow understand we are lucky if we can see 20% or what’s been done. Most we don’t know about and won’t until something happens and it’s uncovered in the legislation that was passed, unknown to most.
Thank you Jeff. I understand exactly what you’re saying and we can’t give up without ever trying. Seems ludicrous to me.
Thank you ts1213, for your kind word’.
The deeper I go the crazier I become. Not in a negative way whatsoever, in a “leave us alone” way.
I do appreciate your reply posting.
My pleasure. All we can do, within our own sphere's of influence is to try and enlighten as many as who are willing to listen and consider. Is this daunting? You bet as the world has never witnessed an evil of this magnitude and by that I mean all around the world and at the very same time as, essentially, "leaders" (I use that term loosely) have sold out their own citizens and declared war upon us because they have sold their collective souls to the globalist goons. It might just be that this has to play out and it might well bring the end. This is nothing less than an open invitation from God Almighty (yes, I said God for all of those who'll want to accost me for those views) to amend their lives and turn back to their Creator. If that were to occur He would act and of that I have no question. Question being if and how many will accept the invite? God bless and be well.
ts1213, you split the nail below! That’s exactly what all of us need to do.
The more people who understand the simplicity of what you said above and are willing to understand what’s happening must turn back their wicked ways of temptations! Back to God, I believe who’s a loving and caring God!
Many people became caught in “Satans Trap”! I have little to no religious background and or teachings. But what I do have is faith and my love for Jesus Christ!
It’s inspiring to me when I read how others feel about Jesus. I was very young when my father removed my younger brother and myself from catechism. So I grew up not understanding anything about religion, any religion. What I learned was this:
“Good vs Evil”! my heart knew there’s only one way to live in this world, which was through “Goodwill”! Treat others fairly as I want to be treated. It wasn’t complicated IMO.
Fast forward to today and it’s become quite clear how much “Evil” has overcome “Good”.
We must all fight the “Evilness” and the only way I know how is to simply ask God for help! As you have written in your original reply to me.
No forcing or making others believe that “Goodness” is “Good”, if people choose to be “evil” and rotten then they’ll “reap what they sow”!
One thing is clear, the world has gone mad! Evilness has a hold on many millions of people. Though there’s more “Good & Decent” people, we’re being attacked! Primarily because, Christianity in its simplest form is “Good”!
Evilness literally must destroy anyone or anything “Good”! Which is now become our
“Spiritually Awakening Wars” we’re watching play out all over the world!
Which is why I said earlier, “Don’t hide your beliefs or ever be ashamed to speak about them”!
That’s what evil wants! They want all of us to follow Satans wicked ways! We must “Not Comply”! No matter what!
I can’t, I won’t, not ever again! I learned the hard way and never again will I take the easy way out!
You said it perfectly ts1213 below and I felt compelled to let you know again as you wrote perfectly:
“All we can do, within our own sphere's of influence is to try and enlighten as many as who are willing to listen and consider”!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Never feel nor be ashamed of your beliefs ts1213 and or for what you hold dear and believe in!
Although, Christianity is under nonstop attack, all the more reason “WE MUST STAND UP” and against these evil monsters!
I agree with you to the letter ta1213. You’ve written, in different words, my exact message I have written numerous times on substack.
I am convinced our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is allowing and will not step in to change, what must play out!
We are in a “Spiritual War” or an “Spiritual Awakening” for the exact reason you mentioned in your post ts1213. People must turn away from “Satan”! Some will and others won’t!
America has become, a modern
day “Sodom and Gomorrah”! Americans / America has broken our covenant with God and in doing so, many people will suffer because they’ve turned away from and turned towards “Satan”!
Others, those of us who “BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST” must understand, Jesus is the “ONLY WAY”! There’s no way we’re going back to how we remember life in America.
Certainly not before these “Commicrats” began publicly shaming, calling out, murdering “Unborn Babies” as if the “Unborn Child” was guilty of some heinous act! More unborn babies are literally murdered!
The “ONLY GUILT” rest with these murderous “Commicrats” for many decades of
“lying to themselves” and acting as if they are the victims! It’s nauseating to know end!
I am so sick of how blatantly in your face these people are! I dealt with them all during lockdowns! Why, as network Technician, was my job considered “essential”?. How laughable! Nevertheless, I was screamed at repeatedly by these idiots liberal clowns, because my “Useless Mask” was on my lip!
Yes I have had it ts1213! I had to “bite my tongue” simply because my customers said so! Without any proof mask worked! Which they DON’T! Now, more than half of these same “WACKADOS” are no longer employed. I’m not sure why. They couldn’t wait to get their next “BOOSTER SHOT”! They acted as if they were “Holier than Though” for believing a“Bioweapon Injection” was their “Savior”! I can’t say why they’re no longer employed.
Thank you ts1213 for your insight. I certainly appreciate your thoughts and how you share the “exact truth”! We all must take a stand to stop this madness as best as we can!
May God Bless you and your family ts1213!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Did you or I write all that? It seems you've written my thoughts out from words that resonate perfectly. Great post, AJR!
Not a lot to add to your wisdom, but just this one, very important thing: The underlying theme of "evil" and the non-intervention of Jesus Christ in this chaotic world
seems to point to a future condition in your mind, that has great potential to derail or mislead. Allow me to explain. Stay open here!
There is a confirmed "plan" of Satan to bring about a deception which is slated to cause many to sin against God's Commandment(s).
A. Develop a "church-state" which will favor the "Christian" mindset
B. Implement the "state's power" to uphold a "law" which the Roman
Catholic System has mindfully ordained as God's "holy day," but in
fact is just another normal day i.e. Sun-day. (The Pagan day of the
Sun, which the "Mother Church" calls "venerable.") She admits
quite boldly that it is her "Mark" of ecclesiastic authority!
C. Cause social chaos though the dirty deeds of the Church's militant
arm, known as the Jesuit Society. Instruct her loyal "soldiers" by an
oath, to infiltrate and control every aspect of gov and societies
around the world. This has been done. Put a fork in it!
D. Cause social unrest in societies, governments, nations, and families
so as to disrupt, divide, and promote hatred therein, thereby
causing widespread disgust with secularism (atheism) and the
chaos it brings. The people will then naturally look for relief of all
the suffering and pain. Much like the "pendulum effect," they will
seek out a "spiritual leader,"
one who has been calling for peace, while behind the scenes,
has been seeding the soil with land mines and pagan doctrines.
Always wearing white, she (the leader of the Mother church) pawns
herself off as innocent, but is actually the devil's handmaid.
E. Bring about the concept of a day of earth's REST, which will
naturally be SUN-day, and sell it as being a dictate from God
F. Observe how the masses will flock to the lie, most of whom will
demand that a law be passed, so that the "plagues" and trials and
tribulations which have been occurring on the planet may cease.
G. Work though the infiltrated Jesuits (which are in all Gov positions)
to accommodate the people's request.
H. Go to mass, and worship the devil for accomplishing his plan.
These are not MY plans or thoughts. This outline is lacking details and much more in terms of its origin, and ending. But generally is sound.
If any of the readers here are set off by this, please note that it all has to do with prophetic insight and nothing to do with one's personal redemption found in Christ alone. We are always given free choice to believe or disbelieve.
The conditions that prevail and are escalating from bad to worse simply CANNOT be swallowed as "chance" or a natural progression of mankind's "evolution." Aren't we supposed to be graduating and not degenerating; becoming more thoughtful and compassionate and unified?
If not for the infiltrated evil, I would think we would.
These are my thoughts.
Willful ignorance is an excuse to act selfishly, and therefore is a kind of sin. In a person in a related professional capacity, its arguably a crime.
The propaganda, censorship and psyops, that we are all subjected to, are intended partly to normalize this sin.
Oh man Jeff, I have encountered the "God's plan" people my entire life. I'm 60, and was hearing this *excuse* to be lazy when I was 18 years old and speaking out about the hell I saw sneaking into every corner of our lives and our country. If a person is a true believer and reads Matthew 24, Jesus lays out exactly what we should be doing in preparation for His return. Giving up and saying, "It's God's plan" is not mentioned at all. There are numerous other examples of our *duty* to be on guard and fighting evil right up until the end. The parable of the talents can even be applied here. The servant who buried the money his master gave him was killed because he didn't use his talents to gain interest for his master. I would add that the very reason we are where we are right now is because for decades now, "Christians" have said, "it's all God's plan" or another favorite "I'll just pray about it". My blood boils! I better stop here because I would end up writing an essay. I feel your frustration. And, for those of us who believe, our happiness comes from God and the joy we have in our salvation and eventual eternal life. *Not* from everything going perfectly in the world. What a sad state of affairs my friend.
We need ways of describing what is happening to us, ways that make intuitive sense, and it being intuitive is also a kind of test of the descriptions.
We are living in a world which very much resembles Orwell's 1984. We are constantly watched, fed fake food, drugged, told what to believe, censorship everywhere, hate speech on all sides, and constant, never-ending wars. I recently had a long chat (at a local barbecue in a German neighborhood where we live) with a charming lady who is working for NATO. She knew nothing about the Minsk Accords, almost nothing about the long term history of Russia or the Soviet Union, nothing at all about any of the news coming out of alternative media about the terrible disability and mortality statistics connected with the coerced Covid "vaccine", nothing about the actual military actions in the Ukraine war or the politics and history behind Israel's genocide. She said she would be very worried about getting such news from sources other than the EU government because it could endanger her job. I'll try to get a copy of 1984 for her to read, if she would read it.
@Ellen: I'm not all knowledgeable on Isrial's response to a murdering act of war/ missal attack and invasion! (To sweep Jews from the desert to the sea, then the rest of us infidels.) BUT can you tell me what the USA did to Japan just for dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor? Was fire bombing Toykeo etc. and nuking Herosoma and Nagasaki an act of "genocide" [as you people like to say?] Please explain! With love. Steve
I disagree altogether with our policies regarding Japan. We threatened and bullied them, loudly and publicly claimed that we were planning to firebomb Tokyo and other cities too. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the result of immensely threatening behavior by the US. The Japanese government felt it had no other reasonable option. As to the bombing of Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, this was the US showing how horribly it could kill and maim an immense number of people with its new atomic bomb. I feel deeply ashamed of what we did. Also ashamed of the way we and the UK played brinksmanship with Germany before the Third Reich. Cable communication between Germany and US was cut by the UK and the US so the German government had no way to respond to the vicious anti-German propaganda blitz by the UK and the US. The Treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI held Germany totally responsible for the war, and imposed extremely harsh and unfair penalties on Germany devastated by war. Small wonder Germany responded as it did.
No way do I agree with any form of war or warlike behavior. But when a country is pushed over the red line by powers pushing the limits, eager to elicit a furious response, can we lay the blame 100% on the country who responds to threats, broken promises, insults, onerous treaties based on vengeance, and incursions into territory? Look at what has happened in the Ukraine. According to the Minsk Accords, when Gorbachev returned East Germany to West Germany, Germany's Chancellor Merkel and US President Reagan promised to advance NATO "not one inch further" toward Russian borders. They lied, laughed off the treaty and ever since have pushed NATO further and further north and east toward Russia. Putin had no choice but to respond to US brinksmanship and has been quite moderate in his response, considering what he could do, and what his advisers, and the citizens of Russia are clamoring for him to so. And the US blowing up of the Nordstream Pipeline is an additional crime on top of many others, designed to drag Europe into an ever more bloody, pointless, and unwinnable conflict. The US has become a war criminal nation. It is time the US military industrial complex is taken down.
I'm Japanese, and my mother said that during World War II the military told us to "make spears out of bamboo and fight to the death." Japan was surrounded by the sea, so we couldn't escape even if we wanted to. If you opposed the military, you were sentenced to death or, at best, to prison with torture. The military completely ignored warnings from the US that they would drop a new type of bomb.
I would like to say that if those who died in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki feel resentful, they should blame the at the time Japanese military. I believe that if they hadn't dropped the atomic bomb, we would still be slaves to the military.
However, I believe that the root cause of the current vaccine policy is the US Bill Gates, his stooge Tedros, and the pharmaceutical companies' fear-mongering by Information Censorship.
A man named Fujiwara, who was instructed by the CDC to return to Japan while studying in the US, has infiltrated Japan's PMDA (equivalent to the FDA). This man has publicly stated that "my job is to quickly approve the vaccine." In Japan, only soldiers, police officers, and some gangsters (through smuggling) are allowed to own guns, so even if I wanted to kill this guy, I cann't.
I don't think the US can have an actual election unless the ruling oligarchy gets demoted before November, but it "will not be televised".
Global Showdown
Always something of important information from Meryl, we really need info to let us know what's going on. If the government in the UK had not taken my winter fuel payment away I would have paid to be a full member of Meryl's substack. ❗
Death of a thousand cuts.
you do not want to die by vaccines so you will perish by war and the rest afterwards by vaccines