More empty words. As long as the rain forest is being bulldozed for aluminum ore and other atrocities against nature continue with no attempt to address corporate behavior, I will know it is all just words. Anyone see an improvement in anything for poor people? Just words to create false hope. Like hyping climate change but not addressin…
More empty words. As long as the rain forest is being bulldozed for aluminum ore and other atrocities against nature continue with no attempt to address corporate behavior, I will know it is all just words. Anyone see an improvement in anything for poor people? Just words to create false hope. Like hyping climate change but not addressing the behavior behind biodiversity loss. If it is covered by media that is by design. Welcome to the for real Truman Show.
More empty words. As long as the rain forest is being bulldozed for aluminum ore and other atrocities against nature continue with no attempt to address corporate behavior, I will know it is all just words. Anyone see an improvement in anything for poor people? Just words to create false hope. Like hyping climate change but not addressing the behavior behind biodiversity loss. If it is covered by media that is by design. Welcome to the for real Truman Show.