The UN has never supported Democracy, since its inception at a 1944 banking conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. It's historic goal was economic control. Making Reality safe for Central Banking has always been the organization's driving force.

What has driven it beyond its wits' end is the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). With Blockchain accounting there no longer needs to be a centralized authority who can control how financial records are interpreted. Everyone can own their own personal, updated copy of the Blockchain and audit things for ourselves.

So there's a mad rush to deploy a Central Bank Digital Currency to preserve Centralized Control. If the Globalists cannot get there ahead of the competition, they will lose what control they have.

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"The gang" developed many parallel scenarios to force global dictatorship, the money issue is just one. A potentially more life threatening issue is the promise for more pandemics, and with that I mean the kind for which the gang members developed a well tested cure strictly for themselves. The facial expressions on the faces of B&M Gates tell the expected effects, too obvious to be missed.


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The UN is the former League of Nations, repackaged and the League of Nations is the Former Int'l. Opium Commission renamed and repackaged.

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An excellent historical repository for UN info can be found through the John Birch Society. www.jbs.org

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I watched your presentation and James' review earlier this evening. I can't believe you got through all that info in 10 minutes! James had more time to break it down. The two of you make an excellent duo. This was a very informative presentation. Thank you Dr. Nass.

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I prefer slides and condensed articles over videos as well, can read a transcript in less than half the time is takes to watch video and English isn't even my native language. But I'm no stranger to the evil agenda, having been activist since the 1960s, able to receive foreign press releases via telex (shortwave) and having paid the price for a clean conscience, nowadays labeled "cancelled for life".

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We should all raise a cup or even a glass, for a formidable pair of superheroes, Corbett and Nass!

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Narcissistic psychopaths.

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Maybe my capacity is wanting, or brain-energy is shorted, but I think the big picture can be summed up in a matter of minutes with the simple realization that evil forces have infiltrated this planet from day one, and have managed to possess the souls of man with intention to compromise his trust in God. Differing degrees of course becomes evident, but the "web" of "dot-connecting" is so intertwined, that it is akin to a system of connecting mycelium strands (of mushrooms) within a pile of substrate. Or as the nerve cells within the human brain are all "connected" and massive in number, so are the connections of man with fellow man, under the direction of Satan. To give co-ordinates and names to such connections does nothing to solve issues stemming from their collaborative measures. There is no unraveling the web, no understanding of its complexities. To solve the problem, it becomes necessary to flush the entire mass and eliminate the mess. And there is no way to do so since the "roots" of the parent mushroom-like fibers have infiltrated every cell of the earth's biology.

There is safety and much more given us in this matter of concern by God Himself. But it will take some faith to accomplish and perseverance to obtain. Eternal life will be granted to the over-comers of the evil one's web of deceit, but to those who put forth no resistance and partake of it, thinking they can endure its infusions, will be sadly mistaken and forfeit eternal life through Christ the Overcomer.


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Meryl, I like your high-density, information-packed presentations. It works for me. I listened to Corbett's wraparound when it came out this morning.

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You also listen to podcasts at 200% speed, Josh. You have a rare brain.

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Right; NOW I'm ready to fight 'em: the price of chocolate has gone up alarmingly in the past few months. That's beyond the pale!

The idiots have come for my chocolate... Grrrrr

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Globalism and sustainability are incompatible unless you want to live under the cover of smog and have a gazillion delivery drivers on the road. It’s a hoax. You can’t have a global food sustainability network and care about the quality of air at the same time. Globalism just enriches oils companies while they scream at cows for farting and causing air pollution.

If they really cared about food sustainability they would get a map and draw circles around geographical regions of the population and figure how to grow and make food for people living in those geographical regions (for the most part). That sounds like food sustainability to me.

Instead, they get a map and stick it to the wall with a million miles of string and a ton of stick pins and go back and forth all over the map with strings and stick pins weaving a thick fabric of smog all around the earth.

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We're ready to fight back - DIRTY! Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll live longer without corrupt medics!

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“It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement. It is true that in the beginning men submit under constraint and by force; but those who come after them obey without regret and perform willingly what their predecessors had done because they had to. This is why men born under the yoke and then nourished and reared in slavery are content, without further effort, to live in their native circumstance, unaware of any other state or right, and considering as quite natural the condition into which they were born.”

—Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

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Thank you Meryl for your spirit!

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See https://www.d-geo.de/docs/GEO_Strategic_Plan_2016_2025_Implementing_GEOSS.pdf

See NASA as tie into public health via one health. It is a main agency under un control The technology to “see” planetary interdependence and catalog everything on the planet. Massive program. Group Earth observatory. Clear clear to see all tie in to this. NASA as someone says means Not A Space Agency. The NASa is tied into big One Health ideas space=public heath application…..climate change back UN and climate change.

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Very important to look into this “earth intelligence for all”

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But are they for real? Or are they just a group of wannabes trying to get in on the gravy of the climate change agenda?

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For that matter, is the UN for real?

Remember, the “UN” is a group that gave birth to itself via the surrogacy of self-appointed bureaucrats, who have proclaimed its importance repeatedly throughout the decades, but it has no ‘authority’. It, itself, is a ‘wannabe’.

It has no authority.

Promulgating its ideologies does not give it ‘authority’.

The UN is the very definition of ‘feckless’.

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