Make it so there Healthcare is no better than us peasants, then Healthcare would miraculously improve. Parasites.

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Tucker Carlson interviewed Brigham Buehler of.. https://ways2well.com/company/about-us

The hour long interview is on TCN and Brigham succulently explains that Big Insurance is the Gorilla in the room and Big Pharma is only a monkey. Well worth the hour to learn that prevention and reversal of disease states is not top priority with Big Medicine. It is only the dollars that count. Clearly why my Senator Durbin is saying that RFK Jr. is not qualified. He knows who butters his toast in the morning. It will be a uphill battle to fix the sick care system in the USA. Trillion of dollars are at stake if RFK Jr tackles the manipulation of medical science for profit rather than good health. I hope President Trump calls for a joint session of congress to educate all our manipulated politicians why we need to fix the medical system.

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Buehler was excellent, wasn't he? and you could have scraped Tucker's jaw off the floor.

of course all the metabolic labs, etc that he so passionately advocates, are things that many of us in the biomedical treatment of autism, have been doing with our kids for a good 15 yrs or more, with very positive results. its about time word got out to the rest of society, that 'pill for every ill' is NOT a healthcare system, its a profit center. the body wants to heal if you find root cause.

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Yes! Even a a young person I always asked why were weren't looking for the root of the issue. Nobody ever answered me. It's common sense! But it doesn't generate a lot of money. Hmmm? Maybe health doesn't come in a bottle or a stab or an operation or a lab. Maybe, just maybe, the body is an incredulous thing, made by our great God and capable of so many things, if we get out of the way.

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In 2011 I went to DC and asked my Congressman both Dem and Rep why they are not investigating the root cause of autism. The uniform answer was "Our hands are tied" both Dem and Rep that I meet in proxy since I only saw their Adm assistant. The fear is that if they raised the issue, they would not be re-elected and have the financial support. Most Congressman are gutless and don't give a damn about the great harm and stress they put on those who have to deal with a autistic child.

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now that the rate is nearly one-in-30, every body knows SOMEBODY who is effected so how many MORE does there need to be until someone actually gives a shit? pathetic doesn't even seem to cut it as a description.

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What if he really IS concerned about the health of our country? Many people are. And many good people aren't motivated by a cash cow. Those are the best people.

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In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco LINKS


This was one of hundreds of bioweapon simulations carried out in the 1950s and 1960s

Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast. The project was called “Operation Sea Spray,” and its aim was to determine the susceptibility of a big city like San Francisco to a bioweapon attack by terrorists.

In the following days, the military took samples at 43 sites to track the bacteria's spread, and found that it had quickly infested not only the city but surrounding suburbs as well. During the test, residents of these areas would have inhaled millions of bacterial spores. Clearly, their test showed, San Francisco and cities with similar size and topography could face germ warfare threats. “In this regard, the experiment was a success,” writes Kreston.

But there was a catch. At the time, the US military thought that Serratia couldn’t harm humans. The bug was mostly known for the red spots it produced on infested foods and had not been widely linked to clinical conditions. That changed when one week after the test, 11 local residents checked into a Stanford University Hospital complaining of urinary tract infections.

Upon testing their pee, doctors noticed that the pathogen had a red hue. “Infection with Serratia was so rare that the outbreak was extensively investigated by the

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@Abagail; Operation Sea-Spray was one of my favorite examples of how the evil Pharma/ death industry treats us suckers & fools! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray

But you can't beat their patented SARS Co-V 19 Gain of Function money maker!

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Wow, they have been up to this for a long time.

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Indeed Abigail, current attacks are hardly novel. Might as well put the compliance between Big P and the Medical Cartel on the table as well...

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My favorite jab attack was the reformulated, rushed-into-production, jab for Albert Gitchell, a U.S. Army cook at Camp Funston in Kansas, considered the first known case of the 50+ million kill [so-called] Spanish flu. Does changing the name from Kansas flu to Spanish flu a bit fraudulent? Adding all those deaths to our big pharma's new gain of function Co-V19' & the vax jab money-maker should tell you something!

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SF killafornia has been killing folks since they brought the ships from the Bikini Atoll bomb tests back here. Best article ever in SF weekly was about these by Lisa Davis. Further 8page spread in actual print Chronicle which they barely print anymore, decades later. Discussed cop station at Hunter's Point where ship was brought, glowing discs in dirt

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Difficult to determine a starting point. More akin to a personal awareness realization. The sordid list quickly becomes a thick document.

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Perhaps the US had the worst mortality rate because the US was the main target.

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The US had the worst mortality rate because it has the worst general health rate in the western world, especially in terms of obesity and unhealthy diet.

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We make ourselves a target out of pride and supposed ‘wealth flaunting’…money breeds EVIL and pride comes…..BEFORE THE FALL!

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There is no correlation between Health Care and Medical Care. Health Care is providing information which will better the health of the people. It is not handing out prescriptions for drugs or injecting people with health-destroying vaccines. Doctors need to give patients the right information in regard to keeping well. This takes hours of time...not 15 minute visits; Then doctors hand out the ubiquitous toxic prescriptions designed to bring the patient back. . Medical Care has destroyed the health of the American people...and those who have followed our system worldwide have lowered the health of their people, too..

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100% and we have to realize that it is really only individual health that counts. Taking responsibility for our health and that includes life style and diet is one way to foil Big Harma. The healthier you can make yourself the less you will see anyone connected to the medical industry or partake of the poisons offered by pharmaceutical industry.

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They call this Health Care....One of the first questions asked by Medical Care organizations? Did you get your CV-vaccine booster? Forget it! Medical Care puts people into their graves faster.

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Oh for sure! They follow a script and if you don't fit into that script you are marginalized and in some cases denied treatment. That actually happened to people in Canada for refusing the dangerous jab. A woman was refused a transplant as she refused the Vax.

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It’s science fiction😆👇It ‘s not a radical stretch to bring up the The planned global government of Hitler. Apparently from what I am seeing One Health and “planetary” health metaphysics draws its inspiration from Heidegger .Berggruen, Elon and many speak with those terms. https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp2374



“A 2013 paper outlined the core connections and concepts behind planetary health without ever using the term.7 “Human activity is rapidly transforming most of Earth’s natural systems,” wrote the authors, who were part of a research program called HEAL (Health and Ecosystems: Analysis of Linkages8) supported by the environmental organization Wildlife Conservation Society. “How this transformation is impacting human health, whose health is at greatest risk, and the magnitude of the associated disease burden are relatively new subjects within the field of environmental health.”7”

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If guys like Georg Washington sit in the Senate, there would be socialized healthcare.

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Science is everything changing- curious and sometimes wrong. Why do we give it so much glory?

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Medicine performs its best when it remembers that it service, not business.

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The economic disaster brought to us by Bidenista and the Dems doing everything possible to destroy this country will have an unusual benefit just as we experience post war.

The Medical Cartel will be incapable of dealing as is aleady the case.

Americans will thus be on their own with the NET effect causing a marked increase in public health. Emergency care the exception...

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The country was shut down during Trump. And he signed the biggest transfer of wealth in this country’s history.

And the plan had bipartisan support. Look at how many red states went along with it.

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Biil gates met Donald, planning out the new scamdemic bird flew over cuckoo's nest. Will distract us from destruction of all Womanity. Can we eat money?

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Baal Gates did meet with DJT. Do not assume DJT drank the kool aid...

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Can grasshoppers?

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