scAmerican health care is for the making of money, not health. Tis set up to kill. As long as some one makes money, the dead bodies are not noticed, since they're dead anyway, since someone made money and the narrative stood.
What Harmacide scamdemic?
That was the intended effect, they practiced and performed upon us all, for the benefit of the few over the vulnerable
scAmerican health care is for the making of money, not health. Tis set up to kill. As long as some one makes money, the dead bodies are not noticed, since they're dead anyway, since someone made money and the narrative stood.
What Harmacide scamdemic?
That was the intended effect, they practiced and performed upon us all, for the benefit of the few over the vulnerable
scAmerican health care is for the making of money, not health. Tis set up to kill. As long as some one makes money, the dead bodies are not noticed, since they're dead anyway, since someone made money and the narrative stood.
What Harmacide scamdemic?
That was the intended effect, they practiced and performed upon us all, for the benefit of the few over the vulnerable