I've written this sentence 200 times: They don't investigate that which they don't want to "confirm."

This m.o. works every time ... on every potential scandal.

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... And it's not just the "scientists" and all the world's truth-seeking governmental agencies, it's also 100 percent of the non-journalists at every mainstream "news" organization in the world. They all intuitively know what they are NOT supposed to investigate.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

I wonder if they are having a hard time finding employees who will play along with the current disgusting FDA culture. I have seen ads on public transit for FDA jobs. The models in the ads look like they belong in The Incredibles. It's all very strange.

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Anyone who is seeing the devastating effects from the Rona jabs and hasn’t walked out and spilled the beans has betrayed themselves and any principles they have. I know for certain that I would have gotten the message out some way. I did it before at great risk to my career.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

I'd forgotten what the ad looks like. It's a bunch of people in suits with the shadows of superheroes. Even worse than what I remembered:


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Like the 'vaccine superhero' kids, one supposes?

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Those aren't adverts for qualified and experienced professionals - they are adverts for qualified and experienced bullsh!!ers!

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Potential applicants may not like the dress code: orange jumpsuits.

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The UK's BMJ (Dr. Peter Doshi) remains financially independent, while the US' Lancet, NEJM, JAMA, and Cochran receive funding from BillGates. This man is a big cancer in the US & the world with his information manipulation and financial manipulation. Things would be somewhat better off if he didn't exist.

The United States has become a Phar-mafia country.

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Maybe I should apply, then again, maybe I shouldn't.

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These positions have been filled by dumb, dumber and dumbest...all A/I recruits of dubious experience but no matter, they make the perfect FDA medical terrorists.

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We are watching the dissection of the anatomy of a mega-crime. The crime is being committed in plain sight under cover of the media, who has succeeded in getting at least half the population to believe that the reports of the crime are right wing conspiracy theories, and should not be heeded. Fortunately, at least a third of the population, in all likelihood, have awareness of this crime and are screaming from the tops of hills to the deaf and blind to wake up. They are having only small success, but the vaccine injuries are helping our cause. After the election in 2024, when it will be far more moot whether you are right or left wing, since Donald Trump will either be president or gone from the political scene, even more will take the blue pill.

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If I told you . . . .

Hope this link works! https://gab.com/BeachMilk/posts/111113274723026444

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scAmerican health care is for the making of money, not health. Tis set up to kill. As long as some one makes money, the dead bodies are not noticed, since they're dead anyway, since someone made money and the narrative stood.

What Harmacide scamdemic?

That was the intended effect, they practiced and performed upon us all, for the benefit of the few over the vulnerable

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Thank you so much Doctor Nass, for this. I want the names of everyone at NIH who decided to practice medicine without a license....I am keeping a list.

Can you find them? I am adding the FDA names to the list.

Because this is exactly what they did. Remember James O'Keefe interviewing that guy, that led to him being dismissed as Chairman of the company he founded? Project Veritas? Well that guy in the video said his company (i think it was Mckinsey? or BCG..?) recommended it...but he never said to who....

I do very much want the names...these people are MURDERERS.

Your words, one slight correction: As we have seen, the so-called scientists and physicians working as bureaucrats in these agencies all caved, sucked it up, did the dirty work, MURDERED INNOCENT PEOPLE, kept their jobs, and betrayed their oaths and the trust of the people of the USA and the world.

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I am already working 16 hrs a day--you need to make your own lists. Good project.

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Well, I gave your list already to Dr. Reid Sheftall, who is keeping a list of the Villains and Heroes and is going to put out another :villans and heroes book soon, and will include them.

I don't know if I could get the list (only a schooteacher) but if I can/do, I will certainly let you and Dr. Sheftell know.

People who have done these horrible things have no ethics and deserve for their names to live in infamy. As yours will live after you in glory for standing up to these psychopaths.

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To quote Karl Rove Reality as we once knew does not exist in the world of evil.

Wealth and stealth go hand in hand to destroy the beautiful land!

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This is a great red piller! Thanks for sharing.

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Those vacancies are good news.

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Too bad we can't get someone in to apply for one of these" Vacancies'!! Get my meaning.?

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Evil asks for tolerance until evil is in power - to be brain engrained for when the righteous prevail there should be NO tolerance for this evil, EVERY single person (aka no Operation Paper Clip bs exclusions - as you see how that has turned out).

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