Because lots of people continue to grow and shed vaccine strain polioviruses in stool for months to years afterwards, and some strains eventually mutate to become dangerous again.
Self spreading vaccines, yet another ‘new normal’ they have tucked away for the future! This evil nefarious scheme along with Biolabs, GOF research & all the horrors these monsters have in store for us should be outlawed worldwide. The punishment for doing any of these things should be the death penalty. After all, world wide death is what they are wishing on us by engaging in these so called research projects. I would probably include AI where it comes to attempting to create a sentient human replica ie. a robot for lack of a better term.
Obedient ROBOTS with skin. That's the NWO Plan for those that didn't get (VAX) poisoned and died early. All they've got to do is work out how to capture our thoughts, imagination and intellect and then they're set! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.
Gee whiz. I thought paralytic polio or whatever you want to call it was caused by pesticides. But here we are again and again urged to believe it's another big bad virus responsible for causing the disease. In 1960 the WHO reclassified "polio" as acute flaccid paralysis if poliovirus was not found in your system. Thus many cases that used to be called polio were now a brand new disease despite the same symptoms. This is one way they got the polio incidence numbers down and declared that the vaccine worked.
After so many years declaring that "polio" has been eradicated now they're trying to scare everybody with the preposterous idea that it can be transmitted after being found in sewage.
The assumption is that if a huge viral load is found that automatically translates as "causation." Of course there's no proof of that but we just assume it's true as per the dogma of medical dictators (interestingly enough, in the case of Covid they don't even bother about "viral load"; now it's a computer simulation based on small amounts of genetic fragments from unpurified samples).
This link is fascinating. I had no idea that pesticides were the cause of polio. I remember the scare of the epidemic in the 50’s being born in 1945. It was terrifying. My only question is, if it is pesticides why weren’t more children affected. We were all eating the same foods.
1952 was the last year there was a strong incidence of paralytic polio. Around that time DDT was beginning to be discontinued in the US--not because there was a connection between paralysis in humans and pesticides but because too many animals were dying from the DDT that entered their food supply. So DDT was farmed out to third world countries (where many cases of paralysis were reported).
You'll recall that polio only struck in the summer months. Why were there no outbreaks in the winter? Recall that the beaches were continually sprayed with DDT during the summer months.
As far as why some people got sick and others didn't--it could be that certain people ingested a larger dose of the poison. In many families, only one person came down sick--the others untouched.
We were all vulnerable, but some of us were more susceptible due to our individual profiles. Plus we got different exposures.
Some kids ran behind the trucks spraying DDT in suburban neighborhoods, some community pools also sprayed heavily & some moms sprayed DDT into kids' lunch boxes.
Then, paralysis is just a symptom. Paralysis could be caused by toxins, coxsackieviruses, or polio, etc.
I don't believe these "viruses" have individual characteristics which cause specific diseases. The end result is paralysis from some kind of environmental poisoning not "killer" viruses. If you believe that, you'll be running out to take their deadly vaccines.
Correlation ≠ causation. And there's more than one hypothesis about this.
Also, faecal contamination IS one of the ways the polio virus spreads!
There's equally good data and research which postulates that the mass vaccination campaign for DPT/Pertussis was responsible for the polio outbreak of the 1940s/50s.
The polio virus is endemic. Most people will never know they've been in contact with it. 5% may experience flu-like symptoms, and of those 5%, 1 in 1000 will develop paralysis ... which, as we know, subsequent to the introduction of the polio vaccine was reclassified as acute flaccid paralysis.
However, "several studies have shown that injections (for antibiotics or other vaccines) increase susceptibility to polio. In fact, researchers have known since the early 1900s that paralytic poliomyelitis often started at the site of an injection [8,9]. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed (Figure 1) [10]. This was documented in Lancet and other medical journals [11-13]. In 1949, the Medical Research Council in Great Britain set up a committee to investigate the matter and ultimately concluded that individuals are at increased risk of paralysis for 30 days following injections; injections alter the distribution of paralysis; and it did not matter whether the injections were subcutaneous or intramuscular [14,15]."
(Miller, Neil Z. The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences. Nov 2004; Medical Veritas The Journal of Medical Truth 1:239-251)
[8] Houchaus. Ueber Poliomyelitis acuta. Munch Med Wochenschr 1909;
[9] Lambert SM. A yaws campaign and an epidemic of poliomyelitis in West-
ern Samoa. J Trop Med Hyg 1936; 39:41–6.
[10] Lindsay KW, et al. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated. Edin- burgh/London/New York: Churchill Livingston, 1986:100. Figure 15.2. Po- lio incidence rates obtained from National Morbidity Reports.
[11] McCloskey BP. The relation of prophylactic inoculations to the onset of poliomyletis. Lancet, April 18, 1950:659–63.
[12] Geffen DH. The incidence of paralysis occurring in London children within four weeks after immunization. Med Officer 1950;83:137–40.
[13] Martin JK. Local paralysis in children after injections. Arch Dis Child 1950; 25:1–14.
[14] Hill AB, et al. Inoculation and poliomyelitis. A statistical investigation in England and Wales in 1949. British Medical Journal 1950; ii:1–6.
[15] Medical Research Council Committee on Inoculation Procedures and Neu- rological Lesions. Poliomyelitis and prophylactic inoculation. Lancet 1956; ii:1223–31.
I am not disagreeing with you. There seems to be quite a bit of evidence that vaccination contributed to paralytic outbreaks. Isn't that called "provocation polio" where the paralysis begins at the site of the injection? But I think most of the initial outbreaks prior to the vaccination "response," started the ball rolling as Jim West so cogently argues.
Just out of interest, are the tests used to detect polio in waste water about as reliable as the PCR and RAT tests used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in people? Because if they are ....
See, after the disgraceful shenanigans of the last 3 years, when anything from 33% to 97% of positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 were later acknowledged to be "false positives", it is KIND of hard to know what to believe any more.
"Democide" is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command."
According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims, killings by mercenaries and unofficial private groups, extrajudicial summary killings, and mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines like the Holodomor, as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. killings during a civil war. This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government.
Rummel created democide as an extended term to include forms of government murder not covered by genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.
My understanding is the dead IPV doesn't stop transmission but we all need to be aware that the virus - that class of viruses - enteroviruses have been with us for eons. THey only started causing a problem with the presence of a toxic co-factor and that factor is pesticides.
First it was Lead Arsenic, but that was replaced with DDT, and the government encourage the liberal use of DDT to actually prevent polio when in reality it was causing polio.
Only when we come to terms with the truth of what causes polio will we solve this problem.. THe countries that use and make the most DDT have the biggest problems with childhood paralysis.
In Africa there is a childhood cancer called Burkitt's Lymphoma... it is believed the combination of EBV with malaria causes the cancer... in reality it is the presence of EBV and DDT. But someone is making way too much money selling DDT now for the public to learn the truth.
We have allowed ourselves to be experimented on far too easily and look where it got us.
While cases of polio aren't common in countries vaccinated with dead virus they are all related in some way to immigration of those from 3rd world countries that use the oral vaccines. But that really isn't the important part as cases shouldn't be spreading among the populations vaccinated with injectable vaccines but just like monkey pox we have seen a massive increase of cases in populations that are largely vaccinated against these viruses already.
I think the latest monkey pox epidemic should be a warning to us all that something is seriously wrong with the immune response of a lot of people. A huge number of the monkey pox cases were in people who had concurrent AIDS infections, the number I recall seeing was 41% of monkey pox infections had an AIDS infection as well. I thought AIDS was "practically over". So how do you end up with 41% of those infected with monkey pox also infected with AIDS?
To be fair they didn't specify which version of AIDS so I am leaning to it being VAIDS. It fits with the large number of kids showing up with RSV and a general increase in un-wellness. It will be interesting to watch it develop as "cold and flu season" hits hard. If the vaccinated prove to no longer have immunity to a wide range of viruses, polio, monkey pox being the start with viruses like whooping cough, rubella, measles, chickenpox which are vaccinated for in childhood the jig will be up on what the covid vaccine actually does.
Once again, I commend and applaud you, Dr. Nass. Doctors like you are medical heroes, publishing vital information that people need, even in the face of extreme, unjustified attacks. Because of you and others like you, more and more and more people are realizing the truth behind the falsely inflated virus narrative and its deadly toxins. Your words are making a big difference.
Years ago ( in the "90s) a veterinarian wrote a book: "un vétérinaire en colère" (a very angry veterinarian). A chapter talks about (him noticing) years of non stop vacc!nes for unknown or rare diseases for pets has led to the weakest developping the disease. Who had heard of all the serious illnesses in pets now wide spread? you tell me it's the new normal (?) because no one remembers that in 'my days" they were non existant. You tell me it's different for humans??
I have wondered the same -- are we harming our pets' normal developmental processes by extreme vaccination schedules? And not just by our breeding for hypoallergenic fur rather than temperament. Is there a way to measure this? Would anyone dare measure?
Dogs, more than ever before, are a substitute for children in the wealthy West, and we have a lot of money to spend on veterinary care for our child-substitutes, to include courses of behavioral therapy through training (good) or drugs (bad). I fear people are drugging their pets as themselves, to make their pets easier to control without training.
After reading the chapter on the polio vaccines in the fabulous book "Turtles All The Way Down", I don't think the polio vaccines did much or have done much to conquer polio. So much of the holy polio vaccine mantra is contrived, assumed and without much scientific basis.
World Health Organisation = 'Bought and Paid For' by Bill Gates who states, "Vaccines are the most lucrative investment I ever made". Gates is the largest Invester (Influencer) in the, now corrupt, WHO. Gates also believes the planet is vastly overpopulated. JOIN THE DOTS!
I remember reading that 'CoronaVirus' was patented as a 'Living Organism' many years ago, and the patentees were unknown individuals (Possibly 'stooges' for big pharma or Gates or Fauci or possibly the whole cabal?). Historically, it was not an ethically approved practice to try and Patent a Living Organism, but money talks so disciplines can be lowered, manipulated or financially compromised. The only reason such a Patent was invested in was financial = Big Pharma and other saw the profitability in modifying a virus (Gain of Function) in order to pretend they have a cure. Especially when they'd already bought a 'concession' to TEMPORARILLY avoid LIABILITY (Swine Flu = 1976) for which they had developed an equally devastatingly useless, deadly vaccine. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY in order to stop Big Pharma assuming they have an incontestable 'LICENCE to KILL'.
Also; 'F**k PayPal' for trying to fine their customers $2500 for questioning the DEADLY but useless Depopulation Program called Covid Vax! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.
Self spreading vaccines, yet another ‘new normal’ they have tucked away for the future! This evil nefarious scheme along with Biolabs, GOF research & all the horrors these monsters have in store for us should be outlawed worldwide. The punishment for doing any of these things should be the death penalty. After all, world wide death is what they are wishing on us by engaging in these so called research projects. I would probably include AI where it comes to attempting to create a sentient human replica ie. a robot for lack of a better term.
"Meet the 15 CDC Members Who Voted to Add Deadly COVID Shots to Kids’ Vaccine Schedule"!
"First Time in History, Experimental Genetic Injections Recommended for Routine Childhood Vaccine Schedule"
Mass murderers IMHO.
and all with ties to bigharma
Obedient ROBOTS with skin. That's the NWO Plan for those that didn't get (VAX) poisoned and died early. All they've got to do is work out how to capture our thoughts, imagination and intellect and then they're set! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.
Gee whiz. I thought paralytic polio or whatever you want to call it was caused by pesticides. But here we are again and again urged to believe it's another big bad virus responsible for causing the disease. In 1960 the WHO reclassified "polio" as acute flaccid paralysis if poliovirus was not found in your system. Thus many cases that used to be called polio were now a brand new disease despite the same symptoms. This is one way they got the polio incidence numbers down and declared that the vaccine worked.
After so many years declaring that "polio" has been eradicated now they're trying to scare everybody with the preposterous idea that it can be transmitted after being found in sewage.
The assumption is that if a huge viral load is found that automatically translates as "causation." Of course there's no proof of that but we just assume it's true as per the dogma of medical dictators (interestingly enough, in the case of Covid they don't even bother about "viral load"; now it's a computer simulation based on small amounts of genetic fragments from unpurified samples).
Here is a free download of additional information on about the connection between pesticides and polio by the late journalist Janine Roberts.
Excellent article. Thank you for sharing it!
This link is fascinating. I had no idea that pesticides were the cause of polio. I remember the scare of the epidemic in the 50’s being born in 1945. It was terrifying. My only question is, if it is pesticides why weren’t more children affected. We were all eating the same foods.
1952 was the last year there was a strong incidence of paralytic polio. Around that time DDT was beginning to be discontinued in the US--not because there was a connection between paralysis in humans and pesticides but because too many animals were dying from the DDT that entered their food supply. So DDT was farmed out to third world countries (where many cases of paralysis were reported).
You'll recall that polio only struck in the summer months. Why were there no outbreaks in the winter? Recall that the beaches were continually sprayed with DDT during the summer months.
As far as why some people got sick and others didn't--it could be that certain people ingested a larger dose of the poison. In many families, only one person came down sick--the others untouched.
Read Jim West's article about pesticides and polio here:
Also get a hold of the book Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts.
We were all vulnerable, but some of us were more susceptible due to our individual profiles. Plus we got different exposures.
Some kids ran behind the trucks spraying DDT in suburban neighborhoods, some community pools also sprayed heavily & some moms sprayed DDT into kids' lunch boxes.
Then, paralysis is just a symptom. Paralysis could be caused by toxins, coxsackieviruses, or polio, etc.
I don't believe these "viruses" have individual characteristics which cause specific diseases. The end result is paralysis from some kind of environmental poisoning not "killer" viruses. If you believe that, you'll be running out to take their deadly vaccines.
Correlation ≠ causation. And there's more than one hypothesis about this.
Also, faecal contamination IS one of the ways the polio virus spreads!
There's equally good data and research which postulates that the mass vaccination campaign for DPT/Pertussis was responsible for the polio outbreak of the 1940s/50s.
The polio virus is endemic. Most people will never know they've been in contact with it. 5% may experience flu-like symptoms, and of those 5%, 1 in 1000 will develop paralysis ... which, as we know, subsequent to the introduction of the polio vaccine was reclassified as acute flaccid paralysis.
However, "several studies have shown that injections (for antibiotics or other vaccines) increase susceptibility to polio. In fact, researchers have known since the early 1900s that paralytic poliomyelitis often started at the site of an injection [8,9]. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed (Figure 1) [10]. This was documented in Lancet and other medical journals [11-13]. In 1949, the Medical Research Council in Great Britain set up a committee to investigate the matter and ultimately concluded that individuals are at increased risk of paralysis for 30 days following injections; injections alter the distribution of paralysis; and it did not matter whether the injections were subcutaneous or intramuscular [14,15]."
(Miller, Neil Z. The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences. Nov 2004; Medical Veritas The Journal of Medical Truth 1:239-251)
[8] Houchaus. Ueber Poliomyelitis acuta. Munch Med Wochenschr 1909;
[9] Lambert SM. A yaws campaign and an epidemic of poliomyelitis in West-
ern Samoa. J Trop Med Hyg 1936; 39:41–6.
[10] Lindsay KW, et al. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated. Edin- burgh/London/New York: Churchill Livingston, 1986:100. Figure 15.2. Po- lio incidence rates obtained from National Morbidity Reports.
[11] McCloskey BP. The relation of prophylactic inoculations to the onset of poliomyletis. Lancet, April 18, 1950:659–63.
[12] Geffen DH. The incidence of paralysis occurring in London children within four weeks after immunization. Med Officer 1950;83:137–40.
[13] Martin JK. Local paralysis in children after injections. Arch Dis Child 1950; 25:1–14.
[14] Hill AB, et al. Inoculation and poliomyelitis. A statistical investigation in England and Wales in 1949. British Medical Journal 1950; ii:1–6.
[15] Medical Research Council Committee on Inoculation Procedures and Neu- rological Lesions. Poliomyelitis and prophylactic inoculation. Lancet 1956; ii:1223–31.
I am not disagreeing with you. There seems to be quite a bit of evidence that vaccination contributed to paralytic outbreaks. Isn't that called "provocation polio" where the paralysis begins at the site of the injection? But I think most of the initial outbreaks prior to the vaccination "response," started the ball rolling as Jim West so cogently argues.
Just out of interest, are the tests used to detect polio in waste water about as reliable as the PCR and RAT tests used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in people? Because if they are ....
See, after the disgraceful shenanigans of the last 3 years, when anything from 33% to 97% of positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 were later acknowledged to be "false positives", it is KIND of hard to know what to believe any more.
These people are footmen to the demonic.
People are not talking about satan in all this. Can't measure him in a lab, so he doesn't exist?
This freaken thing is so huge, satan Must be involved. You can't get almost all leaders of world to cooperate in massive evil ...
Anyway, on lighter note
"Democide" is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command."
According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims, killings by mercenaries and unofficial private groups, extrajudicial summary killings, and mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines like the Holodomor, as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. killings during a civil war. This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government.
Rummel created democide as an extended term to include forms of government murder not covered by genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.
20th century is century from hell.
Your post is reason people need to keep their guns.
I think evil forces stage Some gun shootings...
If Americans give up their guns,, nwo has their hell on earth. We stand in the gap
Add in unreleased terrifying 3rd secret of fatima
"They have Sold their Souls to Big Pharma'!
"Learn The Risks"!
My understanding is the dead IPV doesn't stop transmission but we all need to be aware that the virus - that class of viruses - enteroviruses have been with us for eons. THey only started causing a problem with the presence of a toxic co-factor and that factor is pesticides.
First it was Lead Arsenic, but that was replaced with DDT, and the government encourage the liberal use of DDT to actually prevent polio when in reality it was causing polio.
Only when we come to terms with the truth of what causes polio will we solve this problem.. THe countries that use and make the most DDT have the biggest problems with childhood paralysis.
In Africa there is a childhood cancer called Burkitt's Lymphoma... it is believed the combination of EBV with malaria causes the cancer... in reality it is the presence of EBV and DDT. But someone is making way too much money selling DDT now for the public to learn the truth.
We have allowed ourselves to be experimented on far too easily and look where it got us.
EBV = ??
Every time I would [try to] discuss vaccine stupidity with anyone, the response is invariably, "but what about polio?" So now I have the answer!
Yup. They always go for that
I do not consent ■ Hell no.
If I understand correctly, the Russians filed a complaint with evidence re
Drones planned to release mosquitoes that would give folks , well, I guess various ills from the smorgasbord.
Mosquitoes were the needles , delivered by drones , that was patented.
This was intended to be released from nUkraine into Russia..,
What else will they put in the GMO mosquitos now being released in the US?
This us disgusting! Thank you for keeping us informed!
Truth serum
Dr Klenner used iv vitamin C. for polio.
While cases of polio aren't common in countries vaccinated with dead virus they are all related in some way to immigration of those from 3rd world countries that use the oral vaccines. But that really isn't the important part as cases shouldn't be spreading among the populations vaccinated with injectable vaccines but just like monkey pox we have seen a massive increase of cases in populations that are largely vaccinated against these viruses already.
I think the latest monkey pox epidemic should be a warning to us all that something is seriously wrong with the immune response of a lot of people. A huge number of the monkey pox cases were in people who had concurrent AIDS infections, the number I recall seeing was 41% of monkey pox infections had an AIDS infection as well. I thought AIDS was "practically over". So how do you end up with 41% of those infected with monkey pox also infected with AIDS?
To be fair they didn't specify which version of AIDS so I am leaning to it being VAIDS. It fits with the large number of kids showing up with RSV and a general increase in un-wellness. It will be interesting to watch it develop as "cold and flu season" hits hard. If the vaccinated prove to no longer have immunity to a wide range of viruses, polio, monkey pox being the start with viruses like whooping cough, rubella, measles, chickenpox which are vaccinated for in childhood the jig will be up on what the covid vaccine actually does.
Monkeypox was a bioweapon that fizzled. Almost extinct again in the west. Too many new mutations from its 2018 progenitor.
Polio can occur from an American vaccinated before 2000 still shedding live virus. Yes, some people have been documented to shed it LIFELONG
Wow, that's crazy. My husband and I both had the live virus versions.
Medical Ethicists, live up to your titles or acquire new ones, such as Everything is Permitted
Once again, I commend and applaud you, Dr. Nass. Doctors like you are medical heroes, publishing vital information that people need, even in the face of extreme, unjustified attacks. Because of you and others like you, more and more and more people are realizing the truth behind the falsely inflated virus narrative and its deadly toxins. Your words are making a big difference.
Years ago ( in the "90s) a veterinarian wrote a book: "un vétérinaire en colère" (a very angry veterinarian). A chapter talks about (him noticing) years of non stop vacc!nes for unknown or rare diseases for pets has led to the weakest developping the disease. Who had heard of all the serious illnesses in pets now wide spread? you tell me it's the new normal (?) because no one remembers that in 'my days" they were non existant. You tell me it's different for humans??
I have wondered the same -- are we harming our pets' normal developmental processes by extreme vaccination schedules? And not just by our breeding for hypoallergenic fur rather than temperament. Is there a way to measure this? Would anyone dare measure?
Dogs, more than ever before, are a substitute for children in the wealthy West, and we have a lot of money to spend on veterinary care for our child-substitutes, to include courses of behavioral therapy through training (good) or drugs (bad). I fear people are drugging their pets as themselves, to make their pets easier to control without training.
So was omicron a self-spreading covid vaccine?
Not a ‘vaccine’, but likely engineered.
After reading the chapter on the polio vaccines in the fabulous book "Turtles All The Way Down", I don't think the polio vaccines did much or have done much to conquer polio. So much of the holy polio vaccine mantra is contrived, assumed and without much scientific basis.
World Health Organisation = 'Bought and Paid For' by Bill Gates who states, "Vaccines are the most lucrative investment I ever made". Gates is the largest Invester (Influencer) in the, now corrupt, WHO. Gates also believes the planet is vastly overpopulated. JOIN THE DOTS!
I remember reading that 'CoronaVirus' was patented as a 'Living Organism' many years ago, and the patentees were unknown individuals (Possibly 'stooges' for big pharma or Gates or Fauci or possibly the whole cabal?). Historically, it was not an ethically approved practice to try and Patent a Living Organism, but money talks so disciplines can be lowered, manipulated or financially compromised. The only reason such a Patent was invested in was financial = Big Pharma and other saw the profitability in modifying a virus (Gain of Function) in order to pretend they have a cure. Especially when they'd already bought a 'concession' to TEMPORARILLY avoid LIABILITY (Swine Flu = 1976) for which they had developed an equally devastatingly useless, deadly vaccine. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY in order to stop Big Pharma assuming they have an incontestable 'LICENCE to KILL'.
Also; 'F**k PayPal' for trying to fine their customers $2500 for questioning the DEADLY but useless Depopulation Program called Covid Vax! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.