We have an ecological crisis, not a CO2 crisis. Consider Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon oil, ocean dead zones, Amazon clear cutting, pesticide contamination, aerial spraying, Exxon Valdez oil in Alaska water, Chevron's ruthless oil contamination in Ecuador, fracking waste, nuclear power plant waste, and the list goes on.
We have an ecological crisis, not a CO2 crisis. Consider Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon oil, ocean dead zones, Amazon clear cutting, pesticide contamination, aerial spraying, Exxon Valdez oil in Alaska water, Chevron's ruthless oil contamination in Ecuador, fracking waste, nuclear power plant waste, and the list goes on.
Yeah it is not a black and white topic. For me the issue is waste. We are wasting resources. I used to sell and install wood burning appliances. Installed a system that reduced the usage of wood from ten cords a year to 3 and a half. The house was much much warmer and the chimney stayed cleaner. It was my house.
Wood is interesting. It gives off the same emissions whether it is burnt in a stove, rots away or burns in a wildfire, where aircraft burn thousands of gallons of fuel trying to control it.
Lets just drop the doomsday antics and consume intelligently as opposed to fanatically running about like headless chickens.
Where I live solid waste, notably plastics, are a real problem, clogging waterways and drains, killing livestock that eat it in the countryside, emitting carcinogens when burnt in townships.
While the governments drive thousands of kms in oversized 4x4s educating rural dwellers of the impending climate crisis when they don't have decent education and health facilities.
It's time to get the UN agencies under control or cancelled.
Only know that in North America the institutions are captured, freedom is dying, along with sanity. Democracy is dead and buried. They present technology as our savior when in fact it is the delivery system for madness.
It's absurd that we send 'vaccines' to Africa when basic sanitation is still not universal. The reduction in chronic disease was brought about here with clean water, waste treatment and refrigeration. Vaccines where always a danger and are ever more so.
We have an ecological crisis, not a CO2 crisis. Consider Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon oil, ocean dead zones, Amazon clear cutting, pesticide contamination, aerial spraying, Exxon Valdez oil in Alaska water, Chevron's ruthless oil contamination in Ecuador, fracking waste, nuclear power plant waste, and the list goes on.
Yeah it is not a black and white topic. For me the issue is waste. We are wasting resources. I used to sell and install wood burning appliances. Installed a system that reduced the usage of wood from ten cords a year to 3 and a half. The house was much much warmer and the chimney stayed cleaner. It was my house.
Wood is interesting. It gives off the same emissions whether it is burnt in a stove, rots away or burns in a wildfire, where aircraft burn thousands of gallons of fuel trying to control it.
Lets just drop the doomsday antics and consume intelligently as opposed to fanatically running about like headless chickens.
Well said.
Where I live solid waste, notably plastics, are a real problem, clogging waterways and drains, killing livestock that eat it in the countryside, emitting carcinogens when burnt in townships.
While the governments drive thousands of kms in oversized 4x4s educating rural dwellers of the impending climate crisis when they don't have decent education and health facilities.
It's time to get the UN agencies under control or cancelled.
It would be laughable if not so tragic
Only know that in North America the institutions are captured, freedom is dying, along with sanity. Democracy is dead and buried. They present technology as our savior when in fact it is the delivery system for madness.
It's absurd that we send 'vaccines' to Africa when basic sanitation is still not universal. The reduction in chronic disease was brought about here with clean water, waste treatment and refrigeration. Vaccines where always a danger and are ever more so.
Nice! I have a brother that lives in Finland, and that sounds like the wood stoves they use there.