Yup. Just like Carlson who has broken out from the corporate media is able to go to Dubai and give a speech to the globalist. Meanwhile Julian Assange rots in prison after he told the world the truth. I’m surprised that the PTB haven’t planted kiddie porn on his computer like they do for other whistleblowers.
Yup. Just like Carlson who has broken out from the corporate media is able to go to Dubai and give a speech to the globalist. Meanwhile Julian Assange rots in prison after he told the world the truth. I’m surprised that the PTB haven’t planted kiddie porn on his computer like they do for other whistleblowers.
Yup. Just like Carlson who has broken out from the corporate media is able to go to Dubai and give a speech to the globalist. Meanwhile Julian Assange rots in prison after he told the world the truth. I’m surprised that the PTB haven’t planted kiddie porn on his computer like they do for other whistleblowers.