Altough I am not a US citizen and will not vote, I have eyes to see, a brain to think and I have opinions. Watching all that is hapening in the states, I know all of it had / have / will have deep impacts on my life and on most people around the world. What Mr. Kennedy is saying is real : democracy has been hyjacked by all the "BIGs" and it has to be restored. Nobody is perfect and there is no saviour. There is only hope for a better leader. I would, if I could, support his candidacy. Thank you Ms Nass.

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"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Breaking free from the two-party system"

... we are waiting for him to break free from the Zionist cabal, and then he becomes credible... until then though, he is more of the same.

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Feb 14Edited

Caitlin Johnstone says it best:

"If you can even excuse genocide to justify your continuing support for a nation or political party, then you can excuse literally anything. There is absolutely nothing the leaders of your political faction could possibly do that would cause you to stop supporting them. If this isn’t your red line, then you don’t have any red lines."


His views of the Palestinians are abhorrent. Sadly neither of the other 2 choices are any better. But I will not vote for someone who doesn’t think what Israel is doing is wrong.

Good lord we went through 4 years of Russia Russia Russia and yet no one is speaking out about how Israel has captured our government at every level. And if you do you are an anti semite.

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The "fun" part is that Israel is buying influence in Washington using our own money; the "aid" for Israel gets funneled back to buy corrupt "politicians".

Yes, Caitlin is AWESOME <3!!!

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She’s not part of the solution though, at least not a just and measured one, unfortunately.

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Sam, please see my long comment. I think it might be helpful to you.

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"how right you are". Bobby is fixated on Zionism and its proponents, is he under their thumb already?

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Our government, except of few members, fell into a Zionists tarantula net. That's why our tax dollars are being sent to Israel and Ukraine, while illegal immigrants are pouring through the open borders. We, the people, need to ask R.F.K Jr what his stance in these issues is.

It seems that one party system might be helpful

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... but he said where he stands; he promised "unconditional support for Israel"... This means that he would support Israel, even if doing so would destroy the US...

How is this different from the establishment?


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I think that if you can, try and understand why Israel is at war. Israel supports America and their enemies do not.

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I know, but this just a beginning of his campaign. Are any brave people who will remind him that Israel is openly running a war of genocide in Palestine?

International Court of Justice (ICJ), South Africa has dared, as FP’s Sasha Polakow-Suransky writes, “to take on a radioactive global issue, discussion of which is virtually verboten in Washington.”


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He knows VERY well that he is wrong... Max Blumenthal from the Grayzone challenged him to a public debate regarding Israel and Gaza... RFK Jr. reluctantly accepted, but the debate never took place... This means that he KNOWS that he is wrong and cannot possibly win the debate. This makes him a hypocrite.

When RFK Jr. started his campaign, I was super excited... Like Mulder in "The X files" - I "wanted to believe"... I can't believe in his integrity anymore.

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He is not hypocrite and he is a true patriot. He is not hiding is identity like you are. Stop spitting on him.

It never crossed your mind all of you that perhaps RFK Jr. doesn't feel to receive a bullit in he head like what has happened to his father, Robert Kennedy and his uncle, JFK? He is running now to be President and he cannot even have security provide by the Government. He is also banned by the DNC and the media. He is a very courageous man.

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I am also a true patriot... but once I would get to be president, I will do everything that I am told, so I would not receive a bullet... I can 100% understand that - considering the family history I understand that. But how being afraid and compliant will change ANYTHING?! How will not taking risks will change ANYTHING?

I get it - he has a Platonic love for the US...

But if he will not take any risks out of fear of bullets, why would I vote for him?

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What I have noted on Blumenthal is that he missed massively in pointing out all, all of the other huge pieces of what is coming at us somehow or was late to the game that Kennedy revealed boldly and courageously. I'd look at what has been missing from Blumenthal's work much more closely.

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I am waiting for him to break free of tHe climate change cabal.

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On Israel he is not just more of the same but even worse than most, except maybe Niki Haley.

But not so on nearly every other major issue: public health, federal agency capture, environment, immigration, free speech. And he has the most experience and political savvy to make things happen in these areas. So I wouldn't rule him out yet. Today it's certain we will have a Zionist President in 2025, but a lot can happen in eleven months. Biden will no doubt be history and Israel may even succeed in ending itself.

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the Palestinian question has represented a Gordian Knot since 1948, and no president has manged to fix it. In RFK, Jr, we have a man who has friends on BOTH sides fo the conflict, and who would like to see it end,. He has been a lifelong seeker of novel solutions. There is no reason to believe that he would not be the same man here. Of the three running, he is the most likely to seek a just solution.

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I cannot imagine what anyone gains from misrepresenting RFK Jr’s spoken words. He supports both Israel and Palestine and his stance is against Hamas. He is not against Palestine! For those who think this is a simple and obvious right or wrong I suspect may not be well studied on the Middle East history and/or are just going along with the popular narrative. Bobby has extensive knowledge and experience and he thinks through issues carefully. Why do so many people rush to judgement and believe he would suddenly go against his commitment to justice and to his principles on this one issue? When the United States was attacked what was our response? It seems to me that Hamas is intentionally using the poor Palestinian people as pawns to generate this precise, widespread negative reaction to Israel. I believe RFKJr will apply his knowledge, experience, seek good counsel and commit himself to developing the optimal solution to the tragic and horrific loss of life and destruction.

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Well said! Marjorie! Bobby will do what he always does try and Stop the madness... Hamas is the Zionist cabal.. There is no difference... not any whatsoever.. Both equally dedicated to death of the other. No real concern for their citizens or PEACE... the Palestinian citizens are the ones actually bearing the brunt of Hamas attacks on Israel. Just as the Israeli citizens bear the brunt of the warmonger Zionist Netanyahu.. Power mad psycho's in charge of both.. 3000 yrs of this Blood Soaked Ritual, Slaughtering each others Innocent citizens... todays High Tech version of Primitive Tribalism..

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Sadly, yes. I felt a deep ache from the truth in your words. The depravity of human behavior. So much waste. And we have so much potential to do better. Feeling very sad for the human race.

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"He supports both Israel and Palestine"

He supports both - chastity and sinful sex :P... Hot and cold, up and down, left and right... right?

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Keep your insult for youself Hubris.

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Whom did I have insulted and how, Mario?

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It never crossed your mind all of you that perhaps RFK Jr. doesn't feel to receive a bullit in he head like what has happened to his father, Robert Kennedy and his uncle, JFK? He is running now to be President and he cannot even have security provide by the Government. He is also banned by the DNC and the media. He is a very courageous man.

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Trump is far safer. The swamp loves Trump really.

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The elites have always pointed the weak and unwise towards Jews, amongst others. Grow up finally,

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What do you mean by "grow up"? Gobble up $#!+? No, thanks! You can have my portion... I'm not hungry.

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There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate: people will always find flaws. And haters are always gonna hate. I’m a big fan of RJKjr.

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He also admitted to Bret Weinstein that previous “pandemics “ or outbreaks were all FAKED- and KNOWS damn well this one was too but IS NOT telling the public the TRUTH. They are ALL compromised and blackmailed either by money, sex and FAR FAR worse as being revealed via the Epstein situation. Nobody is coming to save us. We have been infiltrated by pure EVIL and it has been long planned.

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Stephanie, you might have a look at his best seller, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It's about Covid-19, but he's got a chapter on Hyping Phony Pandemics where he covers 1976 Swine Flu, 2005 Bird Flu, 2009 Hong Kong Swine Flu, and four chapters on AIDS as the pandemic template leading up to Covid.

He also regularly explains in interviews and stump speeches how the US surge in chronic diseases beginning in 1989, especially in children, followed a surge in new vaccines, which followed Reagan's grant of legal immunity to pharma against damages for injury or death caused by their vaccines.

No one else comes close to Kennedy in telling the public the truth about public health, and this against unprecedented censorship.

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Still, he only wants to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I want them all punished.

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Planned because they "need" to manage the collapse of the global economy that is coming due to the catastrophic levels of debt and unfunded liabilities the world has racked up. But as Bret Weinstein said on a Joe Rogan interview recently, these people are insane if they think they can pull it off. The damage is done. We'll reap what they have sown. Praying for us all.

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We could all try to educate people who still don't get it by using this method: https://rumble.com/v4d26oh-mel-k-and-tom-renz-awakening-the-lions-panic-in-dc-2-12-24.html

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Thanks, Skupe. I'll check it out in the morning. If there's a way to improve in that, I want to know it. :)

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It’s proceeding as it must. This didn’t occur overnight.

God’s been driven out, along with His hedge of protection.

Man is reaping what unrepentant sin in the absence of God has sown.

What mankind has allowed is at the helm. One gets what one chooses.

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Which is why we have sayings for it like "the only thing men learn from history is that men never learn from history." They always think "this time it's different." But it's not different, because the relevant attributes of human nature that cause the cultural decline don't change over time (except for possibly getting worse with time due to mutational load).

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Keeping events in a biblical rather than secular perspective, we’re living out the result of an hourly-compounding synergy: the inaction/active cooperation of a relinquishing humankind, allied with specifically-tasked evil entities(many among us appear yet unwilling to call them what they are; the movies “Nefarious” and Denzel’s “Fallen” suffice as a primer for the stalwart few who prefer empowering foreknowledge to shocked paralysis).

For any still in denial, I’d direct them to Christ’s parable of The Wheat and the Tares(Matthew 13: 24-30). Per the dictionary, “tare” curiously has multiple meanings, all of which He intended to pointedly inform.

The time’s upon us to arm for what is. Platitudes notwithstanding, God planned for all “the relevant attributes of human nature”. The decision that’s left to us is whose banner we choose to wield them under.

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The biblical perspective corroborates what we see in the historical cycles. Life properly lived requires loving future generations as we love ourselves. That takes revelation. No humans are naturally equipped with that much knowledge IN TIME. Because science advances too slowly.

Of as much or more importance than knowledge is self-discipline, in THIS world. We don't live in a garden of Eden. In short, the principle of "a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" is working naturally in this world ALL THE TIME.

Civilization resets, whether by war, famine, economic collapse, etc, re-focus humans on obtaining food and shelter. The majority, in such times, are too busy to pursue vices as vigorously as they do in times of more commodious living. Eventually, leisure time from technological advances and division of labor allows for leavening to accelerate all over again.

The trajectory has ups and downs, but over all, short of divine intervention, empires rise and fall. Since they've all fallen but the ones currently failing, we know divine intervention has not sustained them.

So, yes, I need to choose. But not for certainty of happy results in this life; but for the next.

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Alas, your closing sentence is the perfect summation!

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It's like prohibition of anything -- the people will always find a way to find what they need or want. How about this one that if you examine the past, you may come up with a better way to handle a situation. Also if you go woke, you go broke which is a good reason not to want a socialist government!

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I think the most effective approach to the would-be-tyrants is to have a mass agreement on a condition upon which we would all simultaneously refuse compliance. If only 25% of the country would do that, it would significantly impact the economy. If that doesn't stop them, I doubt anything will. Short of that, we need to learn how to live off the grid. :)

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I know I did by not taking the shots and will continue to do this. So did many others at least in red states and I would say at least half in each blue state. Virus X will supposedly be much more potent than C19. I don't know about other countries but I would guess it was pretty similar. So I'm game to learn to live off the grid.

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If only they were just trying to “manage” it…smile everyone…we will own nothing and we will be happy!

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That's their definition of "manage." "Coincidentally," it also guarantees the elite will remain rich and get richer.

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Take what you can get. He knows the others were faked. He knows what you know, just not saying it. He has to get elected to speak the whole truth. Who else is even saying that the others were faked? No One. Who else running even thinks the COVID vaccines are dangerous? I'd rather have this man in office, knowing what I know he knows, partly because he has been my teacher (The Real Anthony Foauci, Vax Vs UnVax, The Wuhan Cover-up) Do we get this level of scholarship from any presidential candidate, EVER?

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Read his book

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He’s your best chance for a genuine leader who isn’t a psychopath.

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Yup, but it is easy to parrot commonly known problem without hinting at any solution.

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Holy crap, what a beautiful piece of writing. And the fact that it appeared in MSM - wow, who knows, maybe there's hope after all?

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So very true. Please see my long comment below (or perhaps above, depending on how you sort the comments).

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Great article; thanks for sharing.

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It seems that people are misunderstanding RFK's stance on Israel/Palestine. He is too thoughtful, intelligent and loving to have intended to say what is being attributed to him. Much of what is being said was taken out of the context that RFK provided in his comments, the main one being that time and again, the Palestinians have been betrayed by their own leadership. Context is important, and nuanced discussions are needed.

There is an army of trolling nay-sayers that has been deployed by the powers-that-be that fear RFK Jr, whose mission it is to smear him and spread doubt and falsehoods and misconstrued opinions about him in any way they can. There are so many saying the same things, en masse and in unison, that one wonders. Are some of the commenters here letting themselves be influenced by them, or are they perhaps part of this deployed army?

Please take a moment to read on.

Both Trump and Biden implemented the biggest fraud and crime against humanity during our lifetimes. This includes the lockdowns, initiated by Trump, which had disastrous results for the economy, mental health, childhood development, the destruction of small and medium businesses, domestic abuse, etc.

Both those presidents ensured the suppression of early treatments that would have safely and cheaply stopped the pandemic in its tracks, paired with the disastrous Fauci hospital protocols of remdesivir and ventilators and the culling in nursing homes.

Both those presidents and their administrations were at the helm during widespread censorship, de-platforming, harassment, firings, and other violations of civil, constitutional, and human rights, on a scale never seen before in our country's history, and that continue to this day.

Both those presidents presided over illegal and immoral development and deployment of a dangerous bioweapon that has delivered vast disability, suffering, and death, with zero benefit, and that has caused new sudden epidemics of turbo cancer, myocarditis, stroke, autoimmune disease, miscarriage, sterility, excess mortality, DNA alteration, and the sudden lowering of life expectancy and birth rates.

Both men actively participated in the annihilation of democratic principles, informed consent, and bodily autonomy, while presiding throughout the relentless coercive mind-control manipulation of society.

Biden & Trump stood idly by, doing nothing as Fauci destroyed lives and the economy. They both endorsed Fauci time and time again, abdicating any leadership that Americans entrusted to them. And to date, neither Biden nor Trump have called Fauci to account for his historic crimes against millions of people worldwide. RFK never endorsed Fauci or his “Operation Warp Speed” vaccine plan. Unlike Biden &Trump, RFK will hold Fauci accountable for his crimes.

Trump famously promised to drain the swamp, but proved unequal to the task, filling his appointments with the usual corporate lobbyists and assorted swamp creatures. Biden, meanwhile, has been wallowing in the Washington swamp for more than 50 years.

If either Biden or Trump are somehow replaced by other candidates within their respective parties, these candidates will be beholden to the same funders and uni-party power brokers, which is at the crux of Kennedy's piece in the Baltimore Sun.

RFK is the world's best hope at this point. Are the nay-sayers willing to forego the following?

He is the one candidate motivated to expose uncomfortable truths, help us learn and heal from them, and move beyond the long, dark chapter of human experience discussed in The Wuhan Cover-up. It will be a great awakening and advancement of humanity if this happens.

RFK Jr has the historical knowledge, expertise, fearlessness, independence from puppet masters, love of humanity, spiritual development, and breathtaking level of integrity that we desperately need. None of the others do.

He has the wisdom and wherewithal to carry out his promises. Let's look at what he'll do as president:

Re-build the gutted middle class; get corrupt corporate influence out of government so our agencies protect the public rather than enriching corporations; breathe new life into the dying American Dream with new housing and low-interest loans for young people to be able to get their foot in the door of home ownership; hold Fauci & Co accountable; fix immigration by stopping the flood of illegals, sealing the border and facilitating an appropriate level of lawful, orderly immigration; reduce corruption and coercion in the media and social media; and end the forever wars and have no new wars on his watch.

Just consider that last one. It's the epitome of being a peace candidate. That alone would stem the current siphoning of America's wealth that's now funding wars and bioweapons and enable us to fix our crumbling infrastructure, reduce chronic disease in children and adults, clean up the toxic food supply and environment, invest in jobs and education, and more.

If he can be heard on a national scale in debates, and if he can be added to the ballots, I think a critical mass will vote him into office, hopefully for two terms. We can all benefit tremendously when he restores our democracy and brings integrity back into the mainstream.

Perhaps it is hard to find a perfect candidate in some people's eyes, and I think many are taking a tiny snippet out of context deliberately to cast doubt. I would encourage those who are newly disappointed in him to take another look at what he said, and be open to what he says in the future. This Middle East situation is so complex that it's very easy to read into anyone's opinions something that is not there. Take a look at this discussion RFK Jr did with Patrick Bet-David in which RFK discusses the Israeli Palestinian Hamas issue. In just 12 minutes, he provides an education about Hamas that I'm grateful to learn (I listened twice and learned each time, it is so rich with information): https://rumble.com/v40cmr4-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-speaks-about-the-war-between-israel-and-hamas-with-pa.html

Please share this information more widely, wherever you see uninformed nay-sayers sharing their limited or lopsided views, or well-meaning people being influenced by the army of people deployed to smear RFK Jr and spread doubt, falsehoods and misconstrued opinions about him. Invite and encourage others to listen to his in-depth knowledge and well-considered insights into this complex topic.

There is a treasure trove of recordings of RFK for people to benefit from. I found this town hall showing his breathtakingly broad knowledge on a wide range of topics that should be of concern to everyone, in both podcast and video formats (with searchable topic labels for easy navigation):


also here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk

Everyone would do well to take the time to listen, perhaps instead of a Netflix show one evening, to be a better-informed citizen. Listen to him, and less to what others may say about him. And read his books. The Real Anthony Fauci, Vax-Unvax, and The Wuhan Cover-up are musts, and his next one, America's Path Back to Moral Leadership, will be a must.

Crucial information is being kept from everyone so we must seek out and soak in the truth in places other than mainstream reporting by a captured media. There's a whole universe of alternative news and information sources that do not engage in security state propaganda and censorship. Better-informed citizens are what we need to be able to vote more effectively and steer the country in a better direction.

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Beth, I very much appreciate your informative and easy to read and understand overview of the turmoil we are facing and the significance of this next election to lives around the world. I will need to read it again to glean all that you said. I am gravely concerned about the looming WHO Treaty and especially that very few people seem to even be aware of it or worse, dismiss it as a ridiculous conspiracy. If this passes I believe all other concerns will be moot as we will have no rights and no say. I would be very interested in learning your thoughts on the Great Reset and the Globalists agenda. Thank you again for your wisdom and the giving of your time to share it.

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Thank you, Marjorie, for your kind words and expressing your grave concerns which I very much share regarding the WHO “pandemic treaty” and the WEF's so-called “Great Reset” by the elite globalist megalomaniacs who seek hegemony over the world.

I think RFK Jr has the prowess and savvy, from his 40+ years of taking on powerful interests and winning, combined with his political insights into the inner workings of the corporate-and NGO-corrupted government, to truly drain the swamp and make the changes necessary to give us our country back.

He is uniquely qualified to do this, and I believe he is here, in this time and place, to do this. All of us who are aware, awakened and enlightened are here in this time and place to help do this as well.

See the end of my comment for steps to take to stop the WHO, etc., but first I'll share some of RFK Jr's own words addressing these issues:

RFK Jr.:

“The Globalists Must Be Stopped—Now!

The 250+ billionaires and millionaires who gathered at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Switzerland this month want to commoditize our lands, our waters, our homes, our workers, our public health, and even our children. The corporate elites’ scheme will drain what’s left in your bank account and strip-mine the beleaguered middle class of its remaining equity. Their plan is insidious—and I plan to stop it.”


“Last month in Philadelphia, the home of American Independence, I announced myself as an independent candidate for president. My candidacy is not only about being independent from the two political parties. My goal is to make the federal government independent too — independent of the corporate and financial interests that have a merciless grip on our democracy.

For decades Republicans have railed against Big Government and Democrats have complained about Big Business. Behind the scenes though, they have capitulated to both. The result is that we now face something much more dangerous: the combination of Big Government and Big Business.

As an Independent candidate for president beholden to neither major party, my mission is to dissolve this corrupt merger of state and corporate power.

A key feature of the state-corporate merger is the capture of federal agencies by industries they are supposed to regulate. This is why our nation’s most serious problems are never solved, but only seem to get worse.

Is it any wonder that our food is unwholesome, when pesticide companies and food conglomerates control the U.S. Department of Agriculture?

Is it any wonder that we wage endless wars when the defense contractors control the intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense, and the State Department?

How can we expect our environment to be anything but a toxic mess, when polluters and extractive industries dominate the EPA, Bureau of Land Management, and Department of the Interior? (In a lawsuit I helped file and win against the chemical-agriculture giant Monsanto, I learned that the head of the pesticide division of the EPA had been secretly colluding with Monsanto for years.)

The health of our nation has succumbed over the last two generations to an epidemic of chronic illness. Could that have anything to do with the fact that Big Pharma runs the CDC, NIH, and NIAID (the agency Anthony Fauci controlled for four decades)?

We are losing our First Amendment right to free speech because Big Tech is in cahoots with the intelligence agencies, the FCC, and CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency).

The American middle class has been decimated and its wealth siphoned to the top, in large part because of the influence that Wall Street and the big investment firms — JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street — have over the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve, and Department of the Treasury.

Many politicians, when they come into office, sincerely want to fix the government. Donald Trump famously vowed to drain the swamp. But when new presidents get in office they are helpless against the institutional inertia of the sprawling federal bureaucracy. So they make “safe” appointments at the various agencies, meaning people who are in the tank with industry. The result is business as usual.

President Trump’s inaugural committee got a million dollars from Pfizer and he then appointed a business associate of Pfizer to run the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who then left through the revolving door to join Pfizer’s board. That’s not draining the swamp. That IS the swamp.

President Biden does the same thing. He has appointed executives of BlackRock to top economic posts, confirming BlackRock’s moniker as “The Fourth Branch of Government.”

I am not interested in business as usual. I’ve spent 40 years suing federal agencies. Now I’m going to turn that experience toward reclaiming them. The first step is to replace their top-level management with people who are not beholden to a corporate agenda.

I will recruit these people from among activists who have been fighting to do what the agencies should have been doing all along — protect the public interest. I will also draw from the ranks of reformers and whistleblowers inside the agencies themselves, and I will promote officials who have earned a reputation for resisting the corporate agenda.

I will go through the federal bureaucracy agency by agency to install honest, competent leadership. They will change the organizational culture of those agencies so that their employees — the majority of whom are decent civil servants who really do want to serve the public interest — can do their jobs.

I will also usher in a new era of transparency. It is commonplace today to receive page after page of heavy redactions from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. It is as if our federal agencies have forgotten who their real bosses are — the people of the United States.

Change won’t come overnight, but with the cooperation of the many honest people inside these agencies, it may come sooner than most would expect. The American people can help the process by raising their expectations. For too long, we have simply accepted as normal an oppositional relationship to our government.

People have lost trust in their government — for good reason. Cleaning up the agencies and making them transparent servants of the public interest is an important step to earn that trust back.” ~ ~ ~

As for the WHO's power grab, sign up for James Roguski's substack for alerts to stop this hideousness, as well as The Defender at Children's Health Defense free mailing list to keep abreast of news on all of these fronts.



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Beth, am feeling so appreciative of you right now! I have mentioned my concerns about “WHO” ect to a few people over the last 6 weeks and each one ranted on and on about conspiracy theory jargon and were then very negative and dismissive/demeaning toward me; I only know 3 people who think this is “real” so have been questioning my own intellect/filters/reality. Your sound and rational comments and your presenting Bobby’s speech was very grounding. I did hear this speech, but having it in writing to refer to is amazing. I made copies and plan to refer to this while engaging with people. I do feel the call to try and educate folks even if I get a bunch of knocks on the head.

I live in Florida but was staying in NC over the summer and went to hear Bobby speak in Ashville. I was 10 feet from him. I was struck by his vast and detailed knowledge of the important world/U.S issues and his detailed and common sense solutions and the palpable emotion with which he spoke. He was the definition of ernest. After I had my picture taken with him, I found myself in tears and shaking. I certainly was not expecting this reaction and have pondered on it many times over the last 4 months and recently had a concrete realization. I believe I was in the presence of the most Spiritually evolved person I have ever experienced. With each recall of the experience that feeling becomes more intense.

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Marjorie, I suggest contacting the nearest chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, to connect with people who are like-minded in many of these concerns and priorities. There are chapters all over the US and world, and Florida has 25 chapters! They have gatherings that you can attend at no charge. (Let me know which one you reach out to.)

Keep up your good efforts to share truth and take comfort knowing that you're not alone but rather in very good company. Bear in mind the story RFK sometimes tells of the Milgram Experiments of the 1960s in which 1/3 of participants betrayed their moral compass, believing whatever they're told by someone posing as an authority figure (in the experiment, to obey orders to inflict apparent torture and even deadly torture), while 1/3 of the people were on the fence, and 1/3 steadfastly adhered to their values and resisted the coercion. That means one third of us maintained our critical thinking skills and discernment about the pandemic manipulation from the beginning, and another third are open to learning the truth. I think the number of people moving in that direction is growing by the day, and they are summoning the courage to speak up and effect positive change in the world. Bear in mind what George Orwell said, “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” and what James Roguski relayed, “silence equals consent.”

People who are immediately dismissive and combative when encountering this truthful information have, unfortunately and perhaps unwittingly, fallen prey to the mass mind-control manipulation, delivered incessantly by the captured mainstream media, academia, etc. It's a classic tactic of narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, to abuse their victims by constantly saying the opposite of the truth, a form of mind control or gaslighting, and insisting their victim is wrong. In order to survive ongoing abuse, the victim begins to doubt their own mind and believe the perspective of the abuser, in what's called trauma bonding or Stockholm syndrome.

The last four years have been the worst example of narcissistic abuse and coercive control in human history, carried out on a global scale thanks to careful planning, enabled by the takeover of the media and technological advances allowing the globalists to deploy coordinated, centralized messaging around the world while censoring dissent and punishing truth-tellers – something past tyrants could have only dreamt of in its effectiveness and scale.

Psychological warfare, gaslighting, isolation, coercion, indoctrination, devaluing, dismissing, shaming, denigration, brainwashing, bullying, threats, smear tactics, financial and other abuse, perpetual blaming of others, never taking responsibility for their own misdeeds, driving wedges between people, cultivation of 'flying monkeys' to join in the abuse – all are hallmark behaviors of sociopathic narcissists. The campaign to normalize hating our neighbors, fearing our friends, criticizing strangers, and distrusting and ostracizing our loved ones was part and parcel of the abusive Covid debacle. Public health emergencies are now camouflaged power grabs, and fomenting fear and distrust of our fellow man is necessary to carry them out. No wonder you were dismissed and demeaned, when so many have succumbed to the horrible instruction to behave this way.

Stay strong, Marjorie (and others)!

How fortunate you were to hear Bobby in person, so close up, and to have experienced the profound aura he exudes! Thank you for sharing your impressions on all levels. Judging from the effect he has wherever he speaks, and seeing many videos, there seems to be a total package of experience and realization in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Yes, it's his vast historical knowledge, command of facts and probing intellect, and his accomplishments as a lawyer defending the Earth and its inhabitants, and his ability to listen deeply and respond respectfully to anyone, and his breathtaking honesty about the corrupt and broken state of things along with his practical plans to fix them. It's more than his refreshing departure from divisive, mud-slinging politics as usual. It's his love of humanity, spiritual development and stunning level of integrity, combined with all these other attributes, that make his candidacy a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us all.

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You are so right, Beth!

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I have followed RFK Jr and his health freedom advicacy for about 7-8 years. Recently, I read the 2022 biography, The Real RFK Jr. I had no idea how many diverse battles he has fought for the underdog over the past 40 years. Those who hang onto a clip from some video as a reason to disparage him will not look deeper, I know; some just like to hate. But I wish more people--including myself--had his moral courage.

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Julie, I agree. I fall far short of the depth of his integrity and Spiritual strength. He is judged so harshly by big media and even though I understand they are doing so to keep him from beating their chosen candidate, when the general population just accepts what they hear as truth and then repeat negative things about this good, good man, it hurts my heart. Even when people are rude directly to him he responds with respect and grace. The United States and the world will learn much and gain much from having this profound and gentle man as our leader.

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Thanks so much for reprinting Bobby's thoughts on the uniparty system and how a truly independent candidate--especially one with the high integrity of RFK Jr. can change things for the better. It is such a crime that in a Democracy we are seeing how both parties wish to, and conspire to keep other candidates out of the race and therefore preventing the American public from electing the candidate of their choice. It reminds me of the "lack of informed consent" around the vaccines. We never had a chance to know what was being forced on us. In a like manner--the public is having these two candidates forced on us as the only options. We must stand up to break this strangle hold that is being perpetrated on so many different levels of our society--and actually of the global society.

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Indeed! We NEED Bobby to get us out of the global WHO Treaty!

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Yes, indeed, Marjorie.

Please see my long comment below (or perhaps above, depending on how you sort the comments).

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Although I do agree that RFK, Jr.’s stance on the war in Israel is concerning to me, I agree wholeheartedly with every other issue he speaks of. I believe he is a brilliant man with great integrity and truly cares for all humanity. I trust he has the ability more than anyone else to bring this tragic war to an end.

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Laurie, I think you might appreciate the (somewhat long) comment I made below (or perhaps above, depending on how you sort the comments), which gives a more expansive list of important considerations as well as some balance for the Israel/Palestine/Hamas question.

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Why doesn't he support democracy for Palestinians? Instead he promotes apartheid there. I was a strong supporter for Bobby until his statements after October 7. If he aligns with the many Americans who want peace in Palestine, he could win the election.

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I have not seen any place that says he doesn't support democracy for Palestinians. He is anti-Hamas. Can you give me a recent source?

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He avidly supports Israel. Israel doesn't support democracy for Palestinians. Hamas doesn't represent the Palestinians, especially in the West Bank. I wish he would listen to the Jerusalem Report, on Childrens Health Defense TV. The show host lives in Israel and describes how heavily Israelis are surveilled. Their government also had a very oppressive COVID policy.

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Netanyahu. does not support democracy for the Palestinians, and RFK Jr. has said he doesn't agree with him. We in the US are also surveilled and had an oppressive covid policy--thanks to our leaders. I distinguish between the government and the country in both instances--just as you distinguish between the Palestinians and Hamas.

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Yes! Exactly.

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Can you share one quote directly from Bobby where he said he does not support the Palestinians and that he supports apartheid? Please include the source of the quote and the date. Thank You.

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The West especially the US and UK have never wanted peace, they’ve funded both sides all the way.

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No MaTTeR WhO you are thinking of voting for -- please sign the petition: Demand President Biden Secure the Border


Please also consider signing the petition to enable SS protection for RFK, Jr.'s safety. The Biden administration has denied Secret Service protection to RFK, Jr. 3 times now! It is *totally unprecedented* to deny an application for protection! The U.S. has granted SS protection to all major Pres. candidates up to a year prior to an election. NBC's own recent poll shows RFK, Jr. at 34%!! I'm not asking you to vote for him; this is an appeal to your reasonable nature. The other major candidates have been granted protection, so it is only fair for RFK, Jr. as well! Go here, it only takes a few minutes to do: https://security.kennedy24.com/?recruiter_id=473180 “It may not seem very significant what you do, but it’s very important you do it.” (~Gandhi)

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Thank you for posting this!

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Did he break into MSM or was he let in…question everything!!

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Yup. Just like Carlson who has broken out from the corporate media is able to go to Dubai and give a speech to the globalist. Meanwhile Julian Assange rots in prison after he told the world the truth. I’m surprised that the PTB haven’t planted kiddie porn on his computer like they do for other whistleblowers.

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RFK Jr. declared, " I will sign gun legislation brought to me by the legislature." Telling us in advance I will break my oath.

It was the benevolent Martial law of the industrial / military complex; E.O 100 the Lieber Code since 1861 as Juxtaposed to the de facto, Malevolent martial law of big pharma WEF UN 2023 as juxtaposed to a non de facto Actual de jure Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. A solution is found at www.orsja.org

It all plots on the bell curve. 62.5% will not say the truth to the de facto. Yes sir; no sir ! 3 bags full Sir. on the left, 12 to 15% are too stupid to qualify to join the military. 16.25% on the right are smart enough to figure it out but will not take action; 3 to 5% on the left control the stupid et al. evil and those that acquiesce to evil ; On the right 3 to 5% of us will return all of us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. A solution that works is published at www.orsja.org. Very few will go Athens, Tennessee 1946. The de facto yields to the de jure when the fraud of deception is clear. The occupant of the office will take a proper oath to the de jure Constitutions with God included no exceptions.

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Just like the patriot act and the numerous legislation that allowed big pharma to do what it did and gave them immunity from lawsuits was bipartisan. Neither party represents we the people. Look at how fast they are to throw money at the military industrial complex while it takes years for them to throw crumbs to us.

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It grew fat on foreign wars and you never stopped it.

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It was the benevolent Martial law of the industrial / military complex; E.O 100 the Lieber Code since 1861 as Juxtaposed to the de facto, Malevolent martial law of big pharma WEF UN 2023 as juxtaposed to a non de facto Actual de jure Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. A solution is found at www.orsja.org

It all plots on the bell curve. 62.5% will not say the truth to the de facto. Yes sir; no sir ! 3 bags full Sir. on the left, 12 to 15% are too stupid to qualify to join the military. 16.25% on the right are smart enough to figure it out but will not take action; 3 to 5% on the left control the stupid et al. evil and those that acquiesce to evil ; On the right 3 to 5% of us will return all of us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. A solution that works is published at www.orsja.org. Very few will go Athens, Tennessee 1946. The de facto yields to the de jure when the fraud of deception is clear. The occupant of the office will take a proper oath to the de jure Constitutions with God included no exceptions.

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Thanks Dariel, very well said!

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From the Zionist's mouth: https://youtu.be/18KXc31l_yw

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? A half a sentence and then he was interrupted repeatedly is your “evidence?”

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That's how they do it. In spite of their own government being completely overtaken and assisting in depopulation and total destruction they can't wrap their heads around what both sides run by the cabal have done to this population of Palestinians in total. And now Israel being set up for a slaughter and sacrifice also.

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A 29 sec. clip is your source?? How about listening to the entire conversation in context?

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