I like Meryl more and more.

The political circus is taken for granted, but this is sooo much more! :)


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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Yes, faked theatre from the DC crowd as usual.

Usually we know for sure Obummer is directing but the question is who was the really bad Director of the theatre on this one?

They forgot to put " blood on his right hand " after he " touched his ear ". Then he announces it at the RNC. " After I touched my ear it had blood all over it " .

The fake crises actor shooter that was horsing around on the roof for 20 minutes with everyone watching him was in a Black Rock TV commercial a couple weeks before. What a coincidence. The Braveheart red ink on the cheek and chin pose with the perfect blue sky ( other parts of sky were cloudy/ hazy ) above had a horizontal " blowing US flag " parallel to the ground. I have never seen that before but it looked perfect it thé photo op taken at some prior time to be released. Love the SS Actors , so obvious to me, looking right at the camera on the floor/ground. Watch the video of the police ( not EMT carrying away the stuffed body double doll while holding the dummy with a small pinch of the pant leg trousers. 🙄 Demonstrating for us, it was a joke! It goes on and on with the fat BBC guy a plant from another false flag " interviewing the Agency plant " with the dumb visor.

Oh and the video with the police man encountering the crises actor with the " rifle " from Black Rock commercial on the roof and then retreating fast from him. All bad acting.

Trump points to the right just before to get everyone and the cameras pointing away.

Has anyone ever been shot in the upper ear before and it looked so good still with no grazing to the head? Most all pics and video on Sage Hanna substack.com a couple days ago. Prob on most other uncensored sites and even U tube at this point. They want to know who is really paying attention and who can be fed the horseshit and nod their head while it is being shoveled in.

Fake, fake fake. Shame on Trump. He is quite the ham though.



I am surprised he trusted that it was going to be fake. But the word was it was a fake rally with few unplanned people.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Was the death and subsequent funeral for Corey Comperatore also "fake?" YOU decide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEFLhChjzGY

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

How do you decide whether you are watching a Bollywood production or reality?

A theater production or reality?

For some it is not difficult at all. Few simple clues needed. Most get fooled. The Evils are taking advantage of the ignorance and lack of education of the public once again.

Snake oil salesmen and magicians have been around since the beginning of mankind. It is just getting out of control now because of the extreme gap of the Evil vs Good and the Ignorant/uneducated and extremely bright/ highly educated. Additionally, the high degree of collusion between gov, corp. interests and Bollywood makes it possible. Of course one can be very bright and have excellent common sense without formal education, as in just fully understanding the high degree of collusion that is going on. That can be a savior.

The Deep State loves to throw funerals to make a point. They invent people and they "kill " them and they kill real people. What is so hard to understand about this? Perhaps it is how out of control and agressive against the citizens, the DS has become.

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There is absolutely nothing you've written here that I have not already been aware of for quite some time. So sorry but you'll need to find another less adroit student upon whom to confer your alleged pearls of wisdom.

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For what it's worth: the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5NBC4ijymw shows (most probably) Mr. Copenhaven collapsing at 0:07, he was at the top, near the left of the rightmost bleachers (for the viewer).

Another one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLLTmANI4rk has the show starting at 8:54 and when you listen closely on slow play (0.25 / 0.5) you hear two different sources for the first two salvos, based on the time difference between passage of the hypersonic projectile ('snap') and the sound of the shot itself thereafter ('boom' - it travels slower).

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"So, grossly oversimplified, the U.S. government had borrowed $21 trillion, and then something like that amount of money disappeared out the back door of DOD’s and HUD’s—or Treasury’s—bank accounts.

In theory, this makes DOD and the U.S. government’s bank depository—the New York Fed and the private banks that own it and implement many of its operations—the largest money laundering institutional team in the history of the world.

Note that the New York Fed became a shareholder of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in October 1994. The BIS is based in Basel, Switzerland and is the central bank of central banks, having 63 of the largest central banks in the world as its members. The BIS enjoys sovereign immunity and can hold assets without disclosure on its balance sheet. What role the BIS may have played in helping to facilitate New York Fed depository transactions, including those that resulted in the $21 trillion in undocumentable adjustments, is an important unanswered question."


Musings on the Department of Defense

Guest post by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari.com



"For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset."

Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump

MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset



Tokenized, Inc: BlackRock’s Plan To Own The Fractionalized World

In the aftermath of the recent Bitcoin ETF approvals, BlackRock’s Larry Fink revealed that soon everything will be “ETF’d” and tokenized, threatening to fractionalize not just existing assets and commodities, but the natural world, reducing most living things into Wall Street financial products to be traded on a single, universal ledger.


"This is corporate capture down to the molecule: a ledger entry for the protons in the new and improved fractionalized atom – courtesy of Larry Fink and his Tokenized, Inc."


Forgive Us Our Enshittification

Jesus died for our debt, not our sins


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Wow! Thanks for the info. We are being so mislead by the world power forces that it's difficult to keep one's head from spinning like a top.

Very few, and certainly no one in the establishment, talks about the devastation and control of geoengineering. As Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org has said for years, "the money printers" run the show. All major mass media (owned by these people) as well as both political parties never speak of this tragedy. Dane calls this distraction from truth, "political theater." And boy, are the sets and the actors beyond intoxicating. I consider myself somewhat awake and don't know which way to turn. Seems that the world controllers have been incredibly adept, with their money and power, at training their theater-goers to buy their story, hook, line and sinker.

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Webb info about Vance’s connection to Thiel and more.

The Jimmy Dore Show Whitney Webb interview about Peter Thiel and other big tech billionaires


The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think


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Professor Hamamoto agrees with you. The next generation being brought in for the globalists. Isn't Vance on his third name right now? So many changing of the names going on. Wish there was information on that to confirm if it is true.

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Had seen something about the Vance name change but have not verified so avoid until more shows.

I worked in the film industry long enough to see how reality is not. In the latter 1990s was on a show with a baby robot stand in remotely controller by an off camera FX guy. It looked real even close up. A few yrs later a morgue scene on another show had a dead guy look so real i wondered if standing inches away. Skip forward yrs later with tech advancements and I question everything as the bumper said when i was a child. Between various movie magic and editing the masses can easily be fooled and I just worked in normal TV and movies, nothing of extraordinary tricks. There are some very talented FX and prop-maker personnel who can be very good at fooling the eye. Worked with one prop guy whi worked on MacGyver and said his favorite show due to all the not normal prop tricks. Like magicians it is an illusion.

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The negativity. So who do you support?

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No One. We don't need an El Jefe'. I don't want one person dictating what 350 million other people do with their lives. Presidential (s)elections have been used for a couple decades now to divide the people and get people to rally to one fake side or another. There's barely a lick of difference between the two "parties". For conservatives, I'm shocked they aren't up in arms about the entire Republican platform being re-written and now *excludes* anything about morality. Who do I support? Firstly, when I look in the mirror I see who will save me from the nightmare going on in this country. Next, I look to my family, my friends, my like-minded neighbors, my *local* sheriff, my *local* politician of whatever stripe. The fix is in at the top and it's not going to matter a hill of beans who gets installed in that position. What will matter are the people who can affect my life directly by choosing whether to implement or ignore whatever insane policies are in store for us no matter who get (s)elected as the Supreme Leader. We must be willing to look at the truth of *all* of these people who are on a national stage and not just cherry pick a couple of good things they did and see the letter behind their name and think they are one of the "good guys". Voting for the lesser of two evils means a person is still voting for evil. I stopped doing that 20 years ago and have never looked back. So, again, I don't support anyone at the top of politics in America. It's a huge game and people who can't see that... well, I feel bad for them. I speak to people in their 60s and 70s that think that if they just vote really hard just one more time they will reclaim the freedom they have lost over their lifetimes under both R and D administrations. I am baffled by that. How is it that suddenly if we just vote harder and the "right way" this time out of all the times in our lifetime, this time will do it. This time it's going to work. Suddenly, the entire swamp will once again adhere to the Constitution. The 1.4 TRILLION dollars in salaries in DC will be slashed and Government will get cut in half, etc. Nah... I'll go to the polls. But there won't be any votes for anyone except for those who I can go to their door and knock on it and say, "why in the heck did you propose (fill in the blank)?

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My sentiments exactly Rob D!

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This feels staged to make Trump look heroic. With the Kennedy history, RFK Jr. is a proven hero for years now. Not staged!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

First part totally agree.

JFK part Or so we think? There is a version where just like in the movies the dummy is shot, fake blood, wife does her thing and he is flown off to live on the Greek Island ( forget the name, on the Mama Mia tour I think ) and wife joins him to live over there, all friends with Onassis.

William Casey 1981 CIA Director

We will know we have done our job when everything the American public believes is a lie.

(paraphrased a little )

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So you are a nihilist. And offer no solution to anything. In Britain they did a whole lot by voting for Brexit and a pro-Brexit party, who in the end were subverted but independence for Britain was a great achievement. All over Europe populist parties and candidates are winning and that is setting the establishment into a frenzy, forcing them to show their true ugly face.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. You should study some geopolitics, then you wouldn't make such dumb claims.

Simple fact. If all the people were like you, we would already be in a World Totalitarian Oligarchy, digital slaves, only CBDC's allowed for currency, a 24/7 chain around our necks and eating bug meal. And it is coming unless we fight back, which you aren't doing. What you are doing is the bidding of the psychopath, power crazed Overlords. Bad idea.

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Good grief. Smith, very arrogant and show you have no clue.

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Lol, do not speak truth against the idol Djt.

Daffy Duck 2024.

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Answer the question, quit evading.

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Did not evade anything donnie duped. Good grief take your donnie duped glasses off.

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You've just shown us the level of your intelligence. Low to nil.

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Too many holes in this event to believe it is real. Slow in film industry at this time of year, FX guys are mostly out of work and available.

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Seeing the perfect photo of the Secret Service propping the Donald up to raise his oddly unbloodied fist next to the American flag, when they should have been covering him up, well, that is one miracle too many.

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Another donnie duped miracle.

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Flag flying perfectly horizontal and parallel to the ground! Sky perfect blue unlike every other picture from that day.

Wouldn't every person stand up nice and proud after being shot at and hit?

Especially with 4 years of practice of being President? Insane what people fall for. Lord help us. People cannot think straight. Put them on that stage and shoot at them and see what they do!!!

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His hand did have blood on it. Don't be ridiculous. I haven't seen even one reputable analyst, included anti-Establishment types like John Cullen who has done the best work on the Las Vegas shootings, who doesn't believe the "It's a setup" notion is just a garbage, crazy idea. A Flat Earth theory.

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Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

The weird shooting of Donald Trump


If You Think The Trump Thing Was Real Let Me Tell You About This Beautiful Bridge I’m Selling


"As I said, Trump is nearly 80 and very much ready to depart the world stage and enjoy his retirement in peace.

Vance, however, is not even 40, and, as such, has decades of political life left in front of him.

Decades to be America's first anti-democratic dictator who removes the vote from vast swathes of society?"



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Yes, and the millions who are a whole lot smarter than you, are dupes, according to you. Makes a whole lot more sense that you are the dupe.

Take a look at scientific analysis by highly intelligent (but not establishment experts), who obviously have forgotten more in ten minutes than you know:

Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson:


Proof that shots were fired from 4 different distances at Trump rally

Legally Armed America:


BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt

Legally Armed America:


See anything about "It isn't real"? Now tell us why they are all idiots but you are smart.

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"Makow Disclaimer- Trump is being installed to lead the West into a suicidal world war against Iran, Russia and China. He is a traitor and Americans are inveterate rubes. All world wars are orchestrated to kill patriots and increase the wealth and power of the central bankers. They couldn't impose their tyranny with lockdowns and toxic vaccines. WW3 will bring in Agenda 2030."


Mike Stone - Forgive Trump His Fakery


Apparently you forgive or ignore Trump his fakery, but we don't.

"As I said, Trump is nearly 80 and very much ready to depart the world stage and enjoy his retirement in peace.

Vance, however, is not even 40, and, as such, has decades of political life left in front of him.

Decades to be America's first anti-democratic dictator who removes the vote from vast swathes of society?"



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Lol, what a joke your not so brilliant take is. Ever heard of sound fx? Good grief anyone claiming this crap show is real is as duped as smithy.

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It is such a scam.

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You think Dr. Chris Martenson is promoting a scam?!? Like why, he's as anti-establishment as you can get.

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Martinson bought into the covid scam hook line & sinker!

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Smith Dude, look at the videos posted above in my long comment. Then look at Substack Hanna with all the other videos with no blood on hand etc. I was wondering how long it would take them to add blood to a hand shot after he announced it the next night at the RNC.

He is still a funny guy and a fairly good business man and used to working with the Mafia and he is best of all the worst who are candidates for the selection ( not election ) process. It's ok.

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No assassination attempt. All staged. No blood on Trumps collar or cuff.

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No. Nobody with any security knowledge believes that crackpot theory. Sorry.

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SmithFS a likely ai bot?

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It is one hell of a lot more likely that you are a paid CIA sockpuppet doing their usual "Poison the Well strategy".

Now why on Earth do you think believing Trump assassination attempt was a real JFK style attack on a popular candidate is pro-CIA? What bizarre convoluted logic you expound.

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LOL DJT bot.

Keep pushing your bot sham.

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👏Excellent info and when you noted 1994 missing money thought of CAF talking about it. Webb info far more detailed than the average. Her recent article about Vance should be front page of every msm outlet but know how that works.

If not for CAF and Solari this would likely not be public. Another one of Trump’s” wonder” actions allowing for unaccountable govt spending.

Nov 2020

‪FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes‬


‪Financial Accounting Board, NEWS RELEASE Oct 2018‬


Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board


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Thé Great Taking...Book and Documentary u tube last I saw it.

They change or make or take away another Law each time with these distractions.

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I know, ugh.

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Also, concerning the trillions of unaccounted for funds. Unfortunately, most people can't fathom the reality of geoengineering. But, for those of us who do, can you imagine the cost of this world wide program with thousands of jets spraying tons upon tons of various chemicals and other contaminates day in and day out for many decades? Not to mention the destruction to our health and environment.

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No chem trails. They are just nicely formed line clouds. 🙄

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Actually, the US government doesn't borrow, only the taxpayer does, which is enforced by the US government. The outcome is that everyone and everything serve as collateral for the fiat currency, issued out of nothing at an interest to the taxpayers, and the country itself, are gone to globalist control, but it all started in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and the founding of its lapdog, the IRS.


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Concerning the trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for. It is difficult for most people to accept the reality of geoengineering. But for those of us who do, can you imagine the cost of this program which uses thousands of jet tankers to spray tons upon tons upon tons of chemicals and other contaminates, all over the country (and some or all of the world), day in and day out for manay decades. Not to mention physical destruction to our lives and our environment?

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"So, trillions were going missing from DOD while a spraying program that cost hundreds of billions—if not trillions—of dollars was happening. Indeed, around the same time one Dutch auditor reported hundreds of billions going missing from NATO, along with systemic secrecy and lack of accountability.35 Is there a connection between expensive geoengineering and money going missing? It seems highly likely."


Musings on the Department of Defense

Guest post by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari.com


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Thanks for the additional info.

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Yeah, so tell us who you support.

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Neither. No point supporting anyone because the Dems will win just like last time. Nothing has been done to change this.

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So a nihilist. You attack everybody, but offer no solution to anything. Why do you even bother, since you don't care?

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So keep banging your head against the wall Smith, expecting a different result. I voted for the lesser of two evils my entire life, no more. Lesser evil is still evil. I am not about to continue to validate a corrupt system.There’s nothing good about Trump. He’s a con man playing his part. If you don’t know that, then you haven’t done much/any research. Trump didn’t do anything when he was in office the first time. Surrounded himself with deep state neocon puppets, banned bump stocks, pushed the Covid jab which has killed millions of people, the self-described “father of the vaccines”, and still pushing them, turned his back on his most ardent supporters on January 6, many of whom are still rotting in jail. Led everyone to believe he was going to jail Killary and yet he and the Clinton’s are best of friends. I could go on but you get the point. Since Trump seems to be your savior, go ahead and vote for him, I guarantee absolutely nothing will change. Reality sucks sometimes!

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You must have a big job to do there at the 77th brigade what with all the trolls and AI bots you have to manage, and the turnover must be terrible. Don't forget to get outside once in a while. Exercise regularly and try to spend at least part of your day being sincere, even though your mission is to spread lies. Try to learn other skills that will be useful after your agency is dismantled and your bosses forget that they ever knew you.

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Projection again. Accusing everyone else of doing exactly what you are doing. The CIA has your back. Admit it.

Funny these guys. They tell us exactly what the CIA wants us to believe. And then claim we are the CIA bots. Cognitive dissonance.

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Lol smithy who is excellent at cognitive dissonance. Funny how fixated on the CIA you are smithy b

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What about the reports of 2-3 shooters? I understand one was the SS sniper. That leaves one unaccounted for.

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Now it is looking like possibly 4 shooters including the SS sniper:


How Many Shooters? John Cullen on the Trump Assassination Attempt, Bret Weinstein:


Proof that shots were fired from 4 different distances at Trump rally

Legally Armed America:


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Yup, the powers keep updating "history." :)

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Check out Dan Bongino's show today; the third shooter was a sniper who was local LE.

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Ok. TU

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Why don't you reprint the whole report or at least summaries please on main text, tis hard to read the report itself in small type on a phone,but I want the main ideas to know please....

Does it mentions Jill speaking to sons of ital lie ?

The secret service probably tried to kill him themselves I believe

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I will pdf it. I thought the text on substack was small

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One question I haven't seen addressed:

Most businesses these days have camera-based security systems. Does AGR have a camera-based security system, and was it enabled on July 13. 2024? If so, has any agency requested access to the security tapes/digital media from that security system?

It seems to me a lot could be known about the movements of various individuals on that day if the AGR security system had even a few outdoor cameras monitoring the environs around their buildings.

OK, I know that was several questions...

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Great question. The FBI / SS have likely already mopped up all of that data, media, etc. (Like they did on 9/11 for miles around the Pentagram when it was hit by a missile--er, um PLANE! My bad.)

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I see we share a similar worldview...

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Wow Meryl’s wonderful Substack comments were just hijacked by radical trolls. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Such a shame when peaceful intellectual discourse is sabotaged.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Resistance from Congress to exposing a state-sponsored assassination attempt, shocking! Let me try to simplify things by offering hard facts without all the links because I am old and tired and have danced to this music more than once before. Everything I state is public domain information.

1) The SS secure zone was a large circle with Trump’s podium at its center. The circle pie was then cut to exclude the single story Glass Factory building from which Crooks allegedly shot, making it look like a PAC-man. Crooks' location was the ideal place from which to kill Trump—and this was known to SS personnel when they scouted the area. There are two two-story buildings just behind the building from which Crooks allegedly shot at Trump.

2) The two SS counter-sniper teams were mounted on barns behind Trump and had a clear line of sight toward only a part of the building that Crooks was on.

3) Neither of them could see Crooks on the building clearly, if at all, because both their views of him were blocked by a tall tree; by contrast, because of the precise geometry of the trees and the podium and the snipers, Crooks had a clear and uninterrupted view of Trump’s podium while the snipers could not see him. You can see this yourself on Google maps.

4) Cheatle and/or SS has stated that local snipers were on the second floor of the one story building that Crooks was on. The second story building behind where Crooks was has a turn-screw flat plane window opened away from where Crooks was that provides a full and clear of Crooks on the one story roof below them. Crowds yelled and screamed for a couple minutes before the shooting that a man with a rifle was on the roof. The official SS counter-sniper teams could not see him, but the “local police snipers” could not have failed to see him.

5) Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity has analyzed the acoustics of the shots and—you can listen to them yourselves—definitively proven that there were at least two very distinct sets of gunfire from the assassins followed by a final heavier final shot that he and others attribute to a third shooter but I suggest might be a final shot from an SS or local police sniper killing Crooks.

6) Cheatle said that there were no SS men on the roof from which Crooks shot because of safety reasons—the roof as slightly sloped “at its peak” if memory serves. The nonsensical reply seemed forced upon her and I believe it came from on high—probably Mayorkas—who also forbade her from testifying. From a man impeached but not tried, I took this remark as a declaration of impunity. Naomi Wolff had the same interpretation.

7) There is clear video of Trump being hustled in the SS limousine as a very large soldier in full-bore camouflage gear holding an enormous automatic rifle stands in front of the limo. As Trump is put inside he gets a message through his microphone, which he cups to his ear to hear better. He then steps to the Trump limo, lowers his rifle directly at Trump and his entourage for a good second, and then lifts it upward. There can be no protective purpose of doing so. It is a threat, as though he had pointed his finger, pulled the trigger, blown the smoke from the barrel, and smiled. Naomi Wolff had the same interpretation.

8) There was, of course, the public display of gross incompetence and cowardice from the fat lesbian SS agents, one of whom was too short to cover Trump and the other of whom cowered behind the group protecting Trump on stage, almost in tears, out of fear for her life. I forget which of the two was later unable to holster her pistol. This, and so much else, is the DEI camouflage for what is a straightforward state sponsored assassination attempt.

9) I have yet to hear of an eyewitness who saw Cross put the ladder up in the alcove behind the Cypress trees. It seems to have 11 rungs and may have been a flip-apart-and-up ladder that he might have easily managed by himself, but I have not heard of a single witness who saw him carrying a ladder. One media reported that he bought a 5’ ladder at Home Depot. Another that he scaled the building from the AC units on the side (again unwitnessed).

10) Security for Trump was supposedly sketchy because of “sudden” competing events by both Jill Biden and Kamala Harris. Naomi Wolff writes that there are no such “sudden” events and both were small indoor events requiring little security. These were coordinated to provide yet another public alibi.

John Day has an intriguing column in support of the idea that the man on the roof was not Crooks but an Antifa thug who had fought in Ukraine and been brought back for domestic service. Perhaps, perhaps not. Doesn’t matter and is a distraction from the main point that this is a wholly visible perfectly public—with a little effort—state organized assassination that went awry because, well, because Trump (I hear) wears a bullet-proof vest and head-shots are always tricky as a distance. Of course everyone asks the wrong dumb questions because the information above is enough to show who did it and how. Some of the questioners are genuinely dumb and others are deliberately misdirecting our attention from what matters. The PAC-man configuration with the tree protecting Crooks from being seen by the SS snipers, plus the multiple shooters, is sufficient to make this a state operation, full stop. Exposing it as such is the task—not clarifying the details of who did what when.

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Why is he the only one in congress questioning anything besides maybe Rand Paul? Tells you the real state of the DC Swamp...they couldn't care less about what happens to this country or anyone living in it. Where are the other few hundred of these bums from the republican side? Oh, I forgot, they hate Trump...that's their excuse. Utterly pitiful and they want me to vote for these pukes?

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Just sit back and watch all the principles in this conspiracy scramble to cover their @$$

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There is no humanity left.

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fwiw, reading the report, I get the distinct impression that we’re not dealing with secret service…… someone else was filling those shoes…..

which makes me wonder , to what long end purpose? bc Trump is likely to win - this debacle only fuels his winning - so what is the next move on this chessboard? if ‘they’ intend His win then ‘they’ must be intending something that HE will be blamed for/take the responsibility for.

creepy to be living in a Time when ‘conspiracy theory’ is as common as our morning cereal…. truly despicable…. but also appears that ‘they’ have no intention of stopping so that tells me that we must be strong and become whatever circumstances call upon us to Be….. warriors for truth/love in whatever form …


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Its even more creepy that actual conspiracies are so common. And that they are made questionable with the contrived lable of "Conspiracy Theory" that has popularized by the conspiritists themselves.

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They obviously don't intend him to win. Just the opposite. They just didn't figure on Trump surviving.

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Maybe because they knew it it was faked like most every show they put on in or from DC ! !

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….. the contrived lable of "Conspiracy Theory……

thank you, yes! Absolutely! that phrase was designed to create self- doubt (the cancer of self love/belief).

there actually is no conspiracy theory - our instincts/intuition are, at the primal level, designed for our survival; and at a higher level instincts/intuition is our connection to truth and higher reality by whatever name we as individuals identify it as we grow….


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True, but this is a construct to keep people at their lowest intellectual levels.

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I clearly saw in one photo of the building a 10 or 12 foot ladder being required to ascend to the roof. It was in an alcove section of the buildings hidden by tall Evergreen trees . A 5 foot ladder doesn’t make it. The Cheetle congressional committee meeting today means nothing because there is no information being conveyed, and she is stonewalling the committee. I’ll say it again crooks was preprogrammed, hypnotized, and managed to be the Patsy. I believe under hypnotism he was told what to do and how to do it and they failed to tell him to buy a 12 foot ladder and or they knew he could not manage the placement of a 12 foot ladder himself without being be noticed. The bombs and remote control device that was found. Are just objects to convince everybody that he was the man ! There has been no mention of who was the coordinator for the SS detail at the live event to control what transpired and when. Also, there’s been no discussion about why SS did not have a surveillance drone managing the site.? I still believe the SS coordinator was a woman behind. Trump filming the whole process and did not flinch when he dropped to the ground and the bullets were flying, but continued to film. Black op!

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I like your ides of hypnotism. I believe mind control is an important aspect of globalist efforts. This accounts for a viable reason why so many "lone gunman" have committed these murders. And explains why these victimized murderers are eliminated before they can wake up and incriminate the foundational perpettrators.

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The 12 foot ladder was likely put there by police after the event. Insurance don't like companies to have ladders to their roofs as kids may climb up them and fall off the roof making the company liable.

He bought & presumably brought a 5ft ladder, which he placed on an air conditioning unit at the entrance to building next to his shooting position. Presumably he got up on the roof via that ladder. Curious though, right beside the entrance where all the police were headquartered.

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Actually the 12-ft ladder was there in pictures taken during the event. But the 5ft ladder was seen on top of an A/C or some other kind of box further right of it in another photo. He very well could have gotten to the roof with it from that spot.

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Ok...BUT because the Republicans control the House, it is THEIR responsibility to control the investigation...and yet, Johnson is blaming Congress for "lack of cooperation." What am I missing here?

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Nothing ever becomes of the Republicans investigations. They really are just a waste of time.

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All they do is give em a slap on the wrist and let em go to continue their destructve acts.

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Yes Dee, Take Fauci. For example. No matter how much evidence is thrown at him, he manages to worm his way free. I can't imagine what we pay him in retirement benefits, and on top of this he lands a teaching position based on his "accomplishments." Yes, these scumbags literally get away with murder. Hope they pay some day, some how, but they leave us in their wake.

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If not now, there will be judgement in the end.

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I want to believe that too, but my patience gets the better of me.

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Belief takes over where common sense ends.

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