it's going to be difficult to find a jury of their peers who wouldn't let them go. Had you ever noticed that inherent problem with the concept of a jury of one's peers? It means that if you're a criminal to be tried, your jury will be criminals also.
How many senators or representatives of either party are willing to even begin to acknowledge the COVID fraud brought to us by our own government (which they are a part and they allowed this to happen by way of past legislation and enabled it in real time when Fauci et al led the way) and the WHO, UN, Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, etc. ?
These senators and representatives that are willing to sponsor this bill….are they willing to admit that they are in part responsible for what has transpired in the past four years?
Furthermore, how many support this bill because they feel that getting the 2/3 vote will put to rest any claims of this being a coup on American sovereignty?
In other words, some will sign onto this bill as a potential means to make the WHO measures legitimate and actionable for the US government to take action on in the future….
My question….how many of the co-sponsors have pledged to vote AGAINST the WHO proposed treaty and understand that we should be exiting the WHO to prevent another plandemic? Those are the numbers that matter.
Furthermore… sponsoring this bill is there an inherent concession that the authority or power drafting it and the means of drafting it are legitimate? We need to be careful not to cede any territory of our sovereignty just because they insist they have been granted it by our “representatives” (those negotiating on behalf of the US)….
Ummm….that is, let’s not forget it was and it s OUR ADMINISTRATION/GOVERNMENT that proposed many of the Amendments. How many Senators and Representatives will ultimately just defer to the bogus “experts” put forth by our own government because….well, you know….outsourcing critical thinking to the philanthropaths is what our government representatives (elected and bureaucrats) do. What makes you think they will not do it again? Has there been any real accountability around the pandemic fraud, lies and harm done by our DOD, FDA, CDC, WH Advisors, etc. ?!?!
I could not agree more with your assessment. However, one senator stands out. Ron Johnson has taken a leadership role in vaccine injuries and the government suppression of viable COVID-19 therapeutics like Hydroxy and Ivermectin.
I hear you. We are in territory these days where it becomes increasingly difficult to know who or what to trust.
I understand why you appreciate the efforts of Ron Johnson. But at some point we have to measure the efforts based on their effectiveness in moving the needle.
By that, I mean that like in the UK with the occasional parliamentarian raising objections to the Covid fraud, Ron Johnson holds hearing where essentially experts are singing to the choir….so what is accomplished?
It concerns me or makes me question whether the effect of Johnson or others like him (issuing a rallying cry but failing to effective rally much of anyone) only serves as a release valve for the frustrated public’s angst, frustration and anger and is a slow play designed to leave the public with the impression that somebody in a position of power is doing something.
It doesn’t even really matter if he is controlled opposition….maybe he is not. And we can offer sincere thanks for his efforts but also recognize that his efforts have failed to accomplish much. How many hearings has he held? And yet, nothing changes…Fauci is an esteemed elder of NIH, alongside Collins….Biden’s admin is still pushing their amendments at WHO….Palantir and Thiel are in charge of data related to the vaccines, Gates is still the man behind the curtain installing the new infrastructure for the digital prison.
So….at the end of the day….we really have theatre in DC to give us an outlet for our turbulent seas of emotion. Meanwhile….tick tock….time moves on, and in essence the clock is being run out….social impact markets are being set up as tools of governance for the public/private partnerships that will put the technocrats in charge of our governance.
The other thing I come back to often….when one (a politician) supposedly is opposed to one obvious element of the “Great Reset” but then supports a different but very related issue or agenda items of the globalist. It often tells me that the politician either does not fully understand the agenda or is essentially playing a role in the theatre act. Just my opinion because once you recognize or know the globalist playbook….its use is evident in healthcare, education, energy, finance, environmental issues, etc.
Since becoming corrupted with sponsors' finances which equate to 'INFLUENCE' for profits, The World Health Organisation is no longer relevant in any world health matters.
We, the people determined that this unelected organisation no longer has any influence on world health matters.
We, the people, have spoken!
Have I become a tad cynical since the WHO assisted in the creation and development of the bio-weapon called Covid. They then deliberately coordinated the launch the Covid Scamdemic, in order to justify the introduction of a dangerous and useless injectable 'CURE' which they pretend is a 'VACCINE'?
We owe the WHO, UN, WEF, etc. nothing. The dual citizens who took over the USA and Europe are trying to use division and fear to eliminate sovereignty. The US Constitution should be replicated worldwide, instead they are slowly destroying liberty everywhere, including the USA.
I encourage you to go to and tell your Congressman to support this bipartisan bill!
I can not support my Congressional representatives if they don't vote yes!
S.444 - A bill to require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.
Louisiana Says ‘No Way’ to the Great Reset’s Latest Power Grab, and the Next One That’s Coming
Guest Editorial by Jason Jones
In a first, the Louisiana Senate has passed a bill that would block international political organizations and the Federal government from imposing tyrannical policies upon the people. In our resistance struggle against the globalists and their “Great Reset,” Louisiana’s bold move is historic. It will either inspire or shame legislators in other states to do the same, in defense of their voters’ rights.
yes. Forgot about Louisiana. And what about the State which passed a bill to ban geoengineering? I'm going to look it up.I emailed it to a relative. Darn can't find it.
The democrat dummy in the Black House will never sign it. I doubt the House will let it slide by. This shouldn't even be a consideration that WHO has anything to do with our health and sovereignty. Do not fall for this lame attempt by congress. They have taken payoffs from gates and the WEF.
Yes, he did his first term and he will his second. He has already proven that to the world. He got us out of it and the Dems went nuts! They understand now🧐
I believe RFK Jr. is our best man for the job. We have a choice if we can get him on all state ballots. Fortunately we don’t need to choose between the lesser of 2 evils.
How many times do I have to respond to false claims that RFK is interested in taking away our guns? He is not. And while he is a conservationist I don't think he is taken in by the green new deal. May be he was, once. We all learned quite a bit during the past 4 years.
Trump may have some good ideas .But last time he was in office he could not find one person who was cooperating with him .It could be worse next time .It would be quite a spectacle to have him as president govern from a jail cell .
I like Trump, too. In the VERY beginning, of him being famous, when he was in the news, I just thought he was an ass, but I did think he was saying things that other people thought. Later, I thought he was hilarious, because people would be so pissed off because he shot straight from the hip and didn't mollicoddle them by speaking lies they wanted to hear. When he ran for president, I was glad, because I thought he still said what he thought, and if nothing else I'd have good entertainment for 4 years.
So what? Isn't ridding our government of corruption, stopping wars, improving the health of our children, demanding proof of safety & efficacy of vaccines, keeping tech companies out of our private lives, and defending FREE SPEECH more important than green crap and gun control?
All those things are definitely super important. The 1st and 2nd Amendments are intertwined and our Forefathers knew it. Look at what has happened to Canada, Australia and New Zealand just to name the most recent countries who can’t own guns.
Agreed! And gun control does not mean gun elimination. Kennedy is NOT advocating to take away guns...he just believes in responsible ownership and legal possession.
Kennedy is a good man with a good heart and he understands government but he is just FAR to liberal to Govern this country. I believe Trump will offer Bobby a position where he can be the most effective and help to correct course for the country. That's assuming that these leftist operators are not able to imprison or kill Trump before November!
I love RFK. I really do. However, I don't believe he, or any other 3rd party candidate, can ever be elected to the white house. 270 electoral votes are required to win the whitehouse. If none of the candidates reaches 270, it becomes what is know as a "contingent" election, and congress elects the president. I just don't see RFK receiving the 270.
WTF! WHY would Republicans want to give away American automony, especially when it seems that many Republicans are skeptics of the American response to the pandemic...and further, because America had one of the worst RESULTS from the pandemic, why would ANYONE want to replicate this ineffective and even dangerous strategy?!?
Exactly!!!! Very dangerous strategy….may even be a Trojan horse of sorts. As stated in the infamous Day tapes…people do not ask the right questions. The hour is late….and the fact that this is the strategy to be employed to save the day is not a good sign.
That's not what's happening. They are attempting to bring approval of agreements, etc. with international organizations up to the approval level for treaties.
We probably want to get out of the WHO, the UN, etc. but between now and then we want to protect ourselves against a partisan controlled Senate. Unfortunately, I believe that it would require a constitutional amendment to make it binding on the Senate.
Really our representatives get to vote on the WHO treaty? They all sold our right to informed consent to the WHO willingly by not repealing Congressional laws that allowed the vaccine to poison the world. Now you think they will act in our best interest, lady what planet do you live on. The Bank of International Settlement tells these ‘reps’ what to do. The reps were allowed not to have to take the vax, they only take care of themselves and are part of this cabal. Your awe shucks articles pander to evil power weilders.
Any American who votes (or tries in other ways) to turn our country’s sovereignty over to any person/organization/government of a foreign nation is a traitor, should be removed from office, investigated and tried accordingly.
Ron Johnson is a good man trying to make a difference in an impossible situation. Far beyond the political apparatus, people need to come to grips with the fact that this entire debacle is a war between good and evil and we the people have to take any and every win we can get. I would define these efforts as a win we must have. If people are this discouraged now, what are they going to do when the going gets difficult? This Republic has run it's course and it is being finished off by Communists within but we can still slow down the corrupt criminals who have caused this nightmare. The way to do that is being placed before you. Politicians need $$$,yes but they need votes even more. Every time you send a hand written note to a Representative in Congress it gets counted regardless of whether they even read it. That note in their minds counts as 10 thousand notes! Your note or text or phone call is GOLD. Understand that!! Posted opinions on Social media platforms are highly discounted compared to taking the time to connect with the Senators and Representatives. The painful truth is, we the people have been very foolish for taking for granted that we could just let government run itself. Our participation has ALWAYS been required.
Not good enough. Just ban it altogether.
Every other lettered agency as well and the UN!
but first it would be good if we can locate a u.s. based company to furnish us the kilometers of rope we'll need to hang them by the necks until dead.
Right or things to make a spit to burn them at the stake with (after a court trial).
it's going to be difficult to find a jury of their peers who wouldn't let them go. Had you ever noticed that inherent problem with the concept of a jury of one's peers? It means that if you're a criminal to be tried, your jury will be criminals also.
Make sure the NSA is one of those lettered agencies and they will now attack the Internet:
Defund WHO
Ok…so what if they need a 2/3 vote….
How many senators or representatives of either party are willing to even begin to acknowledge the COVID fraud brought to us by our own government (which they are a part and they allowed this to happen by way of past legislation and enabled it in real time when Fauci et al led the way) and the WHO, UN, Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, etc. ?
These senators and representatives that are willing to sponsor this bill….are they willing to admit that they are in part responsible for what has transpired in the past four years?
Furthermore, how many support this bill because they feel that getting the 2/3 vote will put to rest any claims of this being a coup on American sovereignty?
In other words, some will sign onto this bill as a potential means to make the WHO measures legitimate and actionable for the US government to take action on in the future….
My question….how many of the co-sponsors have pledged to vote AGAINST the WHO proposed treaty and understand that we should be exiting the WHO to prevent another plandemic? Those are the numbers that matter.
Furthermore… sponsoring this bill is there an inherent concession that the authority or power drafting it and the means of drafting it are legitimate? We need to be careful not to cede any territory of our sovereignty just because they insist they have been granted it by our “representatives” (those negotiating on behalf of the US)….
Ummm….that is, let’s not forget it was and it s OUR ADMINISTRATION/GOVERNMENT that proposed many of the Amendments. How many Senators and Representatives will ultimately just defer to the bogus “experts” put forth by our own government because….well, you know….outsourcing critical thinking to the philanthropaths is what our government representatives (elected and bureaucrats) do. What makes you think they will not do it again? Has there been any real accountability around the pandemic fraud, lies and harm done by our DOD, FDA, CDC, WH Advisors, etc. ?!?!
Good questions
I could not agree more with your assessment. However, one senator stands out. Ron Johnson has taken a leadership role in vaccine injuries and the government suppression of viable COVID-19 therapeutics like Hydroxy and Ivermectin.
I hear you. We are in territory these days where it becomes increasingly difficult to know who or what to trust.
I understand why you appreciate the efforts of Ron Johnson. But at some point we have to measure the efforts based on their effectiveness in moving the needle.
By that, I mean that like in the UK with the occasional parliamentarian raising objections to the Covid fraud, Ron Johnson holds hearing where essentially experts are singing to the choir….so what is accomplished?
It concerns me or makes me question whether the effect of Johnson or others like him (issuing a rallying cry but failing to effective rally much of anyone) only serves as a release valve for the frustrated public’s angst, frustration and anger and is a slow play designed to leave the public with the impression that somebody in a position of power is doing something.
It doesn’t even really matter if he is controlled opposition….maybe he is not. And we can offer sincere thanks for his efforts but also recognize that his efforts have failed to accomplish much. How many hearings has he held? And yet, nothing changes…Fauci is an esteemed elder of NIH, alongside Collins….Biden’s admin is still pushing their amendments at WHO….Palantir and Thiel are in charge of data related to the vaccines, Gates is still the man behind the curtain installing the new infrastructure for the digital prison.
So….at the end of the day….we really have theatre in DC to give us an outlet for our turbulent seas of emotion. Meanwhile….tick tock….time moves on, and in essence the clock is being run out….social impact markets are being set up as tools of governance for the public/private partnerships that will put the technocrats in charge of our governance.
Well said, Laura! Plus, Ron Johnson still calls it a vaccine and says there was a pandemic.
I’m going to quote another “Nancy who said “just say NO”.
Johnson is controlled opposition from the get go. Wake up!
EXCELLENT comment, Laura!!!
I think the answer to your question is look at how many congress members are working with Ron Johnson. Is there even one who is?
The other thing I come back to often….when one (a politician) supposedly is opposed to one obvious element of the “Great Reset” but then supports a different but very related issue or agenda items of the globalist. It often tells me that the politician either does not fully understand the agenda or is essentially playing a role in the theatre act. Just my opinion because once you recognize or know the globalist playbook….its use is evident in healthcare, education, energy, finance, environmental issues, etc.
Remember that both parties voted for the patriot act and to give big pharma impunity and both the cares and prep acts.
They don’t have any problems taking away our inalienable rights. No I don’t trust anyone in congress.
Oh yeah and they just reupped the FISA bill without a warrant! F them all.
Yup. Kind of my point. Different wings…same bird!
Good question…politics are politics….
WHO needs to be put in its place
A bunch of whinny, 3rd world catering who resemble Dicken's Oliver
"Please sir, may I have more"
Since becoming corrupted with sponsors' finances which equate to 'INFLUENCE' for profits, The World Health Organisation is no longer relevant in any world health matters.
We, the people determined that this unelected organisation no longer has any influence on world health matters.
We, the people, have spoken!
Have I become a tad cynical since the WHO assisted in the creation and development of the bio-weapon called Covid. They then deliberately coordinated the launch the Covid Scamdemic, in order to justify the introduction of a dangerous and useless injectable 'CURE' which they pretend is a 'VACCINE'?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Do you follow 2nd smartest;)??
I think I heard my thoughts on the matter on Princess Bride, not sure: "DEATH FIRST!" And then you can vaccinate me. :) LOL
How about no negotiations with unelected organizations at all. They are not our government.
🙌 Amen!
Bingo. We have a winner.
Anyone with half a brain should not comply with anything these mass murdering do gooders propose.
We owe the WHO, UN, WEF, etc. nothing. The dual citizens who took over the USA and Europe are trying to use division and fear to eliminate sovereignty. The US Constitution should be replicated worldwide, instead they are slowly destroying liberty everywhere, including the USA.
I encourage you to go to and tell your Congressman to support this bipartisan bill!
I can not support my Congressional representatives if they don't vote yes!
S.444 - A bill to require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.
Work on Manchen to support.
Find out who did not get the clot shots in the Senate and work on them to support.
Probably none of them did.
Probably most went to Epsteins island. Find out who didn't.
Louisiana Says ‘No Way’ to the Great Reset’s Latest Power Grab, and the Next One That’s Coming
Guest Editorial by Jason Jones
In a first, the Louisiana Senate has passed a bill that would block international political organizations and the Federal government from imposing tyrannical policies upon the people. In our resistance struggle against the globalists and their “Great Reset,” Louisiana’s bold move is historic. It will either inspire or shame legislators in other states to do the same, in defense of their voters’ rights.
yes. Forgot about Louisiana. And what about the State which passed a bill to ban geoengineering? I'm going to look it up.I emailed it to a relative. Darn can't find it.
The democrat dummy in the Black House will never sign it. I doubt the House will let it slide by. This shouldn't even be a consideration that WHO has anything to do with our health and sovereignty. Do not fall for this lame attempt by congress. They have taken payoffs from gates and the WEF.
Black House is a perfect description 👍👍
Will Trump be able to get us out of the WHO when he's elected?
He is pretty quiet and the concerns me
Yes, he did his first term and he will his second. He has already proven that to the world. He got us out of it and the Dems went nuts! They understand now🧐
But, but, but........ he gave the money to GAVI - Bill Gates, instead! Brilliant sleight of hand!
He’ll have to answer to every question as with all involved in genocide. No one is immune.
No, he didn't. He stopped us paying them for membership. He did not take us out of the horrible, malfeasant organization.
FJB! paid our dues when it got into office.
I believe RFK Jr. is our best man for the job. We have a choice if we can get him on all state ballots. Fortunately we don’t need to choose between the lesser of 2 evils.
He believes in the green new deal & gun control
How many times do I have to respond to false claims that RFK is interested in taking away our guns? He is not. And while he is a conservationist I don't think he is taken in by the green new deal. May be he was, once. We all learned quite a bit during the past 4 years.
Exactly. We have a choice between Trump, who did ok, and 2 dicktators. (I spelled it wrong on purpose.) A heck of a "choice."
I like Trump, always have. I also love the way he can get under the deep states skin like a flesh eating disease.
Trump may have some good ideas .But last time he was in office he could not find one person who was cooperating with him .It could be worse next time .It would be quite a spectacle to have him as president govern from a jail cell .
I like Trump, too. In the VERY beginning, of him being famous, when he was in the news, I just thought he was an ass, but I did think he was saying things that other people thought. Later, I thought he was hilarious, because people would be so pissed off because he shot straight from the hip and didn't mollicoddle them by speaking lies they wanted to hear. When he ran for president, I was glad, because I thought he still said what he thought, and if nothing else I'd have good entertainment for 4 years.
I disagree. Don't listen to what the media says. Pay attention only to his words.
Obama taught us to forget the words. Only look at the deeds.
So what? Isn't ridding our government of corruption, stopping wars, improving the health of our children, demanding proof of safety & efficacy of vaccines, keeping tech companies out of our private lives, and defending FREE SPEECH more important than green crap and gun control?
All those things are definitely super important. The 1st and 2nd Amendments are intertwined and our Forefathers knew it. Look at what has happened to Canada, Australia and New Zealand just to name the most recent countries who can’t own guns.
Agreed! And gun control does not mean gun elimination. Kennedy is NOT advocating to take away guns...he just believes in responsible ownership and legal possession.
Kennedy is a good man with a good heart and he understands government but he is just FAR to liberal to Govern this country. I believe Trump will offer Bobby a position where he can be the most effective and help to correct course for the country. That's assuming that these leftist operators are not able to imprison or kill Trump before November!
I love RFK. I really do. However, I don't believe he, or any other 3rd party candidate, can ever be elected to the white house. 270 electoral votes are required to win the whitehouse. If none of the candidates reaches 270, it becomes what is know as a "contingent" election, and congress elects the president. I just don't see RFK receiving the 270.
OK, that's super scarey...
Absolutely he will if they are not able to imprison or kill him first. That's a distinct possibility.
WTF! WHY would Republicans want to give away American automony, especially when it seems that many Republicans are skeptics of the American response to the pandemic...and further, because America had one of the worst RESULTS from the pandemic, why would ANYONE want to replicate this ineffective and even dangerous strategy?!?
Exactly!!!! Very dangerous strategy….may even be a Trojan horse of sorts. As stated in the infamous Day tapes…people do not ask the right questions. The hour is late….and the fact that this is the strategy to be employed to save the day is not a good sign.
That's not what's happening. They are attempting to bring approval of agreements, etc. with international organizations up to the approval level for treaties.
We probably want to get out of the WHO, the UN, etc. but between now and then we want to protect ourselves against a partisan controlled Senate. Unfortunately, I believe that it would require a constitutional amendment to make it binding on the Senate.
Really our representatives get to vote on the WHO treaty? They all sold our right to informed consent to the WHO willingly by not repealing Congressional laws that allowed the vaccine to poison the world. Now you think they will act in our best interest, lady what planet do you live on. The Bank of International Settlement tells these ‘reps’ what to do. The reps were allowed not to have to take the vax, they only take care of themselves and are part of this cabal. Your awe shucks articles pander to evil power weilders.
Any American who votes (or tries in other ways) to turn our country’s sovereignty over to any person/organization/government of a foreign nation is a traitor, should be removed from office, investigated and tried accordingly.
Ron Johnson is a good man trying to make a difference in an impossible situation. Far beyond the political apparatus, people need to come to grips with the fact that this entire debacle is a war between good and evil and we the people have to take any and every win we can get. I would define these efforts as a win we must have. If people are this discouraged now, what are they going to do when the going gets difficult? This Republic has run it's course and it is being finished off by Communists within but we can still slow down the corrupt criminals who have caused this nightmare. The way to do that is being placed before you. Politicians need $$$,yes but they need votes even more. Every time you send a hand written note to a Representative in Congress it gets counted regardless of whether they even read it. That note in their minds counts as 10 thousand notes! Your note or text or phone call is GOLD. Understand that!! Posted opinions on Social media platforms are highly discounted compared to taking the time to connect with the Senators and Representatives. The painful truth is, we the people have been very foolish for taking for granted that we could just let government run itself. Our participation has ALWAYS been required.