Surely, we the people, have gone beyond obeying ridiculous ideas from insane purveyors of Global Warming. We, the people back the Farmers 100%. We do not accept insane Globalist concepts!

We simply say, "you found many fools in the population that accepted the (not so) Safe & Effective (DEADLY) injections, but we're a lot wiser now and don't trust the Establishment and medical industry.

We now understand the evil, unacceptable long term intentions of the WEF's New World Order = to CULL Earth's population! Enough is enough so we ain't being taken for gullible mugs again.

We back Farmers and any entity producing meat, vegetable and other healthy food and must simply tell governments we do not your insane and pathetic 'Food and Mind Control' processes.

LIABILITY must be immediately reintroduced for ALL Medicines, particularly 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections that are more likely to cause human lives than to save them. mRNA = Gene Editing and we ain't gonna accept being surreptitiously Genetically Modified!

No more jabs until they prove to be SAFE & EFFECTIVE to honest checking authorities - NOT the corrupted FDA or CDC!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer eating steak and avoiding medical intervention!

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The Medical Industrial Complex has to a huge degree forfeited trust. The only way to regain it is for deep and sincere apologies, acknowledging the harm inflicted, and above all honoring people's inherent right to informed consent. Had to fire my long time doctor when he insisted on vaxxing me. I walked out.

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I recently underwent a hernia operation, but before I agreed I sent my local GP, the hospital performing the op and our National Health Service a letter stating that;

"Under no circumstances, must I be given an mRNA injection (called 'a vaccine') and that in any circumstances that could necessitate a 'BLOOD TRANSFUSION' that I refuse any/all blood that has been mixed with blood contaminated with blood taken from 'Covid 19' or 'Bird Flu' 'Vaccinated' donors". My demand has been recorded by all elements of UK NHS Health.

I have learned that ALL BLOOD taken for transfusion is kept in unsegregated containers. Blood donated by vaxxed and unvaxxed donors is one and the same = CONTAMINATED with mRNA! Such blood immediately becomes an mRNA transfusion - with no opportunity for recipients to have a choice of avoid being indirectly 'VACCINATED'.

To reinforce my cranky request, I wore a tee-shirt with "Experimental Vax - No thanks" (on the front) and "Vitamin D won't kill me" (on the back).

A well as the tee-shirt messages, I wore a membership badge from an organisation collecting data relating to us 'unvaxxed'. The Vax Control Group 'badge' reads "This person must not be vaccinated and is a Member of a Study of the UNVAXXED.

Hopefully my cranky behavior will have saved me from becoming indirectly contaminated with mRNA by a surgeon slipping me an unwanted vaccine jab or an unlikely contaminated Blood Transfusion. Time ill tell!

I have to admit I was very surprised when each of the participating medical staff acknowledged my letter and seemed to have a copy of the letter on their clipboards!

The anaesthetist even went through the process of confirming every medical material that might be injected throughout the entire procedure!

I may be a crank - but, hopefully, an uncontaminated crank!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without illicit medical intervention!

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Excellent. I have prepared a similar statement via a form letter that was provided to me by no-vax colleagues.

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Surely, we the people, have gone beyond obeying ridiculous ideas from insane purveyors of Global Warming. We, the people back the Farmers 100%. We do not accept insane Globalist concepts!

We simply say, "you found many fools in the population that accepted the (not so) Safe & Effective (DEADLY) injections, but we're a lot wiser now and don't trust the Establishment and medical industry.

We now understand the evil, unacceptable long term intentions of the WEF's New World Order = to CULL Earth's population! Enough is enough so we ain't being taken for gullible mugs again.

We back Farmers and any entity producing meat, vegetable and other healthy food and must simply tell governments we do not your insane and pathetic 'Food and Mind Control' processes.

LIABILITY must be immediately reintroduced for ALL Medicines, particularly 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections that are more likely to cause human lives than to save them. mRNA = Gene Editing and we ain't gonna accept being surreptitiously Genetically Modified!

No more jabs until they prove to be SAFE & EFFECTIVE to honest checking authorities - NOT the corrupted FDA or CDC!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer eating steak and avoiding medical intervention!

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We've got to let them know we know what's been going on and what the evil intentions of the WEF's New World Order really is.

I have to say, I was surprised that the health professionals took my letter seriously, recorded it and were even happy to discuss and (supposedly) agree with my fanaticism!

I even sent a 'Cease and Desist' letter to the NHS demanding they stop inviting me to unproven EXPERIMENTAL injections of unproven technologies including mRNA gene editing! They didn't respond but the invitations stopped a few days later. There must be a secret register of us Conspiracy Theorist nutters!

Regards! Unjabbed Mick. Let's keep making a noise they can't pretend they can't hear?

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They can hear, they can listen, they can discuss, and they are still likely to take their marching orders from government via hospital bureaucrats. Even if they agree not to inject anything, their agreement will mean little, because how will anyone know if the food/water are mRNA-infected or not? Many on the left are fanatical enough to actually believe the planet-saving crap about global warming and over population, and they will never stop until they are dead or we are dead, or they are "injected" with enough fear to stop. Others are true control freaks and do not care how many people or animals are harmed or killed

The leftist globalists do not try to reach their goals in one fell swoop. Rather, they do things little by little, switching the emphasis from one or another action to keep a low profile and make it difficult to blame anyone but an immediate culprit, for example, someone who starts a major fire. If they get caught there will be little to link them to the globalists. They can talk about all the means they are using, but talking is not proof enough to arrest them, and since many of them are highly placed in their governments, they can subvert any attempts to make or enforce laws that would block their agenda. . https://wide-awake-media.com/wef-puppet-a-water-crisis-will-succeed-where-others-crises-have-failed/

While there are signs that people are becoming more aware of some globalist goals, few appear to have grasped the enormity of the entire project - all 17 of them* with a single goal - total control of the everything that can be controlled.

*them being the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN




legqal structure

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An all-star team lineup. Can it enable prosecutions? THAT will be the game-changer, especially when "they" are offered plea deals for cooperation.

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And RFK jr Is on that list, who is a Green New Deal supporter. Irony. Small farms, market gardens are being shutdown in Oregon. I can't live without CO2, the gas of life for farmers. I can live without do-gooders like RFK jr.


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You have no idea what RFK Jr supports

Do you still hold all your beliefs from 10-20 years ago?

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Yes. Pretty much. I've been an anti-government small L libertarian all of my life.

RFKjr. wrote his screed as an adult, not as a young idealogue out of college. It was published in 2020, not in 1990. You are being ridiculous.

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I happen to be knowledgeable about the subject. RFK now understands there is a big scam involved in the climate narrative

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Uh-huh. To bodly claim I have "no idea what RFK jr. supports" when I have actually taken the time to read "climate in crisis", published only 4 years ago, and obviously, you haven't seems a tad arrogant. He needs to repudiate his own work rather than have you be his mouthpiece. I was informed by another substacker, and I didn't bother to waste my time verifying it, that another one of your fellow Conference presenters, Catherine Austin Fitts, preposterously asserts Trump's assasination attempt was staged theater. So this is the "honesty" represented by the vaccine freedom movement?

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Totally agree with you.

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Boo. Misinformed by propoganda.

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If we don’t cut carbon’s money pipeline, we will pay for their gasoline with flood, droughts, fires, superstorms, drowned cities, mass extinctions, wars, and collapsing civilizations.


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Citation and year please

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I don't have the particular source for that quote. It's all over the web.

But it is constistent with what I can easily cite:

“Long before it turned its attention to systematically destroying the planet, the carbon industry set its sights on destroying American democracy and bull-dozing its values”. RFKjr. Chapter, 1 Climate in crisis

"The glaciers are melting on every continent, threatening the food and water supplies for billions of people. The ice caps are shrinking, their melt water swelling the oceans and flooding coastal cities. Fisheries are collapsing globally. Disease, drought, fire, famine, and flood are transforming the planet into scenes reminiscent of Biblical accounts of the apocalypse. This is not a hoax."

Chapter 1 RFKjr. Climate In Crisis

"These are my personal harbingers of the predictable fallout of climate change: storms on steroids, droughts, famine, disappearance of the ice caps and the glaciers on every continent, spread of insect-borne diseases, threatening civilization and humanity. Wildfires raged across Alaska, the Arctic, Greenland, and Siberia; Australian wildfires devastated that continent; California wildfires are 500 percent larger than they were in the 1970’s. The burning of the Amazon is leading to a cascading collapse of natural systems across the planet. In the world’s second-largest rainforest, the Congo, 50 percent more fires burned than in the Amazon."

Chapter 1, Climate in Crisis

Shall I go on?

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Awaiting further details. Europe has already gone bonkers over this farming nonsense. Anyone else following the urban riots in Great Britain? So many illegal settlers have crossed the borders that riots have been breaking out between the border crossers, but reportedly NONE of these riots are directed at the British.

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This is awesome! Thank you!

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Is registration required? I haven't found a place to register.

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Thanks for presenting the 2nd Annual Attack on Food and Farmers. We indeed are looking into the abyss--potentially, the end of food safety OR the plans for food insecurity OR How to gain control of a world population. You are fearless, Dear Doctor Nass. I hope they really regret taking your medical license away. It was such a stupid move--but the best thing that ever happened for the Truth Seekers. I'll be there. :))

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I'll close the next blog post with this update.

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Look up Dr. Jack Wolfson, a Paleo cardiologist. He knows enough about shots and won't give them to his young children, wife or take them himself.

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