
"Killing regulation works if you don’t actually care whether your product works or is safe."

But they knew it works. It works to kill.

Vaccine hostility as an alternative to both vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence.

A short timeline of Congressional acts and appropriations demonstrating federal government intent to harm and kill with legal impunity using 'vaccines,' and effective execution of programs.


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That, Sir, is a work of brilliance. Excellent.

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They're bioweapons. It's time to stop pretending.

See Katherine Watt's and Sasha Latypova's work.

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They were touting these at the beginning of COVID and then things got very quiet. I suspect this may be what was deployed anyway, and that's why there was so much apparent shedding.

My notes on the subject:

CEO in May 2020


This was their CEO promoting their product in September 2020.


With only six likes and comments turned off, you can see why this never got promoted in the west. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t doled out though.

It now comes in a powdered form that is “very stable”


Precision Nanosystems (Gates-funded: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2020/11/inv023637)

The new generation of RNA vaccines that require ultra-low doses & help ramp up production


Oh, splendid. At around 5 minutes and change, she says one of the big institutions working on this is Imperial College, London

“There team got access on the 20th of January last year [2020], and then within a month, they were able to confirm self-amplifying RNA expression, and they started immunogenicity studies”

PrecisionNanosSystems: Self Amplifying mRNA vaccine for COVID 19 Dr. Anna Blakney Imperial College May 2020


~4:30 admits replicating vaccines are the least safe

~15 min “so, knowing this, we then start the outbreak”

~16:11 timeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVh1s06H_nw&t=971s

They already had self-amplifying RNA confirmed by Feb 12, 2020

“This is quite a rapid timeline for making these vaccines, which I think is one of the advantages of self-replicating mRNA”

~27 min “we don’t need a whole manufacturing facility; with the appropriate amount of money, I can make a million doses in the lab”

~30 min Imperial College and PrecisionNanoSystems



~1 min “this work was conducted from 2008-2015… all the data…during the time”

^^Holy crap. This is old tech.



Terrifyingly, these really are room temperature stable


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If you see flashy graphics, run away. There is no way they know how to control the complex system we call the immune system. Do they even know the boundaries???

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Bizarrely Victoria, in Australia, provisions the precautionary principle in law, under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 as the following:

"6 Precautionary principle

If a public health risk poses a serious threat, lack

of full scientific certainty should not be used as a

reason for postponing measures to prevent or

control the public health risk."

This is even more deranged when you consider they refused to use starts with I and ends with censored and other now proven useful treatments.


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We need to bring back the Nuremberg style hangings. These evil doers know there is no consequences to their actions (experimenting on humans).

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The very concept of vaccines is a health seekers fork in the road.

Suggest strongly taking the turn in the opposite direction.

Some of us knew this 40 years ago... Governed by philosophy and supported by science.

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Instead of trying to persuade the Japanese people of the safety of the Replicon COVID vaccine with verbal reassurances, why don't they just publish the multitude of scientific studies proving the safety of this product? (snicker snicker)

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You are insane if you trust ANY vaccine or mRNA poison of any kind. We are certainty at that point.

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There is also a biotech company behind this replicon shot called VPL in Japan. They have Stanley Plotkin on the advisory board!

They conducted their own safety trial and it was 'safe & effective' (at killing people)

Beyond nefarious

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Bill Ghates is neither a doctor nor a scientist. Why is he doing thi$? I wonder why....

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Bill Gates is a simple minded, goonish, non-entity who is a mere puppet of the pissants in power. If he were not an agent of an organized crime network, he'd be living under a bridge somewhere.

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Profit (as you suggest).

And, I suspect, it gratifies his evil, misanthropic nature.

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Yea! The Citizens of Japan are now lab rats and are being turned into micro vaccine plants at the cellular level. Much cheaper than brick and mortar. Longevity in Japan is decreasing by .5% per year. Will this Replicon speed up the process/ Stay tuned!

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Dr. Nass writes: “I have long explained (for 25 plus years) that vaccines are unsuitable as a response to bioterrorism (or for that matter, rapidly mutating viruses) because you don’t know what the infectious agent will look like ahead of time […] Furthermore, it takes years to assess the safety, efficacy and proper dose of a vaccine.“

Has any vaccine really gone through the proper and accurate process of being tested for safety and efficacy?

Is there one vaccine so completely studied against true placebo (saline) that has been declared safe?

Are you, Dr. Nass, still working under that mindset, assuming that there is safety and efficacy in any of those inyectable products?

After all the dubious history of vaccination in general and serious questions about vaccines “effectiveness” and “safety” as described by authors of books such as Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All The Way Down, and after all the covid vaccine harms of the last four years, I cannot ever again think of vaccines in terms other than HARMFUL AGENTS from which to stay away ☠️💉❌

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Thanks. Excellent, as usual. How can anyone possibly think that drugs are the way to stay healthy? Health came a long time before drugs. These damned drug pushers (and enablers) have to be stopped.

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So each vial is enough to injext the whole yoga class. Of course, they won't let you in if you been poisoned by with this bioweapon....

From where they wouldn't let you in if you hadn't, to where no one wants you if you had did done dat dammmm ding

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Tell me again, Mainstream Media, how there aren't some greedy psychopaths trying to kill off a whole lot of us by 2030 or beyond, for the good of their bank accounts and allegedly the planet!!

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There is no such thing as manistream media. It's dirtball media that wants us to think their garbage is "mainstream" because most people apparently want to be part of the crowd. Please call it what it is, corporate media, mafia media or sewage; just please don't legitimize it with the label of "mainstream" when it deserves to be mocked and marginalized thoroughly.

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Point well taken! I’m trying to be Christian about this but these Ted Baxters and their female counterparts make that quite difficult! They either don’t know or don’t WANT to know the damage they’ve inflicted on this country! And for Norah and Kristen and Margaret who tried to sandbag Trump and Vance in their debates I say “ Oh go away and you do you!”

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"Ezekiel Emanuel has claimed it was a citizen duty to participate in clinical trials!"

And guess what? Over half the population HAS been!

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When does that guy reach 75 and die as promised?

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