If you go, just be very very careful. Stay frosty. Stay wise. Stay alert. Don't let anyone try and get you riled up or angry. Use your gift of discernment to be able to "feel" when someone is there for the wrong reason.

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Beautifully said, thank you. No I'm not going but I'll be praying❤️

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Yes. From listening to and observing Bobby I have become a better person. In an uncomfortable situation or just when I want to make a better decision for my own health or well being, I ask myself, “what would Bobby do?” I am less reactive, less judgmental and engage with interest in a gentle way to others who have different opinions. Really helped when I was out in parking lots asking folks to sign Bobby’s presidential petition.

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The ones opposing RFK must be blacklisted for life ,as enemies of the people .

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It is always and in all ways all the way VERY HELPFULL to come to your own ''inner organ for truth'', to learn to recognize the many different ways, our intuition is talking to us and follow exactly there. This takes practice mayhaps. RFK has his own ''handler/s'', if he is aware of them or not I do not know. Sooo it is very wise to be careful and in the right mind in which ever situation you find yourself to be in. In particular regarding POLITICIANS. These thoughts may allow you to think again. Be blessed.

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Love you Dr. Nass. From an RN who is out and fled the state

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If one was going to participate, how can one coordinate this with others? I would want to be part of an organized group so that things would go as well as possible.

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You just show up, say at 9 am and you might get a seat in the room if lucky. Or else you will be out in the hall. Letting your presence make a statement. There will be no signs, flags, no clear coordination that I am aware of now. Stand for Health Freedom is also recommending this, as is Freedom Travel Alliance.

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I think they were hoping for friends to join and make it go as well as safely as possible for those who attend.

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What about in the afternoon?

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Sayer Ji sent out info on this through Green Medicine. Very thorough.

Part of what he said:

I, along with members of GreenMedInfo.com, Stand for Health Freedom, and the newly formed Global Wellness Forum, will be in Washington, D.C. in person, joining dozens of other grassroots health advocacy and freedom organizations. We are coming together to show unwavering support for Bobby and to ensure the movement for health freedom is impossible to ignore.

If you can join us in person, your presence will send a powerful message that we stand united and resolute.

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I looked at your site and it looks like another organization to collect money from people. I am looking for a non-profit that does not ask for money to link up with, but thank you.

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Sayer Ji.s GreenMedinfo taught me much on health issues! One thing I learned when I see depictions of cutting umbilical cords 5 seconds after delivery! I.e. stealing 10% of babies' stem cell blood, [to sell!] From what I know, the placenta can take 10 minutes to pump all the baby's blood! Along with jabbing baby up with toxic heavy metal crap from our 50 billion in fraud fines pharma cartel! All part of pharma "medicines" "First Do Harm" policy!

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My 3 babies were born (1978, 1982, 1987) at the Booth Maternity Hospital, Philadelphia, a Salvation Army hospital (as in, General William Booth, founder of the Army)--staffed by certified nurse midwives (with obstetricians present , in case of need). Even then, in 1978, waiting until the placenta stopped pulsing blood into the baby was the signal for cutting the umbilical cord.

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Do you have a job or a business? Do you get paid or do you work for free because you already have all the money you could ever need to provide for your family?

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Sayer Ji’s Greenmedinfo site has GREAT information.

So of course he’s endlessly harassed by the “health authorities”. 🙄

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wonderful, yet it does not list "detoxification" stuff to eliminate glyphosate

from humans...

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Susan, I don't know where you are, but there are buses going from NY - Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn. And another bus from Poughkeepsie and the Bronx. They ask a $20 donation (fair for a bus ride), but they may be able to get you a spot if even if you can't pay. https://teachersforchoice.substack.com/p/new-york-will-you-get-on-a-bus-to

"[STEP 1] Email me - nyteachersforchoice@gmail.com

Send me (a) YOUR NAME (b) CELL PH# (c) WHICH STOP you will get on at

We have 5 stops:

NASSAU BUS: Nassau County pickup 3:30am, Queens pickup 3:50am, Brooklyn pickup 4:30am

UPSTATE BUS: Poughkeepsie pickup 3:00am, Bronx pickup time 4:14am

[STEP 2] Make a $20 donation to finalize your reservation

(if $20 is too much, donate whatever you can)"

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If one cannot find a group to go with, I think they will quickly make freindquaintances upon arrival. Go on children health defence sites. They may coordinate a group

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Those who are able to go to this hearing should be there. Robert Kennedy, Jr is.a voice for truth and those who oppose this nomination are rotten to the core.. They should not have a say in this decision. The opposers have no concern for the health of Americans...It's all about continued profit from selling deadly products.

A mercenary pharmaceutical industry would not be reaping billions selling dangerous and defective drugs and vaccines, if our Congress had not taken away all its liability for injuries and deaths in The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.. This vax industry would have been out of existence if our government had any concern for the people.

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a phrase often repeated is "fraud vitiates liability wavers"

Hang on... and expect great things.

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Expect great things... so as to be hung upon them.

So, [yet another]classic case of 'between Scylla and Charybdis,' and scanning this board to find a single note of 'caution'... find only sailor INTENT upon the rocks before em. Even after the Trimpf debacle of perished 'hopes'... hopium addicts simply 'cast' about for the next illusory 'leader' to hang onto. Moar hopes to be dashed pon the reefs of reality.

RFK serves as an appropriate simulacra of a person of 'integrity' and moral compass for this era of their complete absence. His presence in this theater macabre is a sign that the lessons of history - even the most 'modern' iteration of the longstanding traji-comedy - are completely lost upon the Jonestowners now lining up for tickets to their own funeral.

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Also, we need to get rid of Oz!!

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Wish I could be there! But I live in California.. I hope it's such a massive crowd that it spills outside the building and all over the Capital... thousands... chanting "put RFK atop the HHS today!" Or something catchier..

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Meryl let Del Bigtree know of this plan too. He has a large audience who may want to attend.

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I will be there in spirit!

And I will contact all committee members.

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Good idea!👏 And also leave voice messages with your local Congressmen and Reps so they know we are watching what they do.

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Yes! And especially the ones who will be “interviewing” him- let them know we will be watching! Maybe they will make an effort to be professional and respectful. And the ones Dr. Nass alerted us to that that may be no votes- Collins and Murkowski- and sanders has already indicated a no I believe.

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Yes to his appointment!!

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In Canada. We wish you courage with standing with Bobby. 👍🏻❤️

Everyone , the freedom groups in the world , are going to be standing with Bobby . ❤️

Wish everyone could be there!

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A lot of us also support Dr William Makis!

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I do that too! 👍🏻❤️

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Already contacted Bernie Sanders office and will contact my Senators on Monday. Everybody needs to do so to counter the campaign against RFK Jr.

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Yikes, there is no 'campaign against RFK'... only duplicitous medias once again directing your attention to the appropriate pea in shell which should have been the 'tell' that something wasn't quite 'right' with this story. Like dupes were directed to Trimpfs hopium filled dirigible ... now the survivors will 'be raptured' upwards in the underdraft of a skywards craft...

destined to crash n burn.

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It's possible but batting like a cat at a ball of yarn bides the time. Make the calls. Thanks.

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I would sure be there if I could.

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Thanks to RFK Jr One who can make a difference in our sick sad socialist societies excuse for Healthcare The Leader is here now Thank God

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I do pray they do!! The opposition is planning rallies outside to disparage him! Poor slobs are clamoring for more food and Pharma tyranny! (Forgive them Lord, for they know not that they are Orwellian proles). We must counter the toxicity and lies with love and truth!! Meryl, do you think we could organize the various health freedom networks to get out a plan ASAP? I have contacts with several, as I know you do.....

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Bizarre that there are people who want toxic Pharma “vaccines”, “boosters”, masks, plandemics forever… They fell hard for the PsyOp.

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actually most do not know what they are opposing other than another DJT appointee

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Local news agencies are hungry for news organizing a Health Freedom Rally at a park, city hall, or courthouse, etc. Should be fun and doable! Reminiscent of a Rush Limbaugh cooke & bake sale!

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I can't be there but I will write to my Senate and House Representative to confirm RFK for this position.

All of you be careful, smart, and calm. Thank you for supporting this nomination.

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