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From now on we the people don’t follow anymore gov run nonsense about any dis-easeses. If u feel you need to get treated for something go to a doc who is all natural. Fouchi-Wouchi should be stopped.

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Haven't wasted my time on an MD since the mid 1990's and don't plan on changing that. Saw to many people I cared about murdered by so called "Greatest Healthcare in the World" and pharma drug addictions to ever trust any again. Natural medicine is the only way to go if you want to live. And get educated about what goes into your mouth that isn't food at all.

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Personally I view doctors as drug salesmen now. I’m not a customer!

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My suggestion is, along with his sinister co-conspirators, exiled to Epstein Island, under guard,with no women.

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Or Children🙌🏻

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Indeed! My oversight!

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Last night the topic was MK Ultra and its relation to the

transhumanist agenda on Clyde Lewis' talk radio program. His guests were two

women, one a researcher into the program and the other a victim of the

program. She recalled at age 11 that her father was taken away for 6

weeks and when he returned he didn't now the names of his children.

Eventually I guess it came back and there was some sort of normalcy.

But she also was taken and is quite sure she was used as a child

prostitute to sabotage some prominent politician (Epstein-like). The

research woman also said that the musician Leonard Cohen has been

involved as well and she knew him. She thinks some of his songs

reflected his experiences while under their control.

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from the W.H.O an U.N.'s

Pandemic Response Treaty.

This Will, Like CBDC, enslave

The Human Specie!

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