Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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And we paid for it. He's fired. Like to Saturn?

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No worries. He retires with a massive amount given he was the highest paid federal employee even higher than POTUS

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and we're paying for that too.

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incompetence is always rewarded and in this case it has cost human lives

As far as rewards for incompetence, there is the case of Austin

Had I done that when I was active duty

I would have faced punishment

and never mind the undersecty who KNEW he was missing and yet

failed to report it

When I was on duty in Washington my initial position was reporting to an

admiral. If Admiral Nagler had suddenly dropped out, I would have reported

his absence to the chain of command

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who loved experimenting on humanity just like Fauci. . .an EVIL monster

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Everybody's gotta be really good at something. For example, Anthony Fauci is, to paraphrase, a Liar's Liar.

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Seriously we don’t get to hear the testimony?

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I read that the public testimony is not going to involve hard questions. remember in the Missouri vs. USA case when they deposed him, he said he couldn't remember something like 178 times. Riiiight. Bet he remembers everything he has done and spoken with Baric, Daszak, gates-from-Hell, DOD and the CIA. His grasp of medicine is terrible. He does. not. care. Very vain and soulless creature. And his wife, the "Ethics" guru (ha)

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The get out of jail card: “Can’t remember”.

“Mr Hitler - did you discriminate against the Jewish people? Did you organize a genocide?”

“What? I can’t remember.”

“Oh OK. Thankyou for your testimony. You may go now”.


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He's a demon. If there truly are demons, which I believe there are, he is one.

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Very accurate characterization but you should add "psychopathic" to the list!

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oh wow, it was really THAT many times? I thought I heard 40+, which was a lot on its own. same case when Jen "peppermint pravda" got a note from the WH, excusing her from sitting for a deposition on the grounds that it was an undue hardship on her family. ("please excuse Jen from gym class..." was what came to mind for me, lol. being the WH mouthpiece sure has its perks!) fast forward to her plum gig with a show on MSNBC... well that couldn't be stressful for her family at all, could it. (pfffft)

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It was 178 for the lawsuit, Missouri v. USA. For the questions in Congress most recently it was 40+. Not as long, and intense as his Missouri v USA deposition, nor as directed.

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thanks for the clarification :)

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Consider how many of our reps are invested in Remdesivir. Even Rand Paul. Let alone all the other paid protocols

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Thank you for your bold update. A first year graduate student would recognize his research as unscientific in experimental design lacking validity and due to demand characteristics precluding objective assessment. Corruption has been so pervasive for so long that he's only one cog in the corrupt wheel of a corrupt system of waging war and creating economic havoc. Decades of needless death from bioweapons must be the catalyst for litigation and reformation!

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In the August 2005 issue of Virology, a journal put out by the NIH, is a short article stating that chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of corona viruses in vitro. I have a copy of that article. That would then obviously include hydroxychloroquine. Fauci lied from the very beginning. Remember too, that Dr. Didier Raoult, of France, was successfully treating patients with covid with HCQ in 2020 before the French government made it difficult for him to do so.

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That article (not so short) was written by CDC and Canadian authors. Yes they knew. the Chinese also used it successfully at first.

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I live in France. The Macron government banned over-the-counter sales of HCQ *just* before anyone heard of covid.....

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If I am not mistaken, the French government banned OTC HCQ in October of 2019. Then there is the not-so-little matter of the former French Minister of Health, Agnes Buzyn's husband, Dr. Yves Levy, not being on good terms with Dr. Didier Raoult. The whole thing stinks to the high heavens.

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Started the process in Oct 2019 and finished it in Jan 2020.

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Yeah it Does 💯

Real convenient that Hcq was banned.

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I want his head on the end of a spike with it stuck in the ground on the DC Mall. I want all of the swamp to see this is what happens to you when you commit a crime against humanity.

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There are millions of us who want to see Fauci crucified publically - pension and benefits removed - he will not suffer financially I am sure. And, there are so many others that need to be beside him - so we must never give up seeking justice for the millions he and his cohorts murdered.

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Fines or jail is not justice for what he did

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Might work in this world. Next? Put your head between your legs Anthony and kiss your arse goodbye.

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And this is the problem. They keep getting away with crime after crime - while they punish the good people like Dr Nass. They will only stop if we MAKE THEM

STOP. Where is the action on our side? Legal action for example? There’s enough damn evidence that the freak Fauci is responsible for deliberately blocking life-saving medicines. That’s MURDER.

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At This Point

Telling Someone

That The Vaccine Is Safe And Effective

Is Like Telling A Cancer Victim

That They Look Good In Short Hair.


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Appreciate you dr. Meryl

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From now on we the people don’t follow anymore gov run nonsense about any dis-easeses. If u feel you need to get treated for something go to a doc who is all natural. Fouchi-Wouchi should be stopped.

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Haven't wasted my time on an MD since the mid 1990's and don't plan on changing that. Saw to many people I cared about murdered by so called "Greatest Healthcare in the World" and pharma drug addictions to ever trust any again. Natural medicine is the only way to go if you want to live. And get educated about what goes into your mouth that isn't food at all.

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Personally I view doctors as drug salesmen now. I’m not a customer!

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My suggestion is, along with his sinister co-conspirators, exiled to Epstein Island, under guard,with no women.

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Or Children🙌🏻

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Indeed! My oversight!

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Last night the topic was MK Ultra and its relation to the

transhumanist agenda on Clyde Lewis' talk radio program. His guests were two

women, one a researcher into the program and the other a victim of the

program. She recalled at age 11 that her father was taken away for 6

weeks and when he returned he didn't now the names of his children.

Eventually I guess it came back and there was some sort of normalcy.

But she also was taken and is quite sure she was used as a child

prostitute to sabotage some prominent politician (Epstein-like). The

research woman also said that the musician Leonard Cohen has been

involved as well and she knew him. She thinks some of his songs

reflected his experiences while under their control.

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from the W.H.O an U.N.'s

Pandemic Response Treaty.

This Will, Like CBDC, enslave

The Human Specie!

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Perfect summary Meryl. I saw the 2014 paper well before new jabs and mandates. The governor of South Carolina issued a ban on hydroxychloroquine and me and several ex-marine friends were stunned as we knew it had a well documented safety profile. Our thoughts were that it could not hurt but might help. So having your governor ban it was extremely weird and suspicious.

We knew then. This whole thing was an op.

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Didn't he use the same M.O. on Bactrim for HIV?

A person who uses foster children as unwitting test subjects and tortures dogs to death with sand flies is not capable of anything but evil.

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Dr Nass - your work here is decisive. It SHOWS very clearly that the CRIMINAL Fauci knew very well there were early treatments available & BLOCKED them to create the market for the shots. In the process he condemned many to DEATH. The miserable little villain deserves jail for the rest of his life. There is a mountain of evidence - presented by you & by RFKj - that Fauci is a mass murderer. We need to get him on TRIAL.

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He speakth with forked tongue and sounds so smooth to the ear. Knows how to control his voice to sound plausible.

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AKA arrogant little villain.

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So is Fauci a member of the WEF? How man elected or non-elected government officials are members? How will we avoid joining the WHO in May if our government is complicit? Thanks for keeping us informed Dr. Nass!

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More coming on how we get out of the WHO.

State level efforts can be successful

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Thank you again Meryl for all you do for us!! I agree with you, Rob Thomas wholeheartedly!! I’m So sick and tired of waiting and waiting for Fauci and these other psychopaths to go to jail (or worse) for their horrific crimes against humanity!!! How can this go on and on?? We all need to open the eyes of everyone we know (not an easy task) so these criminals can finally get what they deserve.

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Congress has an opportunity to show the world that Justice will prevail. But......is that likely to happen? It’s like the prevalence of new 4G and 5G towers going up all over the place, everywhere! Just because it is happening right before our eyes does not mean anyone can see it! Just say it isn’t so, what lies, we asked him, there was not enough evidence to show anything was intentionally done... or what towers? I don’t see any towers? Meanwhile they are everywhere shooting over 100 feet in the air, causing unknown damage to human and animal life! The depth of corruption and ineptness is beyond hope! I don’t know which is the biggest crime, being a coward or being intentionally deaf,dumb and blind!

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Very much like, and being used in conjunction with, the geoengineering spraying over our heads daily that no one seems to acknowledge, while yet producing one of the most significant atrocities in human history.

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Don’t know about that one, but wouldn’t surprise me!

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If you're interested in learning about this, goengineeringwatch.org has more than enough research to prove it, including government reports and recordings of radio broadcasts that have kept us up to date on this for many years. A free documentary is also available that summarizes the whol nasty business.

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