As many as one pulls out of the preceding one, as many magically add in an endless suite to be unveiled.
For sure MM. Gates and Bourla have had a main say in the story but the number and identities of all those involved could surprise many.
But, even though the madness and violence of it
all is undescribable I would prefer a trial and a sentence for life in complete reclusion without any human contact for all those found guilty.
For this kind of trial I would reverse the presumption of innocence given that so many participants had the knowledge to clearly comprehend what they were doing and the related consequences.
So, in summary, have them ALL trialed with the following motto always in mind.
The perpetrators of the covid murders should be burned at the stake.
Alternatively they should be hung, drawn and quartered with their decapitated heads impaled on a spike for all to see as the birds peck their eyes out, live on TV for the whole world to see.
Terminate Tedros, he is a con man.
The easiest way to " terminate" Mr. "T " is to let him speak as much as he wants.
Each word is digging his grave.
His Masters will get rid of him shortly as he did not delivered what he has been put in place for.
And that kind of master's have no sense of humor at all.
Would not be surprised if he had a stroke or something like that.
Tedros boss is Bill Ghates.
He also needs to be defenestrated.
Along with Albert Bourla
This situation is like an infinite Matriochka.
As many as one pulls out of the preceding one, as many magically add in an endless suite to be unveiled.
For sure MM. Gates and Bourla have had a main say in the story but the number and identities of all those involved could surprise many.
But, even though the madness and violence of it
all is undescribable I would prefer a trial and a sentence for life in complete reclusion without any human contact for all those found guilty.
For this kind of trial I would reverse the presumption of innocence given that so many participants had the knowledge to clearly comprehend what they were doing and the related consequences.
So, in summary, have them ALL trialed with the following motto always in mind.
I would much prefer the death sentence for all those complicit in this mass murder.
Death would make them martyrs thus generate apostles .
Imprisonment for life without any human contact would make them fade away.
The perpetrators of the covid murders should be burned at the stake.
Alternatively they should be hung, drawn and quartered with their decapitated heads impaled on a spike for all to see as the birds peck their eyes out, live on TV for the whole world to see.
No contact with anyone, except the times when it's "BOOSTER TIME AGAIN."
Tedros's Masters, Darth Vader and The Emperor, are not pleased with his progress.
He is a Dedlos. :)