Ha! Tedros: the impacts were because of unpreparedness! My A$$!! The impacts were because of the non-science interventions, protocols, and the cancellation of anyone who was treating outpatients or spreading truth...err...misinformation

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It was always and remains that “Covid” was a Plandemic necessary to precipitate the Death Jabs. Death was the first goal and death remains the last goal for useless eaters. Hospital protocols were implemented to cause as many deaths as possible. Mistakes were not made!!

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Every "mistake" and lie made was in the direction of killing or damaging more people, and destroying more of society. After awhile it has to be seen as criminal activity. The next step must be to determine who did the planning at the top of the criminal hierarchy.

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Surprise! It's the same old "society" which plans and foments wars, revolutions, and all brands of chaos and destruction. Since Satan is at the helm of their organization, is it any wonder why so much evil has surfaced in these last days of earth's history? Time is short, and the devil knows it. Things will increase in intensity, so buckle up and bone up. The Jesuits are behind almost all of the wickedness in the world. They direct the subservient secret societies, and who is at the top of their organization? It is the Pope, doubtlessly. The man in white. There is a man in black, the "Black Pope" who directs the military arm of things there and around the world from his tiny country. To doubt this is akin to doubting that the medical profession has the public's best interest in mind. Or that Satan does not exist.


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May 26
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Our "enemy" Christ's adversary, the devil would be pleased to see a white flag being waved. WE MUST NOT! Good will triumph over evil eventually, when Jesus returns and sorts things out with justice and fury. We have been assured that Christ has already overcome the enemy, and it is now for us to trust that fact, although we might face treachery, persecution and even death! But what is death, compared to an eternity of peace and beauty? It is merely an interruption, a blink of an eye; is just a fully unconscious "sleep" until the Executive Judgement of Christ either blots a person's name from the Book of Life, or not.

Trust the God who created you, and who Redeemed you with His own blood, and someday in the world made new, you'll thank God you had.



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It won’t let me like your post..


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I had the same problem. When I tried on a different PC, I was asked to sign in to comment and then I could do a LIKE. Also on original PC in a different browser , I could like/edit. It may be something to do with cookies. Try a different browser.

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I have had problems recently with Brave browser (like articles but not comments) but can 'like' all via Firefox.

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With the Vivaldi browser it's in reverse: without login, clicking on the email brings up the article in browser, substack ID is recognized and liking is possible. But without subsequent signing in, comments aren't accepted. In Vivaldi the solution for that is to prevent that the substack cookie gets deleted (due to restart of browser or PC or a "cleanup" program). That should work in every browser via the settings.

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I have had a perhaps similar experience with Substack's sub-quality interface, where it would seem to not register a "like" click, but actually was just delayed (for quite a while) in reflecting it on screen. I tried experiments with clicking it back off and on again after it finally seemed to show up (hard to tell, because an increase in the parenthetical number of likes could have been due to a different reader's input), and it seemed to be actually registering the alternating clicks, just slow in reporting them. This phenomenon has happened several times for me.

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I'm straining, but there does not seem to be any pounding of plowshares into swords.


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Awesome truth!

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Denying these people, will be a never ending job.

Since about 2010, we’ve seen politicians doubling down on pushing their agendas. The politicians seem to especially enjoy doubling down against the will of the citizens.

After all, when it comes to overthrowing the USA, they have everything to gain.

The financing of their efforts are probably paid for by taxpayers in the USA, anyway.

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"Denying these people, will be a never ending job."

True, because those people are parasites. They can't survive without a host to feed on.

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Spot on!

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“This impact was because the world was unprepared, and by the way, it still is.” Unbelievable! IF it still is it’s because of THEM not US.

Damn right we are unprepared when access to alternative medicines and treatments is withheld while hospitals only follow only one protocol chosen by big pharma and the likes of them. They caused the unpreparedness and now they want power?

They are responsible for the horrors that ensued and now want everyone to let them officially be in charge of any future pandemics. SMH This fight isn’t over as he said so himself, so we cannot relax thinking this win means it is. We need to stay vigilant and write our leaders to express our outrage and our wishes.

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Exactly what I want to say!

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"Terror Tedros" only follows the line set out by the 1st WHO DG, Brock Chisholm,

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas."


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This is the directive manifesto of the Jesuits and all they have created from Communism to all the false religions out there. "Infiltrate, disrupt, create chaos, wars, revolutions and on a more personal front, gain positions of import, which will subvert the Christian Creeds and morals. They openly write about this! One needs only to read their "Supreme Oath of induction of the Society of Jesus" to well-know who their demonic leader is.

I'm sorry to keep having to push this point forward, but it is extremely important to know who the enemy is, and what his plans are so as not to be deceived. Once that is secured, then we can safely move on to warning others about Babylon and the Mother of Harlots. Otherwise, the propaganda "arm" of the opposition will work its magic, and have the hounds barking up the wrong tree.

May the God of Justice an Mercy direct your thoughts,


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The situation is worse to the extent that long before the Jesuits existed, rulers tried to prevent people from discovering their true nature. Already 70 years ago the book titled "het grote verraad" (the great treason) existed and described that. Nowadays that title is absent on search engines and in antique book shops. It's not just Christianity. But the vehemence re subverting moral and ethics has been the most effective for Christians in the West. In Orthodox Christianity for instance one can still read about practice re "Union with God" which (of course) has equivalents in all Asian systems be it under different terminology.

One doesn't need to read Sun Tzu in order to know that a war can't be won without full knowledge of the enemy. The so called "satanic sect" considers all others to be cattle. Hence issues like medical experiments on US soldiers, civilians and inhabitants of foreign ( economically occupied) countries - without consent. From that perspective, C19 has been a continuation of that policy and it won't end there.

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I agree with you. There is a boat-load of peripherals that play parts in the thing. What I try and do is to draw attention away from the massive confusion of all those attachments and associations, and bring the reader's minds and hearts to a MUCH better place; both for reasons of temporal rest, as well as spiritual wellness. After all, the business of sorting out the evil collaboratives is a massive one; confusing, and very much intertwined and overlapping. I've done quite a bit of looking into it myself, and have come to the same conclusion as that of the Prophet E.G. White, and that of King Solomon, who both make the point that the world's load of evil is practically bottomless, and therefore, we as Christ's property are directed away from it, although it is to never be excused or denied. But rather simply bypassed when applicable, and given a proper "burial" in as much as it deserves, since we know its end.

The issue remains, however, that the whirlpool has caught so many of the world's inhabitants, and we cannot just sit idly by and allow them to be sucked under, when we realize the danger they are in. And so there lies the dichotomy.

Satan, being a brilliant general, has prepared for the "enlightenment" age, and has prepared a trap which is slated to consume MOST of the world's sleeping peoples. It's a brilliant plan indeed, and one which God warns us of, if we will but trust His Word. Spiritualism has paved the way for this grand deception he has planned to employ in the near future. Impersonating Christ, Satan will seduce the populations and declare that unless we all take note of God's displeasure (natural disasters, plagues, famine, earthquakes, etc...) the conditions will worsen, until the realization of the people forces their response to the solution offered. That solution will be to "return" once again to God's favor, by getting back to worshipping Him in church. Of course, the "Vicar" or the Man of Sin, as he is depicted, will ensure that the Roman Church is leading out in this matter. The "remedy" will point discretely to going to church on Sunday, the "day of rest" that the "Mother Church" has instituted as "sacred" but in reality is of her own construction, and nothing more than but a tradition of hers, and a normal work day. The decree will subtly fly in the face of God's (fourth) Commandment, and unless the people know this, they will fall into believing the Pope. As in political doings, there will be a "carrier" so to speak to take the focus off the main intent. It will probably be "family rest" or social repair, or climate restoration, or something that no one would disagree with. That's how it will be done.

So very much more can be disclosed regarding this amazing deception that is planned for the world! This forum is limited, and therefore this author might well recommend the book, The Great Controversy, by the above stated "messenger." It can be found in "audio form" as well.

God has not left his people without a prophet, especially in the LAST days of this world's history.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and may God bless you all.


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When we hear "peace and security", (and own nothing and we'll be happy)... uh oh beware...

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Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and every false religion have been the constructs of Satanic devising for one purpose; to cause chaos, and attribute all blame of evil to "a vindictive and sadistic God." It' is the quintessential "pot calling the kettle black" scenario. The temporal discomforts that have and will continue to abound, are now but a diversionary tactic which will in time, provide the source for the lie which is to come regarding worshipping Satan, or the True God of Creation. There are only two camps, two sides. We have been given the gift of choice, free will, but we must KNOW what to do. God has not left that obscure: He has spoken to us through King Solomon, the wisest of the kings: Simple.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 King James Version (KJV)

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

So, the "end game" revolves around worship, not money, not power or fame, not the preservation of this planet, none of those constructs. Who will YOU obey? That is the haunting question that we ALL must face.


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There's almost a tradition that in times of upheaval, people revert to the fundamental issues of life. Hence no surprise that the stories of both the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible (NT) are in an ambiance of war. The present era differs in the sense that dumbing down and perverting has been too successful to remember essential questions like "who were you before birth?" IMO and experience, mainstream religion in the West has been way too corrupted (alienated from verifiable results of practice) to be a useful subject of discussion. When unfamiliar with that, this might be a good read (OCR but with errors):


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Meryl, thank you so much for all your work on this!

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Well done. Those words of Tedros are a complete GASLIGHTERS play book. I've been gaslit and almost let the person ruin my life by telling me I was something over and over and over that I knew I was not! They keep trying to tell us we are unprepared and it goes no where because we are prepared and his words don't make sense. GASLIGHTER PSYOP!! Well done Meryl, your strength and courage are formidable. Thank you.

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Big yes! The exact extreme measures they abide to created this whole health and economic mess to start with! Gaslighting is almost an understatement! it's a politically correct threat?

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The worst is never done until this WHO takeover is eliminated 100%. Do not give them anything. Zero. No appeasement. They will take it all.

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Exactly. My body reminds me that I'm not a spring chicken any more. But I've seen what's behind the WHO/WEF/UN mask. And I've committed to myself that, for whatever time is left to me, be it 3 months or 30 years; to whatever extent I am capable; I intend to write/work/contribute toward flushing out these monsters and holding them accountable. And I'll do it pro bono, with no external motivation required.

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I hear you, James!

Same here. 'Unable to do what was easily done 30 years ago, but determined to continue as long as the Good Lord allows the breath in me to continue being pumped. I would like to thank you for your assistance, and also, if you don't mind, remind you that the Lord will certainly make things right, and set things straight, wiping out the evil in this world, when he Returns to collect up His Saints for a stay in heaven (to go over the "books" of record.)

We're reminded in many forms and verses that we are NOT to fret, since Jesus has overcome the devil already. We must then have simple faith that He will do what He said He will do. The devil is a creation, and NOT immortal. Like mankind. He, along with the wicked will be "as though they never were." (when it is all said and done.)

So take refuge in these things, and stay in prayer, and you will witness many amazing things.


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The greatest mistake we could make right now would be to declare victory -- to consider the war over and to go back to our lives as if this evil had been eradicated.

Let's remember that this wasn't the WHO's first attempt. People with no moral compass, who are intent on ruling the world, don't give up their grand ambitions just because they suffered a setback in deliberations. They will never stop trying.

Our best course of action now is to kick them while they are down, and to never let them get up again. We need to see this thing through and punish those who are trying to enslave us. They belong dangling from gallows the world over, after a fair trial of course (something they would never afford us slaves). If we let them recover, the only lesson they will learn is how to better avoid defeat next time. They will shore up their weaknesses, streamline their strategy, and come at us twice as hard in short order.

That said, we would be remiss not to take at least a moment to express our sincere gratitude to Meryl who may have done more than any other person to forestall our enslavement. Her work should be counted alongside that of the great abolitionists like Wilberforce.

Thank you, Meryl. Most sincerely.

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Terminate WHO.

Nothing else.

Nothing less.

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I sympathize with your sentiments, though I don't think we can terminate the WHO. We can stop funding it, but others like Gates will keep it afloat.

That said, organizations/institutions aren't really the problem; they're ultimately just legal fictions -- pieces of paper. The problem, as always, is people. Organizations are only as good/evil as those running them, and the WHO is no different. It could be a good and useful organization if run by morally-grounded people, but it isn't.

That said, it's still important to stigmatize, defund, and shun any group with malevolent ambitions, if for no other reason than to impact its public reputation. But ultimately, it's the individuals who need to be punished -- the people who move between and hide behind organizational acronyms like WHO, UN, CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc.

It's important (again, for reasons of public perception) to topple figureheads like Fauci or Schwab or Tedros, but we won't effectively stop this problem until the John and Jane Smiths behind the scenes are brought to justice; until such people are tried and (if found guilty) ultimately executed for the crimes of treason, human trafficking, and the like.

Unfortunately, I see little appetite for this. Most of us (understandably) just want to go back to the way things were a few decades ago -- to pretend everything is fine again, despite the evidence; to be reinserted into the Matrix. Like King Theoden, we don't want to risk open war. But also like him, open war is upon us whether we would risk it or not.

There is no going back. Either we fight to restore the reign of the common man or we will be buried beneath the surging tide of tyranny. These are our only real choices.

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" open war is upon us whether we would risk it or not."

This is the perfect summary of human history as there have always been some insatiable greedy ones to try to impose their will onto all others.

But it must be reminded that no power nor authority of any kind exist but those who are conceded by the governed.

When someone realizes that having the courage of saying NO and holding to it deprives any tyran of his " power", freedom becomes a possibility no further away than will's reach.

But, as human beings are the only specy inherently subjected to greed, we must be totally conscious and aware that, for as long as there will be human, there will remain the possibility of witnessing other humans making their very best at imposing their will because freedom will always be the most valued asset to control as it allows control on everything else.

So, as you cleverly stated, it is an ongoing war for eternity thus that will also required erecting many " watchtowers" inhabited with fast reacting and mercyless guardians.

It is the price to pay now and for ever as long as freedom will be recognized as unavoidable fundamental sine qua non required value for human to live in peace.

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I agree. Great comment! Go one step further, and gain access to the core truth which underpins the entire chaotic framework in societies world-wide. Yes, you know what that is....it's THE EVIL demon influence that pervades this planet. Until it is washed completely out and gone for ever, there will be no peace or safety. The way, the Truth and the Life (says the Savior) is in me. "I AM"....

Trying to launder out the evil using the "tools" we have is fruitless at this point.

Any progress will postpone the inevitable, but never will it eliminate the chaos.

I suggest to everyone, to put their trust and faith in the King of kings, and Lord of lords. He who created all things is well-able to accomplish what He has promised.


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Great comment, Leon!

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We can't effectively stop this problem unless individuals realize it is their sins that they have not repented of that have caused all of the evil in the world.

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Precisely. Sin is the root of every problem, regardless of context.

Unfortunately, sin is also an indelible component of human nature (which is why God has to give us a new nature). We'll never be able to truly "stop" any problem because we are the problem; the best we can do this side of eternity is to mitigate problems through personal repentance and corporate punishment. Sadly, we've neglected both.

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Yes we have neglected the truth and worse, denied it. Punishment of the evil doers in this life is impossible without the evil doers recognizing the evils they do. No one can force them to do that so our only recourse is to pray that they do recognize their sins, repent and sin no more while recognizing and repenting of our own sins and using any and all means available to us to spread the truth who is Jesus Christ and to live as he commanded those who love him to live and show the worldly his truth and life brings the happiness and peace they are searching for but really do not have.

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Totally agree. We are at war now but it will soon become kinetic with another so called election in the USA coming. Freedom isn't bestowed. We must never give up the fight or as you say be buried beneath tyranny.

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Klaus Schwab said he was resigning but I believe he has been taken care of. And Gates also. Gates has been a body double. The alliance team has been getting rid of many on top. You have to go down around 100 rabbit holes. Military tribunals have been going on. Gitmo is twice the size

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Really? Schwab , I can believe, but Tony (the devil) Blair is rumoured to replace him (Frying pan , fire etc.)

But #GatesOfHell seems to be quite busy with his fake food , purchase of all land, mosquitoes and self-spreading vaxxes.

WHO are "The alliance team" ?

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There might be minions of Gates that carrying out the training. They might put a replacement of Schwab for a show. They have to keep waiting for more and more people to wake up so that when they release a ton of exposures then there won't be a civil war. the Alliance Team is mostly military and they have been working on this for 6 decades. They have tons of evidence and have been blowing out the underground tunnels of child sex trafficking (adenochrome being used by the evil ones) I believe that they are in control and Trump is their messenger at the rallies and social media. JFK Jr is alive.

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May 25
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Superbly constructed and TO THE POINT! You're a master at knowing what truth is!

It's my prayer that your words will be taken to heart and acted upon....soon.


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EXCELLENT comment, Timothy!!!

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Jail them.

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An excellent and necessary first step toward justice

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No, execute them!

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In fairness, we need to jail them first and try them second. And then, if guilty, and if their particular crime warrants death, they must be executed. Would-be slavers like those running the WHO, WEF, etc. certainly qualify.

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All at a cost to the taxpayer, no, straight to the rope, and I’d happily contribute to the cost of that.

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There's a lot of 'em! Isn't there someone out there with good planning techniques, who can think up an "out of the box" use for all those carcasses? Dog food, maybe?


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Would you really want to feed an innocent animal with pure poison!

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Terminate Tedros, he is a con man.

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The easiest way to " terminate" Mr. "T " is to let him speak as much as he wants.

Each word is digging his grave.

His Masters will get rid of him shortly as he did not delivered what he has been put in place for.

And that kind of master's have no sense of humor at all.

Would not be surprised if he had a stroke or something like that.

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Tedros boss is Bill Ghates.

He also needs to be defenestrated.

Along with Albert Bourla

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This situation is like an infinite Matriochka.

As many as one pulls out of the preceding one, as many magically add in an endless suite to be unveiled.

For sure MM. Gates and Bourla have had a main say in the story but the number and identities of all those involved could surprise many.

But, even though the madness and violence of it

all is undescribable I would prefer a trial and a sentence for life in complete reclusion without any human contact for all those found guilty.

For this kind of trial I would reverse the presumption of innocence given that so many participants had the knowledge to clearly comprehend what they were doing and the related consequences.

So, in summary, have them ALL trialed with the following motto always in mind.


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I would much prefer the death sentence for all those complicit in this mass murder.

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No contact with anyone, except the times when it's "BOOSTER TIME AGAIN."


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Tedros's Masters, Darth Vader and The Emperor, are not pleased with his progress.


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He is a Dedlos. :)

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My sentiments exactly Timothy! A million thank you to Dr. Nass and all those that fought so hard for all of us (even those that refuse to acknowledge there was something worth fighting for). I hope Meryl can take some time off to breathe and savour this victory over the weekend, while we all remember and give thanks to all of those who have fought and sacrificed for their country. God Bless America! (from a grateful Canadian)

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Totally agree - crush your enemy totally is the ONLY way, annihilate the WHO completely and hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity. I'm not a violent person but I would be pro the death penalty for the evil psychopaths.

Keep in mind these luceriferians have learned a lot and will try to use everything they've got in the future to gain control over all of us. However, they only have power if it's given to them, let's make sure that doesn't happen. May God protect us all and keep us safe.

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Yes! So pray fervently and continually, for this to occur.


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“Meme them til they cry and make memes about them crying.”

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They are not going to stop till they get what want. Truly it is either them or us that wins.

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You are right, Tim

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Now HERE is wisdom, and a heart-felt response that I can rightly assume strums the same chords that so many of us feel here, but cannot articulate adequately to pay homage duly.

THANK YOU, Timothy Stevens! I think we needed to hear your words of wisdom.


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Meryl, you and James Roguski have accomplished this. Your super-human efforts will never be forgotten by those bearing witness. Of course these parasites will scheme and plot their next attack. We are watching.

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Dr. Nass is an angel and a hero. She will long be remembered for her selfless service to humanity. #Godspeed

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Our Esther! God bless her! 💟✝️🛐

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Agreed 100%, and let's not forget the tireless work of James Roguski.

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Well done Meryl!!!!!! Maybe some relief is in sight but we know to be vigilant. They won’t stop now.

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Thank you so much for all your hard work.Humanity is better off because of you.

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You have hammered it non-stop Meryl and I do so appreciate and applaud all of your work on this. 🙏💖✨

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I have been so sick of hearing myself repeat the same thing over and over. But they say you have to hear something 10 times before it sticks.

We had the higher powers with us

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I know we need to remain vigilant.

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Thank you Dr. Nass for all the work you have done on behalf of all of us. You are my hero, and I so appreciate your willingness to stand up and speak out on the truth. With gratitude.

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A hero to us all! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Congrats Meryl ! Lets keep an eye on them. I dont trust them.

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Great news. But can't sleep on these thugs. Have too keep the pressure going. There gain would be if we let are guard down. Like in boxing if you don't keep the hands up. Than it will end up in a knockout.

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Thank you so very much Dr. Meryl Nass!

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Meryl, you are simply a divine blessing to this whole massive totalitarian takeover with your undaunted energy to make this an unsuccessful endeavor. Thank you on behalf of me, my family and numerous friends that I kept educating from your posts. This isn’t the end, but it sure feels good when you avoid the first two bullets!

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Thank you so much Meryl for keeping me informed. You are a treasure

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He says remember the harsh impacts of the pandemic??

It was their unscientific and insane recommendations that caused all the harm. What a joke.

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