We can't effectively stop this problem unless individuals realize it is their sins that they have not repented of that have caused all of the evil in the world.
We can't effectively stop this problem unless individuals realize it is their sins that they have not repented of that have caused all of the evil in the world.
Precisely. Sin is the root of every problem, regardless of context.
Unfortunately, sin is also an indelible component of human nature (which is why God has to give us a new nature). We'll never be able to truly "stop" any problem because we are the problem; the best we can do this side of eternity is to mitigate problems through personal repentance and corporate punishment. Sadly, we've neglected both.
Yes we have neglected the truth and worse, denied it. Punishment of the evil doers in this life is impossible without the evil doers recognizing the evils they do. No one can force them to do that so our only recourse is to pray that they do recognize their sins, repent and sin no more while recognizing and repenting of our own sins and using any and all means available to us to spread the truth who is Jesus Christ and to live as he commanded those who love him to live and show the worldly his truth and life brings the happiness and peace they are searching for but really do not have.
We can't effectively stop this problem unless individuals realize it is their sins that they have not repented of that have caused all of the evil in the world.
Precisely. Sin is the root of every problem, regardless of context.
Unfortunately, sin is also an indelible component of human nature (which is why God has to give us a new nature). We'll never be able to truly "stop" any problem because we are the problem; the best we can do this side of eternity is to mitigate problems through personal repentance and corporate punishment. Sadly, we've neglected both.
Yes we have neglected the truth and worse, denied it. Punishment of the evil doers in this life is impossible without the evil doers recognizing the evils they do. No one can force them to do that so our only recourse is to pray that they do recognize their sins, repent and sin no more while recognizing and repenting of our own sins and using any and all means available to us to spread the truth who is Jesus Christ and to live as he commanded those who love him to live and show the worldly his truth and life brings the happiness and peace they are searching for but really do not have.