Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and every false religion have been the constructs of Satanic devising for one purpose; to cause chaos, and attribute all blame of evil to "a vindictive and sadistic God." It' is the quintessential "pot calling the kettle black" scenario. The temporal discomforts that have and will continue to abound, are now but a diversionary tactic which will in time, provide the source for the lie which is to come regarding worshipping Satan, or the True God of Creation. There are only two camps, two sides. We have been given the gift of choice, free will, but we must KNOW what to do. God has not left that obscure: He has spoken to us through King Solomon, the wisest of the kings: Simple.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
So, the "end game" revolves around worship, not money, not power or fame, not the preservation of this planet, none of those constructs. Who will YOU obey? That is the haunting question that we ALL must face.
And a hearty "Thank You" for your supportive comment. So, Yes, we who will humble ourselves before the Majestic King of kings, He who has made the heavens and the earth and all that therein is, will surely be inclined to appropriate His Gift of eternal life through His Plan of Redemption. Those blessed, will also be motivated to "keep" His Commandments (all ten) as they originally were chiseled in stone, and NOT as they have been distorted and deleted by the Mother of Harlots. And when the "saints" experience the "new man" within them, they will automatically want to share their experience and assurances given provided by their new faith in Christ's promises. It becomes a moral obligation; and one which brings joy to the presenter on behalf of the hearer.
What seems to be astounding, however, is the rejection of such an offer! How can this be?
I've spent a great amount of time investigating the obvious remnants of Noah's Flood which are expressed world-wide. Points of observation and scientific research not to mention common sense, abound everywhere we look. Yet with a WORLD filled with such evidence, there are those who simply refuse to believe the Biblical account. I recon the thing to be much like the planedemic effect on those who refuse to acknowledge the obvious resulting effects of the jab. What a detour of logic and justice they must have had to construct in their paradigm!
I suppose we should pity them for their God-given choice to take a stand on the evil side, but it is truly difficult, when their forceful intentions have claimed the lives of such a great number of innocents, from top to bottom.
They will be eliminated from the spiritual gene pool, and all of God's universe will be once again free from sin and sinners alike.
Indeed. In Noah's days the spriritual and physical gene pool had been perverted, messed up with, and the wicked nation was happily swimming in it... They wanted a puddle of dirt to roll in, well, they got a flood. I believe we are living in the last "days", the enemy's attacks are so vicious on the remnant on all fronts... I'm in dismay on how most people still have their red flag detector on "off"... Our Lord will not tolerate this very long. He hears our prayers.
Recently finished reading just that. That the antediluvians were a very strong, big, smart race of mankind, and who lived for hundreds of years, but were evil in all their doings. The book by E.G. White is called, "Patriarchs and Prophets."
Over the years of learning, it has become irrefutable that "history" (the actual happenings) were designed by God to become prophetic in nature for those who shall live subsequently and in the "end times." They act as warnings to all generations as examples of consequences brought about by the priests, leaders, and the people themselves for having rejected the God of Creation and Redemption. The "Flood" was a distinctly blatant example of such a thing. It was by the Hand of God in order to quell the potential of sin becoming further spread.
This seems to be evidently what the USA and other countries who follow her, are experiencing with (a type of flood) social, political, physical, (geological) unrest. All due to the "spiritual" neglect shown God. He has been pulling back His Hand of Heavenly Protection from these. And since it appears that the "stiff-necked" nation's pride is in the conductor's seat, that as a nation, she will be "visited" with further tremendous tribulations, all of which will be brought about by her own doing.
History should teach the world of these things, but the devil has so arranged his chess pieces to confound much of the counter-measures emplaced by God. (God must adhere to the rules of righteousness; a disadvantage that the adversary circumvents.) But being in control and fully capable of whatever God's Will should dictate, the Lord will not leave His "children" without a measure of safety, provision and the full promise of Redemption. So we're in good Hands.
I believe that the graduating trials and circumstances which are to follow are for a wake-up call. If we look inward by way of the microscope, we discover undeniable "creation." When we look around us, we see a plethora of wonderful living gifts, all acting their part in the grand scheme of things, not engaged in warfare with each other for dominance. If we should look at the heavens through our powerful telescopes, we see not only perfect "order" but beauty and symmetry. Awe inspiring to be sure! And when the geologists set foot in the field to study with hammer in hand, along with the collected data from previous investigations and studies of disciplined experts, they inevitably find what the world-wide flood has obviously left in its wake.
Every form of contortion is exerted so as to discredit the Bible's Truth, regardless how juvenile or unscientific the posit might be. And the students' spongy brains suck up every misleading drop of insanity as though it makes sense. 'Not their fault, really. Much like how the church-goers trust with implicit unconcern their pastors and priests. But we have been given the amazing ability to weigh up evidence and come to a right conclusion, if we are at all honest souls.
Satan is depending on the people staying in a condition of semi-consciousness. God is about to "throw some cold water on that scene." Soon we will be inclined to make a choice, whether it be to the good or to the evil.
Even non-believers, those not partaking in evildoing, feel there is (way too) much wickedness going on, and that an event (or rather a sequence of catastrophic events) will take place. May we stand strong and protected under Our Lord's wings. Be blessed!
When we hear "peace and security", (and own nothing and we'll be happy)... uh oh beware...
Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and every false religion have been the constructs of Satanic devising for one purpose; to cause chaos, and attribute all blame of evil to "a vindictive and sadistic God." It' is the quintessential "pot calling the kettle black" scenario. The temporal discomforts that have and will continue to abound, are now but a diversionary tactic which will in time, provide the source for the lie which is to come regarding worshipping Satan, or the True God of Creation. There are only two camps, two sides. We have been given the gift of choice, free will, but we must KNOW what to do. God has not left that obscure: He has spoken to us through King Solomon, the wisest of the kings: Simple.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
So, the "end game" revolves around worship, not money, not power or fame, not the preservation of this planet, none of those constructs. Who will YOU obey? That is the haunting question that we ALL must face.
Thank you Ray, 'love your post. We are overcomers by the blood of Jesus, through our faith.
Warm Greetings, my Sister!
And a hearty "Thank You" for your supportive comment. So, Yes, we who will humble ourselves before the Majestic King of kings, He who has made the heavens and the earth and all that therein is, will surely be inclined to appropriate His Gift of eternal life through His Plan of Redemption. Those blessed, will also be motivated to "keep" His Commandments (all ten) as they originally were chiseled in stone, and NOT as they have been distorted and deleted by the Mother of Harlots. And when the "saints" experience the "new man" within them, they will automatically want to share their experience and assurances given provided by their new faith in Christ's promises. It becomes a moral obligation; and one which brings joy to the presenter on behalf of the hearer.
What seems to be astounding, however, is the rejection of such an offer! How can this be?
I've spent a great amount of time investigating the obvious remnants of Noah's Flood which are expressed world-wide. Points of observation and scientific research not to mention common sense, abound everywhere we look. Yet with a WORLD filled with such evidence, there are those who simply refuse to believe the Biblical account. I recon the thing to be much like the planedemic effect on those who refuse to acknowledge the obvious resulting effects of the jab. What a detour of logic and justice they must have had to construct in their paradigm!
I suppose we should pity them for their God-given choice to take a stand on the evil side, but it is truly difficult, when their forceful intentions have claimed the lives of such a great number of innocents, from top to bottom.
They will be eliminated from the spiritual gene pool, and all of God's universe will be once again free from sin and sinners alike.
Indeed. In Noah's days the spriritual and physical gene pool had been perverted, messed up with, and the wicked nation was happily swimming in it... They wanted a puddle of dirt to roll in, well, they got a flood. I believe we are living in the last "days", the enemy's attacks are so vicious on the remnant on all fronts... I'm in dismay on how most people still have their red flag detector on "off"... Our Lord will not tolerate this very long. He hears our prayers.
Hi Sophie!
Thanks for your return.
Recently finished reading just that. That the antediluvians were a very strong, big, smart race of mankind, and who lived for hundreds of years, but were evil in all their doings. The book by E.G. White is called, "Patriarchs and Prophets."
Over the years of learning, it has become irrefutable that "history" (the actual happenings) were designed by God to become prophetic in nature for those who shall live subsequently and in the "end times." They act as warnings to all generations as examples of consequences brought about by the priests, leaders, and the people themselves for having rejected the God of Creation and Redemption. The "Flood" was a distinctly blatant example of such a thing. It was by the Hand of God in order to quell the potential of sin becoming further spread.
This seems to be evidently what the USA and other countries who follow her, are experiencing with (a type of flood) social, political, physical, (geological) unrest. All due to the "spiritual" neglect shown God. He has been pulling back His Hand of Heavenly Protection from these. And since it appears that the "stiff-necked" nation's pride is in the conductor's seat, that as a nation, she will be "visited" with further tremendous tribulations, all of which will be brought about by her own doing.
History should teach the world of these things, but the devil has so arranged his chess pieces to confound much of the counter-measures emplaced by God. (God must adhere to the rules of righteousness; a disadvantage that the adversary circumvents.) But being in control and fully capable of whatever God's Will should dictate, the Lord will not leave His "children" without a measure of safety, provision and the full promise of Redemption. So we're in good Hands.
I believe that the graduating trials and circumstances which are to follow are for a wake-up call. If we look inward by way of the microscope, we discover undeniable "creation." When we look around us, we see a plethora of wonderful living gifts, all acting their part in the grand scheme of things, not engaged in warfare with each other for dominance. If we should look at the heavens through our powerful telescopes, we see not only perfect "order" but beauty and symmetry. Awe inspiring to be sure! And when the geologists set foot in the field to study with hammer in hand, along with the collected data from previous investigations and studies of disciplined experts, they inevitably find what the world-wide flood has obviously left in its wake.
Every form of contortion is exerted so as to discredit the Bible's Truth, regardless how juvenile or unscientific the posit might be. And the students' spongy brains suck up every misleading drop of insanity as though it makes sense. 'Not their fault, really. Much like how the church-goers trust with implicit unconcern their pastors and priests. But we have been given the amazing ability to weigh up evidence and come to a right conclusion, if we are at all honest souls.
Satan is depending on the people staying in a condition of semi-consciousness. God is about to "throw some cold water on that scene." Soon we will be inclined to make a choice, whether it be to the good or to the evil.
God bless you and yours,
Even non-believers, those not partaking in evildoing, feel there is (way too) much wickedness going on, and that an event (or rather a sequence of catastrophic events) will take place. May we stand strong and protected under Our Lord's wings. Be blessed!