In fairness, we need to jail them first and try them second. And then, if guilty, and if their particular crime warrants death, they must be executed. Would-be slavers like those running the WHO, WEF, etc. certainly qualify.
In fairness, we need to jail them first and try them second. And then, if guilty, and if their particular crime warrants death, they must be executed. Would-be slavers like those running the WHO, WEF, etc. certainly qualify.
There's a lot of 'em! Isn't there someone out there with good planning techniques, who can think up an "out of the box" use for all those carcasses? Dog food, maybe?
In fairness, we need to jail them first and try them second. And then, if guilty, and if their particular crime warrants death, they must be executed. Would-be slavers like those running the WHO, WEF, etc. certainly qualify.
All at a cost to the taxpayer, no, straight to the rope, and I’d happily contribute to the cost of that.
There's a lot of 'em! Isn't there someone out there with good planning techniques, who can think up an "out of the box" use for all those carcasses? Dog food, maybe?
Would you really want to feed an innocent animal with pure poison!