It was always and remains that “Covid” was a Plandemic necessary to precipitate the Death Jabs. Death was the first goal and death remains the last goal for useless eaters. Hospital protocols were implemented to cause as many deaths as possible. Mistakes were not made!!
It was always and remains that “Covid” was a Plandemic necessary to precipitate the Death Jabs. Death was the first goal and death remains the last goal for useless eaters. Hospital protocols were implemented to cause as many deaths as possible. Mistakes were not made!!
Every "mistake" and lie made was in the direction of killing or damaging more people, and destroying more of society. After awhile it has to be seen as criminal activity. The next step must be to determine who did the planning at the top of the criminal hierarchy.
Surprise! It's the same old "society" which plans and foments wars, revolutions, and all brands of chaos and destruction. Since Satan is at the helm of their organization, is it any wonder why so much evil has surfaced in these last days of earth's history? Time is short, and the devil knows it. Things will increase in intensity, so buckle up and bone up. The Jesuits are behind almost all of the wickedness in the world. They direct the subservient secret societies, and who is at the top of their organization? It is the Pope, doubtlessly. The man in white. There is a man in black, the "Black Pope" who directs the military arm of things there and around the world from his tiny country. To doubt this is akin to doubting that the medical profession has the public's best interest in mind. Or that Satan does not exist.
Our "enemy" Christ's adversary, the devil would be pleased to see a white flag being waved. WE MUST NOT! Good will triumph over evil eventually, when Jesus returns and sorts things out with justice and fury. We have been assured that Christ has already overcome the enemy, and it is now for us to trust that fact, although we might face treachery, persecution and even death! But what is death, compared to an eternity of peace and beauty? It is merely an interruption, a blink of an eye; is just a fully unconscious "sleep" until the Executive Judgement of Christ either blots a person's name from the Book of Life, or not.
Trust the God who created you, and who Redeemed you with His own blood, and someday in the world made new, you'll thank God you had.
I had the same problem. When I tried on a different PC, I was asked to sign in to comment and then I could do a LIKE. Also on original PC in a different browser , I could like/edit. It may be something to do with cookies. Try a different browser.
With the Vivaldi browser it's in reverse: without login, clicking on the email brings up the article in browser, substack ID is recognized and liking is possible. But without subsequent signing in, comments aren't accepted. In Vivaldi the solution for that is to prevent that the substack cookie gets deleted (due to restart of browser or PC or a "cleanup" program). That should work in every browser via the settings.
I have had a perhaps similar experience with Substack's sub-quality interface, where it would seem to not register a "like" click, but actually was just delayed (for quite a while) in reflecting it on screen. I tried experiments with clicking it back off and on again after it finally seemed to show up (hard to tell, because an increase in the parenthetical number of likes could have been due to a different reader's input), and it seemed to be actually registering the alternating clicks, just slow in reporting them. This phenomenon has happened several times for me.
It was always and remains that “Covid” was a Plandemic necessary to precipitate the Death Jabs. Death was the first goal and death remains the last goal for useless eaters. Hospital protocols were implemented to cause as many deaths as possible. Mistakes were not made!!
Every "mistake" and lie made was in the direction of killing or damaging more people, and destroying more of society. After awhile it has to be seen as criminal activity. The next step must be to determine who did the planning at the top of the criminal hierarchy.
Surprise! It's the same old "society" which plans and foments wars, revolutions, and all brands of chaos and destruction. Since Satan is at the helm of their organization, is it any wonder why so much evil has surfaced in these last days of earth's history? Time is short, and the devil knows it. Things will increase in intensity, so buckle up and bone up. The Jesuits are behind almost all of the wickedness in the world. They direct the subservient secret societies, and who is at the top of their organization? It is the Pope, doubtlessly. The man in white. There is a man in black, the "Black Pope" who directs the military arm of things there and around the world from his tiny country. To doubt this is akin to doubting that the medical profession has the public's best interest in mind. Or that Satan does not exist.
Our "enemy" Christ's adversary, the devil would be pleased to see a white flag being waved. WE MUST NOT! Good will triumph over evil eventually, when Jesus returns and sorts things out with justice and fury. We have been assured that Christ has already overcome the enemy, and it is now for us to trust that fact, although we might face treachery, persecution and even death! But what is death, compared to an eternity of peace and beauty? It is merely an interruption, a blink of an eye; is just a fully unconscious "sleep" until the Executive Judgement of Christ either blots a person's name from the Book of Life, or not.
Trust the God who created you, and who Redeemed you with His own blood, and someday in the world made new, you'll thank God you had.
It won’t let me like your post..
I had the same problem. When I tried on a different PC, I was asked to sign in to comment and then I could do a LIKE. Also on original PC in a different browser , I could like/edit. It may be something to do with cookies. Try a different browser.
I have had problems recently with Brave browser (like articles but not comments) but can 'like' all via Firefox.
With the Vivaldi browser it's in reverse: without login, clicking on the email brings up the article in browser, substack ID is recognized and liking is possible. But without subsequent signing in, comments aren't accepted. In Vivaldi the solution for that is to prevent that the substack cookie gets deleted (due to restart of browser or PC or a "cleanup" program). That should work in every browser via the settings.
I have had a perhaps similar experience with Substack's sub-quality interface, where it would seem to not register a "like" click, but actually was just delayed (for quite a while) in reflecting it on screen. I tried experiments with clicking it back off and on again after it finally seemed to show up (hard to tell, because an increase in the parenthetical number of likes could have been due to a different reader's input), and it seemed to be actually registering the alternating clicks, just slow in reporting them. This phenomenon has happened several times for me.
I'm straining, but there does not seem to be any pounding of plowshares into swords.
Awesome truth!