I recently discovered that the nebulizer that I purchased in 2020 now requires a prescription!
And 35% hydrogen peroxide, mentioned in the 2021 update to The One Minute Cure, has disappeared from store shelves.
From my limited understanding of our government, I suspect this is the FDA's handiwork. The purpose would seem to be limiting self-help options when the next manmade chimeric bioweapon is accidentally released upon the world.
I fear this level of detail will be missed in any reforms of the FDA.
The actual footage of EVENT 201 - watch actual rehearsal including censorship in media and addressing all the potential pushbacks from the public - THINK TANK tactics…
Another substack reader posted a comment that her husband worked for a state public health agency. He said to her that since the 1990's the ethical scientists at FDA were systematically replaced with "YES men". That is how we got to today.
From my perspective, sometimes best to leave sleeping dogs lie as they say UNTIL confirmed. Then full alarm sirens on these questions to wake up all the sleeping dogs.
Excellent article from Demasi. Again we see that congress is only going through the motions as they do 98% of the time. The FDA and CDC are owned by big pharma and congress is never going to ruffle those feathers.
I recently sent a copy of medical info being censored to a friend. He told me (sent screenshot) of Google's -- A.I. Gemini V2.1 identifying and censoring the email I sent to him.
I read Brook Jackson's legal case. Doesn't anybody have a problem that Jackson didn't even have access to Ventavia/Pfizer trial database, as she didn't sign her employment agreement during all the 18 days, she worked for Ventavia?:-) Some of her statements were plain ridiculous. Curiously, she got no LinkedIn profile either - anything to hide? Her recorded phone conversation transcript seems being manipulated, there're gaps in it. Jackson was taking photos of confidential info on her personal phone, who in right mind is okay with it? She lied she destroyed them, but didn't.
@Jursey Gurl - your self-portrait: "I’m a Jersey Girl who doesn’t just believe in Big Government and Big Pharma and when I smell bullshit (which I can still smell even after the deadly Delta) I call it BULL SHIT"
I don't care what you believe/small LOL
I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. And that's the difference between us :-)
I delete subscribers, I'm not here to get the "following." You won't know BS if it hits you in the face. Jackson is a crook, I bet you didn't even read the legal case.
Pfizer should be hanged but it won't be through Jackson's case.
I recently discovered that the nebulizer that I purchased in 2020 now requires a prescription!
And 35% hydrogen peroxide, mentioned in the 2021 update to The One Minute Cure, has disappeared from store shelves.
From my limited understanding of our government, I suspect this is the FDA's handiwork. The purpose would seem to be limiting self-help options when the next manmade chimeric bioweapon is accidentally released upon the world.
I fear this level of detail will be missed in any reforms of the FDA.
Repeal the Durham-Humphrey amendment!
You might be able to find a copy of the "The One Minute Cure" on Etsy or at a used bookstore if you need it. Glad I already have one!
It's the 35%hp that's no longer in stores, not the book.
Thank you for correcting me. I misread it.
If he's from J Hopkins, he's already suspect. JH contributes heavily to the globalist agenda.
I recall Event 201 - practice “simulation” run in NY OCTOBER 2019, just a few months short of “deployment” of plandemic, hosted by Gates and friends, also INCLUDED Johns Hopkins, Chinese CDC, MSM, and other operatives. Watch it on Rumble.com. I don’t trust anyone in those organizations any longer. https://rumble.com/v3zlo40--catastrophic-contagion.html Watch Dr Martin succinctly explains (on rumble.com) the timeline of the patents involved too… https://rumble.com/v2ncp8w-dr-david-e.-martin-phd-covid-summit-european-union-parliament-may-2023.html. RFK on Event 201
The actual footage of EVENT 201 - watch actual rehearsal including censorship in media and addressing all the potential pushbacks from the public - THINK TANK tactics…
and DARK WINTER simulation rehearsals…and monkey pox was rehearsed prior to deployment too https://rumble.com/v2dmp6q-exclusive-interview-robert-f.-kennedy-jr-from-event-201-to-dark-winter-part.html. https://rumble.com/v5924gd-rockefeller-operation-lockstep.html Guide on How to synchronize deployment of lockdowns. We took 2 days to design the covid vaccine…MODERNA CEO says… https://rumble.com/v63qrm7-moderna-secretly-allowed-china-to-insert-depopulation-drugs-into-covid-jabs.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
My thoughts too.
Another substack reader posted a comment that her husband worked for a state public health agency. He said to her that since the 1990's the ethical scientists at FDA were systematically replaced with "YES men". That is how we got to today.
From my perspective, sometimes best to leave sleeping dogs lie as they say UNTIL confirmed. Then full alarm sirens on these questions to wake up all the sleeping dogs.
In EUROPE - vaccines and dr protections…. https://x.com/BusyDrT/status/1898530431966011867
What is the veil of administrative secrecy? Does it have to do with Institutional Review Boards and Behavioral Research?
Excellent article from Demasi. Again we see that congress is only going through the motions as they do 98% of the time. The FDA and CDC are owned by big pharma and congress is never going to ruffle those feathers.
I recently sent a copy of medical info being censored to a friend. He told me (sent screenshot) of Google's -- A.I. Gemini V2.1 identifying and censoring the email I sent to him.
I read Brook Jackson's legal case. Doesn't anybody have a problem that Jackson didn't even have access to Ventavia/Pfizer trial database, as she didn't sign her employment agreement during all the 18 days, she worked for Ventavia?:-) Some of her statements were plain ridiculous. Curiously, she got no LinkedIn profile either - anything to hide? Her recorded phone conversation transcript seems being manipulated, there're gaps in it. Jackson was taking photos of confidential info on her personal phone, who in right mind is okay with it? She lied she destroyed them, but didn't.
You’re an idiot
@Jursey Gurl - your self-portrait: "I’m a Jersey Girl who doesn’t just believe in Big Government and Big Pharma and when I smell bullshit (which I can still smell even after the deadly Delta) I call it BULL SHIT"
I don't care what you believe/small LOL
I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. And that's the difference between us :-)
2 subscribers and doesn’t know shit about ANYTHING. Brook Jackson is a trailblazer. She tried to tell the truth about terrible Pfizer studies
I delete subscribers, I'm not here to get the "following." You won't know BS if it hits you in the face. Jackson is a crook, I bet you didn't even read the legal case.
Pfizer should be hanged but it won't be through Jackson's case.
I know what I’m talking about too, so GTFO