Meryl Nass you have been a true blessing and a driving force in stopping the W.H.O. from getting the green light in becoming the binding authority to be submitted to by 194 countries and their citizens, by the first day of June 2024 .

You understood the importance of celebrating incremental achievements, which fuels forward movement toward winning a decisive battle, such as this one. You have been a monumental positive influence on many people and gave them renewed vigor in continuing their efforts to win one battle at a time. When people celebrate key winnings it helps them to unwind and stay engaged. This way people do not get all worn out, in low spirits and discouraged.

I will always remember Kim Iversen interviewing you two months ago. You presented her with many of the severe challenges involved in preventing The W.H.O. from reaching their goal by June 1, 2024. It was clear that the more she was listening, the more she understood that the powers to be contended with were too great; overwhelmed, she then spoke the no-nonsense, inevitable words:

“I don’t think there is any way to stop this”. Timestamp 1:04:12


Much Love to you and everyone else who are genuinely working for the greatest benefit of all. You are all TRUE VIRTUOUS HUMAN BEINGS. You inspire me, each day, to spend energy in thinking of ways I can help, and to put those thoughts into action.

I can only express infinite gratitude, for now and the many battles ahead.

Thank you

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Very well put, Ripple, Meryl is one in a billion - an Angel of all things good. I just hope she remembers to take a little time out occasionally. Nobody, and I mean nobody works as hard and diligently as Meryl. She has achieved so much.

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Monday I will spend in the garden (first time I will be entering it this season and it is a mess). Yes I am going to take a few days off. Or a few hours on a few days. I did my laundry! I can figure out what normal is.

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❗️Very well put, Mr. Fookes, Meryl is one in many billions with the same potential as her.

So while she spends time gardening, doing laundry, and meditating, the other billions can honor that potential and put it to work.

Personally I keep a close eye on Fifth Generation Warfare Agents (also known as traitors to all life on earth) and their kindergarten psychological warfare comments, which are used to affect unsuspecting people on a so-called subliminal level.

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God bless you Meryl! You are truly our Esther and we so appreciate you! 💟✝️🛐‼️🎉

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No-one deserves it more than you!

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Finally! you live on here! Enjoy the present. Do your work and step back - the only path to serenity.

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Pull weeds.


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“Teddy” Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “there will be many body bags — if [you] don’t behave!”.


“Teddy”, here is the body of your statement with dissident editing adjustments:

But you know the serious challenge that is posed by pro-injector goons, and I think we need to strategize, to really push back. Because injections work. Injections kill adults and we have con science-less/conscienceless evidence on our side. I think it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on pro-injectors. I think they use Covid as an opportunity, and you know all the murders they’re creating. Maybe that’s one of the messages, also, I would like to include to whatever I have said.

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Beyond true! My gratitude is echoed in this person's statement.

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One Health -- gone. That's good. With all the new rights afforded to animals, I was afraid I'd be evicted from my home to make room for a family of opossums.

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Only if they are illegal opossums.

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Funny comment 🙂 But I fear they’ll be back with this one health-“they” do not plan on losing.

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And, worse, they'd have preferred possum pronouns.

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

You know that song by the rock group "The Who"? The one that's goes "Who are you? Who who who who...." I have been going around my house all day today singing my new mantra: "WHO are you? DEFEATED, that's who!!!" Come on everyone, let's all sing together now!

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Now we need to have a global protest to get rid of the WHO and UN!!!

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Absolutely...we can well do without the World Hell Organisation!

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I like it, but protests are not working. There was a big march to Brussels, with many speakers and big names-I’m still to find what, if anything they achieved.

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That means that we have to actively battle in courtrooms, and maybe on battlefields.

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This is indeed a spectacular result. At one stage I thought it was hopeless, but Dr Nass replied to my comment “Don’t give up”

That gave me hope and motivation to continue doing what I could do. Now that it’s all out in the open, we must never never give up. They will not win, there are more of us than them and now that the 1st battle is over, all of this now puts a very bright spotlight on the players (criminals). They need to know they cannot get away with their crimes, we are coming after them. They WILL be held accountable.

Please read the following declaration, I found it inspiring:


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Why does James Roguski write that we the people have been massively defeated on the IHR?

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Great question. Did he not read them? What is his intention?

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This is my question as well that gives me doubt as to what James Roguski read that we may have missed? I believe clarity would be a good resolve. TY

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Jun 2Edited

Meryl, you are so positive! I truly admire your resilience.

I do think (at least here in Europe) that they are going to get all gone items anyway via sneaky backdoors and lobbying of the pharmaceutical companies. It is going to become EVEN more Mafia, I think. Unless ALL PEOPLE of the world refuse to swallow one more pill, it will go on for quite a while. I've tried to talk to people here for so long here in Flanders, they just stare at me. Americans are awake! Us not! But you are right, we WILL WIN THIS CAUSE WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!Thank YOU and Do enjoy the garden!!

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Meryl, why are you turning that question back on the general public here?

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Jun 2
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Dr Nass has worked extremely hard, so why don’t you do just that, put a nice list together for us on what was adopted and let Dr Nass get on with what she decides to focus on

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Jun 2
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Jun 2
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Don’t put up provocative posts if you’re not feeling well enough to deal with them!

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I too would like to understand why James Roguski says otherwise, and lists the articles that are dangerous further. Art 1, 4, 12, 13, 24, 27, 31, 35 (paragraph 2,3,4), 44, 54bis.


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Thank you Doctor. You've done a lot to spread the word.

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Round one! More to come!

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The one thing I learned from more than 30 years as an elected official is that They will be back! The left does not give up. They hope we tire.

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And the right at the top are standing right next to them. The left was too irresistible for them to not use for all the do gooders they've bread and educated. Prime targets those warriors for the down trodden and poor to be coerced by words so empty of meaning they could never see it coming.

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Tried to correct a misspelling. Weird I can't correct it.

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Substack’s been having problems like this since they brought in AI Dec 2023

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Oh, great. That will improve it alright.

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This is a huge win, Dr. Nass!

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Per James Roguski, “The build-up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex that these amendments seek to implement in support of the equitable distribution of “relevant medical products” is certainly NOT a “victory” that should be celebrated.

Stop allowing yourself to be deceived.” I know James worked his tail off against the IHR amendments and he does not see what just happened as a reason to celebrate.

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Yes, because it is all a distraction from the real place of power - at the local level. Who abused you doing lockdowns and restricting business, etc during covid - your local tyrants. The WHO is using this bruhaha over the IHR to distract you from the tyrants in your own backyard and to reinforce their ability to lock you up next time. That is the real purpose of the WHO activities right now - distract you over here so you don't use your power to deal with the real problem. James Roguski is absolutely right! Read Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News substack to see the legal structure on this. WHO is not about solving problems, but creating chaos. Once the bruhaha is created over inconsistent local level tyrany, they'll bring in the bullet points above to create world-wide consistency. Open your eyes, folks!!

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Sadly, we’re at war with our gvmt… shots herd

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It's both. Laws & regulations at the local state & federal level in western nations has been guided by international forces & agreements over many decades. The WHO & IHR are not exactly distractions, they are instruments used by the, lets refer to them as globalists, to create a global framework that may have many purposes, but that ultimately serve their agendas (whatever they may be)

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Thank you, Meryl, for the brilliant list of things that are GONE. Reading them all laid out like that shows very clearly what a HUGE, ridiculous, outradgeous bullet we have dodged -- and all thanks to the efforts of you and other good people who took the trouble to actually READ the deliberately eye-glazing series of Amendments and campaign against them. WHEW! I didn't fully realise it was quite that bad. Certainly this list will be hugely helpful in further campaigns to dismantle the WHO altogether. But for now -- [celebratory emoji] champagne all round ! THANK YOU.

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Thank you for being so relentlessly committed to putting a stop to this. Thank you for being our frontline and for vigilently reporting back. You are amazing and inspiring to me. Wishing you laurels and a rest.

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God bless you, Dr. Nass 😇! This is HUGE!

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Thank you for all your hard work, Dr. Nass! God bless you tenfold!!! 🥰 🙏🏻

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