One of my clients was an attorney under Obama in Joint Tax which is non-partisan. He said the other attorneys regularly got onto him for working past 5 because he was “making them look bad”.

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Sounds like USPS.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Had this idea, for every new law they make, they have to get rid of 2.

Have worked construction a bit. All the safety stuff drives our costs over the top. Not privy to the stats but thinking they probably have worse numbers than old school. For me it's obvious, avoid substance abuse. Hung over people will get hurt, you put em in a bullet proof bubble they'll wind up in the ER.

Smokers always seem to be overcompensating for their more frequent breaks and often sabotage non smokers so they don't out perform them.

Underpaid staff seems to create an atmosphere for abuse and/or corruption.

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"...for every new law they make, they have to get rid of 2."

Add rules and regulations to laws, up the "get rid of" ante to at least 3 for starters and I'm in.

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Agree! And cut 3 federal jobs, starting at the higher paid end.

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Maybe we need that good ole' conversation about term limits for civil and federal 'servants' to prevent them from becoming uncivil masters

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Definitely. 💯

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RemovedJul 1
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I agree that the future looks grim, but I am not sure that an ad for "the lost Superfoods" qualifies as evidence that mRNA is being put in our food supply. There are a number of articles at https://tusksearch.com/search?q=mrna%20in%20food&p=1&l=right that indicate the potential, but is there any proof? Could it be that the threat of mRNA in meat is being used to discourage people from eating meat and dairy, as that is a major globalist goal. If we stop eating meat and dairy the globalists win even if there is no mRNA in the food. And if we continue to eat meat and dairy and there is mRNA poison in the food, they still win. We need a way to test the food or to exterminate the globalists before it is too late, and it may be too late already.

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As of March 2023, mRNA licensed vaccines by Merck were being used in pigs in the US, not necessarily every pig, and not in any other livestock Although today, there are mRNA vaccine experiments in cows Though no licensed mRNA vaccines yet in cows. Soon I expect

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I had an ex-navy friend who started smoking because if you didn’t smoke, you didn’t get a smoke break!

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Me too, they didn't say take a break, they said take a smoke break. You went in the room that had vending machines and coffee and the smoke was so thick. Cold turkeyed 2 weeks before discharge. Just after my birthday 77'

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That is what President Trump did with government rules in his first term. He cut 8 regulations for every new one,. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/1792466/exclusive-trump-list-shows-319-results-and-promises-kept-in-three-years/ With laws it is much more difficult getting both Houses of Congress to agree.

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And what didn't he do? Release Julian Assange! Pull the troops out of Syria! Unite the country! Save us from the jab! People act like he is the return of Christ. Our system has failed. He kicked the can, he failed. At least give RFK a chance, 3rd times the charm.

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Trump accomplished hundreds of achievements in just his first 3 years despite being undermined, lied to and lied about many times every day. . www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/1792466/exclusive-trump-list-shows-319-results-and-promises-kept-in-three-years/

Junior is a heavy handed regulator who is on record as hating fossil fuels. and nuclear power. Why would anyone want a choice of an EV or practically non-existent public transportation? Anything to the contrary he has said recently can be chalked up to his run for president and need for votes. The last thing we need is more rules and regulations that restrict our rights and freedoms. Yes, he was right to expose the "vaccines", but what else has he actually done besides initiate lawsuits? And who will be his supporting cast? Friends of the Kennedy clan? Leftists, People who were too cowardly to outwardly oppose Obama and Biden? Trump-haters and disillusioned Democrats? Low information voters who vote for names, not viable policies?

I don't see anyone in the center or to the left of center being what the country needs now. I do not see his choice of VP as having any traction with the more than 80 million voters on the right. He is very stubborn and stubborn people do not like to be told anything and do not like to listen to others. He is also fanatical about the environment, still believing the crap that global warming has to be stopped by making everything electric and only electric. What difference between him and Biden/Obama on that score? If you are wrong about him, it will mean that most Americans will fall into poverty. Since so much of his life has been spent as a leftist, can you be certain that the real Junior is not hiding in a Trojan horse?

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When it comes to psychopaths the only thing we can trust is they are damn good liars and they usually wind up at the top of any chain of command, standing on a pile of mangled opponents. I believe our system has failed. Anyone the system rejects has credibility with me and vice versa. We are in a Fascist, totalitarian, technocratic nightmare. Elections have never produced a Messiah.

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Well, introverts rarely come out on top of anything. It takes ego to get things done, because anyone without self confidence is unlikely to accomplish much of anything. But it is a far road from being egotistical to being a psychopath and the left has more than its fair share of the latter. As far as the jabs go, if Trump had said do not take these vaccines, probably more people would have taken them. since Trump hatred trumps rationality in today's world. When Trump started to blast Fauci, it was Trump that became the guilty party. Junior's book on vaccines was written based on hindsight, not on foresight, and he keeps insisting he is pro-vax. Even today if one reads the LSM, jabs are portrayed as greater than sliced bread. That is because our public education "system" sucks so badly that it produces slaves obedient to authority, not thinkers or doers. If Junior had been in office at the time, and said don't take the vaccines and Fauci said take them, who would the public have believed? When Biden and the media and Fauci all told us to keep getting the jabs, a lot of people believed them and still do, Kids are still getting the poison without parental knowledge or consent. A lot of people think that things will improve if we had more term limits, but I do not agree. Look at the blue cities/states that are falling apart. Just about every one has term limits for mayor/governor. And just about every recent election has ended up with the electee being worse or much worse than the predecessor. Why? Because term limits do not work in constituencies where the majority of voters are either ignorant or stupid or lazy and/or gullible. When the people vote the same way every time and expect difference results that is insanity. Why do we allow insane people to vote (rhetorical question)? What we really need is voter limits and voter qualifications that will eliminate those with the least to lose if an election results in bad choices. Looking at it from another perspective, we should want only people voting who have the most to lose if they make bad voting decisions.

What's the best way to increase crime in a blue city? Elect anyone who promises to reduce crime (by not counting anything but murder as a crime (murders by illegal aliens are forgiven - immediately). How far are we from rewarding criminals who can legally punish non-criminals? It is fun to blame politicians, but hard to blame the face in the mirror for electing the politicians who fail or do things we didn't want them to. When that ancient Chinese man told his enemy, "May you live in interesting times", he sure said a mouthful and here we are.

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Look man we got a lot we could bat around. I got a foot in both camps, but my brain is somewhere other than same old. Problem is no time to go through long posts and make some of my own.

Seems we are off topic for Dr. Nass' site. So when you crunch it right down the red & blue got a lot in common, compared to the psycho power oligarchs and all the rest of us.

Divide and conquer has not worked for us. If you can't say nothing nice about RFK then maybe we are done. I would vote for Trump over Biden. But really you wanna get the oli's attention? If no one voted their whole charade goes poof.

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I work for a fing living. They get paid TOO MUCH! Try mowing lawns for a living. I'm so sick of these crybabies who don't make enough money. YOU'RE IN FREAKING GOVERNMENT WHICH PAYS TOO MUCH WITH WAY TOO MANY BENEFITS SO STOP FREAKING COMPLAINING AND GO GET A REAL JOB!!!!!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Currently, proposed laws tell us only the perceived benefits, but never the FORESEEABLE harm that passing those laws will cause. Each proposed law must be required to contain a statement explaining the harm that implementing it will cause (in addition to the potential benefits). To force Congress to comply, the President must be prohibited from signing bills into law that do not contain such a statement. This should make it much harder to write more laws and the fewer the laws, the fewer the restrictions on freedom and privacy. With fewer laws, it should be easier to reduce the size of government. Then fewer staffers will be needed (no matter how many are wanted), smaller government will cost less, and the staffers that survive can be paid more. I can provide examples on request.

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One of my favorite expressions goes along The Spirit, if not the Letter, of the law.

Law and Finance have both been obscured with muddy water. The letters, too numerous and largely indecipherable to the uninitiated, obscure the Spirit, if there is any.

Leaving huge weasel room for lawyers.

The Spirit is what is important. Do they even write that out anymore? If they did it would be Obvious. Those inside will benefit. Common folk will pay and suffer.

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Being a congressional staffer is where you learn the best grift and graft practices and how to climb over the bodies of others to gain status, prestige, power and privilege. The wealth these learned skills provide will come later.

Go to any bar or social setting in the District and everybody and anybody you speak with will be darting their eyes around the room constantly, looking for another person to talk to who has something they want, typically access to higher power. When staffers meet one another there's a tier of status that both go through, one wants what one has, the one with is either angling for building their fiefdom or ready to beg out as they see another above their tier they'll try to do the same. And everyone knows it as it's happening. It's empty and vacuous, few are happy and content to be where they are, doing the work they are doing. Too much greed, too many big egos, self-importance and delusions of grandeur are the rule, not the exception. And these are just the staffers. The politicians themselves? Not hard to figure them out.

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Can’t even imagine wasting moments with shallow narcissistic minds as those in D.C.

Who needs to be in D.C., I ask myself? The person who isn’t a lawyer, no more political lawyers! Oust their sorry, lazy asses right out of the arena!!!!

Congress, Senate, Presidencies must be positions held by intelligent, hard working everyday people with TERM LIMITS!! Absolutely NO career politicians!

And NO , behind the scenes, wizard directing outcomes, as we all know, is present and active in the position held by the demented, mumbling, bag of greedy, stumbling, embarrassing, bag of bones of ‘Buyden’

Yep, step up to the plate, you good old people! Join the ranks to bring this great country out of the grip of the greedy lawyers, wizards and such!!!

Follow the Constitution! A GREAT NATION will reappear. You know, the one you would die for, the one of which you would be proud to be a citizen.

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35k plus lawyers, good grief.

Time to do a 1776 reset in the size of fed gov.

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Need to cut back on lawyers and all outside government employees. We need to shrink government. It’s been spreading like a fire in places it should not be. Way too many Bureaucrats. Looks like govt trying to support a very heavy load that is not needed. Time to restructure. It’s like schools; more administrators than students. We Need a strong business leader with common business sense to fix it

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Jul 2Liked by Meryl Nass

Keeping salaries low obviously only attracts young people and there is a constant revolving door as they move on to more “education” or higher paying jobs. I get the impression this is by design. That way they stay in the dark about a lot dark things. If you don’t know too much, you can’t expose too much. Use them and move them on- don’t let them expose anything!

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Agree. I get paid less than that as a preschool teacher and am responsible for the active beautiful and patience testing 2 year olds that every parent would hold dearest in their lives....

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Good insight from the DC ers or ex DCers here in the comments.

I know a lawyer lobbyist whose job it was to pay the Congressman, Senators, Chiefs of staff and anybody else that got the vote passed, CASH. It was amazing how little cash bought the vote!

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I'm a little surprised that it is that blatant. I have secondhand knowledge of the degree of corruption of the old (1960s) committee chairs ... $10,00 cash, equivalent to ~$100,000 today, to be delivered to the office in a week in order to get a piece of legislation scheduled ... but I thought that pretty much disappeared outside a couple of old schoolers who put the loot in the office freezer.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

$ 6,000. cash for a pro oil or natural gas vote 1995.

Strom Thurman always asleep in his chair or reading Obits. Chief of Staff and his helpers ran the show.

The staff just props these guys and gals ( drunkard Nancy P ) up like Weekend at Bernie's. People have no idea how bad it is! Look at Mitch M. they must have an Meth drip next to his desk chair or they are just using and actor and a mask like O'Biden because it is easier.

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Yes I think you're right. These are the people that should be reading and writing legislation, not the lobbyists. But they don't have time and are not compensated, and we the people are the ones who are shortchanged.

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I must have missed an earlier article. I don't get the point of this. Are we feeling sorry for Congressional staffers or something? I'm sure everyone appreciates that Congressional staffers apply for this kind of work for experiential reasons, not because they're trying to rub two nickels together to support their families or whatever. This is a stepping-stone. It could be entirely voluntary for all I care. These people are going on to power. These jobs are an investment in their future selves. But as I said, I must have missed the point.

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I guess they have the option to get different jobs. They may have to exercise their option.

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They are there to make their resumes look better.

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Then they don’t have anything to complain about, do they?

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I would also add for consideration that smaller agencies can also have a plethora of attorneys. For instance the FCC as a rough approximation is said to be staffed with mostly attorneys and engineers.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

You list the salaries of 22 positions within a Senator's staff. Do you take it for granted that they need this many employees? Can you measure their work product? What do they produce? Charles Murray discussed this issue in his book "By the People", 2014, and noted that prior to the administrative state Congressmen had 2 office employees and Senators had 3 or 4. But with the growth of the administrative state, every elected legislature became a potentially important advocate for special interests, and their staff grew accordingly. We may like to think that they are our ombudsmen, but in fact our elected officials and their employees spend most of their time harvesting PAC donations, and this is the purpose of these bloated staffs. Murray notes that Congressmen actually wrote the laws they voted on in the 1950s, but no longer. I admire your enormous energy, but I think a few hours every day spent reflecting on the status quo and its bizarre aspects might help you focus on the underlying causes of the massive dysfunction that has led us to the point where hard working and competent people like you can be harassed by incompetent, politically motivated, medical boards.

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