How can anyone claim with a straight face that there is ANY public health benefit to be derived from research aimed at making viruses more transmissible and/or lethal? Seriously, how?!!

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I think they just practice in front of a mirror for days, and hold crossed fingers behind their backs.

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Yes, I think you're right. These narcissists love mirrors.

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Well right off the top of my head, if you're doing "anti-biologcal weapons" research, that is to say working against a possible biological attack, it may be useful to know how such an attack would be accomplished.

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That is the phony justification for making bioweapons. Sposed to be illegal.

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Well it's a justification, that is phony because they have other intentions IMO.

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And how exactly would that be useful, Triumphant Ape? For example, we already know that insertion of a furin cleavage site into a virus's nucleic acid makes the virus better at infecting cells. How has that helped? How COULD it help?

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It helped by showing you it was a designed virus, in addition if you did GoF for a good reason, as I stated above, you could determine things like "furin cleavage site" or other manipulations prior to seeing it emerge as a weapon, and thereby giving you an advantage as how to handle it.

While I fully understand that by building a weapon, you open the door to it being used, for me it's much less that than the intentions of those doing it.

Fauci, Pfizer, all of them are absolute evil from my point of view, and unfortunately they are the ones doing the creation and most likely not for any good reason like defense, more likely to actually be used.

That said, even if we made it entirely illegal here in the US, or by some miracle got it made illegal internationally, do you really think that would stop labs in China? Or Russia? Even Iran can design a bio weapon these days, with the tech available it isn't that hard any longer.

So how would you be proactive to those threats?

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"Thereby giving you an advantage in how to handle it" you say, TA. Which of course skilfully avoids answering my question "HOW does it give you an advantage in how to handle it?" How would doing more GOF research give you ANY advantage in knowing how to handle bioweapons made in, for example, labs in Ukraine, or Wuhan, or anywhere else in the world? It didn't. Because it can't. THERE IS NO REASON for doing GOF research except to make a new bioweapon. And the only reason for wanting a new bioweapon is either to actually kill people, or to pretend that millions will be killed if they're not injected with an mRNA "vaccine" of the sort that had already killed more people than any other kind of vaccine in history during a number of earlier trials and therefore had to be rushed into production using fear -- by claiming that it was the only way to cure what Kelly Sexton rightly says was probably nothing more than a bioengineered but only slightly different version of the common cold. This whole horrific scam was engineered by Big Pharma, in the twin interests of (1) making HUGE profits for the pharmaceutical industry -- and (2) actioning Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates's "eugenicist" depopulation agenda. THEY ACTUALLY WANTED (and still want) to kill millions of people, Triumphant Ape. What a good handle you have, eh?

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Sounds like you have it all figured out, now what?

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I still don't believe there was a virus. It was the flu.

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It's very hard to tell what's real, the Home Land Security hearings stated that it was a manipulated virus, some flu are coronavirus, and this one was apparently a manipulated natural virus.

But again the only reason I even have this idea is because of a youtube video of our government officials talking to other scientist.

So what is real?


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No Ape, it's not hard at all to tell what's real. It's just hard to believe that your bureacrats could be so evil and your politicians so stupid.

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The authors just want to make up with uncle Tony.

" It would be unwise for Congress to eliminate the involvement of federal funding agencies, such as the N.I.H., in the review process"..."decisions regarding PEPP proposals made to the N.I.H. will be made by senior U.S. Health and Human Services officials outside of the agency,"

They are playing word games with GOF and PEPP. The 'science' so described has as its' goal the creation of democidal weapons. This activity should be severely prosecuted and the agencies which have encouraged it dismembered.

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“Scattered to the winds…”

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E mailed and called Tom's office for a copy of the Center for Health Security Steering Committee lists and affiliations since it's inception at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Scrubbed everywhere when I've looked and they refuse to release. They have everything to hide. Even had Dr. Lawrence D Kerr on that Steering Committee the dude who ushered in the IHR changed on behalf of our government. Even worked with Fauci and

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Pronounced Lipshitz?

How can we possibly not destroy ourselves, that would violate the viruganda narrative ScKamala stands for....

Scamdemics forevermore....

In big Harma we distrust

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I’m really starting to understand that congress can do nothing and there’s no voice of the people in our government and quite possibly, never was.

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This is precisely the risk Dwight Eisenhower warned of in his January 1961 Farewell Address, before turning over the Oval Office keys and the nuclear war codes to John F Kennedy. A military-industrial complex with the power to classify as Secret or Top Secret, reports about its own failures, threatens our Constitutional Republic because all Constitutional checks and balances rely on either the Judiciary to hold trials or the voters to make a democratic election of whether they trust elected officials. Democracy is useless when the voters are kept in the dark and fed crap as if we are mushrooms. Courts cannot hold trials unless shown the (classified) evidence.

In '61 Ike handed off to JFK a nasty classified Air Force project, the B-70 Bomber. It depended on a fuel made from lithium, hydrogen, fluorine and borax that cost 500x more than petroleum and could not be made in quantity owing to the shortage of lithium (still a problem today). In order to hold back the consumption of the costly triethylpentaborane fuel, the engines of the plane were made less powerful than they needed to be. General Electric had begun a redesign of the B-70 engines that enabled them to run on kerosene, if it worked. A further problem: The engines, fuselage and wings were designed for supersonic flight, but the metal skin could not withstand the heat of supersonic flight for very long. Switching to a titanium skin would overcome this problem, but the only metalforming works on Earth that could make the titanium skin was in the Soviet Union. Great chance they'd be dumb enough to sell us an essential part of a superweapon we wanted in case of war against the Soviets. (Funny story: the Soviets actually sold us some titanium airplane skin but not enough for the B-70. They were hoping to get inside B-70 information during the sale. What actually happened was that Kelly Johnson at the Lockeed Skunk Works, Area 51 Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada used it to prototype the SR-71 supersonic reconnaissance plane).

It was the Johnson Administration that finally cancelled the B-70 contract, after one of two prototypes crashed in Northern Arizona. The second prototype is on static display at the Smithsonian.

Addressing the 1954 graduating class at West Point, retired General of the Army Douglas MacArthur cautioned the young class of officers, "A defense too costly to sustain, is no defense at all". That it took a decade of wasted effort on the B-70 to recognize it had no defensive value to the US (the Arizona crash showed the engines lacked power to recover the plane from an aerodynamic stall) is clearly weakness and not strength.

So applying the lessons of the B-70 bomber, the lethal flaw in enhanced lethality biological weapons is that once started, a pandemic sweeps the world and kills us, while it is still killing the enemy. It would make a lot of sense to amend the Biological Weapons Convention to include dangerous biological research.

Just as a bombing aircraft that cannot fly is useless to our national defense, so is a weapon of mass destruction that equally kills us and our enemies and cannot be shut off.

These are common sense principles anyone can understand.

Our defense budget makes us the safest, when spent on weapons that actually work, can be aimed at an enemy, and can be aimed away from our own people, our allies, and any nation that is neutral. Buying weapons that make our country weaker is wasting money, not giving us security.

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Mr. Schubring,

That was sure interesting, and no surprise at the same time. Funny. I was enjoying a vid highlighting the way a Gerald Ford carrier operates with its daily routines and things. The expose showed the galley or "mess deck" where the food was prepared and served. The narrator stated the amount of certain foods like the number of chickens needed daily. One can only imagine the wasted foods, which are probably tossed overboard to the crabs each day, for "health safety measures." It didn't say, but the military is not known for being frugal. And that bothered me for a while. But when the other things like the stuff you mentioned are seen in the light, it quickly becomes evident that food waste hardly makes any difference what so ever! I guess waste just bothers me on moral grounds.

The bio-weapons thing is on a different level. It is most evidently being sought after for the purpose of culling the population. C-19 would have an impossible task in court, trying to defend any other reason for it's continued existence. That's my opinion. And any military person, which I assume you are, knows, when a weapon is developed, it is always used, unless dysfunctional, like the B-70 bomber. So we're going to get more of the same gene therapy kill shots administered, until the devil himself is satiated. I hope I'm wrong, but the past four years cries out differently.

Yours, Sincerely,

AND thanks for your service for the country. Truly appreciate that.


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What little, if any, voice that we may ever have had is silenced by censorship.

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Whatever NYTimes has to say is usually FAKE news or mostly FAKE!

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There are no man-made pandemics.

Only chemical research and animal cruelty labs to launder money.

How much of our wealth has been stripped from us on a Virology fraud playing out for decades?


There is no virus!

There is no test!

There is no contagion!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Millions are now awake to the centuries of deception.

Not financial advice!

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Maybe just defund and dismantle nih. And most of the dod. With the research they fund and the counter measures when their research gets loose, it would be a savings all around. Even before that mess, we have some of the worst health outcomes of any developed country, sadly that includes our children. They are ineffective and dishonest, not fit for purpose. Much like the endless wars, it is a racket for steering tax revenue into greedy, conniving pockets to the overall detriment of citizens

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Yes. We've done a 180 on health and longevity.

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Lab made pandemics? When will this science fiction end? If these bio-clowns were to ever invent a lab-made pathogen, it would wipe them out along with all humanity. It would be uncontrollable and no stupid mRNA injection would keep you alive. Furthermore, transmission of any virus is not proven beyond a doubt and even the existence of viruses is extremely doubtful.

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Any governing entity requires strict honesty to last. Dishonesty's corrupting influence along with no recourse for abuse of justice is a recipe for sure failure. We are at, or beyond that point.



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Poland reached a similar tipping point in the 1980s and had a coup, led by General Jaruzelski, who positioned himself as the only guy who could keep things going normally with Moscow. A little-known problem was that a mid-level Polish officer had defected and the CIA found him a home, job and cover story in Chicago. Information about Soviet plans to invade Poland and increase control kept being leaked back to Moscow, leaving them an uneasy sense that invading Poland might not work out as well in the 1980s, as invading Czechoslovakia had in the 1960s. It finally reached the point where Soviet mission planners asked East Germany to send troops. Jaruzelski announced bluntly that if Germans invade Poland he would call up the Reserves and fight a war.

Occupying a completely-wrecked Poland was not something the Soviets could afford so they stood down. However, money they promised East Germany to fund the invasion of Poland now wasn't coming and East Germany was fast going insolvent. Gorbachev took over in Moscow with few good choices left to him. The Berlin Wall came down for lack of money to keep East Germany propped up as a Communist-bloc country. It reunified with the West

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Knowing the facts of history is daunting to say the least, because what is reported as motive for an action, can be just smoke. Lies abound, and propaganda is prolifically applied to the course aforehand determined by the "planners." Justice, mercy, equity, and the other Christian tenets are promised but rarely put to practice unless deemed temporarily advantageous toward the goals set within their satanic hearts.

Communism, and all the other "isms" were CREATED for a purpose, and did not spontaneously or fortuitously, come into being. A deep study will reveal that the Jesuit Order (Secret Society) was instrumental in all of their creations. An even deeper study will prove that Satan himself has been at the helm of such things.

So we can be assured that nothing good can come of these evil, governing formations within the society of the world regardless of the rhetorical wording of their selected leaders.

As for me and my house..............(you know the rest)


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Unfortunately true, but we owe it to God's creation and to humanity to not throw in the towel.

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That's right Larry, "Throwing in the towel" amounts to allowing evil to run rampant and gain the object of Satan's intention: i.e. to cause chaos, destruction, death, suffering, etc... But there are both effective and counter-productive ways to engage in this war. It is NOT our battle, rather Christ's, but we are drafted in as a means of educating us and through such saved, to witness to the unfallen worlds within the cosmos (regarding the destructive nature of sin.) So there is a "plan" and a function given to all this worldly turmoil and deceit. God will make use of it to verify His Government and exonerate Himself from

the claims of the "arch enemy."

The "war" has been labeled, "The Battle for Men's Souls," quite appropriately. But the distractions and the temptations presented to self-seeking governments, as well as individuals has left the minds of mankind swirling in near constant confusion and frustration. We long for peace and tranquility. The dark forces know this, and manipulate our emotions with promises to that end through governors and planners.

Consider: for a moment all the effort, lives, money, heartache and pain expended on wars, what has been gained? It has mostly been for naught. This is the plan of the devil, while survivors are left bewildered amid the smoldering ruins to pay for and clean up the damage.

But temporal wars are only a diversion in the grand scheme of his. It is our worship and faith, and obedience which he covets which he sets out to obtain for himself covertly. If we are not on the side of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, then we are by default on Satan's side.

The difficult thing to remember is that God wins, even though there is a tremendous amount of "collateral damage." Most of humanity that lives today would come up short if Christ's Return would now happen. But to increase the number of the saved, God is allowing the chaos to fester and ripen so as to bring many to their knees out of humble desperation.

Knowing this beforehand is key to alleviating one's fright and worry. It can build, rather than tear down one's faith. (Be informed that prophecy is the active agent therein.) Prayer ensues, and the Holy Spirit finds openings that were otherwise obscured.

We must hang in there, and "occupy until He comes" which it seems will not be too much longer. While we're here, not doing anything lasting or constructive, let us gratefully work for the Master Creator, as commissioned. Learn what Rev. 14: 6-12 is all about, and teach.

That's our place in this "war."

In the battle for men's souls,


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Hello Ray,

You seem to been much further along on the path to salvation than I am. Congratulations on your honesty and hard work because even for those of us who consider themselves to be honest, caring and just, I realize that this is no easy ride.

As one who is a few months short of 80, I have only been trying in earnest to aspire towards the real deal of Christianity for the past few years. My awakening to the world around me and the one above frightens as well as satisfies me

I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean by fighting for the Lord, but to me it seems to mean the physicality presented by the evil that fosters it. Like the globalists who seem bought and paid for by Saten himself.

I know that the Bible often mentions physical confrontations and wars between good and evil that is represented by living people, though some of that still confuses me. Some of the other things that confuse me is the sexual evil that saddles the female as well as the general lack of equality between the sexes and that of other races. Slavery seem to run rampant, as well as the apparent fun that some of God's leaders seem to have enjoyed. I'm not looking for problems in the Bible, but often find that some if it seems to contradict His Word. Any thoughts?

God Be With You,


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Hi Larry, my brother!

80 yrs old and still above ground! God has gifted you with longevity and a heart toward the Truth. He explains that when a person dies, that person's history ends there, and his "works," though recorded, end with his last thought and breath. You have likely and graciously been preserved in a sense, so that your remaining time can be utilized for a higher purpose than just Pizza. (Though tempting) lol.

I point to my own dad's long life. 99 pushing 100, his life was one in which he definitely believed that Jesus Christ was his Savior, but didn't attend to that realization as he should have. So, consequently, he was fearful of "where he was going." He was not knowledgeable regarding the "state of the dead" or of the prophetic picture given us regarding history and the future events yet to come. He took things for granted, and trusted the false teachers, such as Hagee, Graham, and the majority of other less-known pastors who taught their flocks to trust in a lie, so as to keep them half awake, and occupying the pews, as they sleepily depended upon the man in the pulpit for their being led to rich "pasture."

Don't we all? It's much easier to sit back and just absorb, rather than dig in and investigate. But these things have been implemented in a theatre of WAR; comprising the "arch-enemy" (of both God and man) and that of Christ, our Creator and Redeemer. Our eternal Salvation hangs in the balance. If we fail to commit ourselves to the "battle" which rages on, then we will be lost and deemed as "stubble" and reduced to ashes upon His Return. It's not enough to acknowledge Christ's Lordship and then go on sinning with little concern.

I have enough biological, geological, and cosmological understanding to fill the needs of any who might otherwise doubt that an "Intelligent Designer's" fingerprints are all over everything. But that affords me nothing, if I don't have a clean heart. Unless we study, pray, do our duty to "others" and allow the Holy Spirit to take up residence at times within our being, we will likely stumble and fall. God Himself will judge, and there shall be no remedy in terms of appeal.

Becoming derailed is my specialty. This long response is no exception. I realize I've not answered your questions in full. Please forgive me, but this is growing into a long essay, and it has only scratched the surface mildly. If you would, let me know if I should continue. Time is certainly of the essence!

Your Brother in Christ, and in the raging battle for men's souls.


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Not to put too fine a point on it, but F--- the New Yuck Slimes! CIA propaganda muck...

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Trusting the government to do anything for our benefit is a BIG mistake.

They only do things for their benefit period.

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How shameless can the NYT get?

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Posted this at http://explorersfoundation.org/threads.html :

- Meryl Nass is an important guardian of Freeorder.

• W. S. Churchill: “Civilization will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe.” —https://slife.org/winston-churchill-quotes/

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