“When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty.”

That's why I'm enjoy wearing this "We will not comply with tyranny" t-shirt 👇


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It's encouraging, for sure. It'll be interesting to see what they'll do as digital currencies, AKA enforcement mechanisms, are foisted upon the country and the world.

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On thing each of us can do personally is use CASH at every opportunity, and to encourage those around us to do so as well.

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Yes, this certainly IS a chess game and their many think tanks (think Tavistock) and the well funded other NGO’s will be attempting to find other ways to achieve the same objective .

The battle will be perpetual - but it is worth resisting. It’s DO or die…

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Yes, it will be run alongside debit cards for several years, and then one day *poof*, debit cards will be gone and you'll get your cbdc card in the mail... tie it to your smartphone, why don't you! You choose to opt in or out!

I just made that scenario up and I'm not even a techie! It's going to be so easy to further enslave humanity

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I think red states may see an influx over this issue.

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Umm... I'm not really sure if I want the people who have Californicated Colorado and a few other states coming to my bastion of kind of red.

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The UN is taking over what the WHO stopped hopefully a similar response

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Yep, they are a BIG problem. They really are part of the Council on Foreign relations and the globalist cartel determined to destroy nation states including USA.

They should NOT be occupying any building within the USA. Of course NYC hosts them.

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The WHO didn't stop anything, it was temporarily tabled and is being discussed again September 9-20, 2024.

BTW - WHO and UN are the same entity: https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact/who

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That is why I referenced the UN…same agenda different “label”

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Add WEF to that bunch.

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By allowing the WHO to receive "donations" from conflict-of-interest billionaires, it outlawed itself and should have been abandoned long ago. The greatest treasure of a country is a healthy (both mentally and physically) population that has received a good education so can partner in all important issues, which is what democracy is about. NO to NEO-FEUDALISM!

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This is an important first step in redirecting protection of health care rights to individuals Not the federal government and certainly not a global institution with an agenda which is masked by an attempt to deceive the recipients of their decisions .

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Sep 4Edited

I am pissed that AZ is not on this list. I have written, called and emailed our Congress Reps in AZ and wrote to our governor to protect our state from the WHO, UN and the WEF for 4 years and I am not done damn it. Meryl, I don't know how you keep up with all of this because it is hard work, and I am giving you my upmost respect for standing up to these corrupt tyrants. The energy you and James Roguski have to keep at it is unbelievable. SO, thank you with all of my heart for not giving up on humanity. Without you two none of us would have known what is really going on behind our backs. God bless you both and we are here to support you with fighting for our lives. You deserve an award!

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Thank you for this informative article, Dr. Nass. It's good news to see so many governors calling the WHO's bluff. Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Rima Laibow? She makes the logical argument that a treaty, by definition, is an agreement between nations. Therefore, any treaties with the WHO are invalid and not legally binding from the start since the WHO is not a nation but essentially a "club." Here is a link to her website where she is trying to raise awareness about this issue: https://preventgenocide2030.org/

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I guess she has not read the WHO Constitution nor the UN Charter, both of which are considered treaties by the USG. I have a problem with kibbitzers who fail to accept the 75 years of jurisprudence which give these organizations considerable authority.

However, the USG did write itself in some loopholes so it could wiggle out of rules it did not like, and it REFERRED TO STATES' RIGHTS in doing so

For those who want to argue the "club" theory, please do so, but we have successfully used the "states' rights" theory to take aim at WHO power.

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I celebrate your success in using states' rights to challenge the WHO's authority. I support the states' rights argument. I think ultimately it boils down to what authority We The People are willing to give the WHO, or to anyone.

For example, if we had all just ignored Biden's COVID vaccine mandate as being an unconstitutional usurpation of power, it would have had no impact. Yet far too many people went along with it because they didn't know their rights and the power they had to just say "No." I'm hopeful that more people have awakened to their rights by now and would not comply with another such mandate either from the federal government or the WHO.

Our Founding Fathers believed our rights came from God, not government. The problem we have now is that far too many people have made a god out of government.

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Really, Meryl? You guess that I have "not read the WHO Constitution nor the UN Charter"? You actually think that I would advise people to take action against something without knowing what that something is at great depth and in intimate detail? You underestimate me significantly, as you did when you cast totally unwarranted and incorrect aspersions on both me and my late husband, Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Deceased). You alleged without any reality that I was compromised [incorrect] because he was "CIA" [incorrect] and now disparage me as a "kibbitzer" because YOU do not understand international law? Whoo BOY! You have a serious problem, Meryl, but I am not sure if they are due solely to lack of capacity or to willful inaccuracy.

The "75 years of jurisprudence which give these organizations considerable authority" is based, as you will see if you read the Legal Memo (Step 5 of the 6 Step 10 Million Patriot Challenge at PreventGenocide2030.org), on a fraud. Duration and longevity of a fraudulent deception does not equate to justification, legitimization or legalization of that fraud. That is a much, much older principle of jurisprudence.

Check it out. You might actually learn something useful and be persuaded that continuing to mess around the outer and irrelevant fringes of the WHO's details and deceits (which you mistakenly represented as solved [sic] by your [sic] efforts [sic] a while back, as I recall) is irrelevant and you ought to be putting your efforts into helping to get the US out of the UN itself by supporting the act now before Congress to do just that.

And you might consider the virtue of civil discourse instead of rude, nasty and inaccurate discourtesy toward others in the battle for health freedom.

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Goodness, I desperately don't want to wade into the middle of this ... debate ... but yes, it does seem to me that the best idea is for the US as a whole to exit the UN. I was quite surprised to learn over the last few days that Meryl apparently suffers a touch of the TDS and thus fails to see that electing Orange Man would be the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this desideratum.

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I am not sure that Orange Man will accomplish this goal although he did float a trial balloon through "an insider in the campaign" that OM would "tear the UN to shreds" by not funding the UN [sic[. That is hardly exiting the UN Death Machine.

Enormous public pressure is needed no matter who occupies the Oval Office, Orange Man or Laughing Hyena.

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Well, I'm certainly no expert in this matter, but I thought he actually DID defund the WHO and various other UN agencies back when he was POTUS. Even that sadly imperfect oracle Google says: "Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. withdrew from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in October 2017 and June 2018 respectively.[3][4] The United States also announced its intention to withdraw from the World Health Organization on July 6, 2020, effective one year later.[5] However, the withdrawals from the WHO, the UNHRC, and UNESCO were later rescinded by Trump's successor, president Joe Biden.[6]". Hence I think it is reasonabe to assume that Orange Man if re-elected would be exponentially more likely to respond to public pressure to exit the UN than would Laughing Hyena. No?

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And how exactly is that going to pan out if the "President" or "Congress" declare another "state of national emergency"?


Just more political theater like the orchestrated Trump "assassination":


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Read the Constitution. South Dakota did not go along. Now these governors are on record that they will not go along.

Go rain on another parade, Ray--like on your own substack.

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I generally disagree with Ray and his claims in his comments (don't read his SS), but he is right about declarations having no teeth. It comes down to actions and when things are beyond the theory stage and totalitarian federal efforts are enacted, we'll see what the governors really do. So far, it's just talk.

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I hope, in my lifetime, (and I am almost 70), I have the chance to see an end to all this and the rights of humans everywhere to freedom from this nonsense. Happy that these 26 Governors have done this and did it collectively, but unhappy that I live in a state with a Democrat for a Governor (California). What is WRONG with them?

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AND they are all whipped into shape.

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I feel your pain. Nuisance Newsom ...

He’s been a destructive tornado in every sector of this failing state.

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My mind cannot fathom the depths of insanity that resides between those people's ears. I've always found that arrogance coincides with stupidity of the more extreme degrees. But those people, WOW! No words to describe it.

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I am grateful for the 26 Governors that had the backbone to stand up against this, however very sorry to hear our Governor of Vermont didn't, if he couldn't do this, what else is he going to let slip by?

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Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Dr. Nass. (Governor Whitmer (here in MI), Trudeau and Walz are all introducing free school meals, supposedly largesse and doing something for children, but the shots of the food on the Detroit news showed pretty typical hamburgers and pizza, which one could argue are better than hunger, but I am so suspicious now that I wonder if the buns will be low selenium flours and cricket parts, plus a market for the ultra-processed foods that are losing credibility due to RFK jr)

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This is an excellent start. Now it's time for our governors to block the senseless efforts to test for bird flu. This flu has harmed almost no one in our country. It is most likely only an excuse to lock down and reduce (through wanton slaughter) our food supply. We should all say NO!

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'Its shocking NO Democrat Governor is on this great GOP LIST.

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Good News! Thank you for your work in getting this accomplished, Dr. Nass!

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