At this point… if farmers actually believe this terrorist, we’re in trouble.

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Of everybody; the farmers know best to not believe a word these 'Medical Anarchist Demons' speak. We know they're lying, propagandizing and are hell-bent to steal all land on Earth creating slaves having no capacity to even grow food they plan to use to control as though to return to the Dark, Middle Ages.

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Their boss, Bill Ghate$, needs the $$$.

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Does NOT need $$$.

There is a difference between need and want.

What he needs is 🙏🏻⛪.

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And a prison cell where he has lots of time for that prayer....

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are those symbols for methods of executing a human?

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👺👹😈👿Clearly a Demon Troll...

Away Imp.

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hasty conclusion. the symbols were too small for me to see, I made them bigger, I see that you were suggesting prayer and church. I don't think dollar Bill is looking for that, but he does seem to be looking to get punished.

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Needs to be sent to the guillotine.

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Support the farmers !!!!!

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Let’s hope. Veterinarians to farmers is the same equation as doctors to most people… 😬

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Hardly. Am a farmer; born and raised as well as a Psychologist of parents as Engineer and Classical Pianist. Had a Pediatrician before and after birth...And, my animals have Vets oriented to their particular species.

When push came to shove; most certainly know many meds can be used across species; but we'll stick to the ususal care for this time beyond the homeopathy I USE FOR THE FARM'S RESIDENTS AND GROW PLANTS, BUSHES, WEEDS, TREES, FLOWERS TO SERVE.

Don't trust Rockefeller's Allopaths a far as they can be thrown. Very cautious in choosing physicians.

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Glad to hear this!! I hope many share your views.

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The farmers OUGHT to know best!

They ought to know what bs looks like and smells like!

I know one farmer who is also an engineer (farmer first), knows exactly what bs looks like and smells like, but never caught a whiff of the covid bs and totally denies its existence!

So covid really does deprive some of their sense of smell, among other things!

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Impressed you know ONE whole farmer.

That's quite a 'Sample Population' you have there to base any opinon upon.

Am in the middle of Amish Country and we're healthier here than anywhere in the Nation.

We expect an attack with a train carrying poisons or some such False Flag nonsense any day...To poison our land and us so food can't be produced.

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I was not basing any opinion or generalisation upon my knowledge of ONE farmer.

I was simply commenting on my knowledge of ONE farmer, to make the point that not ALL farmers recognise bs, even if they ought to!

I live in the middle of a farming district too, but many are not environmentally responsible to the exclusion of the profit priority.

Some are poisoning the environment and our food supply regardless.

However, others are very aware and we have one of the few mRNA free beef

supplies in a large area.

We are still aware though, that an uncontaminated environment and food supply are completely impossible, given the holocaust of poisons being rained down on us daily via geoengineering.

Nonetheless, limiting the poisoning of our environment and our food as much as possible, is obviously essential.

You are blessed to live in an area where most people act responsibly.

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Not sure what covid bs you're talking about but covid is the flu/cold. Covid was never isolated and purified in a human cell and is man made and is patented, therefore it does not exist. Covid and it's jabs are bioweapons.

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what the farmers believe is that they better listen to illegitimate authority when they are scared. Agricultural Veterinarians are in the business of scaring farmers. I believe that they are committing crimes against humanity when they do that, even if they claim to not realize they are doing it.

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Farmers are NOT afraid...They're some of the most resilient and intelligent people alive. There is an art to producing the food people and animals consume while protecting the Earth and Waterways. Vets are not the end all and be all of anything and most farmers are NOT allowing their animals to be injected with ANYTHING as it's all now poisonous.

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Ok. YOu're a farmer fan. "Farmers are not afraid" That's not a sweeping generalization is it? No farmers are afraid? I don't know what planet you come from, but on my planet the members of a group such as farmers will have a range of dispositions from fearless to fearful. Specifically I spoke to a client who has 500 sheep. He got them vaccinated following a visit from the vet who used fear to convince him. His neighbor has 1000 sheep and refused the vaccines and had more mortality. One could interpret that as one would want, but one would be guessing. You'll have your guess, and I'd like to hear it. My guess is that they used their drones and their cartography to drop poisons on the vaccine refuser's land. Some of it was blown by the wind to the vaccine accepting farmer's land. So he had some mortality, but less, and it all came from the dropped poison. OUr conversation started when he told me that he'd had a thing happen that he'd never seen in his 30 years of farming sheep. There was a newborn who was outside of the barn. He knew it would be cold that night so he ran after the newborn and grabbed it up into his arms. The poor thing died in his arms. My response was, "I guess you got his mother vaccinated while the newborn was still inside". He assured me that I was right and told me that the vet scared him into getting the vaccine. I don't doubt that the vet believes it himself, but he earns more money believing it than not believing it. And he probably thinks of the vaccines as harmless and therefore good insurance at worst. And he earns more money believing that than not believing that. I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion, even though you've already seemingly stated that I must be lying because you know that no farmers feel the human emotion we call fear.

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There was no 'UNIVERSAL' statement.

The Farmers in this neighborhood are not afraid; but then they have some bright people unafraid of the truth and willing to perform the research into the modern technologies threatening the Earth including them and the lives of the animals and plants. We network extensively and actually organize to stay atuned to the trends and issues in the greater society...TO PROTECT OUR OWN.

For years, we've put aside seed and created our own Seed Banks, Mills, Machine Shop, Fresh Water Supply filtered through Reverse Osmosis as well as Health Dispensary based in Homeopathy. Undergrownd Storage and Refridgeration, Massive Green Houses connected to Filter Systems for the Air and particular plants producing substances capable of eradicating the Nanopoisons inside the animals which we feed to them...We don't cling to the modern methods to do anything; but there are some modern methods we've implemented not requiring constant updating or parts shipped from far away.

Some farmers may have been fearful and different than we were...But, our neighborhood is especially informed as we have many highly educated who were farm kids when growing-up also having faith in God.

We find this evil challenging people at the moment is not based in education, IQ, profession, or even socioeconomics...There is a positive coorelation with Faith in God and a B.S. Meter. We're a very faithful group here having very old world values. Many have histories of Military Service while others oppose Military Service. We know the poisons the Philanthropaths place into the environment and are now placing into all medications are worse than poison...They're designed to thieve and destroy God's creation inclusive of human creatures.

There is NOTHING in life capable of being addressed in a universal basis. The words, 'all, always, nothing, never'; those words must be used rarely. You're correct to state about some being afraid; but I'm also correct to claim some were and are not.

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you did seem to imply the "all" regarding the farmers. Are you willing to share where you have found this impressive community? I guess that everybody's got older tractors and turned down the subventions that many use to buy tractors which they don't even have the right to change the oil. Well good for them!

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if they are truly fearful.... they are NOT farmers.

a "fearful" farmer won't plant anything because they are afraid it won't grow.

a "fearful" farmer won't milk a cow, because that cow might kick them and they'll be in bed for the next 2 weeks.

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you're right, but you're drawing in black and white. I believe that there are plenty of farmers who are fearful but not "truly" fearful. I'm interpreting "truly" to mean obsessed and debilitated by fear. In between the "truly" fearful person who can't farm because of his psychological problems and a guy who won't farm for long because he won't take the proper precautions and willl be dead in a few weeks from an accident, there's a whole gamut of different levels of fear. It can debilitate him the same as it can keep him alive to farm moderately fearfully another day. A fellow can farm and still question himself. He could even have trouble falling asleep because of his concerns. He might start drinking a little bit at night to help him relax and yet wake up the next day and work. So I'll be careful to mention a degree of fear next time I speak of fear to avoid people interpreting fear as a black and white concept. It seems that a lot of our problems in communicating with each other is our tendency to frame everything as black or white. There are shades of gray to be seen.

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Understand the what and why and who is doing it:

Cost of food too high? Here's why - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmFghXoSTqE

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I'm partially Jewish and our family NEVER planned to starve anybody

and in fact gave food to people starving personally of all religions.

There are people of all world religions claiming to be of those religions

who are in fact Demon Worshipers behind closed doors and those are

the people you're speaking about...AND, THEY'RE MORE THAN PRETEND JEWS...

It covers the whole range of claims to all religions.

Those planning to take all food are those already owning all land on Earth

before the U.S. Constitution insured 'The People' to own their own LAND,

to produce their own FOOD. Until then, the Totalitarian Kings controlled all

and used starvation among other means to maintain people worse than slaves.


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They have a lot of facts right, but the thing that they're missing is a thing that David Icke makes clear. The vast majority of jews are actually the premier victims of the leaders of the jews. They are being used to accomplish what is being spoken of, and will be thrown overboard when the moment arrives. Israel has shown us that many times recently. The Israelis were among the premier vaccine guinea pigs. Tourists at the beach were shot by Israeli agents so that it could be blamed on Hamas. You can find quotes from Netanyahu which expose that he is controlling Hamas. The idea of controlled opposition was mentioned specifically by Lenin who was sent to Russia with palettes of gold to bribe whoever he needed to to take over and, as Mick sang, killed the tsar and his ministers, Anastasia cried in vain.

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Exactly who are the leaders of the Jews?

Those now using the name 'Rothschild' who are really 'Meyer'?

The Jews have NO leaders in reality.

Those now installed are all DEMON WORHIPPING PAGANS aligned with other Demon Worshipping claiming to be Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddhists, etc. THERE ARE NO LEADERS ACTUALLY LOYAL TO THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN GOD. Evil saturates ALL Institutions as 'Good' was LAZY and turned 'Blind Eyes' too long.

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the rothschilds seem like a very good guess to me. Lord Balfour sent his declaration to the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds bragged about having supplied the money to build the knesset. So there they publicly declared effective ownership of the Knesset. So they would seem to be running Mossad who runs the CIA. So they are probably who ran the Gestapo, as the history of germany in the 1930s and 1940s is probably very dissimilar from what we've been programmed to believe. They operate on behalf of their clients who they obviously keep hidden. I believe that their biggest clients are the Vatican and the Italian bankers who owned the 14th century. I believe these people run the world. Their "bilderburgers" are another scam. They seem to be required by whoever is running the show to announce what they mean to do. So they have those who announce it there to take the first bullets if any of us ever start to get up the gumption to do what we need to do. But we shouldn't bother with the bilderbergers. We'll need to get some control over the world's air forces like in Dr. Strangelove and bomb the vatican and the city of london back to the stone age and arrest all of the worms we find writhing in the rubble. Theoretically Washington d.c. is also at the level of the other 2, but I think with their 2 colleagues in crumbs that there will be nobody effective in Washington, just like it seems to be the case right now.

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There is no formal leader of the Jews at this time. Those in The City of London are aligned with The Crown Corporation and Commonwealth of England which is actually the British East India Company which began as 'Dutch.' The Commonwealth was mandated to legitimize the old Torturing East India Company's Colonization.

Those among ALL those organizations at the top of the Empire of Evil are NOT of any accepted World Religion...They're Demon Worshipping Evil now aligned with others around the world associated with the same evil. YOU'RE A FOOL TO BELIEVE AS YOU DO as the old Europeans were.

If that is the group ordering all this hell on Earth; time to head to The City of London and Switzerland where the globalist Nut Jobs hang out and confront them on their own territory and places of play to destroy them instead of the rest of the world.

Next, you're going to Comment upon the Tiawanese once defined Formosans being Jewish or some crazy assumption based in NOTHING beyond the old evils used to instigate the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Arab World and all the other upheavals as in Ireland with the Protestants and Catholics or Central America and Cuba.

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So we kill the cows and chickens and we starve death but at least we won't get bird flu. Freaking death cult.

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Eat zee bugs...

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And they’ll bring back the tired old slogan, “it could have been worse.”

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Understand the what and why and who is doing it:

Cost of food too high? Here's why - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmFghXoSTqE

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I think all the WHO and UN should lead the way and wear PPE all the time so they don't infect the rest of us with their Money Pox and Flew Toxins, that would save us all a lot of bother.

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And so we can identify globalist cult leaders

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They actually tell us who they are already, but not many believe them!!

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tell us more!

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Read The Great Reset by Klaus Slob for a start

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An apocalyptic anything would be bad for crying out loud. But the closest thing to that (apart from them intentionally releasing something that bad) is the war that is constantly escalating thanks to the other nut jobs at the helm. If only there was a way to get all the uninformed in one place and show them a montage of news clips showing what the big picture REALLY IS!! Until then, they'll be focused on minutiae and the trivial. It took two or more years for one of my friends to finally suspect his rapid health decline is at least partially due to his 3 covid shots.

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My husband!

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I get how hard it is to accept that doctors have, for the most part, remained silent. But the temporal correlation between the shots and significant all-cause mortality INCREASE is just HARD to argue with, all by itself. Never mind all the science that rendered that inference plausible from the get-go.

BTW, I, myself, was totally freaked by the silence of the doctors. And I'm still disgusted to the core about how pathetic they have revealed themselves to be.

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don't you remember the people you went to school with who were going on to medical school? Probably most were already money heads, the rest became them when they realized that being honest as a physician would lead to banishment from the kingdom unless one is quite special. The pHarm industry knows what it's doing to make sure that anybody who stops being a doctor will be suddenly making much less money.

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If any of them went to med school, I'm not aware of it. But I suspect a lot of them have what a common social style theory calls an "analytical" style. They tend to hate conflict and love the status quo, which is an obstacle to true science. And they hate losing face, which is probably part of why they hate conflict. I can see how that plus a love of money are corrupting influences in their lives since they pose as scientists. That added on to the desensitization to death and suffering that comes with being around it all the time. A perfect cocktail for the deep state to easily exploit.

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My family!

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It seems like most of those that are aware are those who already knew about the corruption of the vast majority of Congress men and women. If you realized that already, you were much more keen to seeing the problems with the pandemic narrative. And if you knew about the corruption of HHS and Big Pharma, you expected it to be crazy from the get-go.

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I did. But husband is injection cray-cray

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Praying for both of you Elsie! I hope he got the mild injections.

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Nopehe didn't. He has become very combative

Drinks far too much

And of course his grandmother had dementia.

So am dealing with a double dose.

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Everyone who only listens to Legacy Media wouldn't consider what representatives know or don't know. Most of them only listen to the gov't.

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Yep. And that's a dead-end to learning the truth about the important issues of the day.

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If you know how to listen to it, it can be very instructive. You can hear very quickly which are the lies that they are finding most urgent to make "us" believe. LIstening is not the dead-end, believing is.

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I am so sorry. With me, it's my husband

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Anyone near Tedors should wear PPE. They are trying too hold our food hostage. So they can easily control us. They have already tried covid conditioning. So they feel this should be cake walk

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We all know what is the "greater threat to humans" now, Tedros. I suggest acting lessons. The delivery isn't convincing enough.

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I have thought for some time Gates needed acting lessons. That even if you didn't know how corrupt so much of our agencies are, that Gate's constant video blubbering on video would be telling. But heck no. To the truly gullible Gates can make videos laughing about people dying, with MSM reporter calling him out for laughing about death, and NOTHING gets through to these people. He didn't need acting. The population is so dumb down it isn't necessary.

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James Corbett reporting on the food supply, noted numerous huge fires destroying large live food supply plants in the US.


The cause of these fires was unknown of course.

Must have been coincidental of course.

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Yup, a white collar edumacated dude sitting behind a desk and beakers in an Ivory Tower...

'Suggesting' PPE to farmers who care for and interact on the daily with goo, sputim, poo, urine etc. with domestic animals...

they are our healthiest humans STILL! 🤣🤣🤣

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Not sure I can share it to FB.

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By now, it must be quite dangerous for Tedros to move within the open, unsecured public, he might be one of the most despised people - being the prototypical desk perpetrator - ever.

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It's nearly impossible to imagine how much more ridiculous the scaremongering WHO can get. Good thing is, as they get further away from reality, more people will (or should) see them for the charlatans that they are. Woo hoo!

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I have my doubts. If covid nonsense didn’t open their eyes nothing will.

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Everywhere they go, they need to hear the message: "Fools! You have forfeited trust and credibility by your abysmal performance over the past 4 years. Get out of or lives!" Further, it is LONG overdue for our side to confront mass media into covering what we know to be true. Picket lines can be very effective in gaining their attention.

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Gotta appreciate how the panic over animal viruses dovetails so neatly with the green agenda blaming the consumption of meat with all of humanities calamities.

To me the most blame worthy entities in history all had a military connection. It is certainly debatable who is more in charge, the CIA or the pentagon, it's certainly not the electorate. Democracy might work with a functional press. We have uninformed consent, with the press being mandated to propagate lies. Without billionaire bucks they'd all be bankrupt.

All these paywalls going up is the height of arrogance. You pay for your brain to be washed. Like vaccines, taxes collected pay for mandatory injections. We will spend the rest of our lives trying to mitigate harm from those. The institutions we pay to keep us alive, have sold out and covered up.

To hear our guardians tell it, we have the most to fear from farmers and truckers. Sorry not sleeping very easy these days, since when in my lifetime was starting WW3 with Russia a good idea?

Been doing that Hawaiian thing. Just keep repeating. I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank You.

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Because the first round was 100% successful… here we go AGAIN!!

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TedGross! Always coming up with such stupid ideas! Give it a rest! Your cognitive malfunction is what needs a remedy!

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My grass fed meat guy knows this is all hogwash, but I'm sure he gets e-mail from worried customers:


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