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When they silence the opposition it is an admission that their position is unsupported by the facts. For that would become apparent in any open discussion/debate. And that cannot be allowed now that we have broken the seal on wholesale censorship. Note, they are reaching for their new weapon without consciously thinking about it. It has been normalised.

In the post-truth era this is the new modus operandi. Talk to the hand, until I can tape your mouth shut because I don't like what you're saying. And possibly sue you. For telling the truth.

As Alex Epstein detailed in Fossil Future, the changes to Earth are well within the ability of humans to adapt, as we have always adapted. Change didn't just start happening with fossil fuel use, it has always been with our species. And many of the changes will be net beneficial for human flourishing. Additional CO2 will actually help green the planet, making farming more productive. More warmth will actually reduce cold-related deaths - which far outnumber heat-related deaths. More-over, abundant energy, accessible by increasing numbers of currently energy-deprived people will improve their quality of life immeasurably. Including providing ways of dealing with the changes that are happening.

Note also their conflation, anti-vaxxx, denialism! Simple reason that may present. Once you are aware of gaslighting in one domain you become sensitized to it, aware of it. Less likely to sleep through it. To remain hypnotised as the waves of conditioning wash over us.

Ironically, their jumping of the Corona-Shark with such blatant BS has woken many millions to the rich tapestry of gaslighting that is our modern narrative management system.

Just as they have opened many eyes to the utter travesty of vaccination in general, another rich tapestry of lies and human carnage. Where medical coercion was first normalised. Based on lies. Talk about unintended consequences for Big (P)harma! Flew too close to the Sun, ole AlbertB!

Gaia Cultists will complete the destruction of our species accelerated by the Covid Cultists since 2020. They have told us their plans - with glossy brochures and snappy titles like Agenda 2030 and Net Zero - and our place in their plans (that latter is in the fine print). Their plans are a lethal threat to each and every one of us. Literally destroying global supply chains and food/energy systems. Billions will die if they are allowed to execute their plans. And once again, the hypnotized masses are acting as their foot-soldiers.

I note that Belgium just closed a reactor that was providing 10% of its electricity needs, with no emissions. No issues prompted the closure; in the middle of a continent-wide energy crisis.

Tell me they're not Anti-Human?

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The first obvious conclusion: We are ruled by our enemies.

The hard work can then begin, uncovering the forbidden/hidden history to examine their nature and identity.

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