It is of course useful to connect dots. "Climate change", both as a topic and as a set of phenomena, is a very large dot indeed, so in a layman's attempt to separate fact from fiction I zeroed in on a scientific environmentalist/biologist who had researched a draught in a previously thriving Californian region (a wooded area in the middle and East of this state). The gist of his results being that the draught could not possibly have been caused by ("correlated to", "ättibuted to"?) a systemic change in the weather system. He found there were subtle shifts in the flora & fauna, plus, more importantly, an interplay of instabilities in the region's geology/soil.

I am no 'naturalist', nor a practitioner of hard science, but even I can wrap my head around Steele's cogent explanation that 'climate change', deployed as a catch-all cause for nearly everything, obscures rather than clarifies what's actually going on in a particular, empirically researchable patch of nature.

Steele's magnum opus: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18178722-landscapes-cycles

General info on his research: https://co2coalition.org/teammember/jim-steele/

Here you'll find a link to his (huge, science based, very readable) website. In the pushback suffered by this honest sceptic, we can easily see precursors of the dis-/misinformation meme in full swing.

PS. To the sceptics of my input: I live in a big city, have a grown-up son, and don't own a car; this is Holland, you see, where public transport and bicycles were part of civic life ere any kind of green deal was on the horizon. I don't have a stake in defending gas-guzzling automobiles (assuming those haven't been banned), nor do I believe the size one one's 'footprint' to be a parameter of one's virtue. I am merely hoping Dark Ages will be averted or reverted by a true renaissance in science, scholarship and the arts. In other words, by US... I am glad you're around, dr. Nass.

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The dial to planetary temperature is not CO2, simply because infrared retention by atmospheric CO2 is a log graph, as per the MODTRAN model. It really plateaus around 400ppm, that is 4 parts in 10000. We can fire coal, drive SUVs as much as we want and not drive retention above +0.5%

To those claiming "the models were right", well they are misinformed or lie. Go back twenty years on the global warming hoax and you see they were off by a factor of two to four, even using their 'corrected' historical data.

- Then there's the impossibility of getting accurate global estimates, due to a host of procedural issues, including the loss of much of the soviet union data with the collapse of their monitoring station system (if it was ever trustable).

- Then there's the IPCC's own estimates of economic harms from AGW being less than the harms from the proposed mitigation measures at Kyoto etc

- Then there's complete denial of benefits of increased CO2 (greening the planet)

- Then there's the denial of market-based mitigation

- Then there's the rejection of any direct intervention technologies (much like ivermectin / HCQ suppression)

- Then there's the 'massaging' of historic data to conform with the narrative (Wikileaks 'Hide the Decline' email leak)

I could go on... Executive summary: no actionable intelligence exists for state intervention against CO2 emitting economic activity.

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Yes indeed and high-level politicians and IPCC officials have admitted climate science has been polluted to suit political agendas.

Some telling quotes:

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change: "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."

German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer in an interview to Neue Zürcher Zeitung: “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.” 

Opening remarks offered by Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”

Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, then representing Clinton-Gore administration as U.S Undersecretary of State for global issues, addressing Rio Climate Summit audience: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth went on to oversee a UN Foundation that lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

Also speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment Christine Stewart told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance political objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Speaking at the 2000 UN Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

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Wow, these are amazing quotes. Would you like to use them as a guest post on the site with links? They are incredible and we should all have them, I think.

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Hi, Dr Nass. I stumbled upon these quotes 8 or 9 years ago and followed the link to CFACT. The article first appeared on Forbes online. Here's the link: cfact (dot) org/2013/02/06/global-warming-was-never-about-climate-change/

I haven't had the time to do a climate science deep dive on the level many academics and data scientists such as Tony Heller have done. However, standing on the shoulders of giants (mentors), I can clearly see how this system is being built now in ways few people seem to grasp. Perhaps some time I can offer more comments or a guest post for big picture analysis. Thank you for the vote of confidence. Greatly appreciate all you do to shine the light of truth.

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I've seen a deep dive on Maurice Strong and those were his opinions. I don't know the rest of them.

Thank you for this. Because the non-science-nerds will understand political motivations much more easily than the science vs antiscience debates.

As the British taught us in WW1 and WW2 - the facts don't matter, the narrative does.

Find what works for the counternarrative.

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Yep. As the psychopath Henry Kissinger said, "It's not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true."

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Kissinger actually advised the scum at the WEF to 'wind down' the Ukraine war.

And he advised Nixon to not nuke north korea.

So yeah there's always worse.

LIke Victoria Nuland, or Barbara Lerner-Spectre.

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Thank you for posting this. I've long admired Steele's honesty and bravery.

FWIW, here's an excerpt regarding another whistleblower, Christopher Landsea.

"Kevin Trenberth, a lead author of 2001 and 2007 IPCC report chapters, writing in a 2007 “Predictions of Climate” blog appearing in the science journalNature.com, admitted: “None of the models used by the IPCC are initialized to the observed state and none of the climate states in the models correspond even remotely to the current observed state.”

"Christopher Landsea, a top expert on the subject of cyclones, became astounded and perplexed when he was informed that Trenberth had participated in a 2004 press conference following a deadly 2004 Florida storm season which had announced, “Experts warn that global warming [is] likely to continue spurring more outbreaks of intense activity.” Since IPCC studies released in 1995 and 2001 had found no evidence of a global warming-hurricane link, and there was no new analysis to suggest otherwise, he wrote to leading IPCC officials imploring: “What scientific, refereed publications substantiate these pronouncements? What studies alluded to have shown a connection between observed warming trends on Earth and long-term trends of cyclone activity?”

"Receiving no replies, he then requested assurance that the 2007 report would present true science, saying: “[Dr. Trenberth] seems to have come to a conclusion that global warming has altered hurricane activity, and has already stated so. This does not reflect consensus within the hurricane research community.” After that assurance didn’t come, Landsea, an invited author, resigned from the 2007 report activity and issued an open letter presenting his reasons."

From Wiki: "In January, 2005, Landsea withdrew from his participation in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, criticizing it for using "a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound." Landsea claimed the IPCC had become politicized and the leadership ignored his concerns."

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Yes Pim,

There's nothing natural about the California droughts which are actually being intentionally created by the high pressure heat domes of the

Geoengineers. This is also true of the endless wildfires and very unnatural extreme (whiplash) temperature swings that are occurring in various parts of the world.

As a matter of fact, according to Dane Wiggington of geoengeeringwatch.org, no serious discussion of weather modification can be made without including the geoengineering "elephant in the sky." Tons of nanosized aluminum compounds and other poisons are being sprayed around the word in weather modification programs. We are breathing these poisons which are contaminating the entire web of life. Yet no major media source or science organization will address these atrocities. Please check out the website above if you want to see proof of the most dire and immediate threat to our survival. A free full length documentary, patents, US Senate documents, film footage, as well as over 370 weekly

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Meryl, an incredible find!

"Global warming is not really happening, but please deplatform everyone saying it is not really happening"

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Not sure why people like politics so much, maybe its just more exciting than reality.

In March, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) was claiming more than 90% of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to be severely bleached. That was in the lead up to the federal election, the climate change election. 

Now in August, just a few months later, the same organisation is claiming healthy corals and record high coral cover across more than two-thirds of the GBR.

These two results are irreconcilable. It is not possible that 90% of the reef was severely bleached in March and at the same time the corals were healthy and expanding their range.


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Consensus science is not science but scientism which is a religion usually driven by the greed of corporations and manipulative agendas by financial entities.

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The cheek! Quoting 'societal harm' back at us whilst very unscientifically going for our jugulars.

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When they silence the opposition it is an admission that their position is unsupported by the facts. For that would become apparent in any open discussion/debate. And that cannot be allowed now that we have broken the seal on wholesale censorship. Note, they are reaching for their new weapon without consciously thinking about it. It has been normalised.

In the post-truth era this is the new modus operandi. Talk to the hand, until I can tape your mouth shut because I don't like what you're saying. And possibly sue you. For telling the truth.

As Alex Epstein detailed in Fossil Future, the changes to Earth are well within the ability of humans to adapt, as we have always adapted. Change didn't just start happening with fossil fuel use, it has always been with our species. And many of the changes will be net beneficial for human flourishing. Additional CO2 will actually help green the planet, making farming more productive. More warmth will actually reduce cold-related deaths - which far outnumber heat-related deaths. More-over, abundant energy, accessible by increasing numbers of currently energy-deprived people will improve their quality of life immeasurably. Including providing ways of dealing with the changes that are happening.

Note also their conflation, anti-vaxxx, denialism! Simple reason that may present. Once you are aware of gaslighting in one domain you become sensitized to it, aware of it. Less likely to sleep through it. To remain hypnotised as the waves of conditioning wash over us.

Ironically, their jumping of the Corona-Shark with such blatant BS has woken many millions to the rich tapestry of gaslighting that is our modern narrative management system.

Just as they have opened many eyes to the utter travesty of vaccination in general, another rich tapestry of lies and human carnage. Where medical coercion was first normalised. Based on lies. Talk about unintended consequences for Big (P)harma! Flew too close to the Sun, ole AlbertB!

Gaia Cultists will complete the destruction of our species accelerated by the Covid Cultists since 2020. They have told us their plans - with glossy brochures and snappy titles like Agenda 2030 and Net Zero - and our place in their plans (that latter is in the fine print). Their plans are a lethal threat to each and every one of us. Literally destroying global supply chains and food/energy systems. Billions will die if they are allowed to execute their plans. And once again, the hypnotized masses are acting as their foot-soldiers.

I note that Belgium just closed a reactor that was providing 10% of its electricity needs, with no emissions. No issues prompted the closure; in the middle of a continent-wide energy crisis.

Tell me they're not Anti-Human?

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The first obvious conclusion: We are ruled by our enemies.

The hard work can then begin, uncovering the forbidden/hidden history to examine their nature and identity.

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Those are lies, the claims nonetheless - they are weighting those figures, they've gone back and reworked them. In the US, a crew went and checked all the NOAA weather measuring stations and found they were all of 3-4 degrees high.

Even so - the raw data untouched by NOAA shows no "warming," in fact several cooling periods.



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There are cofounding factors with terrestrial measurement (urban buildup) and even the satellite data can't just be taken 'raw'. It's all an estimate after correcting for known biases, and that leaves the door wide open for political biases.

There is no global thermostat. We don't have one and we can't make one. Chicken-little AGW activists pretend there is one, but they're wrong.

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I lost my s f taxicab license 2007 when. I ran for mayor of s f against Gavin and ScKamala put me in jail.

Read about it in Grasshopper's Appeal in my substack, about half way thru that effort to post so far in chapters.

I sure hope you don't go to jail like I did

Solitary isolation is the same terror IsoLa as the lockdowns except more personal

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Wow. I had no idea. Just heard of an attorney (not very old and in good health) who suddenly died after leading and winning some big $ lawsuits against a poison in our food…. Treacherous traitorous and perilous times. Courage and seeking truth is the only way to live right now. This is the hill to die on.

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Cami - can you provide more info, a link, or the name of the attorney? This is the kind of information we need to know. I don't live in Cali, but once did, and it's heartbreaking to see what's going on there. I made a conscious decision to leave years and years ago, and have only wonder and empathy for those who can't or won't seek greener pastures. I've been following Kevin Kiley, a young and idealistic politician who is a nemesis of Newsom.

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Gavin is fruity ripe for plucking as a tyrant offf that tree of treachery and lies, a young klausia Schwab global leader of fear and viruganda

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This will ruin his plans for running for president. It will showcase his failures.

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It is interesting to look back at the long term "climate records", you know the graphs which show things like atmospheric CO2 and temperature 1 million, 10 million, 100 million years ago. They came up with those "measurements" by extrapolating data from rocks or ice formed during those long ago times before any humans had any ability to make actual measurements of the actual things happening.

Now I am sure they have really good methods for making those calculations and they may be really accurate, even super accurate but there is a problem. They never tell us what the resolution of those graphs are. Since we are talking about 500 million years, that is what they show in the graphs after all, we clearly can't be looking at yearly temperatures, So is it the average temperature over a decade? Century? 1 millennium? 10 millennium? 100 millennium? A million years? It is important to know that because they really like to tell us the temperature rise over the last century is "unprecedented". But if they are looking at a 1 million year resolution then they cannot possibly know that today's "climate change" is actually unprecedented. Even at a 1,000 year resolution they can't possibly know that any warming over the past 50 years is "faster than ever seen". And when you get right down to it, even 150 years ago there were no accurate mass produced thermometers so even the data from then back is conjecture to a degree, pardon the pun.

So what do we know for sure? Really not a whole lot. For some reason we have a bad habit of placing weather stations at airports. 100 years ago that wasn't a big deal, pilots needed accurate weather prediction and what better place to take the temperature. But back then runways were strips of grass, today they are a square mile or more of concrete and asphalt. I worked at a major airport for several years out on the ramp. It is hotter there than just a mile or 2 away. Same with cities. Always hotter there, yet that is where we take the temperature now, even though it has no real comparison to the same areas a century ago.

So, where does it leave us? In a window primed for manipulation. Make no mistake, we are being manipulated far more than we know.

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Funny thing is by geologic proxy data, the record appears to show CO2 levels 12x as high as now, and the planet didn't spiral off into 'becoming Venus'.

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Outrageous and clearly heading towards criminalizing speech. Hard to believe people buy this obvious BS but they do somehow. Thank you for pointing it out.

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Your insights are keen and continue to reveal much.

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@ Meryl. What do you do for a living without your medical license?

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I live simply. I garden. Money means little now. To me, the only thing of value is staving off the Great Reset.

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I'm 73. My pension increased last year, so I don't need other income now either. My garden ain't great. I'm trying to help throw a wrench into the NWO machinery too.

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I thought it must have started with the vaccines, but nope it all started with Santa Klaus even then I didn’t believe my mother hiding under a wig and with a beard. Climate change? another beard and a wig

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Confused and Frustrated

Meryl and others, I have recently made several posts, including one below, that refers to the dire and immediate threat of geoengineering.

This seems to be the only major issue that is being ignored by media and the environmental community. Not only is it creating the drastic weather senerios that we are experiencing, but there are aircraft spraying poisons that effect our every breath, as well as the entire web of life.

Despite the fact that I have offered the geoengineeringwatch.org website that more than adequately supports my claims, I seem to be receiving the the same deafening silence here on this site that I get from every major news, weather or scientific source

And we all know that these institutions are lying to us.

Is this problem too hot to handle? Does it appear too insane to be true. Is is something that no one wants to face? Fifteen years of proof is available. But, please look at it before you dismiss this subject.

I apologize for being so emphatic, but we won't be around for any type of reset, great or otherwise, or any more fake medical cures unless these weather modification programs are soon stopped. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks, Larry

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Spanish Flu began in Kansas.

Here is a documentary by German Public Broadcast Service showing the lies by governments during WWI. Many more millions died.

The Spanish Flu | DW Documentary

860,140 viewsSep 7, 2022


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