Yay! Ok we got an appointment with the UT Attorney General and we’ll go over HB 57 Utah Sovereignty bill, which of course CNN bad mouthed and said the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution doesn’t allow this which is BS because the 10th amendment allows it as well as the Utah State Constitution.

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Whoo-hoo! Let's amplify the momentum!

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The WHO, IHR amendments, treaty negotiations, whatever, are NOT the critical agenda here IMO.

In the interests of focusing on the target agenda...

Dear treasonous, treacherous, traitorous, non-representative actors,

We unreservedly condemn your deployment with WHO oversight, of military countermeasures - weapons of mass destruction - against the peoples of the world.

This constitutes a massive, ongoing crime against humanity.

Cooperating with a foreign military - the US Department of Defense - to kill, injure and sicken people constitutes the crime of treason.

Continuing to negotiate with the WHO, under the circumstances, is also a criminal act.

Your persistence in your criminal activities, confirms your evil intent and seals your fate.

The free people of the world totally denounce and wholly reject your evil plans for humanity.

You can cease and desist now; or suffer escalating levels of criminal culpability.

You will certainly be held accountable.

In truth,

The Free People.

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What exactly are we saying here?

Politicians who do not know what they are doing, are criminally negligent.

So we have to educate them!

Politicians who do know what they are doing, are criminals.

So we have to try to change their minds!

Politicians who are criminals or criminally negligent, need to be shown the EXIT door!

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happy to see ppl waking up and fighting back, even when untold millions are literally losing their minds due to jab-induced neurodegeneration... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/sheep-brain-top-molecular-geneticist?r=8ypo0

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I don’t think I’d waste my time on OBiden. He’s not my president anyway. but governors, attorney generals, and the rhino senators for whatever that’s worth. But I will do that.

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Anyone who is keeping up with the vaccine problem. First it’s not a vaccine. It’s legally classified as a Genetically Modified Organism. As such the approval process even for Emergency Use Authorization and limited liability is completely different. Failing to have complied with GMO requirements is a serious criminal act in itself notwithstanding the unexplained death of 27,000,000 people. The Covid GMO “vaccine” it’s Gene Therapy falsely marketed as the more familiar term, “vaccine”. By understood mechanisms, genetically, the wilfully mis- named Covid GMO, kills and cripples people and alters their ability to detect and eliminate cancers while changes their reproductive genetics permanently.

Someone out there wants to give the WHO clowns, the WEF delusional Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau etc the reins to run our world. Think again folks.

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I mentioned this is my latest piece - "Our New Abnormal - told "By the Numbers." (Some of these cited numbers ought to help the cause).

... Keep fighting!


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Isn’t the real game our DOD and DARPA?

The WHO is a sideshow,

like Klaus Schwab,

like Dubai’s flood,

"like tears in rain."

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I am writing to my state and US reps regarding this. As a sad resident of a blue state, I don't know how much good it will do, but it is better to try than sit back and do nothing.

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Check out Julian Gillespie’s Interview with John Campbell. A game changing interview moving closer to make those responsible world wide accountable and liable. A must listen presentation folks.

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The health policies advocated for covid have done nothing except main and kill people. Enough. No more top-down "health" orders based in lies. No pandemic treaty, no IHR amendments, all countries should leave the WHO.

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- Luc

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Dr. Nass,

Again I raise the issue:

Should whatever dark-behind-closed-doors "treaty" or " agreement" should come to pass WHO enforces it.


Mandatory vaccination:

Does local, state, national military police, private mercenaries or blue-hat UN military contracted with said government come knocking at your door with a needle and/or a warrant for your arrest if unvaccinated or non-compliant?

Mandatory quarantine for the "non-compliant". Who hauls you off to quarantine camps (they do exist a la Australia.)

Dr. Nass my key point is that this issue ought be of PARAMOUNT importance to those of us who may not comply. People have NO IDEA of these armed bodies of men come knocking at our doors.

In my lifetime the "disappeared" of many nations (Chile, Argentina) the rendition camps and such are a terrifying reality.

The fact - as you have responded to me earlier-- that the enforcement mechanism of the WHO is completely undefined and vague is the greatest cause for alarm.

In other words it is not JUST the "agreement" itself but HOW WILL THEY MAKE THAT HAPPEN?

ARMED BODIES I suspect -- with needles, jackboots and/or guns.

It is this piece that should be included in the effort to stop this horror from becoming a reality.

I hope you can respond or at least reference the possibility of such enforcement upon every nation on this planet.

The fact that WHO does NOT define who will ENFORCE their mandates is a massive tell.

We will not know until they come knocking on our door in the middle of the night -- the tool of all tyrannical states throughout recorded history.

Please include this issue/concern in your presentations. It **WILL** resonate deeply-- especially in the nations who have first-hand experience of the disappeared.

Virtually every protester in South/Central America will know well of what I speak. And Africa, And the rendition centers all over the planet.

As Americans we have not dealt with this so much YET....

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Good letter. We all need to "get hot" as they say in the military.

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I have to say (as a Georgian of some 3 decades) that this state has always cut its own path since the Civil War. They were a vital part of the Confederacy; the South did not lose the war until Gen. Sherman had taken Atlanta, a vital rail hub still in 1863.

My point is that Georgians know truth from fiction, especially today. Be well, y'all

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