Jun 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Yay!! I guess part of me still thinks that evil people with money and power really don’t care what a piece of paper says. But let’s celebrate the victory with our eyes wide open.

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I fear any and all regs labeled dis- or misinformation whether the WHO Treaty or any other issue. This is manipulative ploy to create a non-definitive condition that can be used for any/all ideas that the oligarchy wants suppressed. The fact that this is a protocol that has been used over the past 4 yrs it has grown larger and works to capture the public's mind so they lose all sense of perspective. Today Mercola.com ran an article that talks about the capture of people's mind so they are no longer able to think critically and become easily subject to propaganda efforts. The tactics described are very old and have been used for many issues, particularly selling wars and pharma drugs like untested vaccines. This still needs to be fought against

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were you alive in a time when the vast majority of the members of the public weren't thoroughly brainwashed? I'm only 63, I've never seen that. They believed that Oswald killed Kennedy, that Ray killed King, that clowns were on the moon, now they believe that planes turned 110 stories to powder and that shooters kill kids at schools with no input from Mossad/CIA and that the solution is to suppress guns. What did I miss?

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Yes, I was alive then and even before. I remember the fight back then against McCarthyism as it spread the propaganda for fear of Communism and Socialism as Russia was being named the nation's boogyman. Having an outside enemy is always critical when trying to control the public and controlling its thinking, mainly thru fear is the main tactic but not the only one. I have seen people on all sides of the political aisle fall prey to fear mongering and lies--the bigger the lie the greater the impact it seems. Remember the Nuremberg trials when it was stated that you tell the lie, keep repeating it and the bigger the lie the more you can get people to buy into it. Today Mercola ran an article talking about a book that describes how people's brains are literally controlled to destroy our memories and ability for critical thinking. The beauty of the practice is that no one wakes up in the morning saying "hmmm, how will I let my brain lose its memory neurons so I cannot think clearly and independently!" I am thinking off the top that the way to deal with this is to have a set of clear standards and values that we use to judge whether we are getting propaganda. For me, one of those standards is whether we are getting a real dialogue that discusses all sides of the issue and where no one is dismissed as crazy, stupid, or any other such hostile, embarassing name calling. And when people devolve into hostile/negative characterizations I automatically dismiss what they say because they clearly have no argument other than to demean those who disagree. Covid is a great current example.

BTW, that battle against McCarthyism developed over a few years into an entire Movement for social change with one of the goals being to allow independent thinking and work by students and even in places like IBM which was a totally and rigidly controlled labor force. People were rising up against racism, sexism, and all sorts of repressive and abusive social structures. It was very powerful with people taking to the streets by the 100's of 1000's against the Viet Nam war, for example. We fought against colonialism with its terrorizing tactics as with S.African apartheid. Unfortunately that Movement was not organized sufficiently to withstand the assault of the 'system' which worked to destroy leaders of the Movement, and regain control with increasing repression of speech and a media that, bad as it was, became even worse refusing to report on what the people were saying and doing

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but even as some good folks were successfully resisting McCarthy, everybody was believing that there was a polio virus and failing to see the evidence that it was DDT poisoning. And they all believed then as they believe now that atom bombs exist. In spite of logic saying that an atom bomb can't be stronger than the mechanical resistance of the can it's delivered in. The lying psychopaths will contend that the reaction continues after the case breaks, but there's no reason it would. And nobody's ever been able to look over all of the details of a bomb before it is exploded. And that explains nicely why Mr. Feynman would have been refused the right to help with the bomb.

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very true that polio was a big fearsome boogeyman that, like Covid, frightened people into a state of mind numbing obedience. I do recall that era and must say I never knew anyone who had polio and I went to beaches without thinking along with millions of others. but they did free injections in schools without any discussion and never heard of any objections from students or their parents. my history tells me that polio comes into a society, goes thru is stages of development and wanes. it has been around for many millenium. In our lifetime DDE was certainly implicated in this condition. but we do know that the so-called epidemic (it never had the requisite case number to quality as that) was virtually done by the time the vaccine hit the market. This from CDC records of which you might be aware. as for the atom bomb? not informed of the technology to wage a discussion on it. we do know what was dropped on Japan exploded and killed many and left radiated bodies which reproduced for generations carrying epigenetic trauma. Who is Feynman?

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very true that polio was a big fearsome boogeyman that, like Covid, frightened people into a state of mind numbing obedience. I do recall that era and must say I never knew anyone who had polio and I went to beaches without thinking along with millions of others. but they did free injections in schools without any discussion and never heard of any objections from students or their parents. my history tells me that polio comes into a society, goes thru is stages of development and wanes. it has been around for many millenium.

Polio has been around since a few years after the invention and distribution of DDT. Not thousands of years. See this: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-real-cause-of-polio-mass-acidic-chemical-poisoning?utm_campaign=f55ba380-b3c1-43a8-9917-b68646720977&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=9af5d19c-ab5c-4626-bd3e-f613c0d1631b

In our lifetime DDE was certainly implicated in this condition. but we do know that the so-called epidemic (it never had the requisite case number to quality as that) was virtually done by the time the vaccine hit the market. This from CDC records of which you might be aware. as for the atom bomb? not informed of the technology to wage a discussion on it. we do know what was dropped on Japan exploded and killed many and left radiated bodies which reproduced for generations carrying epigenetic trauma.

I didn't see that. I saw women who were burned at hiroshima and lived to be almost 100 years old with zero effects other than their scars. It was a dirty bomb and the "allies" also dropped bombs from 250 bombers just like Tokyo and dresden. Hirohito had already surrendered but "we" didn't let him surrender because we wanted to do the atom bomb fakerie. Richard Feynman was the best physicist on the planet at the time, with Albert Einstein simply a new world ODOR actor. Look at what Tesla said about him.

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Jun 1Liked by Meryl Nass

They certainly aren’t flying under the radar anymore thanks to the dedication and guts of a lot of people, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Thanks Meryl ! No matter what, do not comply.

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Thank you Dr Nass for all of your amazing efforts to keep us informed. This also applies to James Roguski whose done an amazing job. I still don't trust them! They're so evil that they will do whatever they can to control us and take away our sovereignty, freedom and health until we're either injured or dead. But, I will remain hopeful because of people like you, James and others who are informing the people which does make a difference.

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So I don't understand why Meryl is reassuring us and James is calling it bad news. Do you?


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Just watched this testimony from James at National Citizens Inquiry, which clarifies some issues: https://rumble.com/v4zmnvq-james-roguski-amendments-to-the-international-health-regulations.html

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As James points out this is all about equity, not sovereignty. I agree with him, we are barking up the wrong tree, getting lost in the details, and not seeing the forest for the trees, as they are so clever at deception.

https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/hey-ho-the-who-have-to-go-with-james Here's an excerpt from his talk: " A couple of months ago, I published an article entitled red herrings, and I tried to get people to realize this has never been the WHO attempting to take control, override your national sovereignty, and tell your health, you know, whatever organizations, oh, you've got to do lockdowns and mandates and all that sort of stuff. They even put it into treaty in Article 24 it was paragraph three. Then they moved it to paragraph two. This is not about mandates and lockdowns and forced jabs or mask wearing or any of that stuff. This is so much simpler. It's so simple people haven't been able to see it. It's all about the money. They have said over and over and over, equity, equity, equity, equity.

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Also so many are still so unaware, they blindly go along without thought. I have 2 sons that have no critical thinking today, they were such bright young men. What happens, so tired of their snide remarks about my 'cult'. Hope I live long enough to be proved right. I am surrounded by libs lol

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Jun 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks so much, for this, Meryl, and for all your trail-blazing efforts. You must be exhausted!

I know I am just from reading all the updates etc and from worrying about this whole insidious, nefarious , stealth operation that has been going on. Time for some R & R. ....Before we have to fight again!

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Jun 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you!!! Now onto getting rid of laws within our own country that make us slaves during emergencies. 💪🏻

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“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to know Latin.” —C. H. Spurgeon

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Amen! I wish I could remember who I heard say it one time (years ago), but they said something to the effect of, "you know you are free when you can say NO without fear of repercussion." We haven't been free for a long time now. That being said, I will continue to say NO to anything I know that impedes on my natural and God given rights. If I get beat to a pulp or thrown into a concentration camp because of it... so be it. It would suck, but I am willing to suffer for the cause of freedom. As we all should be. If just another few percentage of the population would have said HELL NO in 2020, we wouldn't be here right now. Fear is the real "virus". We must stand courageous and *together* even if we don't all agree on everything 100%. Sorry for the rant. :) Love the Spurgeon quote.

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... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...😀....thanks Gaye!....how'd I do?... 🤔...

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...thanks Gaye!...😄... however illustrious, i feel that this is merely the beginning!... 🙏🙏🙏...

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Again I thank you for your tireless work, Dr. Nass.

There is a lot of important info in your article, Dr. Nass, but all I'm going to say right now is that I'll bet I'm not the only person who is sick to death of hearing the Orwellian terms "misinformation," "disinformation," and "malinformation."

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"rhetorical despotism shields evil behind walls of self-righteousness which are proof against all arguments against the evil."

"It feeds on deliberately twisted meanings to discredit opposition,"

"It leads directly to hypocrisy which is always betrayed by the gap between actions and explanations. They never agree."

"Ultimately, it rules by guilt because hypocrisy brings on the witch hunt and the demand for scapegoats."

-Frank Herbert

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I have heard Francis Boyle (Professor of Int'l Law, U of Illinois) assert that these treaty documents were being cleverly crafted to override constitutional protections. So I wonder if IHR amendments empowering internationalist "health" bureaucrats to "address misinformation" were what they needed to overcome any domestic victory that might result from a favorable decision in Supreme Court case Missouri v. Biden (AKA Murthy v. Missouri).

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I pray not.

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Thank you for all you do, Dr. Nass!

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Thanks Meryl, please continue to keep an eye on these slides into the abyss!

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Thanks for the soothing info !!!👍👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹

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You are greatly appreciated. Thank you for such timely response. 💜

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Hooray! We will take then win, but this fight is far from over. They are going to force this shift on us again, however long it may take them to feel secure and try again. THANK YOU Meryl, the people of this world owe you!

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