Every time I see or listen to Bill Gates I just about get physically sick. This man is a monster. Why on earth do people buy into this "climate change" and "we must get rid of the cows" baloney????? I look forward to watching the whole movie. Thank you for sharing.

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I was in OZ when Billy came visiting and the PM licked his shoes.

This was a big wake up call for me.

Surely anyone with their antennae in tune and compass fixed on true North, could not take Gates seriously.

As to cows and CO2 being a drastic threat to life on earth - insanity.

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The psychology behind CC parallels that of the Scamdemic. And Bill Gates is involved in both. Not a coincidence methinks.

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Look forward, thank you. Sharing.

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Watched it last night. It is a gem and is very persuasive about the climate hoax. Already shared with a bunch of people.

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Thank you.

We just brought this up on the American Geopolitical Institute webpage:


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Thanks! Always good to know facts to back up what one already believes. Looking forward to watching this movie on non-existent climate change.

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At about 54 mins, climate change movie says it is not about the science anymore - it is about supporting the narrative.

Scientists who question the narrative are discredited regardless.

If you say something crazy wrong, you will not be discredited if you are supporting the narrative and promoting the fear that drives the narrative.

Explains some things about covid - all about the science - not.

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By May 2020 I was telling everyone the pandemic has the stench of climate change lies all over it. I said, CC was taking too long to scare people into submission so they invented something scarier. Hardly anyone believed me at the time. It was world-wide! they’d cry. Funny how for years we’ve all acknowledged we live in a small connected world. Yet it never dawns on people that ill intent travels at the speed of light nowadays too. The information superhighway can, will, and is being used against us.

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You may have been right - but while CC is worldwide - well geoengineering at least - the plandemic was necessarily limited in scope - only the fear tactics were worldwide.

If ill intent travels at the speed of light - so does good intent.

We are using the information superhighway, to great advantage, against them.

They are scared stiff, because we have the facts, are exposing them continuously, millions of people are already awake and more and more are waking up daily.

All they have is the MSM defense wall of lies, which is crumbling under the relentless pressure.

We will win because truth overcomes lies.

Light inevitably overcomes darkness.


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A lot of well-intended people say what you’re saying.

My pov is, while light is taking its good old time to overcome darkness, it’d be nice if we’d learn a lesson from history and be proactive instead of always reactive.

What people choose to forget is millions are maimed, tortured, killed and psychologically gutted before the light inevitably shines. Then we do it all over again.

Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Yes - sadly I must agree with you.

"We the people" are mostly selfish, lazy, careless and irresponsible when it comes to diligent personal and public moral government.

The irresponsible majority, will always undermine their own and everyone else's welfare, including the responsible minority.

So evil grows slowly in power, millions suffer and die, until the people react.

Such is the repetitive history we write in the sands of time.

Still, good always prevails over evil ultimately, I think.

We can only be responsible for what we do, not what others do.

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You’re the first person I’ve encountered on Substack to possess the humility to address humanity’s inherent sins which are so bloody obvious it’s ridiculous.

Yes, we are all selfish creatures. The only way out of the loop is to admit it. Yet so few will.

It seems counterintuitive but the reality is, problems ignored are unsolvable.

If people would stop acting like they’re holier than thou, and that the problems in the world stem from “the other guy” not them. Then we’d make real headway to stop repeating them.

So, yeah, we are responsible for what we do and shouldn’t forget what we do affects everyone around us. So when people around us become increasingly corrupt it’s good to become introspective.

Doing nothing is far worse than doing something. Even if doing something leads to a mistake.

We can learn from mistakes. All we learn from complacency is how to rebuild the house after it burns down.

Wouldn’t it be nice if it didn’t catch fire in the first place? Over and over…

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Well said.

Problem is most people have a TV in their house, pumping intellectual garbage and moral sewerage out constantly, setting their house on fire, and they just sit there and watch it happen.

Getting up, and putting the fire out by getting rid of the TV would never occur to them.


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It was an incredible documentary and is so reminiscent of the suppression of the questioning of the rush to vaxx people. I had no idea that the government narrative around climate change was also suppressing scientists of a differing opinion other than "the world is warming and CO2 is the problem." Of course it would make sense that as Greta was spewing hatred at climate deniers and oil companies that scientists who weren't onboard the anti-CO2 gravy train would be losing funding and jobs. This film is connecting even more dots around suppressing the right to free speech and the growth of big government toward totalitarianism. I do have to question Patrick Moore who is billed as a co-founder of GreenPeace. I reacently saw a short documentary from the Netherlands around the cattle farmers being forced out of business because their nitrogen levels were considered too high. One of the organizations that were colluding with the government and the UN in shutting down the cattle farmers was GreenPeace? It is so hard to know the truth of the matter. It appears that we, the general public, are being herded en mass into smaller and smaller enclosures. And yes, all of a sudden we are seeing laws being passed in many countries that will put people in jail and impose huge fines for speaking angrily about vaxxes or trans people or many other things. In Canada, they can put you in jail for life. If this doesn't put a chill on any kind of urge to "speak out" I'd be surprised--but right now I am just horrified. As we see the hand writting on the wall and are connecting more dots THEY are racing ahead at breakneck speed to beat us to the finish line. They being the puppet masters with all the AI and mega wealth at their disposal. Can humanity awaken while there is still time to turn the tables??? I hate writing these words because it confirms that I am afraid for us...

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I perhaps didn’t give this documentary a chance. But its first five minutes are straw man arguments. Please consider Mark Bowen’s book Thin Ice about the lifelong work of Ohio State University climatologist Lonnie Thompson. Thompson spent his career taking samples from mountain glaciers and studying the core samples. People in his field across the political spectrum are not skeptics. They know something unprecedented is happening to the alpine ice. A friend of mine’s older brother is a glaciologist at the University of Colorado. The state of the ice has people in his field alarmed across the board. I think the serious arguments need to be addressed seriously.

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So what do they think happened to the ice in the past when it was warmer? I suspect it too melted and then came back when things cooled down again. There is also the serious consideration of man-made geoengineering. No doubt, there are powers that be that want all that ice gone to free up the shipping lanes and the oil and gas that lives under it. That is the biggest alarm.

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The core samples, taken with a tube down through the ice, give a record of climate cycles going back 450,000 years. Lonnie Thompson can read the isotopes in the ice as if he were analyzing tree rings. Every 50,000 years there is an ice age, and then a period of warming, sine waves going up and down for 450,000 years. In every cycle CO2 leads temperature--when CO2 rises temperature rises; when CO2 goes down, temperature goes down, in exact parallel but not in exact phase. CO2 leads. CO2 in the last 200 years has gone up in a spike never before seen in the ice record. And temperature will follow. The book Thin Ice by Mark Boden is I think a must read. It's nonpartisan. Its hero the climatologist Lonnie Thompson is a Republican who voted for Bush. But who cares? My concern is that we don't get sloppy in our thinking. Let's be careful in every sense.

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Mar 25Edited

In the documentary I saw, in every cycle, CO2 ‘follows’ rising temperature. Watch the old doc, The Great Global Warming Swindle to see it clearly before you. CO2 follows by hundreds of years. The sun, clouds, and oceans are the main determinant. Watch it. I challenge you. Face it, this is not unlike the whole vax safety thing. One set of scientists say one thing and make the data fit the theory. Another say another thing and swear the science is simple and clear. The second half of the doc starts with the political reasons the IPCC and all the funded CO2 fear research was created in the first place was to promote nuclear energy. The more you learn, the clearer it becomes. Let’s be careful we don’t give in to eco-communism over nothing. (Ps that ‘cautionary approach’ is addressed as well).

You know, what’s interesting is virtually the whole world said the cvd injections were safe and effective, when a minority said they were not. And geez, the minority was right. Now we have virtually the whole world (same people) saying CO2 is causing global boiling and our imminent demise, so we’d better do everything they say (give up meat, milk, eggs, driving, flying, owning property, consuming, economic growth, accessing nature, and eat bugs, live in 15 minute cities, submit to digital tracking and tracing and medical testing, surveillance, high 5g exposures, and even more unsafe and poorly tested injections, medications, genetic modifications…) in order to save the planet? Yup, all that and more under One Health. Hello? Let me say it again: same people. Don’t you think it may be time to start listening to the minority again? If it’s true that CO2 follows heat by about 800 years, that puts us smack in line for expected CO2 rise 800 years after the medieval warming period. Watch the vid before commenting.

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You have not addressed that the current disappearance of the ice is unprecedented for the last 450,000 years. Treating the current warming as part of a regular cycle is simply untenable. I'll watch the documentary after you address the unprecedented (for almost half a million years) degradation of the alpine glaciers--in the Himalayas, in the Andes, etc.--that are the water towers for entire civilizations. To talk about that disappearance of alpine ice in terms of 800 or 1600 year cycles flies in the face of my understanding of the time span for ice ages and intervening warming.

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I don't think anyone is going to expend much time or energy helping you if you can't be bothered to watch the programme you're discussing.

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"helping me"? I have not experienced such contempt since I was unvaxxed among family members who were. It's quite unpleasant. I did watch both the documentaries that keep being referred to as the last word. I didn't see a single glaciologist.

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In the UK it was proposed to show "An Inconvenient Truth" in schools. Someone went to court about this, and the outcome was that it could be shown in schools if various errors were corrected. The most important one was that the truth was that the temperature goes up followed 800 years later by the CO2, as it comes out of solution in the oceans, as one expects after doing first year university physical chemistry.

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Quoting from Mark Boden's Thin Ice: "The twentieth century spike in CO2, measured by Charles David Keeling, shows that the level is now nearly twice as high as it has even been in 400,000 years" (289). This is also what the glaciologists are measuring using ice cores: a CO2 spike never before seen in 400,000 of layered ice. It is not the result of warming, obviously. It is obviously not the result of CO2 coming out of solution in the oceans. The "first year university physical chemistry" and UK court decision are not much help. What the glaciologists are seeing is unprecedented in the last almost half million years: a disappearance of alpine ice that they recognized as an existential threat long before Al Gore came on the scene. They recognize the progressive, rapid loss of the water towers of entire civilizations, the disappearance of the source of a civilization's fresh water, provided when the alpine glaciers melt a little each spring and then are replenished. This progressive, rapid loss is unprecedented in over 400,000 years. The videos that keep being referred to as the last word are not providing any commensurate explanation for what the glaciologists are seeing.

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Nobody disputes that it's getting warmer.

Nobody disputes that it's getting warmer.

It's the cause of it that is in dispute.

Perhaps you would find the 2007 Film "The Great Global Warming Swindle" helpful.


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This is the other video that was somewhat rudely recommended to me. Yes, not a single glaciologist.

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In 2012 Phil Valentine, Conservative Talk show host in Nashville, produced a movie to refute AL Gores movie. It was called An Inconsistent Truth. Sadly Phil died in 2021 from covid or whatever it was called.

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I had watched this too and it is excellent. I am sharing it on my Substack for Tuesday. I already have Mondays Substack jam packed.

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Gosh...I feel so sorry for the cows that Bill Gates is on this planet.

And actually I feel sorry for us too...

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It was an excellent film. Check out the Jordan Peterson interviews with a few of the experts that appeared in the film.

Dick Lindzen:


Steven Koonin:


Judith Curry:


Alex Epstein:


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I appreciate the science in this documentary. As commented below, no one disputes that the earth is getting warmer. The issue is the cause of the warming. What I reject in this documentary are "experts" like the Baroness who characterize the "scam," if indeed that is what it is, as an absurd attack on capitalism. Too many of the perspectives in this documentary appear to think that the solution in this situation is simply to allow capitalism to freely continue its cheap production of consumables. No problem with the pollution and other forms of toxic degradation brought to us by the greedy oligarchs. No problem with the crass materialism. No problem with the quickly worsening stratification -- rich getting obscenely richer while the 99% get poorer and more desperate.

I wish the vaccine skeptics (like myself) and the climate skeptics (like I am open to being) were less reliant on the insights of right-wing ideologues. I expect Meryl would agree with that.

What stands out to me is that the climate activists have convinced themselves that climate poses more of an emergency than the weapons and the wars. They are clearly wrong about that.

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This documentary is excellent.

Thanks for alerting us to it, Dr. Nass.

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According to an actuary who does the math on energy issues, the climate issue is just a "to hide failed politics" diversion from declining fossil fuel resources:


The energy issue has been known since ~1970 and always has been "canceled" by politicians. But it's easier to realize when considering where the US/NATO is waging war / occupying foreign countries: resource-rich ones especially oil & gas. The actuary has written many articles on the issue of energy, another one


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I scanned it to watch Willie Soon Ph.D. explain solar forcing of ocean temperature historically (hence climate) I like Willie Soon.


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