In the spirit of current events, let's call them civilizational arsonists. Once we establish that we're dealing with advocates for depopulation, mendacity almost seems a superfluous defect.

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They say the quiet part out loud; "The letter was posted online by the Committee to Protect Health Care, a physicians advocacy group."

So they advocate to protect PHYSICIANS., not patients.....

I very much appreciate YOUR advocacy for all of humanity. I also appreciate that you are forced to read the blatant lies of the MSM! I can't do it; as someone who hasn't followed the MSM for many years, their articles read like satire!

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James O'Keefe has uncovered several real voters who were credited by Act Blue with donating tens of thousands of dollars to the coffers of this phony operation. These individuals had neither the resources nor the inclination to donate anything. The "donations" were in small amounts, and the number of donations were in the thousands. This assured Act Blue that no record need be posted for authentication of the donor. The whole thing stinks.

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ill say!

This type of thing started back in the 90's with slick willy!

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Definitely !! O'Keefe's massive contributions just keep increasing.

He is almost too good at this!

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I won't lie.....I am very concerned that RFK Jr. will not win the nomination. I am also concerned that this is being orchestrated. The people the committee has nominated to head up the agencies that fall under HHS have concerned me because they do not appear to be true MAHA nominees and it smelled to me like a set up. Here is how I see it: RFK Jr. does not get nominated and now they have MAHA-lite folks in place to continue the big pharma cartel. Trump sold RFK Jr. out back in 2016/2017 when he promised RFK Jr. a committee to research vaccine safety and then backed down.....according to Bill Gates he convinced Trump this committee was not a good idea.....Gates said this himself. The sad part is that a lot of doctors that should be standing up in support of RFK Jr. won't for fear of losing their practice. No one knows that better than you.

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They won’t win . If RFK disappears this will force the people to rise up . It may take time but the truth will prevail!

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Joanna people haven't even risen up when their children died from rona vaccines...let ALONE discovered vaccines caused their children's autism. They didn't stand up when their God-given freedom was illegally taken for the scamdemic. They didn't stand up when election was CLEARLY stolen. They didn't stand up when their houses/livelihoods were taken by climate change geo engineering. Nor now that they know we are being poisoned from every which angle including chemtrails. People didn't stand up and get off fascistbook after being censored nor completely stop shopping at Target or taking their children to Pedo Disney. So to believe for one guy, who's honestly not that great of a guy, is a HARD reach. I'm seriously at a loss to what it would take to get people...more than not...to just stop everything and take to the streets with signs until things change! We have the power. We've ALWAYS had the power. And not by rioting, looting, not acting like thug, caged animals, etc either. By simply not going to work. Not shopping. It's ALWAYS been about the money. Root of all evil! We shut the economy down and we'd see things change so fast! There's deep state and then there's 'followers' who believe that's the group to be with! They'll turn on them in a NY second when the money...OUR money stops! Companies CAN NOT OPERATE ON 60-70% WORKFORCE...let alone 50%! And honestly I believe if all of us that believe in what's RIGHT AND JUST it'd be more than 50%! Plus it'd be what day 2 at the most before the lazy libtards stop going to work too?! You think they are going to stay and work themselves to death?! 😂 They HARDLY work now!!! Advertising, hiring, and training isn't cheap nor fast! Plus everyone is hurting for help now! WHO are they going to hire?! Illegal aliens that can't speak or understand English?! So many said when being forced to take the vaccine...I HAVE to have this job! If EVERYONE would have stood their ground NO ONE WHO DIDN'T WANT IT WOULD HAVE GOT FIRED!!! My new neighbor is a nurse from California and didn't even take it!!! They threatened to fire her and she said okay! Guess what they backed off! You GET what you GIVE! You GET what YOU allow! It's honestly that simple. But in all that I wish you were right.

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My biggest heroes now are Novak Djokovic, Eric Clapton (after he realized he had gotten poisoned by the shots and stopped) and Van Morrison! I have never really been a sports enthusiast but I am definitely for my HEALTH freedom. People should have voluntarily quit their jobs. It would have been a great teaching and learning moment for their children.

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Yes these men are legenday however by know means alone.

There are millions of us, each tasked differently. The mRNA quaxcine is but the latest breach. The Vaxs also killed disabled and maimed.

This has been true for over 3 decades and then it was not early!!

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So true, absolutely!

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People have risen up!! The fake news echo chamber is terrified thus reporting on "vaccine hesitentcy" WE are winning

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It's a little early to figure people are going to rise up. They put up with a lot of shit before they act, we seen that in the Soviet Union. They endured for 40yrs and more, when people no longer believed in the system, when it became common knowledge that the whole apparatus of the state was a sham, it was like a tinder box and it only took a spark to set it off, and it then spread and government after government fell like dominoes.

Right now, the goal should be to spread the word, stoke the embers, develop common knowledge that the whole system has been corrupted. Set it up for the revolt, we already had a bit of a revolt with the Trump election, Brexit, a lot of the old neoliberal regimes are failing, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Austria, Slovakia, Georgia, Romania, Netherlands and more.

We're getting there, pessimism is our enemy.

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It would take wiping out sports programming to get people off the couch, and a stock market crash that takes out their retirements/pensions to get people that worked up. But thankfully, it takes 3-10% getting organized to make a difference. I believe as well that if many more would have used common sense they would have seen through the "psyence" and called BS. I told my employer that unless they were willing to assume all liability for my taking the shot, as a condition of employment there, then I wasn't going to take it, and any attempt to force me would result in a lawsuit. They stopped bugging me. Yes, I could have used a religious exemption, but why even bring that up here? My wife did, and I told her that a key religious belief in our church is agency. And we believe it is so important that even God respects it in each of us. She submitted it and was granted an exemption. (Her office is full of people with similar beliefs, but thought they lost their exemption when a top level leader helped promote it, and yet a careful review of his words stated it was an individual choice to be made with competent medical advice. When she submitted her exemption request, they all realized they could have done the same, and so many of them have been sick time and time again. A lot of regret.)

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You mention economic calamity. No question it is coming.

Responding to it is not the same as waking up.

There are stupid people, there really are.

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Plus it’s gonna piss the H out of Steve BANNON and he won’t let this go until he screams at the top of his lungs to his followers “you know what you got to do”

It’s all here in this little app. 👇🏿 Tell your reps who the hell they work for🤷‍♂️ Do your part. You’re the boss!


Bannon even commented he would like to see Shanahan in the Trump administration. How awesome is that👏

They want us divided but we are not🙏🏽

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Fear Not, there are contingency plans and ways to force issues that lay persons do not know exist. Do not cite BG as he is a criminal. Speak about what you desire, not what the fake news echo chamber publishes. You are on a public forum.

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There is also a very loud silence from the GOP protecting and calling these folks out on behalf of RFK Jr, as well.

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How many of these signatures are even doctors? Less than 10%, less than 5%? No validation of credentials was required. It is all nonsense and all lies, yet again.

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What signatures? Meryl couldn't find a list of the doctors who supposedly signed this. If such a list does exist I would like to see it.

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it is actually a million times more interesting to make note of the renegade medical doctors that are screaming fraud. The best informed blow the entire lid off the

virus fraud. They are becoming a dime a dozen. That is a very very good thing

Many are the subs...

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Any credentials can be claimed online - if they don't ask for proof

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That doesn't even matter. What matters is the pro-profit depopulation agenda

"The grim reality is that the true toll of iatrogenic deaths may far exceed even the highest estimates."


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Thank you for sharing this, Jan. This is a good article to send to my family and friends that still are not awake. I remain hopeful that they will clear the fog from their eyes and brains to see what has been occurring for decades.

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It is very difficult to believe those supposed to cure disease, are causing suffering and death instead. Humans evolved for trust and cooperation (whatever race, color, religion, ethnicity) which has been abused to the limit (wars of attrition, genocide) by psychopaths since time immemorial.

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Yes Jan the profession is criminal with loads of nice people in it.

Finger pointing INCLUDES them.

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Also having worked in analytical chemistry (pesticides like paraquat and similar toxins), all people involved were nice and friendly. Problem then and now, those supposed to control law / regulation like agrochemicals, in the West can have degrees only in political science, anthropology or nowadays, genderism. So the mess stays or as observed, worsens.

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I read that and my blood boiled. Pharma keeps getting fined billions and still not one person has been sentenced to prison. State AGs being civil lawsuits, but not criminal ones.

The government has given big pharma license to kill us and yet people still blindly take their products.

Somehow this has to be fixed.

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As a rule, Western corporations are fined an amount that is insignificant compared to the profit involved. Probably worse, corporations are represented by their "well connected" lawyers and those guilty of designing toxic products and marketing them are left out.

So there isn't the least incentive to change the system. This contrary to the PRC where punishment is according to status: A CEO of such a corporation (who should have been an example of behavior for all with lower status) will meet the firing squad. The classic example even the BBC could not bury was


Now imagine what would have to happen in the US/EU for a similar sentence re mRNA jab deaths and maimed to begin with (and working backwards).

Point is, every country where status depends on $$ instead of merit, will self-destruct - only a matter of time.

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The doctors have as much credibility as the 51 “trusted” intelligence officers that Blinken, in his then capacity as a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, recruited in about five minutes for the drive by media to spray the public with non-stop.

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These people are just plain evil. 15,000 possible made up doctors or just 15,000 paid pharmaceutical puppets trying to keep their murder operations going

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Step back and take a fresh look. It is evidence that the narrative is crumbling and such reports (whether true of false) is absolute desperation. That is a very very necessary response to the death of the demons.

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If you want to win this war then you should stop using the word "murder", we all know you mean abortion. And it's your code word to mean YOU want to be in control of us all. You will lose the war to fight a word which will never be a law... remember the 1060's, lots of illegal abortions, I was there, abortion was readily available.

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The 1060s? What kind of Moloch worshipping fool are you? It's sad you can't see that murder is murder.

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what a stupid comment. Murder is the right word. Killing babies is murder.

It is impossible to legislate human behaviour because fools conflate control with murder

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Go to sleep mam

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I totally agree with you that it was murder by pharma and each country's government. The Gatesinator and the fraudster had been working on this for a verrrrry long time. Gates is a huge proponent of eugenics!

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snowflakes are melting at a record rate, currently it takes approximately .10 milliseconds

Some know exactly nothing about biological reality, and prefer this ignorance

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So who are those "over 20,000" doctors? I tried unsuccessfully to find a list on their site.

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I did too. I found the letter, but it didn't have all the doctors who signed it!

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Too cowardly to leave their names. There is no way Dr. Nass can confirm names because they are not making it transparent.

Throw that in your senators face (well, not literally). Demons and cowards, oh my🤷‍♂️


At least with this military letter attached that came out on 01-01-24…the military men and women were brave enough to be transparent.


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These 15,000 bonus-dependent prescribers of pharmacological symptom suppressing products indirectly but strongly suggest they can be replaced with AI, which probably would do a better job too (no conflict of interest, just acting on data).

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These lying Doctors are corrupt murdering scum! They pretended to believe in Covid (or was it just another Fauci-made derivation of FLU?) while they and their staff made money from the thousands who were slaughtered by the deadly mRNA injections which have depopulated the planet!

Now, because Kennedy looks like he might disrupt their fortunes made by prescribing unnecessary medications and deadly injections, they want to 'destroy' him!

These corrupt Doctors and Big Pharma have a motto: "There's no profit in HEALTHY PEOPLE"!

These corrupt Doctors knew the useless and dangerous injections were Unsafe and Ineffective, but kept injecting the masses for profit, knowing they were protected by ZERO LIABILITY!

Rock-on Bobby, Donald and Elon! Bring honesty and sincerity back to the medical fraternity.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Not a Trump fan, but aware that he's more honest than the Dems who want to Ciull the planet with DEADLY mRNA injections to help establish the WEF's New World Order.

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The doctors who truly care about their patient's health have been in the forefront of this fight and have sacrificed their careers, their peace, and even their lives to stand up against the forces that are trying to depopulate humanity. These 15,000 doctors haven't earned any public trust and are now supposedly stepping up and doing the right thing? The days are gone when someone could put the title of "doctor" in front of their name and engender instant credibility. I think every one of those doctor's names needs to be vetted and publicly outed for the hypocrites that they are. Some of them could have the title of Dr., but not even be a medical doctor. Not positive this is the case, but I've read some credible literature stating that F**ci was a Veterinarian.

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The person in charge of the WHO was a veterinary something. Not sure if he was a full doctor. I didn't want to assume he was and give him any more credibility than deserved (none), and I'm too lazy to look up his name's spelling. Tedros something. That's how little I respect him. And you're right, most every doctor has lost respect if they went along with this and did not uphold the oath they took to do no harm.

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Thanks for covering this.

See this. They have now started a color revolution in Slovakia after failing in Georgia.


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Good piece, but you don't talk about a color revolution underway

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Even worse in Romania, blocking a legitimate electoral outcome with corrupt lawfare as done with Trump & in Brazil. NATO/USSA wants to build a giant military base there which is planned to sustain a forever war with Russia. Mark my words they will be sending EU & American boys to the Russian front to die in those muddy trenches by the tens of thousands. It's coming. Believe it.

Shawn Ryan has an upcoming podcast on it.

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I am making sure to post your articles on X as I checked and see they have not restored

functioning as of today and your last post was Dec 18 , 2024

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If you post a substack address on X it will be throttled. Best to post full text. Substack is considered competition by X.

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Thank-you that is good to know!

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Not surprising! Many physicians are well rewarded in the current sick care system that is continually expanding in scope do to the fact that the root causes of inflammatory diseases are not being addressed and the current allopathic treatment protocols which now include fatal RNA injections just compound the problem. That is the root cause of a medical system that is about twice as expensive as any other in the world and is approaching 5 TRILLION dollars in annual expenditures. RFK Jr., if positioned to run NIH as a arms length independent agency can easily slash a TRILLION dollars in annual expenditures. Not acceptable to the 15,000 physicians that know how they earn their living and don't give a damn about the the health and welfare of their patients. The Medical Mafia employs PR firms as their agent to maintain the status quo and is now in a full court press to stop the RFK agenda from being activated.

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15,000 physicians? Or 15,000 doctors? They are not synonymous.

I'd wager most of the "doctors" are doctors of political science, social science, behavioral science, psychology, philosophy, communications, english, law, black studies, GLBTQABCDEFG studies, abstract art history, etc.

Remember the "Spiffy White Coat" press conference in The White House Rose Garden for Obamacare? Fake physicians, most really were doctors in other than medicine studies, handed out white coats to wear as props for the cameras.

Note: the two organizers of the Spiffy White Coat presser were:

Mandy Krauthammer Cohen and Vivek Murthy. Physicians In Name Only, never practicing, degrees just for the title to imply expertise.

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These people are a menace.

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They never give up. The evil side of mankind. Hoping to drag others to hell along with them.

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