What a prime example of new-speak: an experimental medical procedure kills 3 million people, and the media speaks about “excess” deaths? Three million dead people was what it took for this reality to be acknowledged? What madness!
"'…If, as we know due to [Sasha Latypova's] and Katherine Watt's research that pharma is just a front for DoD EUA countermeasures bioweapon deployment, ... HOW IS IT [Rand] Paul isn't addressing this?…'
[Katherine Watt's] reply, expanded:
Yes, if you know about it, Rand Paul, Naomi Wolf, Peter McCullough and everyone else not talking about it, also know about it.
Those who don't talk about it, keep silent about it because they serve on the team assigned the job of misdirecting the public away from the DoD-FDA-Pharma complex and the intentionality of the worldwide sterilization and killing program."
Sen. Rand Paul, FDA Modernization Act 2.0, and animal testing of new drugs.
I agree with you on all of this. However, to be fair, Naomi Wolf is going through the Pfizer documents and not the military documents Sasha and Katherine are going through. I think she can only comment with the facts of Pfizer’s own data.
These questions are not going away. If investigators deny by omission that the Frankenshots are the work of the DoD, NSC and those who control them, then well, they are not really investigating.
I agree with you but they report on the findings they research so they can back it up. I don’t think Dr. wolf can go outside of her space and comment about the DoD even if she is guessing. She would need to watch for making accusations because they will sue you and you’ve got to be careful. She’s got the goods from Pfizer…watts and Latypova have the goods from the DoD docs. I don’t see anything wrong with all these experts working together and sharing their information and their findings. That’s all I’m saying. I’ve been in the legal field all my life and people will sue for anything and everything. All of them are great investigators and should all share with each other but it seems people are taking sides without realizing the legality of it.
"I don’t see anything wrong with all these experts working together and sharing their information and their findings"
Lets hope that happens.
Denial by omission is a real thing in the realm of news, media etc. and is powerful. The news is not a court of law, or no one would say anything at all.
Dave: You got this wrong. The first person to speak about “Excess all cause mortality” was the CEO of One America Insurance company. He noted an increase of 15-20% increase in all cause mortality based on actuarial tables from 2021 which he said was “off the charts”. He said even a 5-10% increase would be phenomenal, but this was alarming. It was his comments that spurred investigations and eventually Edward Dowd’s book. Prior to this, the numbers were not out there and even when they were, MSM went out of its way to ignore them.
You're absolutely right and the MSM should have picked up on that but they didn't because of the advertising dollars they were taking from Big Pharma. It's all so shameful.
Look, iatrogenic medicine [in just the USA] has killed 12.5 to 40 million people in just the last 50 years! (Depending on what expert you believe!) I.e. the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, or the well cited book, Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null! So what's the big deal with 3 or 4 million gain of function bio-warfare & jab deaths?
I only lost my Dad, Wife, & best friend to iatrogenic medicine! That was my education for our 30 billion in fruad fines big pharma’s scams!
Even Big Insurance won't talk about this (except for that one CEO, who was probably fired or severely reprimanded for making those comments). Somebody is subsidizing the massive financial losses the life insurance companies must be experiencing. And all the insurance companies have dramatically raised their premiums on all insurance lines.
The same institutional investors own the insurance companies and the hospital chains and the drug companies. The health Insurance companies pass losses onto their members and gain customers when there is fear of disease in the wind. Any losses they incur are paid to hospitals that are owned by the same investors. The people have to pay from all directions and the money eventually filters to the same super wealthy pockets.
Bill, the 'somebody' subsidizing the insurance companies is us - taxpayers.
Notice they're not screaming about the payouts they're making for all the young people suddenly dropping dead, or for all the other harms & disabilities. If we could find out, I bet we'd discover governments are handing them a LOT of cash to make payouts and KEEP QUIET.
Substacker Aaron Hertzberg has done exemplary work showing the huge spikes in all-cause deaths for various medical conditions in several U.S. states. All his 100 charts and data come from raw death certificate numbers - comparing 2021, 2022 and 2023 to 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 numbers.
Even a caveman can tell something profound changed in 2021.
We have to be thankful for small mercies. She may had an almighty battle with her editors to get this published. This, despite Gates and the rest of his sick conspirators saying, not all that long before C-19, that "we need about another ten years to develop this mRNA technology". The "Torygraph", as opposed to perhaps some of its journalists, treats its Middle England readers with the same contempt as the Guardian does vis a vis its "liberal " readers.
GOGS, I agree. Despite being a limited hangout, articles like this are still a good, partial breach in the dam, esp. for people who are still in the tractor beam of the corporate media.
Gogs, agreed. The MSM - 'left', 'right' or 'middle' - has fed people pretty much the same plandemic Narrative since the start. Just like politicians of all persuasions.
Look Nazi Bayer, of Bayer I.G. Farben, Jew killing, Holocaust fame is still alive & well after help causing 35 to 80 million WW2 deaths! In fact the USA prosecutor for war crime trial #6 said, WW2 couldn’t have happened without Bayer I.G. Farben's support! ALL of this Death & suffering is to help teach us, "Death is the wages of sin V.s. The Gift of God is enteral life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans: 6-24]
Dear Dave: These are 3 million deaths ABOVE AND BEYOND THE USUAL NUMBERS OF DEATHS THAT CAN BE EXPECTED AS MEASURED IN ANY GIVEN TIME PERIOD, by actuarial statistics. Don't make this about anything other that that. We don't need it
What a load of limited hang out. Love how they fluff over serious issues like the delay to treatments, which obviouly has impacted but doesn't explain the huge elephant in the room of athletes keeling over, kids having heart attacks and the fact that the unjabbed well.... aren't.
I would argue that a limited hangout, should it only be that (lots of people get accused of being limited hangouters or controlled opposition) has the potential effect of waking people up. People have told me things in the past that I just decided for no reason were beyond the pale, or that I just didn't want to deal with, many of which turned out to be true. But I know a lot of people who still think the msm presents the news and if they are hearing rumors, learning of injured people, over time, it starts to crack the denial or surety. That's why the adversary keeps hammering the appeal to authority. Giving mrna the Nobel for instance, or the weeping midget orc testifying lies and coddled by Congress. Authority. The capture of all authoritative sources is their main weapon. The Lancet fell yesterday to denying biological sex.
The Lancet. See even I am still in the halo effect of thinking that an authoritative source. I was utterly horrified when Scientific American fell. We all go into ontological and epistemological shock over these things. For me it has been 3 years this month, when Dr. Kory went on DarkHorse with Bret Weinstein advocating the ivm protocol to save lives. So we have years on the people who still need to wake up and Goliath is tap dancing as fast as its hideous monolithic blobness can to shut that all down. So I'm for all hangouts, imperfect as they may be.
I hear you but I didn’t necessarily mean “limited hangout” in the CIA sense of the phrase where they actively leak limited amounts of information.
More so that it’s a limited hangout in the sense that the writer is tiptoeing around the obvious, like Russell Brand did throughout the pandemic and jabs. The article stresses the usual “rare” line but whilst tentatively (in a limited way) admitting links to excess death. The writer doesn’t have to look far to see excess death in the most jabbed countries and with plummeting birth rates (whilst relatively normal in the least jabbed places like Hungry), whilst additionally not going there re athletes and children.
But of course it won’t go there because it’s a limited hangout.
A drip drip drip for the normie readers like my father-in-law who’ll have no doubt read this Times issue cover to cover and pondered for a moment, before watching the BBC again.
I think this article could be either definitions though of limited hangout. Either orchestrated as such or just denialism journalism.
But I don’t agree with your and many other people’s reluctance to call out controlled opposition. It’s unfortunately everywhere. Call it paranoia or vigilance, either way it definitely doesn’t hurt to be sceptical given what’s happened to us and what’s still to come.
The Elon debate baring fruits for all those that called him a rebel saviour and defender of free speech. Yeah right, he’s a billionaire technocrat, government contractor whom if he wasn’t showing his colours before, he is now with bringing in biometric IDing for twitter (digital ID here we go). The sound of the penny dropping is deafening.
Active US military personnel had no 'delay to treatments' and have had catastrophic increases in cancer, miscarriage and heart issues due to the jab which has been proven multiple times in massive data sets.
The 'delay to treatments' is obfuscating bullshit, playing into the narrative of 'we had to lock down to save grandma.'
Ying Yang. Part of me says “thank goodness” because I was beginning to believe the masses were going to be allowed to stay in denial, but the other part of me says “how did we even get here, how on this green earth did we allow this predictable carnage unleash on this beautiful world?”. :(
the carnage isn't on the world, it's on people who have lost the ability to defend themselves with their intellects. They put up a big fight, but they were fighting for the right to not know how to defend themselves. I won't miss them.
So many commenters poo-pooing this huge and long-awaited story! Yes, of course we all knew about this years ago. But it's a very different story (no pun intended) when it hits the front page of a major newspaper. It's kinda hard to just toss aside as some kind of fringe wacko theory at this point. A big deal IMHO.
I agree. Anytime any "mainstream" media news outlets run a previously taboo story like this ... that's huge news in itself. In fact, I think this is the most prominent newspaper in the world who has touched this previously off-limits story.
Now we need some other members of the journalism "pack" to also say it's okay to touch this journalism third rail.
Yeah, they may 'possibly' be the cause. How long have we been saying that and shunned plus despised because we were speaking out? I'm a bit suspicious though that a mainstream newspaper published this story. Why? Why now? And they still can't bring themselves to say unequivocally that these excess death are 100% to do with the shots. And it seems they still think the 'testing' was legitimate and not one big fraud. Disclosure and acknowledgement is still going too slowly for my liking. But, this article is at least talking about it and the topic may now snowball.
Definitly a limited hangout article. We know that many of the so-called Covid deaths during 2020 were diagnosed with fraudulent PCR tests. And that people were murdered in hospitals with remdesivir, vents, and deliberate neglect. And murdered with the suppression of truly safe & effective treatments like Vit. D & C, Ivermectin, HCQ + zinc--thank you, dear Dr. Zelenko, RIP. Having said that, articles like this are still a good, partial breach in the dam esp. for people who are still in the tractor beam of the corporate media. So, once again, with much gratitude, thank you, Dr. Nass.
I've had that happen, leaves me a little unhinged. I'll even dwell on it for a spell, kinda like toying with a bad splinter. You want it out, but then when you dislodge it, you almost miss it.
Making sense out of disturbing subconscious thoughts perturbing from your psyche requires a problem solving mind set. Me thinks. Your unaware of where it will take you, yet you know it will be useful.
What a prime example of new-speak: an experimental medical procedure kills 3 million people, and the media speaks about “excess” deaths? Three million dead people was what it took for this reality to be acknowledged? What madness!
Yet they'll recall millions of bags of bad lettuce all over the country if just a few people get diarrhea (e-coli)...
"'…If, as we know due to [Sasha Latypova's] and Katherine Watt's research that pharma is just a front for DoD EUA countermeasures bioweapon deployment, ... HOW IS IT [Rand] Paul isn't addressing this?…'
[Katherine Watt's] reply, expanded:
Yes, if you know about it, Rand Paul, Naomi Wolf, Peter McCullough and everyone else not talking about it, also know about it.
Those who don't talk about it, keep silent about it because they serve on the team assigned the job of misdirecting the public away from the DoD-FDA-Pharma complex and the intentionality of the worldwide sterilization and killing program."
Sen. Rand Paul, FDA Modernization Act 2.0, and animal testing of new drugs.
Part 10 of series.
How do you see this, Dr. Nass?
I agree with you on all of this. However, to be fair, Naomi Wolf is going through the Pfizer documents and not the military documents Sasha and Katherine are going through. I think she can only comment with the facts of Pfizer’s own data.
These questions are not going away. If investigators deny by omission that the Frankenshots are the work of the DoD, NSC and those who control them, then well, they are not really investigating.
I agree with you but they report on the findings they research so they can back it up. I don’t think Dr. wolf can go outside of her space and comment about the DoD even if she is guessing. She would need to watch for making accusations because they will sue you and you’ve got to be careful. She’s got the goods from Pfizer…watts and Latypova have the goods from the DoD docs. I don’t see anything wrong with all these experts working together and sharing their information and their findings. That’s all I’m saying. I’ve been in the legal field all my life and people will sue for anything and everything. All of them are great investigators and should all share with each other but it seems people are taking sides without realizing the legality of it.
"I don’t see anything wrong with all these experts working together and sharing their information and their findings"
Lets hope that happens.
Denial by omission is a real thing in the realm of news, media etc. and is powerful. The news is not a court of law, or no one would say anything at all.
I may be late to the party, but how is it that Naomi and Sasha and co are privy to these documents? Where do I get copies?
Dave: You got this wrong. The first person to speak about “Excess all cause mortality” was the CEO of One America Insurance company. He noted an increase of 15-20% increase in all cause mortality based on actuarial tables from 2021 which he said was “off the charts”. He said even a 5-10% increase would be phenomenal, but this was alarming. It was his comments that spurred investigations and eventually Edward Dowd’s book. Prior to this, the numbers were not out there and even when they were, MSM went out of its way to ignore them.
You're absolutely right and the MSM should have picked up on that but they didn't because of the advertising dollars they were taking from Big Pharma. It's all so shameful.
Look, iatrogenic medicine [in just the USA] has killed 12.5 to 40 million people in just the last 50 years! (Depending on what expert you believe!) I.e. the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, or the well cited book, Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null! So what's the big deal with 3 or 4 million gain of function bio-warfare & jab deaths?
I only lost my Dad, Wife, & best friend to iatrogenic medicine! That was my education for our 30 billion in fruad fines big pharma’s scams!
I am very sorry for all of your loss.
Oh, my heavens. I am sorry this was done to them and you.
Even Big Insurance won't talk about this (except for that one CEO, who was probably fired or severely reprimanded for making those comments). Somebody is subsidizing the massive financial losses the life insurance companies must be experiencing. And all the insurance companies have dramatically raised their premiums on all insurance lines.
The club members have to stick together.
The same institutional investors own the insurance companies and the hospital chains and the drug companies. The health Insurance companies pass losses onto their members and gain customers when there is fear of disease in the wind. Any losses they incur are paid to hospitals that are owned by the same investors. The people have to pay from all directions and the money eventually filters to the same super wealthy pockets.
Bill, the 'somebody' subsidizing the insurance companies is us - taxpayers.
Notice they're not screaming about the payouts they're making for all the young people suddenly dropping dead, or for all the other harms & disabilities. If we could find out, I bet we'd discover governments are handing them a LOT of cash to make payouts and KEEP QUIET.
Substacker Aaron Hertzberg has done exemplary work showing the huge spikes in all-cause deaths for various medical conditions in several U.S. states. All his 100 charts and data come from raw death certificate numbers - comparing 2021, 2022 and 2023 to 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 numbers.
Even a caveman can tell something profound changed in 2021.
The CEO did not place the blame on the jab. On the contrary. He was still pushing full compliance.
We have to be thankful for small mercies. She may had an almighty battle with her editors to get this published. This, despite Gates and the rest of his sick conspirators saying, not all that long before C-19, that "we need about another ten years to develop this mRNA technology". The "Torygraph", as opposed to perhaps some of its journalists, treats its Middle England readers with the same contempt as the Guardian does vis a vis its "liberal " readers.
GOGS, I agree. Despite being a limited hangout, articles like this are still a good, partial breach in the dam, esp. for people who are still in the tractor beam of the corporate media.
Gogs, agreed. The MSM - 'left', 'right' or 'middle' - has fed people pretty much the same plandemic Narrative since the start. Just like politicians of all persuasions.
Denis Rancourt says 17 million as of September 2023, so the figure is no doubt much higher now.
My [Denis Rancourt's] response to Tracy Beth Hoeg’s criticisms of our “17M vaccine deaths” calculation
Tracy believes that her points invalidate our study. They do not.
Look Nazi Bayer, of Bayer I.G. Farben, Jew killing, Holocaust fame is still alive & well after help causing 35 to 80 million WW2 deaths! In fact the USA prosecutor for war crime trial #6 said, WW2 couldn’t have happened without Bayer I.G. Farben's support! ALL of this Death & suffering is to help teach us, "Death is the wages of sin V.s. The Gift of God is enteral life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans: 6-24]
Also IBM, which did the data for the Holocaust.
IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition
by Edwin Black | Mar 16, 2012
In 2021, IBM issued its 'vaxx passport':
"the IBM Digital Health Pass is a secured, voluntary digital alternative to paper test results or vaccination cards".
They just lied by using the word VOLUNTARY....
Source: https://newsroom.ibm.com/2021-12-15-IBM-Digital-Health-Pass-Integrating-with-Healthcare-IT-Leaders-Healthy-Returns-Practice-to-Provide-COVID-19-Digital-Credentials
I am going to look for this book.
Dear Dave: These are 3 million deaths ABOVE AND BEYOND THE USUAL NUMBERS OF DEATHS THAT CAN BE EXPECTED AS MEASURED IN ANY GIVEN TIME PERIOD, by actuarial statistics. Don't make this about anything other that that. We don't need it
Dave Pyper, well said.
“May” be responsible? I mean this “awakening” is like molasses in January.
like a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.
Yes. :-) It is still something though, a break in the news dam.
What a load of limited hang out. Love how they fluff over serious issues like the delay to treatments, which obviouly has impacted but doesn't explain the huge elephant in the room of athletes keeling over, kids having heart attacks and the fact that the unjabbed well.... aren't.
I would argue that a limited hangout, should it only be that (lots of people get accused of being limited hangouters or controlled opposition) has the potential effect of waking people up. People have told me things in the past that I just decided for no reason were beyond the pale, or that I just didn't want to deal with, many of which turned out to be true. But I know a lot of people who still think the msm presents the news and if they are hearing rumors, learning of injured people, over time, it starts to crack the denial or surety. That's why the adversary keeps hammering the appeal to authority. Giving mrna the Nobel for instance, or the weeping midget orc testifying lies and coddled by Congress. Authority. The capture of all authoritative sources is their main weapon. The Lancet fell yesterday to denying biological sex.
The Lancet. See even I am still in the halo effect of thinking that an authoritative source. I was utterly horrified when Scientific American fell. We all go into ontological and epistemological shock over these things. For me it has been 3 years this month, when Dr. Kory went on DarkHorse with Bret Weinstein advocating the ivm protocol to save lives. So we have years on the people who still need to wake up and Goliath is tap dancing as fast as its hideous monolithic blobness can to shut that all down. So I'm for all hangouts, imperfect as they may be.
I hear you but I didn’t necessarily mean “limited hangout” in the CIA sense of the phrase where they actively leak limited amounts of information.
More so that it’s a limited hangout in the sense that the writer is tiptoeing around the obvious, like Russell Brand did throughout the pandemic and jabs. The article stresses the usual “rare” line but whilst tentatively (in a limited way) admitting links to excess death. The writer doesn’t have to look far to see excess death in the most jabbed countries and with plummeting birth rates (whilst relatively normal in the least jabbed places like Hungry), whilst additionally not going there re athletes and children.
But of course it won’t go there because it’s a limited hangout.
A drip drip drip for the normie readers like my father-in-law who’ll have no doubt read this Times issue cover to cover and pondered for a moment, before watching the BBC again.
I think this article could be either definitions though of limited hangout. Either orchestrated as such or just denialism journalism.
But I don’t agree with your and many other people’s reluctance to call out controlled opposition. It’s unfortunately everywhere. Call it paranoia or vigilance, either way it definitely doesn’t hurt to be sceptical given what’s happened to us and what’s still to come.
The Elon debate baring fruits for all those that called him a rebel saviour and defender of free speech. Yeah right, he’s a billionaire technocrat, government contractor whom if he wasn’t showing his colours before, he is now with bringing in biometric IDing for twitter (digital ID here we go). The sound of the penny dropping is deafening.
Love this response.
****LOVE**** the comment because my *like* button doesn't work anymore
Active US military personnel had no 'delay to treatments' and have had catastrophic increases in cancer, miscarriage and heart issues due to the jab which has been proven multiple times in massive data sets.
The 'delay to treatments' is obfuscating bullshit, playing into the narrative of 'we had to lock down to save grandma.'
Well said!
Ying Yang. Part of me says “thank goodness” because I was beginning to believe the masses were going to be allowed to stay in denial, but the other part of me says “how did we even get here, how on this green earth did we allow this predictable carnage unleash on this beautiful world?”. :(
the carnage isn't on the world, it's on people who have lost the ability to defend themselves with their intellects. They put up a big fight, but they were fighting for the right to not know how to defend themselves. I won't miss them.
^to be unleashed
Look at history. Convid is not at all the worst thing to have been imposed upon people
A little late to the party. So many were saying this several years ago. Shame on those in power, including Dr. Death Fauci.
So many commenters poo-pooing this huge and long-awaited story! Yes, of course we all knew about this years ago. But it's a very different story (no pun intended) when it hits the front page of a major newspaper. It's kinda hard to just toss aside as some kind of fringe wacko theory at this point. A big deal IMHO.
Yes and the question is why is it allowed now? MSM has been gagged on the topic up to now, what has changed?
Exactly...the corp media only ever does the bidding of its overlords. So why are they now "allowed" to start saying this now?
I agree. Anytime any "mainstream" media news outlets run a previously taboo story like this ... that's huge news in itself. In fact, I think this is the most prominent newspaper in the world who has touched this previously off-limits story.
Now we need some other members of the journalism "pack" to also say it's okay to touch this journalism third rail.
"may be"? Not much progress. This only means they will be guessing for another 50 years.
I loved seeing a photo of the neatly cut article from the print edition of the paper. That makes the story feel more real.
It also gets around their internet paywall. :-)
More on here BMJ
BMJ Study Suggesting Excess Deaths Linked to Covid Vaccines Hits the Front Page of the MSM
Drip, drip, drip
Thank you Dr. Nass for your invaluable, courageous work.
Yet fake Congress doesn't ask Fauci any of those questions. All for show!!!
Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection
by Margaret Flavin
Yeah, they may 'possibly' be the cause. How long have we been saying that and shunned plus despised because we were speaking out? I'm a bit suspicious though that a mainstream newspaper published this story. Why? Why now? And they still can't bring themselves to say unequivocally that these excess death are 100% to do with the shots. And it seems they still think the 'testing' was legitimate and not one big fraud. Disclosure and acknowledgement is still going too slowly for my liking. But, this article is at least talking about it and the topic may now snowball.
The article is very mealy-mouthed and equivocal but it’s emergence in the mainstream is huge
Definitly a limited hangout article. We know that many of the so-called Covid deaths during 2020 were diagnosed with fraudulent PCR tests. And that people were murdered in hospitals with remdesivir, vents, and deliberate neglect. And murdered with the suppression of truly safe & effective treatments like Vit. D & C, Ivermectin, HCQ + zinc--thank you, dear Dr. Zelenko, RIP. Having said that, articles like this are still a good, partial breach in the dam esp. for people who are still in the tractor beam of the corporate media. So, once again, with much gratitude, thank you, Dr. Nass.
When The Levee Breaks, Led Zeppelin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM3fodiK9rY
The creek rising, God willing. Great song.
I wish I could like this more. Triple hearts...
Good morning John.
"Good" morning, Roark. I awoke in a disturbing dream.
"Reality" no better, it seems...
I've had that happen, leaves me a little unhinged. I'll even dwell on it for a spell, kinda like toying with a bad splinter. You want it out, but then when you dislodge it, you almost miss it.
Awakening disturbed focuses me on finding what's going bad and getting onto it in the blog, or in my own life, as the case may dictate.
Making sense out of disturbing subconscious thoughts perturbing from your psyche requires a problem solving mind set. Me thinks. Your unaware of where it will take you, yet you know it will be useful.
You beat me to it!