Similar to flouride, a byproduct of phosphate mining.

It’s common practice for transporters of toxic wastes to open up the spigot and drive down fairly remote highways in, say, Wyoming, according to a friend who lived there when I inquired about the dark lines running down the highway.

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That was my first reaction too.

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Why would they need to drive down the highway when the spigot is not monitored?

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Open spigot and let go liquid waste which absorbs into asphalt and leaves only a stain on the road.

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Asphalt is too close to being waste for most to care if they can tell.

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¨Danger: Chemtrails – Aerial Spraying of Toxic Chemicals By Foster Gamble

Governments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate, endangering the lives of people all over the world. Two of the most extreme cases of geo-engineering are chemtrails – the release of toxic chemicals into the air that are poisoning people and the planet – and HAARP – an electromagnetic antenna array based in Alaska that can send radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and manipulate weather patterns causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and more. These projects represent some of the worst crimes in history, yet most people are unaware of them.

Over a hundred patents have been granted to major corporations, including Monsanto, for aerial spraying of materials that can penetrate your lungs and blood, cause disease, disrupt your mental capacity, cause you to be sterile and even cause premature death. These materials are being sprayed all over our planet – and on you – right now, without your knowledge or consent.

For over ten years, observers have been noticing white aerosol trails being dispersed in the skies that don’t behave like usual condensing jet exhaust. When seeking explanation, investigators are told by the government that these are just the normal “contrails” that we see coming from commercial jets and that they are perfectly safe. However, they don’t dissipate the way regular condensation trails do. They linger for hours, spreading across the sky, and are often laid out in cross hatch patterns. The government has refused to test samples collected underneath the trails. Now a TV news report from Germany has confirmed that their military is in fact doing aerial spraying of chemtrails.

An article from the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, confirms that not only are chemtrails real, but they are suspected to be responsible for a variety of neurotoxic conditions including MS.

In 2001, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio introduced “The Space Preservation Act”, HR 2977. As former head of the House Armed Services Committee overseeing U.S. military projects, Kucinich’s bill called for the peaceful use of space and a ban on “exotic weapons”, including chemtrails.

Intense spraying of dangerous chemicals from planes has been reported in, at least, the US, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia. A nasty mixture of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals and nano-engineered particles have been found falling to earth from the trails of certain planes. Aluminum, barium, bacillus spores, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow mycototoxins, ethylene dibromide and synthetic nano-fibers are among the ingredients found in collected samples. As these fill the atmosphere and lodge in our lungs and blood streams through the air we breathe and the food we eat, it represents the most unavoidable toxic pollution in history.

In some areas under the spray, aluminum levels in the soil are so elevated certain trees and crops are struggling to survive. Interestingly, the USDA, which receives royalties on GMO crops, was recently granted a patent for seeds that can grow in soil with high aluminum content.

There are hundreds of photos of Chemtrails, ground based videos, and even a video shot from above a plane while it was turning on and off its sprayers.

The Council on Foreign Relations ran an article in its Foreign Affairs journal promoting the use of dumping heavy metals in the atmosphere to combat global warming. They also held workshops on the subject titled: “Unilateral Planetary Scale Geo-engineering and the Challenge of Global Governance.” Recently their conference in Monterey, California, called “Strategic Aerosol Geo-engineering” announced a ban on reporting such activities.¨ Read More


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Thank you Mario for your extensive and valuable discussion of geoengineering. More information on the may be found at geoengineeringwatch.org, the largest and most watched organization of it's kind in the world. It's documentary, The Dimming, provides an excellent expose' of this tragedy. Unfortunately, the exposure problem is much worse than the public being unaware of it, but generally unwilling to face what Dane Wiginging calls "the elephant in the sky." Thanks again and much success in helping to sound the alarm on this this highly destructive coverup. God Bless you and yours,


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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

I've been following Dane Wigington @ geoengineeringwatch.org for a few years. It crushes my heart what is being put in our atmosphere. Weather weapondary is a real thing too. The elephant in the sky is real. Some days our sky looks like graph paper from the Chemtrails - Thursday seems to be the worst. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. In GOD we Trust ...

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Glad to meet another sister in arms. I like the help us part.

God Bless you,


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Here, an em antenna is used to blast everything you said into the valley.

Ind. snow, n.a.n.o part.

The queen’s land, A.U.S.

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As Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org says, If the public woke up to this they would be in the streets with their touches and pitchforks!

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Thank you 👍

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My understanding is that the Alaska HAARP is dismantled or in the process of, simply because now they have created little HAARPs, even perhaps mobile HAARPs. As to chemtrails, I still get guffaws from otherwise-critical-thinking friends. It's difficult to keep one's eyes open for any length of time, apparently.

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I don't know about the Alaskan HAARP facility, UT I do know this technology is an integral part of geoengineering. I have been trying to sound the alarm for nearly ten years and have often heard these guffaws which will soon morph into nervous laughter when the joke finally becomes the reality that they have hidden from.

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Meryl, if you have not already, do go to this person for the most objective reporting on this topic:



Get free, stay free.

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I might add www.geoengineeringwatch.org Dane Wigington has been trying to sound the alarm for over 15yrs. He is extremely well informed, just as Jim Lee is.

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Hi L&L, I (kindly) disagree with you on Great Dane (sarcasm intended). If you know Jim Lee's work you will know what he and persons like me think about Dane. He is not honest. Go to Jim's pages and read about this.

Get free, stay free.

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You owe it to us to describe exactly WHY you think Dane Wigington is dishonest. What has he done to be tagged with this perjorative comment???

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

michael: EVJ is a TOTAL LIAR. All anyone has to do is simply look up Dr. David Keith, a geoengineer at Harvard University, who is ON RECORD exactly describing the spraying of nanoparticulate aluminum OUT OF TANKER JETS, in order to cool off the planet, and that doing so would be "cheap," and "like riding on our grandkids' future..." EVJ is trying to hide this and wants everyone here to think that it's not okay to get indignant about his LYING bee ess in his coward, idiotic pysop attempt to STOP US FROM EXPOSING THE TRUTH, by playing a stupid SHAMING GAME-- HAH HAH HAAAHH, you can't make this up, hee hee heeeee!!!

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True, Dane has personally confronted Keith on his misinfirmation and has thus been banned from attending Keith's presentations.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Hah hah hah-- He's simply presented scientifically measured elements such as ocean temps, polar ice, and toxins in the rain, streams, lakes, rivers, snow, soil, and air. It's so hard to take that we have loads of (mostly conservative but many uber-liberal) folks who are getting their denial switches triggered. You have to have a soul of cast iron to be able to stand to listen to this reality. I've been a listener to Dane's weekly "bad news broadcast" for well over a decade. Many have dropped off in disbelief, grief, anger and abject TERROR which is what is triggering them.

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Please explain what you mean. I found no factually supported information to back up your assertions.

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Please scratch my comment. I misread Troll's comment in reaction to EVJ. Sorry


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Another brother in truth. Thank you.

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I've been following Dane for years, please elaborate on your comment of dishonesty or withdraw it.

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Another brother in truth. Thank you.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Ahh, here come The Lying MTHRFCKING Trolls, whose chief "role " is to DENY what is already scientifically proven to be happening to our water, our soil, our air, our rain, our forests, the ozone and the ocean. And YES, the proof is at geoengineeringwatch.org. Just fucking read it. Sheeesh.

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You will have to actually watch and understand the claims made by Jim which he proves Dane was lying about the tanks inside the planes and actually follow his argument rather than cursing like the teenager you are who True Believes Dane's fear porn as Jim rightly describes it.

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I don't have to watch anything that obvious liars like you come slithering in here on Meryl's substack, spewing as "the truth." You're just another low-class bullying troll, trying to appear "classy" taking the "high road" with your oh-so-holiness-Know-It-All lies and manipulation. Here's some reality for you LIARS:

Hah hah hah-- He's simply presented scientifically measured elements such as ocean temps, polar ice, and toxins in the rain, streams, lakes, rivers, snow, soil, and air. It's so hard to take that we have loads of (mostly conservative but many uber-liberal) folks who are getting their denial switches triggered. You have to have a soul of cast iron to be able to stand to listen to this reality. I've been a listener to Dane's weekly "bad news broadcast" for well over a decade. Many have dropped off in disbelief, grief, anger and abject TERROR which is what is triggering them.

Have a nice day!

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Glad we're on the same team, but please stay as professional as Dane does, despite his growing frustration with geoengineering and its contribution to the wildfire that threatens his home in the wilderness.

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Hello E.V.J.

Would you please direct me to this claim of yours and apparently Jim’s, of Dane’s dishonesty. I’m not finding it.

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Hello love and light; pleased to meet another sibling in truth.

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Thank you Larry, it's wonderful to be recognized.

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This situation is a tragedy, not a competition. We definitely don't need infighting, certainly when we don't have enough generals in this fight, let alone soldiers. But please provide one example where Dane Wigington provided false or misleading information.

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I agree infighting is not desirable; however as I wrote above, go to those two Youtube videos by JIm and view them and make up your own mind if Jim is telling the truth or Dane.

Get free, stay free.

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Actually E.V.J., I have lost some respect for Jim Lee after watching his diatribe on Dane; it's beneath his dignity to diminish Danes efforts, which begs the question, why would he put energy into this in the first place?

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Great question. Dane does never hinted at ulterior motives, but only the motivation to use his God-given intellect, will and strength of character to fight for humanity and al of God's creation that is on loan to us.

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Dane has a real passion for truth, and waking people up, so perhaps for a laid-back individual like Jim Lee, his passion isn't recognized for what it truly is.

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A passion yes, but always a gentleman. But what you say may be true.

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Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Gatekeeper and Chemtrail Scaremonger ClimateViewer, July 31, 2023. 2:08:38


RFK Jr. and Dane Wigington REACTION ClimateViewer, June 12, 2023. 3:14:30


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L&L and Troll Hunter

For the top url "Dane Wigington" start here


"this um anyway who followed Rosalie bertel dismantles wiggington's claims in this highly revealing interview analysis refuting wigginton's claims about the dubious pumps and pipes and chemtrails aircraft and their alleged spraying actions and exposing wiggington's role as chemtrail scare monger and climate emergency GateKeeper I think that pretty much says it all"

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I unsubscribed within months. Every video pushing global warming.

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Everything Voluntary Jack is a LYING TROLL. NO ONE should believe the venom he's here spewing. In truth he's a very frightened little toddler with a pack of matches and a huge chip on his volatile shoulders. He should be locked up because he really just wants to burn down Meryl's house of truth.

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I will definitely do so, thank you.

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Great link/website.

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We are all in this fight together and should welcome all legitimate sources of information. I will check it out.

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He is most definitely on this subject!!!

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Glad you’re exposing this. They are literally killing all life on this planet. Manipulating weather, calling it climate crisis, then ask for $80 trillion dollars to fix the problem they have been creating. Jim Lee is a great source of info.

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"they" have to live here too.

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I’m not sure these demons care. They’ll go scorch earth. Then retreat to their tunnels. So far they continue to poison like it’s just business as normal. The bees and insects are dying.

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I am also noticing trees that are dying all over as well.

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Look up "ghost forests." The Plan is to turn California into One B I G Desert-- Anyone think THAT is okay? Cuz a whole lot of us DON'T~!!!

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I don’t think that’s a good idea either!! I’m quite certain they don’t care how they kill us.

I think it would only be fair and just to return the favor

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For those who need more information about CHEMTRAILS :

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped 2:19 min




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As others have mentioned below, Dane Wiginton of www.geoengineeringwatch.com has personally spend a fortune producing films about this and testing air samples for elements the government refuses to test for. The resources on his website extensive and phenomenal. PLEASE look at them. We are all suffering from this and it has been going on for many years.

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Oh good. I'm very glad you're turning your formidable firepower to this area. Go, MERYL.

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See Jake McLean’s “ ‘Chem Trails’ Primer: it’s called Geo-Engineering, and it’s Real and Deadly.”


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"He who controls the weather controls the world."

--LBJ (1962) speaking about a system that "will permit man to control the world's cloud layer."

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Meryl: Yes, coal fly ash contains all of the metals mentioned, which, we are told, will all miraculously stay shiny side up when sprayed all over our once-thriving planet 24/7/365, turning our skies into ugly milky white haze. You simply must get hooked up with Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org and the weekly broadcast Global Alert News, which is, amazingly, available on YouTube. Dane's scientific team found that the stuff winding up in our water, snow, rain and soil matches the composition of fly ash. How very convenient--to get rid of it, they'll just load the stuff into drone-operated tanker jets or get the airlines to disperse it so sheeple think it's just "contrails..." NOT!! The high bypass turbo engines very rarely if ever produce condensation. And you can't turn condensation on and off like we see with the dispersions coming out the back side of these jet aircraft. This crap is making me sick. When spraying's heavy I can't keep anything down. Sometimes I get a stiff neck and feel dizzy. Others are finally waking up and noticing how it makes them have froggy throats, phlegm, coughing, mysterious headaches, lack of energy, GI complaints, all ascribed to "allergies," believe it or not. Gawd knows what all's in it but we've been hearing about not only coal fly ash but graphene oxide, a biological carrier, and now dimethylamine, which is part of the "toxic cooldown" chemical stew to fake ppl into believing the lack of ozone layer really isn't burning their skin and turning their cars and houses into ovens, but which also can cause blindness. Gawd only knows what else this toxic crap we are being forced to breathe is doing to our bodies, but obviously mitochondrial dysfunction comes to mind. I could go on. So can a few others whose names I recognize here from geoengineeringwatch.org blogs. This insanity MUST be stopped and let Earth heal without all the pharmaceutical interventions of the military-industrial complex. The sprays are absolutely depleting this planet of its protective ozone layer as it has been proven by Dane's team that the nanoparticulate metals shred the ozone layer. HAARP isn't helping and is chiefly responsible for the massive "heat domes" created when the ionosphere is hit with massive amounts of energy, heating it to the tens of thousands of degrees and pushing it up, then it snaps back down creating a stagnant bubble of super-heated air-- the bastards are cooking everything alive, to DEATH!! And THIS was the Federation of American Scientists' cockamamie idea of "kinder, gentler" warfare. Find a .pdf of "Air Force 2025" and read the chapter titled Owning the Weather in 2025. Most idiots think it's a hoax. NO. IT. ISN'T!!! Look up "Dr. David Keith," a geoengineer at Harvard (or was), who perfectly describes how cheap it would be to spray nanoparticulate aluminum on us from TANKER JETS!! Sheeple: DID ANYONE ASK YOUR PERMISSION TO EXPLODE OVER 2,000 ATOMIC BOMBS IN THE OPEN AIR?? THINK, PEOPLE, THINK!!!

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An not too extreme thought suggests....

They want to load us up with metals, then they can pulse us outta existence with their 5G installs.

They say there are too many of us..

ScKamala kamaltoe is Ms depopulation hwrselfies

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My contribution is a better word.


For the live of Womanity it must stop, whatever it is

Cease fire

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"Skypainting" sounds like something that kids on the spectrum would do at a birthday party. Come ON. Be an adult already.

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I make up my own words because I don't like the ones you use

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Sorry you don't like my words Troll

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I like calling things what they are. I'm not a bit sorry you "don't like" my words. I couldn't care less about that. I care a lot more that you "choose" to "paint a pretty picture in the sky" when describing The most HIDEOUS WEAPONRY you couldn't even imagine. Grow up and CALL A SPADE A SPADE.

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There are many paintings I consider ugly, including your wordpaintings, sic

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You are implying something I never said.

I agree with your assessment of skypainting.

Please stop trolling me, troll hunter .

I ain't trying to make it pretty, where you got that from?

Learn English language

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

I very strongly suggest you look up the patents at us.patents.gov and see what's really in the sprays, then ask yourself why we should not notice what you really want to accomplish here, gussying every filthy element of these horrific sprays in shades of "nice little pink." BTW: I double-majored, one of my majors being English. Don't tell me I don't know how to use my language.

"Good night and good luck." ~ Edward R. Murrow

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We can trust none of this clouding up the skies. None of these expert idiots has a clue as to what damage they might be doing. And how can anyone fly these death planes for a living? What scum.

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I swear, they spray like mofos over mid- to -north coastal Maine (CNN country) up here, zigzagging, etc. There are no legitimate flight patterns that would otherwise cause this. And always starting four or five days before elections...

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This was stated in a 2015 article too


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Took 'em less than a month to get it retracted! Absolute power corrupts absolutely?

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Chemtrails are the greatest health crime imposed upon the unsuspecting population with no explanation as to why this is being done, to what end and why.....

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