As a Canadian watching the government freeze bank accounts of Trucker supporters and get the support of PayPal to freeze millions of dollars of money DONATED to the truckers by average citizens, proved beyond a doubt the nature of government is lust for control.

The Canadian MSM printed lie after lie after lie of the activites of the Truckers in Ottawa and their supporters - MSM paid off by the government to write the correct narrative.

Yes the granny costume is gone, imagined to still exist by those in deep denial, eyes and minds closed to the reality we are living.

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Saw this podcast. Horrifying! It scared even that democrat straight to Trump.😆

He realized that free market he has benefitted from is going away with their china type social credit score , zero startup opportunity program coming to a theater near you very soon with the state completely controlling all business corporations.

Now THAT is something!

People on BOTH sides are realizing the real enemy of the citizens of this country have a NASTY plan in mind if something isn’t done to stop it.

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Yes, that IS something. And that something is the classic textbook definition of fascism.

Democrats again using "projection" ("Trump is a fascist"), an art developed from Marx and Alinsky then perfected into an art form by Shitlery. But to anyone with any critical thinking ability, Andreessen being a good example, it's getting a little too obvious and rather tired and old.

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Let's hope! I've been asking since day one...since the government is EQUALLY killing demon-rats with corrupt CDC protocols allowing hospitals to murder ANYONE and EQUALLY removing their rights...just what the hell have they thought they were gaining all this time?! What's the Carlin saying, "It's a big ole club and you ain't in it!"? I got news...we are all dirt under their feet! Demon-rats are just useful idiots...until they aren't needed anymore! Maybe some are finally seeing that!

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We must remember that the democrats of old - were pro some things many on the right now agree with - like being anti-war and being protective of the environment. (Think poisonous barium, aluminum filled CHEMICAL TRAILS blocking our beautiful skies and slowly poisoning us and all water and animal life).

We must acknowledge old school democrats did some good work in preventing greed within the capitalist industries from completely polluting the air, water and shredding every forest down to build…

The original green peace movement and anti Vietnam war movement WERE actually correct in what they were doing.

Imagine a world without them…we would likely have no forests.

As it is the UNs 2030 plan includes shutting us out of these places, and locking us down into 15 min cities.

There used to be some good coming out of the democratic ideology -

However now the fascist globalists have completely co-opted all institutions and the old school democrats who were for the aforementioned things have realized this.

Propaganda only seems to be mostly be working on the newer generation that only watch propaganda provided videos to learn - they also came out of a non critical thinking education system designed to make obedient robots.

So…we need to join together with these clear thinking former democrats and realize BOTH parties have mostly been co-opted and we need to formulate a plan to cut out the cancer that has possessed ALL of our systems.

Even RFK Jnr who had been a lifelong democrat has seen the HIDDEN HANDS behind what’s going on and where they want to take the world….

Don’t forget Trump himself WAS a democrat too for many years, contributing to Hillary Clinton …people can change for the better.

let’s hope and pray for better days from next year.

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There is another level involved in this. The international financial clique that controls the Big Banks also controls our politicians, through bribery & blackmail. So that becomes fascism, the merging of state & corporate control under a cadre of trillionaires who keep their identities secret.

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You nailed it. And a corollary to that is that all modern governments become fascist to one degree or another and it's called "fascist" when "they" do it but "private-public partnership" when "we" do.

Also, it's pretty obvious that Bolshevism and Stalinism were both highly fascist and that the US constitution made the fact clear here.

The message is that the hoi polloi have no grounds to hope or believe that government is here to do them any significant good, but that it exists to keep the money mafias in power. The covid show should have made that plain to everyone.

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👍 You are a very enlightened person.

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I have seen the Debanking up close from inside a bank. Our bank had a depositor that was a business and they were doing payday lending. We didn't finance anything we were just a deposit holding bank. It was like a 20 million dollar deposit account. This was during the Obama Administration we got pressure to stop doing business with them from the Fed's (FDIC) and Management caved and they immediately start complaining about how we needed new deposit accounts. So its a real thing that the Government is doing. You will never get a bank CEO to public complain because without that FDIC sticker on the Front door your no longer a viable bank. So when the Fed's say Jump the banker says How high and for how long.

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Thanks for adding in FDIC as a piece of the puzzle.

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The FDIC is how they control the banks. Just have to threaten their standing

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Under the guise of protecting the little guys; an age old con job.

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We cannot take a back seat to this takeover and assume someone else will stop it. We are in it together. Canada’s Orwellian crushing of its truckers via TD Bank and financial strangulation of these peaceful protesters showed us what happened there could easily happen here .. and Dr Mercola who has a large and healthy following having been debanked here in US was criminal behavior by the banks that put up no resistance and simply folded under pressure, just as Nigel Farage experienced in the UK. The swift and unbending nature of this terrible oppression in action is a huge wake up call for all who of us who are truly freedom lovers concerned about the future.

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It's all connected, and, as you say..."We cannot take a back seat to this takeover and assume someone else will stop it. We are in it together" We are the many, and they are the few. We stop it by just saying no. They can only win if we comply. However, we do need enough that are awake.

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And a prerequisite for waking up is to grow up. Therefore, I'm not expecting too much too soon. Most societies seem to prolong infantilism and their institutions show it, in fact.

Who doesn't know, for instance, that schooling prolongs infanthood to the point of arresting it in many cases? One can see that most plainly in the attitudes of so called "professors." Most are astonishingly infantile and like things to be "cut and dried." No street smarts whatsoever.

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Saw most of this, and the great interview you shared with Alex Newman about how climate is trojan horse for digital control, but they ultimately don't care what they hitch the digital ID / control grid trojan horse to.

Trump needs to be careful of digital IDs coming in through the guise of controlling illegal migration, and / or age-verification for kids to not be exploited online ...

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Over these last four years, watching so many hearings in congressional committees with the likes of Wray, Mayorkas, Garland, Becerra, and pretty much every admin official I've seen called to testify; I've always had the hunch that they had gotten the memo, and that this accounted for their evident smugness. They were barely even trying to conceal the corruption; mere denial was their get-out-of-jail-free card. I've had the hunch that they were carrying out The Plan.

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This was an illuminating interview, confirming what Catherine Austin Fitts has been warning about for years. See her Solari Report website for the detailed lowdown on many of the topics Marc discusses, including areas he's off-base on.

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"They would all be centralized."

Well, Duh!

The anti-federalists had the concept figured out nearly 250 years ago, yet to this day nearly 100% of Americans still worship the constitution, which was a centralizing document, imposed on the rest of us by the usual money bag crowd.

It's nice that a few are getting a clue, but the beast has long been out of the barn

Good luck!

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Yes, indeed the blob tried to take out Mercola.. his was the very first voice pointing out the potential issues vaccines 7 or eight years ago.. He also was the first to my knowledge to publish a book on the Covid poison jab.. Mercola's published research and his product line set the standard in the health industry... Buy everything I can from him... absolutely deserves support...

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Let me get this right. So the billionaires Trump has in his cabinet are the ones who are going to save America from the collapse of our monetary system? They are going to leave the banks alone and NOT push for digital currency? As Catherine Austin Fitz has said multiple times, when they take the cash away we are doomed for governmental control. All transactions will be traced. She advocates using cash as much as possible. Elon Musk invented PayPal right? Where does he keep his billions? What FDIC guarantee does he have? Already he is influencing Trump toward digital currency. According to some, we have just set up a facist government . Be careful putting your trust in an arm of flesh.

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"I personally think the USG is out to bankrupt the country as a means to taking over the banks and private enterprises, so as to gallop in and “save” us from the collapse."

The plan for ages has been by and for the banks and private enterprises to take over the govt - which they have virtually done already - just a matter of upping the scale!!

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Speaking of monopolies, check this out.

“The NYSE was sold to the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in 2013. ICE remains its parent today. Jeffrey Sprecher is the Founder, Chairman & CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange. This past year, Sprecher wrote out big checks to Make America Great Again, Inc. (MAGAPAC), the Super PAC with a stated mission of ensuring “a second Trump administration.”


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Who is in control of the USG? I thought the people of the US were the government... and our elected representatives voted for what their constituents wanted. Whoever has set themselves up to make decisions that the. people don't want...should be prosecuted. Isn't this the legal way to get rid of tyrants? I saw the video from years ago of Joe Biden and heard him say,

"Don't think that your representatives will vote the way you want. There are many temptations!" Biden should have been booted out of Congress at that time. Others who were and are still taking bribes from lobbyists should be terminated. It is absolutely insane to permit lobbyists to influence the way our Congress votes. The founders set up the government so the people would be represented...not corporations or anyone else...

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"I thought the people of the US were the government... "

Well, you thunk wrong but don't feel bad since we've all been taught that.

I'd bet that none of us has been taught that there were such things as people who resisted the idea of a central government. Several appointees as delegates to the convention in Philly refused to go and Patrick Henry refused saying, "I smell a rat!" He was being kind.

"As a matter of fact, it was never a "people's Constitution", as has been so frequently claimed at Presidential elections, and on other similar occasions. They, the people, were never very much interested, either in the project itself or in the ratification of a form of national government. They did not particularly want anything of the sort and they did not like what came out of Philadelphia, but this distaste was not strong enough to overcome their natural lethargy, so only about five percent of the white male population voted as to whether the Constitution should be accepted or rejected.

As it was, it only got by by the skin of its teeth and by some very clever management on the part of its proponents. The whole thing, in conception, formulation, and realization, was the work of a small group of enthusiastic young men of property and position, with wiser heads on their shoulders than their years would argue as rationally possible, though they were not wise enough to foresee the unimaginable — but inevitable.

-Ralph Adams Cram, Nemesis of Democracy - PDF - , The American Review, December 1936, pp. 129-141


We've been had, and covid should have removed the blinders.

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Geoff, what would you suggest at this point... in what will soon be history.??? We have seen what a dictatorship was like the last four years with unknown handlers in the White House using a puppet president...making decisions for him. Plus, many in Congress have used their positions to enhance themselves monetarily by getting kickbacks from the recipients of foreign aid and trade bills they helped pass. Its absolutely disgusting the ethics and morals of so many in our government and society today. The primary thing people worship... MONEY!

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All you say is true, except that this crud has been going on a lot longer than four years. In fact, it's quite plain that it's both pandemic and chronic. History shows that mankind keeps asking the same questions, applying the same answers, and going through the same cycles time after endless time.

As for suggestions, I can only answer for myself and I'm keeping it to myself. I'll leave any mass panaceas to those much brighter than myself while doubting that anyone really has an answer. Even guys claiming to be gods have evidently had a rough time of it and wind up changing very little.

The best I can do for the world is to state the facts and suggest that anyone claiming to have the "answer" is most assuredly suspect (at best).

Best of wishes!

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I wrote the following a year ago. Maybe Marc Andreesen has changed since then?

The Techno-Optimist Manifesto: Proof That Technocrats Live In A Simulacrum


Also see


Marc Andreessen's "The Techno-Optimist Manifesto" is full of absurdities and contradictions, but it is a very important document to preserve, because it comes from such a powerful oligarch and is a reflection of the kind of thinking that comes from such quarters.

I expect it either to be pulled from the net or heavily edited.

"Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the spearhead of progress, and the realization of our potential...For hundreds of years, we properly glorified this – until recently.


It is time, once again, to raise the technology flag."

Was Mr. Andreessen thinking of mRNA technology? And the intentional genocide it is used for?

"Developed societies are depopulating all over the world, across cultures – the total human population may already be shrinking."

see note above about mRNA

"We had a problem of isolation, so we invented the Internet."

Mr. Andreessen is apparently unaware that the internet has in important ways *increased* social isolation.

"We had a problem of pandemics, so we invented vaccines."

see note above about mRNA

"We believe the market economy is a discovery machine, a form of intelligence – an exploratory, evolutionary, adaptive system."

Oliver Twist, and its modern (and larger) variants, is *adaptive*?

"Markets prevent monopolies and cartels."

Words fail me here.

"We believe markets are an inherently individualistic way to achieve superior collective outcomes."

Again, words fail.

"Love doesn’t scale, so the economy can only run on money or force."

Love *scales*. Generosity *scales*. Empathy *scales*. But not for Mr. Andreessen.

"Technological innovation in a market system is inherently philanthropic"

See above note about words failing.

"We believe markets also increase societal well being by generating work in which people can productively engage."

Excuse me? Amazon has generated work?

"We believe markets are generative, not exploitative"

Again, words fail.

"...finite games have an end, when one person wins and another person loses; infinite games never end, as players collaborate to discover what’s possible in the game. Markets are the ultimate infinite game."

Debt Jubilees (and wars) used to reset Capitalism in ancient times, but without debt forgiveness it *is* a finite game.

More absurdities:

"We believe the techno-capital machine is not anti-human – in fact, it may be the most pro-human thing there is. It serves us. The techno-capital machine works for us. All the machines work for us."

"A common critique of technology is that it removes choice from our lives as machines make decisions for us. This is undoubtedly true, yet more than offset by the freedom to create our lives that flows from the material abundance created by our use of machines."

This is not an exhaustive list but I'm out of time.

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If you listen to the Rogan podcast he clearly states how much his thinking has changed. I don’t know dates and times for his transformation but he very clearly states how his eyes have been opened.

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Thanks. I wasn't going to listen but now I will.

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Ok first 2 minutes at least is how Trump "got shot". So I'm going to leave it there with Andreesen's endorsement of the uniparty, that is, the Trump branch anyway. If I find two hours to spend on the rest of it, I will.

In the meantime, if you find that he said anything contradicting the "Technocratic Manifesto", please report it here.

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Ok I got a little further (tedious to watch a technocrat being interviewed by a fawning acolyte).

About 19:00 they get into how fast media is changing and television is declining and that really is encouraging and of course thats a big reason for the not so great reset. Then right after that Rogan declares his support for Artificial Intelligence running the government, and Andreesen cools him down a little bit by explaining that it will have and has had an advisory role.

I can't help it, I'm skipping ahead to 2:45:00 (thank you Meryl) to watch Andreesen talk about how he was told not to start any more companies. I suspect this is more shock and awe straight from the mouth of the regime but we'll see I guess. -edit- yeah basically thats what it is.

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andreesen is silicon valley/deep state to the core. wolf in an ill-fitting sheepskin. deep in the planning for prison planet hell on earth and human capital bonds, see allison mcdowell's work

he doesn't want any lame government social credit score. he just wants his own private one. for all of us of course.

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The thing Andreesen said that stands out to me is that Silicon Valley dinner parties have divided into two kinds, at one kind the main topic is what the NY Times is saying this week, and at the other kind its not.

The censorship and propaganda practiced by the legacy media can no longer be sustained, and this is the main driver for freedom as well as for all the tyranny from the oligarchs.

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Would be interesting to hear if he back-walks some or all of these statements.

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I assume people who read from Meryl realize we need a non-violent revolution to address gross wealth and power inequality in the US. Let's look at the FIRE sector for drastic change - Finance (to public banks) Insurance (non-profit cooperatives) and Real Estate (tax shift to Commons Rent.


Author, The Earth Belongs to Everyone https://theiu.org/books

Radical Middle Book Award, Review https://theiu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Radical-Middle-Book-Award-Review.pdf

Meme: https://tinyurl.com/HartzokMeme

Aradhana Airwaves https://alannahartzok.substack.com/

E.F. Schumacher Lecture: Democracy, Earth Rights, Next Economy


Administrator & UN NGO Rep. International Union for Land Value Tax

(Commons Rent) https://theiu.org

Two time Congressional Candidate

Ownership of Land, Control of Earth


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