"ALL IT HAS DONE IS CREATE NEW PANDEMICS" - Hegel has a lot to answer for...
Also, before covid (BC), I seem to remember we had a perfectly serviceable action plan for disasters. We had plenty of bombings, big train disasters, floods, you name it. Seemed to work before Event 201. How short people's memories are. How did London get through the Blitz, eh, or the flu epidemic of '48, without Dr Gates and Dr Tedious?
I agree with all your conclusions. All the data you've collected these past few months - along with data collected by several others, added to the propaganda and PR gibberish given in the WHO, WEF, Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation websites, and all the events that actually occurred - prove the entire past 3-4 years has been one gigantic, orchestrated operation. A brilliant operation, even though it's based on lies, corruption and serious injuries and deaths to millions of people. Brilliant in its planning and execution. But the globalists behind this operation failed in one key area - the truth has been exposed and continues to come out, and too many people now know what's going on. This proves that nothing can stop truth in the end. All the censorship, suppression and propaganda in the world ultimately fails to completely block truth. Thanks to so many people like you.
No doubt remains in my uncontaminated mind, that this was all intended to occur. A rather lame respiratory virus is released( i dont really care how ) then the fake story is ready to go out based on false data, fear kicks in( for many), TPTB create a bioweapon with tons of support and tons of clever knowledge as to exactly what it can do and how in the body of its victims. And, lo! the population starts dropping after its rollout. But not before.
Now what do we do? Await corrupt courts and every level of government to fix themselves to bring an end to it?
Considering the Warp Speed at which the mRNA shots appeared and the fact that they are proving deadly, it is clear that Machiavellian monsters now control the world. All we can expect from government is vaccine passports, new diseases, and new lies. The creation and distribution of COVID-19 is insignificant compared to the mRNA bio-weapon that has been unleashed.
1) One of my golden rules is that any charity or industry which exists to solve a problem will never solve the issue because it has an inherent self interest against the problem actually being solved.
2) As far as I know, every dangerous pandemic (e.g. covid, monkey pox, ebola, H1N1) we have seen so far responds to ozone therapy and ozone therapy was superior to the standard of care that was developed 2-3 years afterwards. I believe this also would have held true for the 1918 influenza, although ozone therapy did not exist then and only IV hydrogen peroxide existed (but worked).
You are correct, Dr Nass. The US Mafia's crimes against humanity started many centuries ago and includes other countries like the UK, Germany, France and others. Read Whitney Webb's latest 2-vol book titled "One Nation Under Blackmail" (Unlimited Hangout) and you'll understand why we're where we are today. The corrupt US government is run by the CIA/DOJ and to get the WHO, IMF, WEF and other groups to do the exact thing in lock step, the US can/does threaten them with sanctions or by other means. I have no doubt that this is what happens every day. Until the masses around the world rise up, which is finally starting to happen, these types of situations will only get worse. Good luck to us all. And, thank you Dr Nass for all of your amazing work and efforts to report the facts and keeping us abreast of what's really happening. You're truly amazing and one of my top heroes.
They're preparing the next Viral nightmare to release upon humanity to sell even more USELESS but DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines').
Does anybody really believe any Pfizer 'in house' data? It's all about PROFIT so the Post Vax DEATHS & Injuries are minimised, hidden, mis-appropriated, 'lost', or ignored.
IVERMECTIN works! Decades of stats prove it really is SAFE & EFFECTIVE against Viral diseases.
Covid Vax DOES NOT WORK against Covid and can be DEADLY!
I've had IVERMECTIN in our medicine cupboard since 2020 but have only taken one tablet to see if any side-effects followed. I had a mild cold, mild flu or Covid (Does anyone really know the difference???) but my symptoms lasted just two days. My wife's 'cold' lasted 4 days but we refuse the dangerous injections called 'vaccine', and let nature take it's course with our natural immune systems supported with good diet, healthy food, exercise and (Vit D) natural sunshine (yes even in the UK mid-winter we try to enjoy the sun when it rarely appears. We are 73 and 77 respectively.
The FDA, CDC, WEF, CIA, Big Pharma, WHO, B&MG Foundation are all in the same profit sharing Club!
We must all deny the credibility of the recently restructured World Health Organisation which, since being 'taken over' by Bill Gates (now the biggest benefactor = influencer) has lost its independent Health Mission and status. The WHO is now just a marketing arm of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (although Melinda's has now jumped ship!). Working in unison with the WEF (New World Order).
The WHO now has no credibility and is now a meaningless part of World Health issues.
We, the public, deny all involvement and credibility of the 'expired World Health Organisation' and refuse to acknowledge their 'New World Order' control processes they intend to impose upon humanity - for the purpose of inventing non-existent Scamdemics, the imposition of (deadly) injections called VACCINES and other control methods such as lock-downs and mask-wearing!
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced as COMMON SENSE for all medicine makers that continue to foist deadly injections into human beings without the consequence of Injuries or DEATHS that follow the process! It's nothing more than a 'LICENCE to KILL'.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I can join dots.
The World Economic Forum - Davos crowd with Bilderberg and Club Of Rome preplanned all of this. They and all the corporate, banking, government and institutional partners are responsible for this outcome. They can't have it both ways. Either they planned mass murder or made a terrible mistake in judgement. Either way - not qualified to Run The World.
Stop complying at all. But we must persuade others it is in their best interests. Psy-ops capable of persuading them they are in danger that compliance will not buy them any grace from the psychopaths. Difficult since they are in deep denial.
One can prepare personally because they are sure to throw another at us so you better wake up and get ready. Stock Ivermectin, vitamin c and D., Melatonin ~ and this is the most important one right here:
Note that PHEIC is pronounced "fake".
Great catch, Sasha. Love you. Keep going please.
Well said, Dr Nass:
"ALL IT HAS DONE IS CREATE NEW PANDEMICS" - Hegel has a lot to answer for...
Also, before covid (BC), I seem to remember we had a perfectly serviceable action plan for disasters. We had plenty of bombings, big train disasters, floods, you name it. Seemed to work before Event 201. How short people's memories are. How did London get through the Blitz, eh, or the flu epidemic of '48, without Dr Gates and Dr Tedious?
Lots of money, total control...
I agree with all your conclusions. All the data you've collected these past few months - along with data collected by several others, added to the propaganda and PR gibberish given in the WHO, WEF, Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation websites, and all the events that actually occurred - prove the entire past 3-4 years has been one gigantic, orchestrated operation. A brilliant operation, even though it's based on lies, corruption and serious injuries and deaths to millions of people. Brilliant in its planning and execution. But the globalists behind this operation failed in one key area - the truth has been exposed and continues to come out, and too many people now know what's going on. This proves that nothing can stop truth in the end. All the censorship, suppression and propaganda in the world ultimately fails to completely block truth. Thanks to so many people like you.
No doubt remains in my uncontaminated mind, that this was all intended to occur. A rather lame respiratory virus is released( i dont really care how ) then the fake story is ready to go out based on false data, fear kicks in( for many), TPTB create a bioweapon with tons of support and tons of clever knowledge as to exactly what it can do and how in the body of its victims. And, lo! the population starts dropping after its rollout. But not before.
Now what do we do? Await corrupt courts and every level of government to fix themselves to bring an end to it?
Sobering thoughts, yes, but inescapable truth.
Considering the Warp Speed at which the mRNA shots appeared and the fact that they are proving deadly, it is clear that Machiavellian monsters now control the world. All we can expect from government is vaccine passports, new diseases, and new lies. The creation and distribution of COVID-19 is insignificant compared to the mRNA bio-weapon that has been unleashed.
Couldn't agree more. Excellent and helpful. Will share. Thank you.
1) One of my golden rules is that any charity or industry which exists to solve a problem will never solve the issue because it has an inherent self interest against the problem actually being solved.
2) As far as I know, every dangerous pandemic (e.g. covid, monkey pox, ebola, H1N1) we have seen so far responds to ozone therapy and ozone therapy was superior to the standard of care that was developed 2-3 years afterwards. I believe this also would have held true for the 1918 influenza, although ozone therapy did not exist then and only IV hydrogen peroxide existed (but worked).
You are correct, Dr Nass. The US Mafia's crimes against humanity started many centuries ago and includes other countries like the UK, Germany, France and others. Read Whitney Webb's latest 2-vol book titled "One Nation Under Blackmail" (Unlimited Hangout) and you'll understand why we're where we are today. The corrupt US government is run by the CIA/DOJ and to get the WHO, IMF, WEF and other groups to do the exact thing in lock step, the US can/does threaten them with sanctions or by other means. I have no doubt that this is what happens every day. Until the masses around the world rise up, which is finally starting to happen, these types of situations will only get worse. Good luck to us all. And, thank you Dr Nass for all of your amazing work and efforts to report the facts and keeping us abreast of what's really happening. You're truly amazing and one of my top heroes.
Let's call the lab created viruses and their countermeasure shots what they really are - bioweapons.
I’ve been asking people lately, Would you buy pharmaceuticals from Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel?
They're preparing the next Viral nightmare to release upon humanity to sell even more USELESS but DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines').
Does anybody really believe any Pfizer 'in house' data? It's all about PROFIT so the Post Vax DEATHS & Injuries are minimised, hidden, mis-appropriated, 'lost', or ignored.
IVERMECTIN works! Decades of stats prove it really is SAFE & EFFECTIVE against Viral diseases.
Covid Vax DOES NOT WORK against Covid and can be DEADLY!
I've had IVERMECTIN in our medicine cupboard since 2020 but have only taken one tablet to see if any side-effects followed. I had a mild cold, mild flu or Covid (Does anyone really know the difference???) but my symptoms lasted just two days. My wife's 'cold' lasted 4 days but we refuse the dangerous injections called 'vaccine', and let nature take it's course with our natural immune systems supported with good diet, healthy food, exercise and (Vit D) natural sunshine (yes even in the UK mid-winter we try to enjoy the sun when it rarely appears. We are 73 and 77 respectively.
The FDA, CDC, WEF, CIA, Big Pharma, WHO, B&MG Foundation are all in the same profit sharing Club!
We must all deny the credibility of the recently restructured World Health Organisation which, since being 'taken over' by Bill Gates (now the biggest benefactor = influencer) has lost its independent Health Mission and status. The WHO is now just a marketing arm of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (although Melinda's has now jumped ship!). Working in unison with the WEF (New World Order).
The WHO now has no credibility and is now a meaningless part of World Health issues.
We, the public, deny all involvement and credibility of the 'expired World Health Organisation' and refuse to acknowledge their 'New World Order' control processes they intend to impose upon humanity - for the purpose of inventing non-existent Scamdemics, the imposition of (deadly) injections called VACCINES and other control methods such as lock-downs and mask-wearing!
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced as COMMON SENSE for all medicine makers that continue to foist deadly injections into human beings without the consequence of Injuries or DEATHS that follow the process! It's nothing more than a 'LICENCE to KILL'.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I can join dots.
it was never about a virus, nor is it now
If it had been they would have used what was and still is available
and we would no longer be dealing with it
Rather, it was and still is ALL
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (during a 10" tv watching there were
3 Pfizer ads for how THEY are just there to protect humanity)
and an insatiable need to CONTROL
One need only look at the
nefarious Klaus Schwab who yodels constantly the NEED to have ONE WORLD GOVT
Schwab and his entourage in WEF reflect perfectly what this was and still is all about
The World Economic Forum - Davos crowd with Bilderberg and Club Of Rome preplanned all of this. They and all the corporate, banking, government and institutional partners are responsible for this outcome. They can't have it both ways. Either they planned mass murder or made a terrible mistake in judgement. Either way - not qualified to Run The World.
So how do we get rid of them?
Or is it too late?
Stop complying at all. But we must persuade others it is in their best interests. Psy-ops capable of persuading them they are in danger that compliance will not buy them any grace from the psychopaths. Difficult since they are in deep denial.
We need to start from scratch and eliminate, remove these who dogs and demoRats that support Harmacide from position of power.
Let them fight in newkraine nUkraine...
Ya, they are, after all, attracted to free money like blue moths to a green lightbulb. Ka-ching! Zap!
Minor edit: Global not gloval
It is all about new mRNA injections.
As agreed by G20 in Bali last month, there will be an international vaxx passport issued by WHO to certify vaccination status of everyone.
we won't comply for as long as is possible. pls certify my vacc. status: it says 'none'!
One can prepare personally because they are sure to throw another at us so you better wake up and get ready. Stock Ivermectin, vitamin c and D., Melatonin ~ and this is the most important one right here: