It’s not bad, but still too convoluted for the average sports-watching public, which is what I’m looking for to pass on. They need it spelled out much cruder and personal: your pets may be force-injected with mRNA technology that could harm or kill them; your property could be confiscated to make way for a nature corridor; you may be the next to suffer the consequences of apartheid if you refuse future experimental injections; you may have to eat GMO fake foods and bug protein if Tedros says livestock farts are bad for our collective health…that sort of language. That’ll get their attention.

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The WHO evil conspiracy ... dealing with deadly bioweapon lab creations is a scenario out of some weird movie...and it is hard to believe this is still going on. The head man of this rotten organization is a terrorist..and it is unbelievable that any intelligent people would even be taking the organization seriously and going along with it.

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Written as though its WHO interlocutor were concerned, benevolent and acting in the best of faith with the noblest of intentions. No-one wanted to see or read or know about the 1943-44 Auschwitz Protocols either.

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The WHO and the lackey warlord are engaged in a Twenty-First century version of "Operation Embellishment" at the Czech Republic's concentration camp Terezin.

"In late 1943 an inspection of Terezin was demanded by Christian X, king of Denmark, to determine the condition of 466 Danish Jews sent there in October of that year. The review panel was to include two Swiss delegates from the International Red Cross and two representatives of the government of Denmark. The Nazis permitted these representatives to visit Terezin in order to dispel rumors about the extermination camps.

The Germans immediately engaged in an infamous beautification program – “Operation Embellishment,” a ruse intended to mollify the king’s concerns. Weeks of preparation preceded the visit. The area was cleaned up, and the Nazis deported many Jews to Auschwitz to minimize the appearance of overcrowding in Terezin. Also deported in these actions were most of the Czechoslovak workers assigned to "Operation Embellishment". The Nazis directed the building of fake shops and cafés to imply that the Jews lived in relative comfort.

The inspection was held on June 23, 1944, when the four officials were hosted by Adolf Eichmann, who was himself joined by numerous officers from Nazi headquarters in Prague and the high command in Berlin."


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Fills you with dread and theres secrecy .they can takeaway your property. Absolute no I never handed my health over to them.

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healthcare should not even be socialized. I mean, really. Just hand your flesh over to governing body to determine your choices? no. evil

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Our biggest challenge is, to me, the censorship of any dissent. Our opponents have the resources to suppress the most obvious truth.

A commitment to free speech, so vital in our constitution, would include a new device to empower the cancelled. Ours has become a society that must purchase justice. Otherwise it's like a private jet. No you are not criminal enough to deserve one of those either.

We can get a public defender to help us deal with charges against us, but how about help to sue the pricks who took away the right to make a living? Well maybe acceptable, except those same pricks seem hell bent to kill those Dr. Nass strove to protect. The only interest they protect are their own.

The global cabal can not even be shamed into fulfilling their responsibilities to their customers.

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Dr. Nass, Ot, but for the record I'm asking prominent Medical Freedom folks


If not, why not?

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My concern is the integration of zoonoses as real risk or WHO propaganda. This is all over government health agencies. All over professional associations and here is one example of educational roles via CDC. Is the ideology or science supported by data as this emphasis etc is fairly new right? https://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/freeresources/graphic-novel/index.html


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