Will Trump save their butts with a Nordstream repair and cheaper energy? Will these fake leaders continue to throw their citizens' futures away or will fair elections be demanded?
Even though he said he's 'retiring' we're still waiting for Trudeau (but apparently "Governor Trudeau" of the 51st state of the Union to Trump) to go completely -- but maybe it will never be "completely". He's prorogued the Canadian parliament (a state of being the royals of Britain came up with some time ago that in effect puts everything into a suspended animation when something they don't want to happen is imminent). But although Trudeau said he's almost retiring and the government of Canada is in stasis, here he is, still acting as Prime Minister, having tea today with King Charles III https://royalcentral.co.uk/royal-news/king-charles-meets-with-canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-208281/
Leaves us (Canadians) wondering what else can happen while this state of suspended animation runs our country ? Maybe Trump's offer of Governorship is just too tempting to refuse, and he's just feigning about ‘standing up for our sovereignty’ while the plans are drawn up ? Maybe he's even visiting the king since the ruling monarch of England, is still the official head of state of Canada, and the hand-over of Canada to a state that was so rude to England way back when, and that a war was even fought about in the 1800s, means all this needs to be smoothed over for his Governorship to take effect ? (All these possibilities arising from a state of prorogue, are indeed boggling to the mind.)
But one must have pity -- Trudeau is a WEF young leaders, implanted and mind-controlled, graduate. He's just following the voice in his head, just like all the other NINNIES are.
Meryl. Thank you for your very thoughtful and thorough essays!! You are calm, level headed and courageous. I have followed you since 2020. And you contribute to my own calmness, levelheadedness and courage today. You are so generous with your ideas and information.
I watched a couple of your medical board hearings some time ago. The faces, body language and absence of any discussion or curiosity about your ideas from anyone on those Zooms was frightening and appalling to me. It exposed and illustrated the face of soulless organizational tyranny perfectly!!
I just want to say, carry on brave Woman!! And thank you again for all you do!
The citizens should demand that all the pro-war politicians and presstitutes lead the charge, put them on the front line with a rifle. How many bets first sound of gunfire they will all be retreating at full speed, screaming in fear, throwing their rifles on the ground.
Precise picture and there would still be. What can I say? The power of mental conditioning, for confined spaces and millennial submission to the powerful, is more effective in Europe. But the prophecies foretell great rebellions and the theory of chaos states, when the vase is full, that a drop is enough to break the dams
Globalists can't see the writing on the wall. They will find it on top of them one day and wished they'd repented of their evil schemes and sociopathic mindset. May God be discovered by them, and fast, for the sake of all humanity and the entire planet.
Here in Germany, we are experiencing peak hysteria, with the establishment furiously spitballing ideas like declaring a state of emergency and/or amending the constitution so we can go into debt to keep supporting precious Ukraine. The new chancellor-to-be Merz, saying we need to bend the laws to borrow billions for Ukraine is basically the same as Blackrock telling German taxpayers they need to borrow money from Blackrock to send to Blackrock. Is this a desperate hail mary before all this tragic nonsense comes to an end, or can the globalists, deep state bad actors and eugenicist pandemicist wokesters behind whatever the hell it was we just lived through with the Biden administration set up a kind of government in exile in the EU and Ukraine to regroup and try again to take down Trump and strangle nascent European populist movements in the crib? Exciting times around here.
Well it seems they still have money since they are still funding fake news or the main stream media. One wonders where that money is coming from but it is pretty clear it's something like USAID. I guess they still have money because of all they stole from US taxpayers.
Well deep pockets are the #1 defining characteristic of global maniacs, of course they stole it and are feeling threatened. Musk is either a very clever turncoat or prescient. We shall see.
Zalensky, Starmer, Macron and Trudeau answer to the Global Elites not the people they supposedly govern. They will have no problem bankrupting their country and sacrificing their fighting age citizens.
England can not even repell illegal immigrants. That 75k army.... has got around 20k actual soldiers, more likely to arrest meme posting grannies than take on a million battle hardened Russians. 🤣 contempt seems apropos, oui? And France? They'd as like attack The Bastille!
Meryl, you are too polite: this is what the EU and the Biden regime have been supporting and what some have labeled as Banderastan because of the continuation of atrocities as mentioned in the article below.
Stepan Bandera: Ukraine’s Nazi National Hero
The Ukrainian UPA tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Even the Germans were shocked at their level of sadism. Victims were scalped. They had their noses, lips and ears cut off [...]
Hopefully Trump gets out of NATO ASAP and uses the military plus the funds to repair and build infrastructure, and set up rock grinding facilities for CO2 removal to appease democrats. Win-win the American way.
I like that, the NINNIES of Europe. But you have to include the ninny of Canada, Trudeau, he's at the top of the list of ninnies.
Justin Castro is in the Ninnies and Nincompoops group shot, middle-upper right.
Justina, you mean.
Even though he said he's 'retiring' we're still waiting for Trudeau (but apparently "Governor Trudeau" of the 51st state of the Union to Trump) to go completely -- but maybe it will never be "completely". He's prorogued the Canadian parliament (a state of being the royals of Britain came up with some time ago that in effect puts everything into a suspended animation when something they don't want to happen is imminent). But although Trudeau said he's almost retiring and the government of Canada is in stasis, here he is, still acting as Prime Minister, having tea today with King Charles III https://royalcentral.co.uk/royal-news/king-charles-meets-with-canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-208281/
Leaves us (Canadians) wondering what else can happen while this state of suspended animation runs our country ? Maybe Trump's offer of Governorship is just too tempting to refuse, and he's just feigning about ‘standing up for our sovereignty’ while the plans are drawn up ? Maybe he's even visiting the king since the ruling monarch of England, is still the official head of state of Canada, and the hand-over of Canada to a state that was so rude to England way back when, and that a war was even fought about in the 1800s, means all this needs to be smoothed over for his Governorship to take effect ? (All these possibilities arising from a state of prorogue, are indeed boggling to the mind.)
At this point the nation's health care costs less than the govner's security detail.
If Trump really cared for Canada's people he wouldn't be threatening to put Trudy in any institution, but a jail.
But one must have pity -- Trudeau is a WEF young leaders, implanted and mind-controlled, graduate. He's just following the voice in his head, just like all the other NINNIES are.
You mean the kind of pity the kids in Gaza get?
Oh you didn't get the memo, Trudy retired months ago.
Perhaps, Gullible Globalist Goons ...
Meryl. Thank you for your very thoughtful and thorough essays!! You are calm, level headed and courageous. I have followed you since 2020. And you contribute to my own calmness, levelheadedness and courage today. You are so generous with your ideas and information.
I watched a couple of your medical board hearings some time ago. The faces, body language and absence of any discussion or curiosity about your ideas from anyone on those Zooms was frightening and appalling to me. It exposed and illustrated the face of soulless organizational tyranny perfectly!!
I just want to say, carry on brave Woman!! And thank you again for all you do!
I'm curious WHY Trudeau and the Canadian flag are in that group since it's supposedly "Europe" or the EU?
Each deep state puppet wanted to be in the group photo. Trudeau didn't want to be left out.
EU leaders belong to the WEF.
They’re a WEF group.
Trudeau is part of the WEF.
Thanks Meryl for being on the case. Please see my latest from today: "The British Empire is Alive: It Aims to Destroy the US."
We often think alike!
I REALLY want to see Great Britain and France leading the charge. They can show the rest of us how it’s done. Charge ….
The citizens should demand that all the pro-war politicians and presstitutes lead the charge, put them on the front line with a rifle. How many bets first sound of gunfire they will all be retreating at full speed, screaming in fear, throwing their rifles on the ground.
For many years I have said that our commander and chief should be at the front lines.
Nah dying is for slaves.
Precise picture and there would still be. What can I say? The power of mental conditioning, for confined spaces and millennial submission to the powerful, is more effective in Europe. But the prophecies foretell great rebellions and the theory of chaos states, when the vase is full, that a drop is enough to break the dams
nice shot of a bunch of bs artists, bureaucrats who have never worked a day in their life.
Chicken Hawks.
Isn't it Nordstream, not Nordstrom?
Oh, sheeeesh---duhhhh...
I think it’s Nord Stream (yes, I hate being a ‘victim’ of spellcheck).
Nordstrom's is an upscale department store. I spotted two usages of Nordstrom, and one of Nordstream.
Globalists can't see the writing on the wall. They will find it on top of them one day and wished they'd repented of their evil schemes and sociopathic mindset. May God be discovered by them, and fast, for the sake of all humanity and the entire planet.
Here in Germany, we are experiencing peak hysteria, with the establishment furiously spitballing ideas like declaring a state of emergency and/or amending the constitution so we can go into debt to keep supporting precious Ukraine. The new chancellor-to-be Merz, saying we need to bend the laws to borrow billions for Ukraine is basically the same as Blackrock telling German taxpayers they need to borrow money from Blackrock to send to Blackrock. Is this a desperate hail mary before all this tragic nonsense comes to an end, or can the globalists, deep state bad actors and eugenicist pandemicist wokesters behind whatever the hell it was we just lived through with the Biden administration set up a kind of government in exile in the EU and Ukraine to regroup and try again to take down Trump and strangle nascent European populist movements in the crib? Exciting times around here.
Well it seems they still have money since they are still funding fake news or the main stream media. One wonders where that money is coming from but it is pretty clear it's something like USAID. I guess they still have money because of all they stole from US taxpayers.
Well deep pockets are the #1 defining characteristic of global maniacs, of course they stole it and are feeling threatened. Musk is either a very clever turncoat or prescient. We shall see.
How can German people ignore the Nord Stream incident? If Russia was a threat how come your notoriously profitable industry built it with them?
If Stephan Bandera was such an evil guy, how come German people think Ukraine is on the right track?
The propaganda/social control being deployed on the German population is off the charts, that's how.
So that goes back to the US too! How many US bases? They never quit the occupation from ww2. The MSM is certainly not a trivial influence.
Zalensky, Starmer, Macron and Trudeau answer to the Global Elites not the people they supposedly govern. They will have no problem bankrupting their country and sacrificing their fighting age citizens.
They are maybe 8,000 compared to our 8,000,000,000.
That's one in a million. The rest are employees whose allegiance is fickle.
So all it takes is a change in awareness.
One by one the nodes change direction. Some when one neighbor changes, some only when all neighbors change.
All spring you look at a frozen river, but the water is warming underneath, until one day the thing melts.
A phase change.
Look what happens when USAID leaves (not advocating petrol bombs though):
WATCH: Massive Protests in Greece, Hundreds of Thousands Gather and Throw Petrol Bombs at Police
However I believe that essentially it takes a change of backbone
Politicians are arthropods and don't have endoskeletons. Their shapes are supported externally, by crowds.
England can not even repell illegal immigrants. That 75k army.... has got around 20k actual soldiers, more likely to arrest meme posting grannies than take on a million battle hardened Russians. 🤣 contempt seems apropos, oui? And France? They'd as like attack The Bastille!
Meryl, you are too polite: this is what the EU and the Biden regime have been supporting and what some have labeled as Banderastan because of the continuation of atrocities as mentioned in the article below.
Stepan Bandera: Ukraine’s Nazi National Hero
The Ukrainian UPA tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Even the Germans were shocked at their level of sadism. Victims were scalped. They had their noses, lips and ears cut off [...]
Hopefully Trump gets out of NATO ASAP and uses the military plus the funds to repair and build infrastructure, and set up rock grinding facilities for CO2 removal to appease democrats. Win-win the American way.
The plague of globalists' stooges