Great Meryl, really appreciate you keeping your hand on the pulse of the beast so we are aware of what they are planning!

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Sep 14Liked by Meryl Nass

The explicit use of imprecise / vague terminology often implies there already exist interpretations that will be applied for extremely nasty measures, nobody else would have thought of.

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Looks like the UN is poised to become the global governance body, unelected by global citizens.

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James Lindsay makes the argument that there is no "global citizen" b/c there is no "global sovereign". The UN, the WEC, the WHO, etc. are NOT global sovereigns.

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That makes sense, maybe a better description would be global inhabitants.

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You are missing the point. "Globalism" is the airy-fairy meme that the Billionaire Elites use to push their totalitarian agendas on everybody. Listen to Dr. Nass's interviews released on 19 Sept thru her substack, esp. the https://realitycheck.radio/replay/meryl-nass-un-summit-for-the-future-and-the-sinister-pact-they-are-hoping-to-greenlight-who-treaty-2-0/

Didn't you just say that "the UN is unelected by global citizens" ? Forget globalism! Localism comes first !! and directly affects YOUR quality of life...

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I will check it out.

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Sep 15Liked by Meryl Nass

Hello Meryl, the reason i unsubscribed is because i simply don t have the time to read everything. My mailbox has become a place of unread mails. Just too many. I have to cut back in ahat is coming in.

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If you read the C 40 cities goals and plans it becomes clear that via digital tracking and surveillance they plan to control what and how much you eat, how often you are allowed to travel, cars will be banned. They also decide how many items you are allowed to buy. This will be recorded and tracked as people will exist in a digital prison with walls and restrictions decided by unaccountable bodies. Privacy will no longer exist. Their plans are spelled out in detail. We are being foisted into the most vicious tyranny imaginable. Even by Orwell.

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How is this legal? Do we have total ditz-heads in govt or are they simply evil, demonically insane people?

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This is one piece of a huge plan that has been put in place over at least 80 years. Read "The Hard Road to World Order" and also see how Richard Gardner described the process 50 years ago! we are just putting the pieces together to understand what those who think they are the owners have in mind.

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It may not be legal, but it is clever, and if the heads of government go along, well then...

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they are demonically insane because they are ditz-heads?? Or the other way around.

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My mother's convinced it'll never happen. There's one thing world leader would never wanna give up and that's power.

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Do you know what they have been promised to sell out their citizens? Or what they have been threatened with? I don't but it appears they have some big carrots and sticks.

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I read it as "The Pact For The Furniture", which I like somewhat better, anyway.


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Everybody has something to protect from blackmail, I hear, and there are BIG-SECRETS about the future. Everybody needs an assured place in the underground bunkers, right?

Most politicians are actually functionaries to the "owners".

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I am convinced there is more than one Meryl Nass..... how could one person keep track of all that she makes available to us? But, I am concerned that these edicts are being put in place, as our wonderful leaders are being paid off and told they are special and will be able to skirt around the rules. How do the rest of America know about and object to these rules?

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There is just one person (me) who has ever written this blog. I have been spending way too much time for 40 years trying to figure out what is going on in the world. So I was already primed for this before COVID. I think we woke a lot of people up with the WHO, and this UN Pact is essentially trying to do the same thing, and I think having been awakened once, they will remember. If the nations go along (and most will, but not all) then we will fight it at the state level, like we did before for the WHO. And in Congress.

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At first, I thought perhaps it was a joke. Then I just read words in red just to know that someone was clarifying the truth. They need people like you to get right to the point. I have to say I quit reading the verbiage!!!

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She gets most of it right. I have written about this vaccine snce they started giving it to soldiers in 2003. This is an early myocarditis vaccine. Jynneos is another, and covid vaccines followed them.

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"FDA has said the vaccine is not recommended for use by the general population, as there is no smallpox disease in the world."

It sounds as this is made for a select segment of the population due to the risks involved.


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It still exist in labs.

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Sounds like ideological capture akin to religious dogma.

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IMHO, no pact with WHO or any other so-called health agency ever.

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When they say the peoples of this world, who exactly do they consider people. I ask this because what if( and this is hypocritical , what there not talking to you and I. What if they are only addressing who they consider to be people? Does anyone see the implications of this possibility. If they were to think this way, it would allow them to do anything they want, which is clearly what they are doing. I feel like there is something to this, I’m having the hardest time explaining it, but I think it’s happening. Am I crazy or is anyone else seeing this?

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Screwed myself on that one, but my question still stands?

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Really I don’t see any names why is such a serious document addressed by only we? Even if there names actually land on an unseen part of the document, I am still seeing a perversion of language! I wish I was able to explain what I mean a little better, but also what if we are speaking the same language but we have different definitions for the words being used? There is nothing that would stop that kind of treachery from taking place. There seams to be no rules on the language or definitions being used. For this to be taking place would be as low and dark as it gets, which is right where these ( let’s not call them people ) evil things seem to be most comfortable!

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Yes I believe the document is designed to confuse. I did not believe it was a treaty the first 2-3 times I read it.

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God laughs at plans.

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