One of the biggest disappointments from the CoV2 bioweapon was that it did little in Africa. With millions on HCQ and IVM the virus had little impact and uptake of the jab was in the single digits. Wouldn't it be nice if Africa and other 3rd worlders end up scuttling the so called Treaty.

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Yeah they were too poor to afford the "protection" they needed. Many have had their fill of the Gate's experiment.

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The key is to popularize the term "MEDICAL COLONIALISM."

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Yes, that hoists them on their own petard. They have weaponized both slavery and colonialism, so that there are huge numbers of vaccine-injured, CRT DEI educated, social media addicted young people who think of all of history as settler colonialism. There are complex discussions possible about colonialism and post-colonialism, but the young are getting indoctrinated with simplistic, binary versions of those concepts, which essentially plows the road for a sort of Year Zero, all of history is evil, let's have a beloved corporatocracy globally, without evolution or biology (also both evil), but the very word "colonialism" might allow even the indocrinated to see what's going on

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Nope they want all the handouts they are told will come if they sit down and shut up.

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They say you can't fight "City Hall." Well, some people are - and are doing pretty good in their fight.

But, never forget, these people don't fight fair. And they are clearly committed to their program, which they've been working on for many years.

P.S. They should have let Dr. Nass keep her medical license. If they had, she might not be playing the role of Luke Skywalker in fighting the Evil Empire.

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“They should have let Dr. Nass keep her medical license. If they had, she might not be playing the role of Luke Skywalker in fighting the Evil Empire.”

Exactly. Someone who is gainfully employed does not have time (or enough of it) to dig deeper and take action. That has been my experience.

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My 8-year-old son is on a big "Star Wars" kick right now, so I've re-watched some of the original Star Wars movies and now the mini-series on Obi Won Kenobi. The theme I picked up on last night is that the Evil Empire was rounding up and hunting all the Jedi Knights ... who were all threats to their continued evil empire. This project was indeed, THE priority of Darth Vader.

I don't know why Star War fanatics can't see the similarities to our times. The creator of the series - Mr. Lucas - probably supports rounding up all the Covid and WHO skeptics. Sigh.

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Some say, Obi Won Kenobi sounds a whole lot like: "Oh be One, can yo be?"

Intentional or not, that's a very pertinent question.,

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Their great error; our celebration. But do hope she ends with total victory.

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Cometh the hour, cometh the woman!

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My uneducated guess is the Pandemic treaty needs to be finalized before the American election so the WHO can release the next pandemic in time for Biden to put off the American Election due to a health emergency and become dictator puppet.

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Good point, Fred. If Trump (or Kennedy) are elected, the treaty and amendments are probably toast. That's probably another reason they HAVE to rig said presidential election.

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My thinking is the deep state is always 2 steps ahead of us. If they can't stop RFK jr before the election then it will be impossible for them to steal enough votes unnoticed to beat Trump with RFK siphoning off demorat votes. Hence plan B will be to put off the election.

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I'm thinking 3 steps ahead. What if "Joe Biden" somehow wins said "election?" Are half the citizens in the nation going to just shrug their shoulders and say, essentially, "okay. our elections are now undeniably rigged. I guess it is what it is."

Maybe, but maybe not.

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My question, is there language in the new legislation that absolves them of what they have already accomplished? Their little piece of heaven, most of us would call genocide.

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They're covered because all the important organizations are completely captured. Who's going to hold them accountable? The mainstream media? Some prosecutors? The Courts? Congress?

There's a reason they went to all the time and trouble of capturing all these organizations.

They also had to capture the social media companies so people like me couldn't make any posts that might go viral or resonate with the masses ... but, as it turns out, that result was easy to achieve as well.

They haven't gotten Substack yet, (but they are probably working on that). But Substack isn't an "important" organization. It even looks like X/Twitter isn't really that important, but it must be a thorn in their plans and they are working on bringing that company back into the fold as well. Musk must know this by now.

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Substack took away my ability to publish. The AI is quite focused on denying me. Strangely I can still post just not publish. so my site was not well visited. No great loss.

There is a panic setting in with the elite. Their lawyers will be working overtime to stop justice. Those with integrity and fortitude will step to the fore. The globalists need to ask themselves, just what the hell are we doing?

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My "Spider Sense" tells me something has changed with Substack and its payment processor, Stripe. Substack is NOT an "important" institution, but its contrarian authors keep trying to thwart our rulers' real plans and are doing so in some ways. It doesn't fit the m.o. of our real rulers to just ignore this threat to their continued control.

As I always post: Post while you still can.

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My memory of Meryl's postings is that the pandemic treaty is still undergoing secret amendments that may or may not be presented at the time of the vote. Lots of time to insert weasel clauses to exempt the perpetrators of the genocide from criminal prosecution.

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God forbid

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So what does the WHO have to show for their efforts in the last decade? Lot's of new Billionaires. Piles of dead and injured, which they can't explain.

But really the WHO have led the way to droves of disaffected citizens questioning the need or legality of more quasi-legal, nefarious, clandestine government funded evil.

Oh sure the MSM is confounding and powerful, but facts on the ground put the lie to the insistent nonsense they pump out. The dead and the dying are 'vaccinated'.

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I can see tears streaming down Tedros' cheeks. Tsk tsk.

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Meryl Nass MD: Jackhammer for Truth.


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From there to six feet under is a small step and gravity (of fraud, deceit, murder by injection etc.) might be enough to do that. Not to mention that for the medical (and biowarfare) industry, WHO means "Wealth Hoarding Orgy".

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Perhaps we could replace the WHO with something like The World Council for Health?

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Perhaps we scrap the entire idea and return health to the rightful parties responsible. The states and the people of the states. Where in the Constitution does the federal government have jurisdiction over health, environment, marriage, education and a laundry list of other things we have laid down and allowed them take from the states. READ THE CONSTITUTION for heavens sake. Art. 1 Sec. 8 list the 18 legislative authorities of the federal government. That's it folks. Perhaps the article below will help people wake the heck up. The creator (the states and people of the states) hold jurisdiction over the created (the federal government and that includes the courts)


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Neither the WHO nor any other organization should have authority over anyone or anything. They should just be bureaus of information. (At this point, the WHO should just be eliminated). But The World Council for Health provides space for conventions or gatherings or whatever you want to call them, of experts in health to come together and share and learn information. That's all I meant. Personally, NOONE has authority over me and my health. That's the hill I am dying on. I woke the hell up a very long time ago when I got vaccine injured by all the vaccines I had to get to be in the Peace Corps in the 70s.

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Remember that when they start the fear porn again because its coming. We need to help.people not to let fear make them a victim of evil.

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Teddy will ask gates to buy them all out. Money always talks as so few leaders have any scruples or morals.

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Tedros & the equally repellent Ryan will no doubt have been told to get busy & either buy off or threaten those who stand in the way of the oligarchs.

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That is my guess as well.

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Did you see Sasha’s comment about the 14 AG’s petition being abandoned?

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Do they feel the same way about the amendments to the IHR which to me are even more dangerous than the Pandemic Accord. Both are bad but I believe they could get most of what they really want from the amendments if the Accord is not passed. And they could make the amendments happen much easier than the Accord.

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Louisiana came out against both documents. The amendments are not legal imho because the WHO constitution says regulations cannot do what the amendments ask them to do. Gotta get MPs fighting about that in their national parlaiments

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Writing by a committee of 160 is difficult a priori, but when you add in the consequences of this monster, hopefully it will be impossible or else end up a hugely watered down event with no teeth. Cheer on the dental extraction team!

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Yay! Reality check: WHO is not so worldly after all. They can spend the rest of their lives sitting at the table negotiating.

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Not one single soul will think this tack to be valid: That Mr. Trump, if elected somehow, will be an advantage to the CORE Dialectic undercurrent which hides its main drive to connect church and state. This "war" we are engaged in, creating all this chaos, and diversion, is the surface noise. It is a ploy to distract the minds of mankind to over-estimate the extent of their "vote" or voice, and UNDER-estimate the position and intensity and persistence of will of the RC church to regain her ecclesiastic authority she once enjoyed. Her M.O. is to create chaos and out of that she will promise "order." She is behind the curtain, and this is readily able to be known. She herself has made her intentions clear as crystal.

I do not expect a single person reading this to take that seriously. But read it two or three times, so that it will become engrained in your memory. So that when such chaos engages the world, the common people will DEMAND the legal system to breach Constitutional law and initiate illegal alternatives which will support their distorted desires. They will be wholly deluded in this thing. But their will will be tended to, and will at that time initiate the onset of the "Last Plagues" of God, coinciding with the "probationary period" closing. The battle is between Christ and Satan, and revolves around worship and supremacy.

"The Great Controversy" lays it bare. Everyone should read this book at least three times.


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Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK


The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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