Another side effect of the Not Safe and Not Effective experimental DNA altering gene therapy money machine from Pfizer & Moderna. Millions maimed and killed with more to come.
Bet if you asked a similar question at a Democrat convention, such as, “Do you feel the government has the right to impose mandates such as vaccines and masks during a worldwide pandemic? 92-100% would shout out yes!
Sad but true! I remember protesting the mandates for the shots on the police dept. in San Jose CA and wearing a sign. My Body. My choice. And people in their cars driving by were screaming at us and giving us the finger!
The left has been radicalized. They want a big and controlling government that tells them what to do. Why? Because our problems are too big, we have to think globally and act globally to solve them. The climate catastrophe is the central catastrophe and this demands central direction to save the very planet. The left is angry with anyone who won't get with the program: aren't emerging viruses caused by climate change? Get your vaccine and get ready for more with a warming climate.
Of course, there is no CO2 catastrophe. It's complete fiction. It's the central pseudoscience and the moral justification for the Great Reset. It's truly the central fiction that's driving all other globalist narratives.
They've been brainwashed to see the IPCC as indisputable and the science as beyond question, and the logic of viruses emerging from a warming world makes perfect sense to them. Thus, deliberate release of a pathogen from a lab specializing in GOF research for coronaviruses in order to (ostensibly) counter emerging coronavirus pathogens from a warming world offered ... exactly nothing by way of the object of their research, and this curiosity doesn't bother them.
The basic issue is that the cellular biologist etc. believes that he/she can improve on God's design of all things living. Animal or Vegetable. No one is taking them to task for the harm that this experimentation of the DNA of life itself is causing. The RNA injections speak volumes to this issue, and it is being ignored and the RNA development is going forward at Warp Speed. Re-engineering life itself, will not end well. Our Religious leaders of all faiths should be speaking to this issue. They are silent and complainant. Why?
Yes! I saw Dr Jane Ruby interview his attorney on her show. It’s really scary how the powers-that-be are coming at us from every angle! I haven’t heard any of the presidential candidates talk about this yet, or I missed it.
Something I've thought about organizing in my state is a pamphlet campaign aimed at the churches: an appeal to understanding the global attack.
I'm aware that most churches are bastions of consensus political thinking, and at least in my area all promote the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe and appeal to people of faith to get on board. Global problem, global solution, supposedly. CO2 is another story but an important piece of the puzzle.
I'd print out a series of essays asking people to notice some key facts of what happened-- maybe start with the wrong-headed Covid policies-- and urging them to consider that as crazy as it sounds, many (highly censored) thinkers believe we're facing a global stealth war, the winning of which depends largely on the awareness of the people to the danger.
I'd distribute these hard-copy essays to churches, via mail or by simply leaving them at the door. All of this can be done anonymously, and doing so would help prevent being personally labeled as a radical right-wing fascist Trumptard conspiracy theorist. It might help to keep such pamphlets non political ("Vote for Trump! He's the only one who can save us." No.)
It strikes me that although all of us know the territory quite well, those outside the substack world are utterly clueless due to the massive censorship and propaganda. This has to be kept in mind. But I also believe that "normal" people might be beginning to suspect something is amiss.
We have to reach people outside the world of substack.
Maybe instead of reaching the "religious leaders", we reach those in our circle of influence at our local churches - Sunday school class, connect/life group, women's/men's Bible studies.
unfortunately LOTS of churches & faith leaders took piles of 'strings attached' money to promote the covid narrative. pastors in both the the U.S. and Canada were fined and prosecuted for holding services when they were told not to, during covid. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to 'wake up'.
Interesting, too, that the teaching of subsidiarity is a Catholic teaching, stating, in essence, that disputes should be handled at the lowest appropriate local authority. This is certainly in line with "my body, my choice" and it also negates the WHO power grab as completely unnecessary and usurping perfectly capable local medical authorities.
Our country was founded on the apparently lost principle of subsidiarity. We've been hoodwinked into believing that only a global authority can solve global problems (some of them make-believe) but I'm in favor of the invisible hand of human goodwill to see, understand, and act to solve problems without need of dictatorial authority.
Yes. In fact we could state the overall problem is that much of the population is in sync with the globalist agenda. But it's a mistake to call them "heretics" or sheep or idiots or stupid. This thinking aligns with Desmet's psychology of people as "mechanistic thinkers": I disagree.
In my experience, people are good, they're rational, they're generally smart. They want to do the right thing, although yes we can all be jerks sometimes and some people are jerks more often than others.
The people are deliberately under attack and warned off misinformation that's a danger to our democracy. Some fall for it completely, while others might understand that there's something wrong even if they can't pinpoint it.
Consider that our fight isn't to amplify the echo-chamber that's substack. Our job, hard as it may be, is to awaken those outside the substack world of the real danger from the globalists. Is that not the real fight?
I think you misunderstood what I mean. The clergy and the doctrines of the Main Line denominations are truly heretical. They don't believe the Bible. They accept homosexual practice as not sinful. They ordain homosexuals, They accept and encourage abortion. They lead the people astray, they are. more interested in being popular with the MSM press and academics than preaching the Gospel.
As far as the clergy outside of the heretical main line denominations, they by and large are not aware of how corrupt the medical profession has become (and I am talking about the leadership, the average doctor is now just an employee in a large captured organization and has little freedom to go against the narrative).
I don't disagree with what you said there though, in terms of approaching individuals. In general you are not going to change a person's mind by calling them a heretic.
I would also say fear of massive censorship and propaganda as well as no education on the other side, the nutrition side. It goes the same way for all doctors and other medical professionals.
Well, Good on Texas for the POLL now we need to make it POLICY AND LAW! the poll is a very good indicator that we are getting the word out to the masses. Keep it up Freedom Fighters. Keep up the good positive work. Thank You Dr. Nass for posting this good indicator. xoxo
This shouldn't even have to be is the right of free citizens to have bodily autonomy, which is the right to determine what they want to do in regard to health.. No state or government should have the right to take precedence over the citizen, when it comes to health decisions. Our country was not set up by our founders for the Medical Industry's benefit.
You’re right but unfortunately we’ve discovered we do have to reassert the right to bodily autonomy.
I was amazed in 2021 with the imposition of mandates that young members of my family/community thought it was perfectly fine and *normal* for the government to tell people to get injected. Many thought it was just an evident measure to « get out of covid ».
These were youngsters who simply had no idea about bodily autonomy or informed consent. They’re so used to being told what to do by « authorities ». Freedom didn’t come into it!
Add those older people who were terrified into submission and the government had an audience only too ready for the order: « Get vaccinated ».
This shouldn't even be a topic of conversation. I could have told you that without having to go through the exercise of polling. To the "powers that be" you're a meat puppet. They want you/me/them dead.
Perhaps you forget that the Freedom community often labels "normies" as sheeple. This polling result suggests that those people actually learned something about freedom from enduring the pandemic. That's fabulous news!
I agree. It's true that sometimes people can appear ungodly stupid and set in their opinions but this is the result of massive censorship and propaganda and is decidedly not because we, the people, are inherently mechanistic thinkers.
We need to throw out the idea that we're stupid idiots on the whole. Yes, it's an attractive idea but it isn't true. Given accurate information as opposed to massive censorship and propaganda, most people will make the right decision.
I know many, many people who are hypnotized by the propaganda machine. Not a single one of them is stupid, or a sheep. They're simply swimming in it and don't recognize the ocean of deception. Then again, the evil is so massive that who would've imagined this 10 years ago? Not I.
The media/government/tech «flood the zone» with propaganda so effectively that many people don’t even hear alternative opinions/discussion.
Expecting someone to challenge, say, «man made climate change » if it’s all they ever hear is like expecting someone to speak Portuguese if they’ve only ever heard English!
I've had people yell at me at the top of their lungs for questioning the official narrative.
But again, it's not that they're stupid. They're brainwashed, deliberately, and this is NOT what Desmet's theme is. His theme is that there was no conspiracy to do anything, that we're inherently flawed because of Enlightenment reason that led to our propensity for mechanistic thinking. I call BS.
I believe this question and any others that people can propose are crucial for offering an alternative though to those that have exclusively consumed propaganda.
Perhaps like many of the "controlled" protests, this "poll" was done just so the "powers to be" can see how much "VH" (vaccine hesitancy) there is out there, should they dare attempt a 2020 health scam again.
Or, its just merely click-bait ... "oooh look what the bs polls said!" to get a mass hype reaction. Like others are suggesting in comments, had this poll been focused on a broader audience including more woke/leftists puppets, the result would be very different!
Conversely, this is precisely WHY Governments want to hand the power to mandate over to WHO. They will then be able to hide behind WHO and say "Look, it isn't us but we have Treaty obligations we are legally obligated to follow". A/k/a "Political cover".
The public/private ruling apparatus is brutal. We don't even know how to begin to disentangle our governments from the poisonous tentacles of the obscenely wealthy elite. In my state in Australia (Victoria) it is illegal to publicly discuss the dangers of water fluoridation.
Good lord and not surprising post Dan the man it continues. At least has been stopped here in NZ ( major pushback and now an enquiry into dangers of fluoridation).
Are the alleged 8% illegals? Anyway, it should be stamped on their collective foreheads; "I am one of the 8%, best avoided if you don't want to catch stupid germs."
Unfortunately, and judging from people in my own circle, I think this would be true.
In the big picture they've deliberately targeted those on the left who've traditionally been against big business and big government and the destruction of nature by same. But if you throw climate change pseudoscience at them, they seem to forget (or not understand) that the greatest alliance of big business and big government is none other than the WEF, which paradoxically advocates for a light human footprint on the planet (yet with some of the largest oil companies in the world as WEF stakeholders????) and a Reset in order to make our planet safe for ... the largest corporations on the planet?
Say "climate change!" and some people can't think straight.
However, if you can get them to open their minds and read or other alternative sites which are not slouches by any means, they will learn that the climate change is mostly a lie because it naturally happens. The climate will correct itself like with the ice age. The way they are trying fix it won't help either like by geoengineering and blocking out the sun, killing people with no meat and other food, etc.
Are they not deliberately taught not to question climate science, that it's beyond question, and if they do then they're "anti-science" because Science is Real?
They are. They're also deliberately and constantly warned against misinformation. This misinformation is a major theme of Mother Jones news, for example, a darling publication of the left.
Knowledge is power and people have not sought knowledge...They have been led to believe that doctors know everything and are authorties...its far from the truth. J.D. Rockefeller made sure doctors only studied information that would bring doctors repeat business. J.D.s petroleum-based presciptions were set up to bring patients back into doctors offices. Doctors were not taught barely anything about natural healing... derived by simple adherence to living right on a daily basis. Healthy people don't make them money. Our whole society has been geared to let more "educated" people tend to its needs...People are told to trust others...and they don't need to do any research themselves. Truth is simple. Lies are complex.
so... 8% are braindead lemmings?
Another side effect of the Not Safe and Not Effective experimental DNA altering gene therapy money machine from Pfizer & Moderna. Millions maimed and killed with more to come.
IFFFFF you can trust poll.
Bet if you asked a similar question at a Democrat convention, such as, “Do you feel the government has the right to impose mandates such as vaccines and masks during a worldwide pandemic? 92-100% would shout out yes!
Sad but true! I remember protesting the mandates for the shots on the police dept. in San Jose CA and wearing a sign. My Body. My choice. And people in their cars driving by were screaming at us and giving us the finger!
Unfortunately what you write is pretty much true.
The left has been radicalized. They want a big and controlling government that tells them what to do. Why? Because our problems are too big, we have to think globally and act globally to solve them. The climate catastrophe is the central catastrophe and this demands central direction to save the very planet. The left is angry with anyone who won't get with the program: aren't emerging viruses caused by climate change? Get your vaccine and get ready for more with a warming climate.
Of course, there is no CO2 catastrophe. It's complete fiction. It's the central pseudoscience and the moral justification for the Great Reset. It's truly the central fiction that's driving all other globalist narratives.
They've been brainwashed to see the IPCC as indisputable and the science as beyond question, and the logic of viruses emerging from a warming world makes perfect sense to them. Thus, deliberate release of a pathogen from a lab specializing in GOF research for coronaviruses in order to (ostensibly) counter emerging coronavirus pathogens from a warming world offered ... exactly nothing by way of the object of their research, and this curiosity doesn't bother them.
It'd be interesting to understand the real psychology of the mass formation that occurred during Covid. I think Michael Nehls might be on to something ...
Where I live we just had a few dry weeks followed by several days of hard rain.
Can’t tell you how irritating it is to hear people say: “There’s a DROUGHT - it’s catastrophic climate change!”
And after the rain: “All this RAIN - it’s catastrophic climate change!”
They’re complete ninnies!
They've been brainwashed by massive censorship and propaganda and they don't see this ocean they're swimming in.
The basic issue is that the cellular biologist etc. believes that he/she can improve on God's design of all things living. Animal or Vegetable. No one is taking them to task for the harm that this experimentation of the DNA of life itself is causing. The RNA injections speak volumes to this issue, and it is being ignored and the RNA development is going forward at Warp Speed. Re-engineering life itself, will not end well. Our Religious leaders of all faiths should be speaking to this issue. They are silent and complainant. Why?
Because of massive censorship and propaganda.
It's my belief that we need to reach religious leaders as an important step to achieving our main goal, which is waking up the masses.
How do we do this? I want to contact the Amish!
Maybe start by getting in touch with AMOS MILLER?
He understands the globalist agenda, from the horrible persecution he’s undergoing.
Yes! I saw Dr Jane Ruby interview his attorney on her show. It’s really scary how the powers-that-be are coming at us from every angle! I haven’t heard any of the presidential candidates talk about this yet, or I missed it.
Go to
Just kidding...
Something I've thought about organizing in my state is a pamphlet campaign aimed at the churches: an appeal to understanding the global attack.
I'm aware that most churches are bastions of consensus political thinking, and at least in my area all promote the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe and appeal to people of faith to get on board. Global problem, global solution, supposedly. CO2 is another story but an important piece of the puzzle.
I'd print out a series of essays asking people to notice some key facts of what happened-- maybe start with the wrong-headed Covid policies-- and urging them to consider that as crazy as it sounds, many (highly censored) thinkers believe we're facing a global stealth war, the winning of which depends largely on the awareness of the people to the danger.
I'd distribute these hard-copy essays to churches, via mail or by simply leaving them at the door. All of this can be done anonymously, and doing so would help prevent being personally labeled as a radical right-wing fascist Trumptard conspiracy theorist. It might help to keep such pamphlets non political ("Vote for Trump! He's the only one who can save us." No.)
It strikes me that although all of us know the territory quite well, those outside the substack world are utterly clueless due to the massive censorship and propaganda. This has to be kept in mind. But I also believe that "normal" people might be beginning to suspect something is amiss.
We have to reach people outside the world of substack.
Maybe instead of reaching the "religious leaders", we reach those in our circle of influence at our local churches - Sunday school class, connect/life group, women's/men's Bible studies.
unfortunately LOTS of churches & faith leaders took piles of 'strings attached' money to promote the covid narrative. pastors in both the the U.S. and Canada were fined and prosecuted for holding services when they were told not to, during covid. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to 'wake up'.
Yes - the love of money.
Tough to accomplish when a central religious leader named Papa Francisco goes along with the narrative and has a private audience with Biden.
Lots of churches aren't Catholic!
Interesting, too, that the teaching of subsidiarity is a Catholic teaching, stating, in essence, that disputes should be handled at the lowest appropriate local authority. This is certainly in line with "my body, my choice" and it also negates the WHO power grab as completely unnecessary and usurping perfectly capable local medical authorities.
Our country was founded on the apparently lost principle of subsidiarity. We've been hoodwinked into believing that only a global authority can solve global problems (some of them make-believe) but I'm in favor of the invisible hand of human goodwill to see, understand, and act to solve problems without need of dictatorial authority.
The pope is one of the biggest globalist supporters
The problem is that the religious leaders of the mainline denominations are all heretics who are in sync with the globalist agenda and the MSM.
Likely true even in many evangelical circles.
Yes. In fact we could state the overall problem is that much of the population is in sync with the globalist agenda. But it's a mistake to call them "heretics" or sheep or idiots or stupid. This thinking aligns with Desmet's psychology of people as "mechanistic thinkers": I disagree.
In my experience, people are good, they're rational, they're generally smart. They want to do the right thing, although yes we can all be jerks sometimes and some people are jerks more often than others.
The people are deliberately under attack and warned off misinformation that's a danger to our democracy. Some fall for it completely, while others might understand that there's something wrong even if they can't pinpoint it.
Consider that our fight isn't to amplify the echo-chamber that's substack. Our job, hard as it may be, is to awaken those outside the substack world of the real danger from the globalists. Is that not the real fight?
I think you misunderstood what I mean. The clergy and the doctrines of the Main Line denominations are truly heretical. They don't believe the Bible. They accept homosexual practice as not sinful. They ordain homosexuals, They accept and encourage abortion. They lead the people astray, they are. more interested in being popular with the MSM press and academics than preaching the Gospel.
As far as the clergy outside of the heretical main line denominations, they by and large are not aware of how corrupt the medical profession has become (and I am talking about the leadership, the average doctor is now just an employee in a large captured organization and has little freedom to go against the narrative).
I don't disagree with what you said there though, in terms of approaching individuals. In general you are not going to change a person's mind by calling them a heretic.
I would also say fear of massive censorship and propaganda as well as no education on the other side, the nutrition side. It goes the same way for all doctors and other medical professionals.
Well, Good on Texas for the POLL now we need to make it POLICY AND LAW! the poll is a very good indicator that we are getting the word out to the masses. Keep it up Freedom Fighters. Keep up the good positive work. Thank You Dr. Nass for posting this good indicator. xoxo
I thought the fourteenth amend granted me bodily sovereignty
The “Group” don’t own my body. That implies actual human enSlavement by the State. #SlaveryIsWrong
This shouldn't even have to be is the right of free citizens to have bodily autonomy, which is the right to determine what they want to do in regard to health.. No state or government should have the right to take precedence over the citizen, when it comes to health decisions. Our country was not set up by our founders for the Medical Industry's benefit.
You’re right but unfortunately we’ve discovered we do have to reassert the right to bodily autonomy.
I was amazed in 2021 with the imposition of mandates that young members of my family/community thought it was perfectly fine and *normal* for the government to tell people to get injected. Many thought it was just an evident measure to « get out of covid ».
These were youngsters who simply had no idea about bodily autonomy or informed consent. They’re so used to being told what to do by « authorities ». Freedom didn’t come into it!
Add those older people who were terrified into submission and the government had an audience only too ready for the order: « Get vaccinated ».
WOW WOW WOW....another sign of such a massive shift in awareness
This shouldn't even be a topic of conversation. I could have told you that without having to go through the exercise of polling. To the "powers that be" you're a meat puppet. They want you/me/them dead.
Perhaps you forget that the Freedom community often labels "normies" as sheeple. This polling result suggests that those people actually learned something about freedom from enduring the pandemic. That's fabulous news!
I agree. It's true that sometimes people can appear ungodly stupid and set in their opinions but this is the result of massive censorship and propaganda and is decidedly not because we, the people, are inherently mechanistic thinkers.
We need to throw out the idea that we're stupid idiots on the whole. Yes, it's an attractive idea but it isn't true. Given accurate information as opposed to massive censorship and propaganda, most people will make the right decision.
I know many, many people who are hypnotized by the propaganda machine. Not a single one of them is stupid, or a sheep. They're simply swimming in it and don't recognize the ocean of deception. Then again, the evil is so massive that who would've imagined this 10 years ago? Not I.
I agree.
The media/government/tech «flood the zone» with propaganda so effectively that many people don’t even hear alternative opinions/discussion.
Expecting someone to challenge, say, «man made climate change » if it’s all they ever hear is like expecting someone to speak Portuguese if they’ve only ever heard English!
I've had people yell at me at the top of their lungs for questioning the official narrative.
But again, it's not that they're stupid. They're brainwashed, deliberately, and this is NOT what Desmet's theme is. His theme is that there was no conspiracy to do anything, that we're inherently flawed because of Enlightenment reason that led to our propensity for mechanistic thinking. I call BS.
I think you're missing my point. Just the fact that this is even in question is highly troubling.
I think you missed my point. It is axiomatic in the Freedom community that most people are hypnotized into compliance. This poll says otherwise...
According to CDC, which has been known to exaggerate, only 34% of Americans even took a booster.
I believe this question and any others that people can propose are crucial for offering an alternative though to those that have exclusively consumed propaganda.
Perhaps like many of the "controlled" protests, this "poll" was done just so the "powers to be" can see how much "VH" (vaccine hesitancy) there is out there, should they dare attempt a 2020 health scam again.
Or, its just merely click-bait ... "oooh look what the bs polls said!" to get a mass hype reaction. Like others are suggesting in comments, had this poll been focused on a broader audience including more woke/leftists puppets, the result would be very different!
So IMHO, nothing to see here!
Conversely, this is precisely WHY Governments want to hand the power to mandate over to WHO. They will then be able to hide behind WHO and say "Look, it isn't us but we have Treaty obligations we are legally obligated to follow". A/k/a "Political cover".
Similarly the politicians & Pharma organized things so each can blame the other - if they ever get put on trial.
Politicians: « we trusted Pharma to make a good vaccine! »
Pharma: «government told us to make a vaccine at warp speed! »
Why aren't the justices rounding up these officials and prosecuting them according to existing laws that are already designed to protect us?
The public/private ruling apparatus is brutal. We don't even know how to begin to disentangle our governments from the poisonous tentacles of the obscenely wealthy elite. In my state in Australia (Victoria) it is illegal to publicly discuss the dangers of water fluoridation.
Good lord and not surprising post Dan the man it continues. At least has been stopped here in NZ ( major pushback and now an enquiry into dangers of fluoridation).
Simple: Disallow any and all incorporations. Period. Locate the snake.
Indeed, unsettling.
Are the alleged 8% illegals? Anyway, it should be stamped on their collective foreheads; "I am one of the 8%, best avoided if you don't want to catch stupid germs."
It would've been nice to know what the Democrats thought.
I would guess it might be almost the same but in the opposite direction -- 92% would say yes to all shots and 8% for pro-health.
Unfortunately, and judging from people in my own circle, I think this would be true.
In the big picture they've deliberately targeted those on the left who've traditionally been against big business and big government and the destruction of nature by same. But if you throw climate change pseudoscience at them, they seem to forget (or not understand) that the greatest alliance of big business and big government is none other than the WEF, which paradoxically advocates for a light human footprint on the planet (yet with some of the largest oil companies in the world as WEF stakeholders????) and a Reset in order to make our planet safe for ... the largest corporations on the planet?
Say "climate change!" and some people can't think straight.
However, if you can get them to open their minds and read or other alternative sites which are not slouches by any means, they will learn that the climate change is mostly a lie because it naturally happens. The climate will correct itself like with the ice age. The way they are trying fix it won't help either like by geoengineering and blocking out the sun, killing people with no meat and other food, etc.
Are they not deliberately taught not to question climate science, that it's beyond question, and if they do then they're "anti-science" because Science is Real?
They are. They're also deliberately and constantly warned against misinformation. This misinformation is a major theme of Mother Jones news, for example, a darling publication of the left.
Oh I think we know!!
As any sane person would.
Knowledge is power and people have not sought knowledge...They have been led to believe that doctors know everything and are authorties...its far from the truth. J.D. Rockefeller made sure doctors only studied information that would bring doctors repeat business. J.D.s petroleum-based presciptions were set up to bring patients back into doctors offices. Doctors were not taught barely anything about natural healing... derived by simple adherence to living right on a daily basis. Healthy people don't make them money. Our whole society has been geared to let more "educated" people tend to its needs...People are told to trust others...and they don't need to do any research themselves. Truth is simple. Lies are complex.