C-vx for babies? Pure evil.

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It's to help get old 1 in 40,000 childhood disorders to our now 1 in 30 disorders to a perfect 1 in 1 disorders! It's all part of pharma's First Do Harm business model!

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And pregnant women

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Thank you Dr. Nass🙏❤️🙏

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Think back! In 2018 a total of 160 million Americans allowed the flu shot to be given to them. In turn, Fauci reported 80,000 died of the flu! Highest number ever! Then Fauci thought about it and realized that it meant the flu shots were not effective! Instead they dialed down the number of deaths associated with the flu. The medicine man will not admit that the number one defense to ward off the flu or any other pathogen is a strong immune system.. of course admitting to this would mean that they could not sell all the marginal drugs and injections that have no value! What we should be doing is stopping sources of chemicals in our food and environment that are compromising our immune systems that are the key to good health! My thought for the day!

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The of course the flu disappeared during the "Covid" pandemic, how convenient

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Since the medicine man was rewarded when he diagnosed Covid and not the flu, then everything became Covid!

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I believe Pau Offit needs to be arrested and fully investigated for murdering children with experimental gene shots. He is truly a danger to society because he's paid off, compromised! Let's make him responsible for every childhood illness or death linked to experimental Covid shots. It might make him think twice about his murdering ways.

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He held the patents, that is how he is "paid off"

He is a genocidal criminal one of many.

Retribution is the way forward.

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You can tell him yourself because he has a substack! I was kicked off but it was fun trolling his fake doctors.

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Does he really? Curious, what did you say? If you can say.

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After we blow the lid off Covid mRNA jabs, then we can talk about the Covid Standard of Care Kill protocols that they perpetrated on the unjabbed people in hospitals.

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Exactly 👍.

We know they were all murdered because the standard of care went away to make it happen. I know the Louisiana democrat governor Edwards signed an EO protecting them. You cannot bring a civil suit action if it occurred “during the pandemic”. I called every nursing home/medical malpractice attorney in Shreveport with the first being the one I worked for who was the queen of nursing home neglect at the time and she as well as the others all told me the same thing about the EO. They all knew it was BS.

Hospital records do not lie unless they are botched and most professional nurses can find those anomalies. I’m not a nurse but I can damn sure read and use the internet to research. My mother was murdered period! No food, no water, only sedatives and antibiotics. The records all speak for themselves. Death certificate stated “COVID pneumonia” but here’s the kicker, the body release report stated she “was clear of lung infiltrate”. The willing participants could not even get their lies straight.

I cannot stress this enough to every one who went through this: GET YOUR RECORDS BEFORE THEY DESTROY THEM. I know in Louisiana it’s 10 years. They may get away with it civilly, but there is no statute of limitations on murder. Once that little elf goes down then it’s a domino effect. The day of hell is coming for them but if you have no proof (med records) then justice will not be served for your loved ones.


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I'm so sorry about your mom, Tex. Wishing you peace, comfort and justice!!!

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Thank you, Patricia.🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽

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As the "mruders" in the book What The Nursed Saw told us!

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Thanks Meryl - most of this is good news, and I'm trying to share your optimism. People being able to discuss vax harms openly is indeed a huge deal and I hope the ball keeps rolling until they're all pulled from the market!!!

The problem these days is that there's always something like this from one of our global overlords, that for some reason is being lauded, when in fact it is very frightening:

"the newspaper's opinion section will now focus on supporting “personal liberties and free markets,” and pieces opposing those views will not be published."


Anyway, just a bit of perspective, so we don't lose site of who's in charge and how vigilant we still need to be.

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At this point, just seeing it in print is a win I never expected. The majority of people are hip to the globalist tricks. It’s going to be hard for them to have their way without using force.

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May the dam break far and wide 🙏

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It has been gushing for over a year.

Thank the visionary DJT and his appointee RFK

Winning!! Serial Killing Pervert World Hoax Organization Director-General Tedros says they are in financial turmoil and that Trump’s withdrawal has left the organization on the verge of collapse. (1 min, 10 sec)

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👏👏👏👏👏Good. Ba Bye!

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Best news ever! WHO a sinking ship!

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🙏 Great post

And from Professor Norman Fenton, 27 February 2025: “So, even now when so many people know of such problems with the covid vaccinations from their own and friends/family experiences, there is still a determination to censor these concerns from all from peer reviewed journals.” https://open.substack.com/pub/wherearethenumbers/p/covering-up-risks-of-covid-vaccine?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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HPV Gardasil has a lot of lawsuits. My hub's granddaughter nearly died at 16 when her mom was coreced by the doctor into getting it. Today she lives with life long RA/Fibromyalgia. she is only 25. And she doesn't vax her young daughter. Makes her food from organics. The more we learn the less they can fool us.

Betrayed by the Science: Doctors Confirm COVID Shot Linked to Nursing Home Director’s Devastating Bone-Rotting Condition



Megyn Kelly claims Pfizer COVID vaccine left her with autoimmune condition: ‘Wish I hadn’t done it’


Her comments come just days after a group of Yale researchers confirmed longtime claims from people who say they were left with chronic symptoms months and years after getting their jabs.

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“I don’t know. But I feel like the world is upside down.” …..Offit said.

Yeah. No shit Offit. Just not in the direction you think.

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Love the comment in the article with agencies using a rubber stamp - Please rub that in their nose, a rubber stamp is applying approval at face value NOT looking at the data!

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The Stall Technique used by Big Pharma to keep on selling... ..while .injuring and killing more people. All drugs and vaccines contain poison...and poison does not contribute in any way , shape or form to health...Isn't there any law in America that prevents people from being injected with poison?

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Some believe the Epstein list is a distraction from the j a bs, 911, etc.

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I’m starting to believe it.

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I also wonder if doctors "hesitancy" to give antibiotics for upper respiratory infections since 2020 isn't driving the numbers. It seems their ability to diagnose and order appropriate tests in a timely manner has diminished. Can't imagine why?

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Not to discredit the good doctor in any way as cross pollination is ALWAYS useful,

however its cross pollination. AS mentioned the WHO is and was a nothing burger as

DJT had already taken the US out and would most definitely do it again.

That is past tense. The fraudulent WHO has tanked, they have failed.

Thanks to all of us...

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Conflicts of interest, is the biggest issue. There in it for the money, it’s as plain as the nose on your face.

The last vax my husband got made him sick, he’s 90, and refuses any vaccine. I rely on my god given immunity.

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